Even Lex Luthor, the smartest man alive, can't figure out Zatanna's secret identity

Even Lex Luthor, the smartest man alive, can't figure out Zatanna's secret identity.

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls - Weird Science 014-011.jpg (640x640, 98K)

Why would Lex care about some thot?

Why are they so hot?

Is not that EG's Twilight?


by night she a super hero, but by day shes a purple horse

Zatanna's identity is supposed to be a secret?

that's because nobody would expect she's at talking unicorn princess.


Is that Raven Queen?


Obviously Zatanna could magic herself up a horsepussy, the question is would she?

Are we posting /mlp/ outside of /mlp/ again?

Why can't you fags stay the fuck in your own containment board?

Attached: 405.jpg (184x184, 9K)

>everything made by Faust is mlp
Rent free.

And this guy can't figure out her secret identity, NOR her normal identity.

cuz DC made a horse show

How in the fuck is the highschool version of pony show somehow not the pony show? Equestrian is in the goddamn name

but user the girl on the left isn't sparkling

This is DC Super Hero Girls, not Equestrian Girls

is just the same characters with DLC skins

not really. you'd probably know that if you watched it.

It'd just be the same "I have no idea who this is" gag from DCAU

I did, dc horse show

It's called a joke, bro.

Zee is the daughter of a celebrity.

Lex doesn't strike me as the kind of person who's in touch with what's hip in the entertain-o-sphere

You're just like the faggots that call Spiderverse a lego movie.

But Spiderverse IS a Lego movie rip off you dingus.