Fry's whole family was so upset that he disappeared, yet he was literally in a nearby building they could have easily found him in if they had simply looked. Pretty stupid desu
Fry's whole family was so upset that he disappeared...
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you realize they were all portrayed as idiots right? it took until many generations into the future for someone of the professors quality to show up and hed still probably miss something so obvious
Formerly Thawed
They had an episode where they literally went in the cryo lab, its played up for laughs.
Why are you taking this so seriously?
Fry's mom is canonically inbred with himself
Are you not seeing how much blame is on the cryogenic scientists for not noticing that some bozo accidentally froze himself?
Nibbler probably took care of that beforehand, forging papers and so on so that nothing would be amiss. Also most characters in any groeningverse are deeply stupid.
*beforehand on the night that Fry is frozen.
That doesn't make sense. He'd have to be frozen in the past to be formerly thawed. Yea Forums, you are really fucking dumb.
Agreed, you are. Fry lived in NYC one of the most densely populated and overdeveloped places in the world. There are literally going to be hundreds maybe thousands of 'nearby buildings' to search - if they somehow knew Fry was still in the area and could somehow get permission for a full-sweep of them.