Danish cartoon

Danish cartoon




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Other countries don't treat the human body as a disgusting thing to be ashamed of.

Old news. You know what would be new? If Denmark saves the entirety of Europe from censorship by FINALLY making Mohammad: The Animated Series.

OP is a fag and underage
You fell out of your mother's vagina and sucked on her tits for 10 months.

The human body isn't evil or obscene. Drawing of it aren't either.

There’s one that shows a little girl’s vagina. Only entertainment show I know of to do so.

Nipple teasing?! In MY cartoons?!

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Denmark was the first country to accept and legalize porn.

from the past century. No such thing has been produced for decades.

I found out australia used to have soap operas in the 70s with full frontal nudity
and while a few states censored it, they mostly gave up after the show became popular
but they reallly cranked it up when the show became less popular, to try to pander for more ratings
this is the australia that censors the fuck out of videogames and tried to ban small-breast porn recently
basically no matter how good things ever are, don't count on it lasting. unless you put down some kind of solid constitutional thing that can't be challenged.

I dont get it what age are these characters supposed to be?

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they've probably blurred out that nudity by now

Gore is not for kids.

Did i hear right? We are posting BOOBIES?

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You call that a cartoon for kids?
This is a cartoon for kids
Fresh from communist estonia


I mean, against what was on American TV at that time.

>There’s one that shows a little girl’s vagina
In this show?

I once heard that some cultures and even some religions have different social standards.

Sounds like they need Christianity.

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>implying it's not

please show a clip or something for perfectly legitimate reasons

The cartoon had a girl character in it. No idea if...

>naked girls are always drawn hot as fuck
>female nudity used for sexiness

>naked guys are always drawn as unsexy goofballs
>male nudity used for laughs

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based Danes

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son they taped over the damn show. it's a soap opera, reruns dont happen
hopefully someday people realize this hurts both sexes. girls want to look, we want them to look, and we want them to enjoy it.

First Color Climax and now this. Based Danes.

Yes, for research purposes.

>showing your penis to children is a-ok

not if you do it

Ok but it is.

There's nothing inherently wrong with nudity. But there's something wrong with people's dirty minds

Didn't Dutch booklet for kids have interracial lesbian pair pegging, with everything showing?

This is an American cartoon directed by a Jewish man


It’s only about a frame.

Well, shit. Copy and paste that, it’s at 4:54.

Or this one at 2:58. Again, a frame or so.


And this one, even frame by frame it’s hard to see at 5:39.


What a interesting show.

Denmark gave us 3 things:
– Lego
– Rita
– Mew

Attached: Mew the best photo possible.jpg (445x503, 77K)

Danish is best language


>you can see her syggelekokle
>and her kamelåså

Fix'd. I don't even think Spics and Blacks would care if it wasn't for the American society.

You forget Mads Mikkelsen

most people are ugly, only attractive people should go naked

Puritanical americans? On 4channel?

Explains why I haven't seen you on the nude beach.

False equivalence as nude beaches tend to attract fat people

Vikings are a thing

The animation quality makes this feel like a '90s era CD-ROM game.

>this comic
a lot to unpack here

Alright somebody show him the Howie Mandel sex ed film.

>Howie Mandel sex ed film
Holy shit i just looked it up thinking it would be fucked up or something and i clearly remember watching that at school.
i can probably jack off to that thicc mom

So why don't we all just walk outside naked, smartass?

W-What does Ellie like, Yea Forums?

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Is it me, or does this woman actually look like a female Carl to me?

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Not being autistic.

video game soundtracks and fanfiction.

It gets cold and is hard on our feet

Are you talking shit about game soundtracks?

You are correct

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I have so many questions....

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Mexican humor is fucking disgusting though. It’s a lot of cringe and booger jokes




They're good. But listening to them casually like a normie would listen to the radio is primo autist behavior.

last time I went to taco bell the spicier sauce they got was what mexico considers normal, so this isn't far off

I just didn't know about bands, m'kay?

loli doujins

Writing erotic friend fiction

If you'd like to read it yourself, here's a story time.

>if you like thing you are weird
Okay user. What you like is shit also.

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Hey, we like listening to music, okay? Why do you think the iPod exists?

You dont have to defend yourself from me user. I have Lisa The Joyful OST and tracks from Undertale, Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy in my phones music library.

>it has a fighting game where the objective is to grope the mermaid


How the fuck did they get away with this?

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I didn't know Quagmire was Danish.

Need a link plz

Always Ellie, never Tom.

You ever wonder what would happen if Ellie and Tom met?

So you think children were traumatized by genitals before clothing was invented?

what confuses me is this American attitude towards nudity persists even though people are becoming less religious.

it's as if Jerry Falwell Jr just went on Twitter and said "God is a lie, we made him up for money" and everyone said "Right on, Jerry! What are God's orders for me today?" and sent him even more money.

And while we're too tired to supervise our kids and they're on youtube getting traumatized by Elsagate videos, they're raising their kids in private schools where they're fed nothing but wholesome Disney cartoons from the 1920s.

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Ellies really likes it when Tom kisses and sucks on her breasts She cannot do it herself, but Tom really makes her moan. Ellie's vagina always gets very wet real fast when Tom caresses her breasts.

literally rape

I’m so sorry to hear you went Taco Bell. Was it at gunpoint?

Moreover, Southern States white people are pretty acclimated to hot stuff, it’s when Canadians and Euros give it a shot that they REALLY lose it.

404 not found

Why does the planet look like the Amiga logo?

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The "think of the children" mentality is the last moral barrier to break. Once we no longer think of kids as innocent little cherubs whose minds must be shielded from the things of the adult world, a new world will be possible.

The American definition of “religion” is “imaginary.” Most Americans will define anything Buddhist or Muslim or Hindu as “religious” but never anything relating to Christianity. Jesus, God, and other Bible figures are considered real people and therefore NOT “religious.” So you’re not too far off. Most Americans say they’re not religious but are still the same old jesus freaks. It’s frustrating as hell.

Somone doing the animation work with Video Toaster who had a sense of humor.

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Not just Americans but Anglos in general.

Post more videos, please!

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How such a racist thing was available in post 50's?

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Not having that many black people in your country makes it hard for white people to get mad on their behalf.

>not many black people

not now

I think you have Denmark confused with Sweden. Don't worry, it happens to many people.

So Denmark is Israel of Scandinavia?

I wish. It would make it a lot easier to keep out all the welfare leeching camelfuckers and nignogs.

No, they have less Jews than Sweden too.

There's also a girl in most of their adventures. She's called Frida.

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wtf denmark

>right click and save.

Yeah Denmark, what the fuck.

We don't really care about that, but I don't thinks a director would put it in on purpose. It's most likely an animator that had some fun.
And those are all stills from actions scenes, so chances are only lonely perverts like us would even notice it.

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You guys ever noticed how dark their mom is? Is she their step-mom?

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Making a cartoon about Mohammad would be haram. Many brands of Islam consider the portrayal of the human body, specially their prophet, to be blasphemous

Some danish artists did a whole bunch of caricature drawings of muhammed back in 2005. It's not like we haven't offended muslims before.

surprised YouTube didn't take this down for NSFW content

There's also a nipple slip at 6:31 in Dinosauerne.

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lots of people have drawn muhammad before and since then without incident. People only get killed for it when some powerful imam in the Middle East decides to issue a fatwa about it.

indeed the West's "reaction drawings" were probably the first time I was actually embarrassed to be a Westerner. So many edgelords decided to draw Muhammad sucking dick in a race to the bottom to see who could be the most tasteless. As the Trump era revealed, most of these people were white supremacists trying to find each other and recruit...

most white people tell the same three jokes about Islam, and the first one is "I can't tell any jokes about Islam because I'll be MURDERED" and then they tell the other two anyway: the one about burqas and the one about 72 virgins. so, basically they're telling jokes about shit their uncle says about Islam.

No one drew Mumammad, they made drawings of bearded Arab men and said that it was supposed to depict Muhammad. No one knows what he really looked like. The same drawings could really be anyone.

Spicy food sucks.

Wasn't jesus an actual person who died and is registered under Roman logs or do you simply mean the over exaggerated feats jesus?

There's multiple people around that time that may have been the base for the biblical Jesus. Jesus wasn't so much a person, as much as he where multiple people and ideas melted into one.

Only muslim are forbidden to represent their god , that ule doesn't concern non-muslim , but most muslim are too stupid and barbaric to even read their fucking book.

>that nipple flicking

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Yeeah mang, the good kinks.

That's also an r rated movie

You know what I mean. There’s a big difference between the apocalyptic faith-healer from Nazareth executed by the Romans and the weird avatar dreamed up around him.

Capsaicin is a mood altering substance and an appetite suppressant: guess why it's popular in the developing world?

>dat nose

To be fair, if I lived surrounded by Americans I would think the human body is absolutely grotesque


Found this quite a few years back on this very board

It`s totalitarian thing, i think.
Soviet union was openly atheist country. However, there was a running joke that "There is no sex in Soviet Union" and i can`t remember any film that had even a female nipple.
What`s common? Yep, a powerful government who likes to look into citisen`s personal lives and regulate media.
But it may be just overthinking.

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This would be illegal in a LOT of countries, and not just those you'd expect

Honestly I'm more shocked about the African with big red lips doing the cannibal stereotype

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aaaah child nudity

Is that a man voicing the girl?

>i'm totes a westerner
Nice try Abdul. Being a 2nd or 3rd generation immegrant doesn't make you a westerner if you insist on clinging to whatever bullshit was the norm in your own country. Once you have accepted the norms and assimilated into your new country you get to call yourself a westerner and not a moment before.

That's the point. Fuck mudslimes for trying to push their belief on others. If they don't want to draw the prophet that's fine, but they don't get to forbid others from doing so.

Exciting, isn’t it?

You're confusing religion with mythology.

No, that’s Americans as a whole.

>The "think of the children" mentality is the last moral barrier to break.

Why should moral berriers break? Morality is their to keep humanity form going ape shit.

> Once we no longer think of kids as innocent little cherubs whose minds must be shielded from the things of the adult world, a new world will be possible.

Kids are Innocent. The innocents of a child matters and must be protected for children to have a happy childhood.
yes we should expose are kids to stuff in the adult world to get them prepared but we should
do it in an age appropriate way.
our children dont need to learn about things like sex until thy are in thy early teens (13 or 14).


Yeah, Jesper Klein. He's dead now.

im not surprised
i remember seeing a weird movie in one of our foreign channels and it was about 2 underage teens getting lost in the woods and then fucking without censorship

>only took him 13 seconds
Heh, what a fucking loser

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Even today there are places in Europe where people find nothing wrong with caricatures like these.

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