SJW will destroy everything they touch
oh boy 2 and a half hours of nonstop bitching I'm assuming, better get my popcorn! do people really watch these?
Holy shit, I thought this was two and a half minutes long. How the hell do people talk about this for that long?
if the internet found that there was an audience of people who get a weird semi-sexual thrill to the sound of paper being crinkled and bubblewrap being popped, do you really doubt it'd do the same for obnoxious people with bad opinions?
just reading the title of that video tells me what I need to know, hard pass
EVS is worse than a thot getting rich from super chats.
Jeff from WorldClassBullshitters should be the next Etika.
Or coke. In his case, it might be both.
fuck off with this gay shit
get woke go broke get woke go broke
Isn’t this their job? Like, the way they pay bills and buys things is through the money they make making these videos? They know there’s a audience and I think the only way to make money on youtube now is you need to make X amount of videos that’s Y long.
not Yea Forums
Back to Yea Forums with you, faggot fuck
Please go shill your garbage podcast elsewhere.
Literally who.
How‘s Comicsgate, by the way? Has the industry been revolutionized already with superior conservative pro-Trump values?
Youtube algorithm skews in favor of longer videos, thus you get tons of barely coherent bitch fests that are longer than most feature length movies
Nah, that's not true. I'm autistic and yet I don't talk about shit for more than two hours.
He just has no social life. Incels tend to be obsessed with shit nobody cares about when they don't have sex.
>two hours of bitching by some literally who
You add nothing to this world i hope you kill yourself
I do, yes, podcast are good to listen to while you're working.
And fuck you shill.
Ethan, stop shilling your shitty YouTube channel and go work on your comic that you have delayed for several months now
Listen to long things like this when doing work around the house or playing less sound important vidya.
>muh incels
There are no such people.
How is there no such thing as incels?
You innefectual dweebs are pathetic.
Wow what a quality thread.
And people think summerfags aren't real.
Why does she have the most punchable face in the galaxy?
t. OP
Because you keep ranting and raving about incels at every conceivable opportunity without there being any rhyme or reason to it. Everyone is an incel. Someone is an incel before you know anything about them. It doesn't mean anything. There are no such people. You're all schizos.
You are overthinking it.
Who the fuck actually watches these hours long stream?
i unironically listen to them on the way home from work. not cause i fully agree, but because i can listen to something on the way home.
in my opinion it seems like the major tech companies that run the internet is preparing to get rid of all these people. so it seems like they are justified in their anger.
The post that you first responded to was the first time I've ever talked about incels. You sure that I ranted about them before?
>virgin: wow the last Jedi sucks, I can't wait to leave the theatre and forget about this piece of shit and very likely not see any more of these flicks
>chad: I'm going to dedicate the next three years to this film. I'm going to post about it, make videos about it, troll about it. This film is my life now.
Considering this thread and this thread appeared within an hour of each other and keep being bumped with the same small comments and lists of how they hate modern SW, I would suggest this an attempt to broadcast how much they hate SW and circlejerk with others about it.
What makes you think that I was talking about you specifically, schizo? All the leftists are doing the same thing.
You sound like a yokel retard ie their target market
Why so defensive, user?
No, they listen, shillboi. Go back to your SALTY SOI LATTE.
Why do conservative threads never produce quality discussions?
This is deflection. Fuck off.
>Reactionary YouTube is the equivalent of ASMR for CHUDs
This is amazing, and it makes so much sense. How have I never thought of this before?
user, you do know I'm a republican, right?
Go back to r/chapo
No you're not. Incels are a leftist meme.
don't you dare faggot i'm saying that OP is the retarded summerfag
The greatest irony of /pol/, I think, is that when reddit had its purges, we were overwhelmed with refugees who refused to be assimilated, and refused to adopt our values.
They are
Not yet He's playing the authoriatarian/populist playbook so it can be an easy error to make.But to be absolutely fair,there is no gas chamber in his internenement camp for South Americans
There were no gas chambers in Hitler's camps either.
They grew up hearing rumors about how Yea Forums was this epic extreme place of edginess where anything goes and consequences will never be the same, so they came here and tried to play into that, just lowest common denominator banter and le wacky trolling.
>2 hours and 31 minuets of right wing SJW pearl clutching....
I'm not mentally prepared for that kinda retardation.
Got warned for this yesterday, be careful. Mods sympathies lie with these people. Which is why these threads are plentiful and protected.
Is one a virgin for not watching 2.5 hour video talking about SJW bullshit or is one a chad for dedicating the time to do so?
>watching 2.5 hour long SJW video talking about conspiracy bullshit
This is a bot, but don't bother reporting it. Nothing will be done.
You wish I was, lol
It'd be less pathetic
>tumblr thinking Yea Forums cared about their retardation
You never assimilated either you gigantic sjw wanker. How about both sides fuck off back to 95iq land.
will do