Does anyone know why there are so many bigfoot movies lately?

Does anyone know why there are so many bigfoot movies lately?

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it's already established IP and studios are scared of using new ideas

Capes are over.
Cryptozoology is cool.
Trends change and I'm ready for something different. Fuck capeshit.


Uses an image from before 2000

How many recent animated movies about bigfoot, yeti or other similar creatures are there? I know of at least Missing Link, Smallfoot, The Son of Bigfoot, and Abominable. Any that I'm missing?
Either it's a coincidence, or possibly a trend/phase.


the same reason why there were so many penguin movies in the mid 2000s

When are we getting our skinwalker movie?

There are some big shoes to fill.

Most movies are made in one city and Hollywood isn't that big.