Indigo gets a virus when illegally downloading music from Kazaa and Superboy becomes a skinhead after getting triggered online by some bald douchebag
Judd Winick Outsiders
Damn, she hot. I would fuck the ass out of Brainiac 8.
>Girl of Murder
It's the little things.
Dick is such a pussy lmao
Ever since reading that page I wanted a running joke where Dick keeps quitting the teams he joins after someone dies
Anyway I'm going to jump ahead a few issues next time since the ones with Batman and the old Outsiders are completely irrelevant to this run and not written by good ol Judd
Gotta have a team with conflicting personalities. Shame you don't see this a whole lot in the newer writers. It's usually multiple people with the same voice and the same mannerisms having a conversation. Dialog boxes are interchangable and it sucks so much.
I'm kinda on Dick's side with this. At this point, I would emotionally dead too. How many of Dick's teammates/friends have died under his leadership at this point? 15?
Oh fuck
>Trusted and admired
I don't know a single person that likes Indigo.
>What happened to Connor?
He's in love with the wrong Titan.
Jesus Christ the art just keeps getting worse and worse do the stories at least get better or do they stay at "lets have Speedy/Arsenal's young daughter get kidnapped, branded a raped by sex slavers" tier
Holy anime eyes, Batman
>None of them look wounded or hurt in any particular way
>Nightwing is actually reclining like he's comfortable
Did she just fuck them to death?
It's kinda fucked up that Indigo and Shift both die via assisted suicide and that's it, they don't really get any proper sendoffs or anything. Brainiac 8 has shown up on some things as just a plain straight up villain and Shift is simply forgotten.
So what, did he think the Outsiders were magically going to be casualty-free since they're not a "family"? Bitch, you're a superhero, and a pretty veteran one at that, you know what you're signing up for.
I remember in The Return of Donna Troy pretty much everyone was super hyped for Donna being alive and Shift was just sulking in the corner because he knew his waifu didn't have a chance.
Donna didn't have a chance either until Jimenez made it part of his contract when working on Infinite Crisis to be allowed to bring Donna back
Oh yes, Donna Troy, one of the original Teen Titans and the one character no one would shut up about in-universe after she croaked. Clearly she was never going to be resurrected. No sir, not even after a billion decades, she's truly gone. Poof. Vanished.