Despite how much apologetic bullshit jasperfags try to pull out of their asses, it is the inevitable fact that Lapis Lazuli was abused and tortured at the hands of Homeworld. Why does Japserfags in this site still try to deny this fact even though nearly everyone in the fandom had acknowledged this sad truth? You can run, but you can't hide from the facts Jasperfags.
Despite how much apologetic bullshit jasperfags try to pull out of their asses...
There's zero indication of what Homeworld actually did to Lapis other than lock her up and force her to come along on the trip to Earth as an informant
The decision to trap Jasper in a forced fusion that eroded her mind was however quite clearly seen and entirely on her shoulders
Nice bait, got a reply
it is bait but I've been thinking about this for a while now too
It was the crystal gems fault that Lapis ended up in her situation. Bismuth poofed her and she ended up in a mirror with the CG knowing full well she was in there but instead of actually just bubbling her up like they usually do they used her as some sort of accessory. Lapis was fully aware of this as well
And instead of properly taking her anger out on CG she instead forced/raped Jasper into a fusion that was so traumatizing that it turned Jasper into a weird sado masochistic fuck who ended up corrupting herself and poofing
Meanwhile Lapis admits she liked it and it's fine
Crewniverse had already said that Lapis would be forced to gem slavery as a punishment if Jasper and Peridot could return back to Homeworld.
if you're gonna say that then you should put it in the show instead
It's been rumored that they were going to introduce slavery in later seasons, but Rebecca got opposed the idea and they had to drop it afterwards.
No it's still Homeworlds fault, they're literally the ones who stuck her in a mirror and wouldn't listen to her telling them she's not a Crystal Gem. Homeworld treats their people like this regularly. Jasper put herself in that situation, she had Lapis by the chin and could have easily poofed her in half a second leaving her vulnerable again. I hate how people think Jasper is just some harmless wallflower that Lapis took advantage of when Jasper's the one who wanted to fuse to squash Lapis' only friend.
Many have thought this and it's why there's so much Malachite discourse
Every gem is a slave, boohoo
I miss when men were writers.
Even it's not formally introduced, there are still hints of it (gem harvesting, doing something worse than shattering, blue agate's treatment on lower caste gems, etc.)
Isn't Steven Universe, on a a broad level, basically a show about excusing bad behavior?
And not Batman or Last Airbender style where it's like "They're an asshole, but you can't kill them" but more like "They're not an asshole, they just have issues, issues that they have taken out on the rest of the world to a comically disproportionate degree but they are still deserving of nothing but pure empathy and forgiveness"
Lapis is a rapist, and Steven is safer with her bubbled or trapped in a mirror.
Jasper did nothing wrong
>trying to kill Steven
>trying to create a gem mutant army
>trying to hurt Lapis and Peridot
>trying to destroy Beach City
>fusing with a corrupted gem
Do I need to count more?
Using a preexisting gem for slavery makes zero fucking sense for homeworld. You can just make a new gem designed for the task you want the slave to do and it would work far better because they are made for it. The concept of using slavery as a reprimand also makes no sense, since from homeworld's point of view a gem disobeying is just a defective gem. They just get rid of it and make a new one. The only gems that arent expendable are the diamonds.
Years ago my heart was set to live, oh
But I've been trying hard against strong odds
It gets so hard at times like now to hold on
Well, I'll fall if I don't fight
And at my side is God
Ain't there no one goin' turn me 'round
Ain't no one goin' turn me 'round
Ain't no one goin' turn me 'round
Ain't no one goin' turn me 'round
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
The show would have been better if she'd succeeded in any/all of those things.
We'e talking about the first season where there was literally nothing known about Homeworld. Slavery sounds inplausible now but it was a worthy idea in earlier seasons.
So homeworld is Maoist china?
Slavery to Homeworld may be just sticking them in a wall forever, or serving a function like a mirror.
Well, gems have the ability to feel emotional and physical pain and they're not thoughtless machines. So higher gems can put rebellious/misfit gems into slavery just to make them suffer more instead of simple shattering.
No since everyone who does something bad is eventually punished. Even Steven's apathy over retrieving the Rubies resulted in one of them stealing their ship back (after deliberately tricking them) which led to Steven having no choice but to give himself up to Homeworld to protect everyone else.
In the case of Lapis, her abuse turned her into an abuser too which in turn ended up isolating her and prolonging ner trauma. Subconsciously she was punishing herself.
Why? You don't make a broken machine keep running to spite it, do you? No, you get rid of it and make a new one. There is no point keeping a rebellious gem around for any reason when you can just replace them ten times over.
And none of those things have had any lasting negative consequences
Corruption is undone, the Diamonds are friends, Lars is back from space
If you only want to replace one, sure. But we know it doesn't always end like that. As hinted in Steven's trial, there might be more elaborate and lasting punishments for gems who have been caused worse crimes than simple malfunctioning.
So? Actions have consequences, the fact that things get better eventually is natural.
It has to be being stuck in something, that's literally the only thing that makes sense. We know how torturous that is for gems especially if secluded. It'd be retarded if there's a bunch of gems picking cotton flower or whatever gem variation of that would be.
The only reason blue even asked for that was because rose shattered the only type of gem that was actually irreplaceable; a diamond. For literally any other crime that doesnt directly effect the diamonds then its just shattering. Even zircon didnt think they would do anything more than shatter her because it's such a common thing.
>It'd be retarded if there's a bunch of gems picking cotton flower or whatever gem variation of that would be.
I can perfectly imagine a bunch of sentenced gems having forced labor while a Holly Blue Agate or an Aquamarine observing them with a whip.
Good thing that isn't an actual thing in the show because that's retarded.
Lapis is in the right because she is hot
I wanna suck her toes so bad bros.
Explaining is different from excusing
No it's not. Just imagine bunch of slave gems singing plantation songs and comfort each other in dark Homeworld nights. It's the kind of world I imagine. A world or regret and sorrow.
there is also buck breaking
Yup. Unless something is revealed in the movie or season 6, White Diamond's punishment for forcing a strict caste society on her people, shattering countless of her own kind for not conforming or not being able to conform to her society, at the very least allowing those shards to be forced together into unholy frankenstein monsters whose mere existence is torture, and destroying countless planets and ecosystems all in the name of expansion is realizing that she isn't perfect and having to reflect on that fact from the lush throne of her, as far as we know, still operating empire.
I get the message the show is going for with this and even agree with it to an extent, but White has done so much shit for so long, and to see her get away with it with just a slap on the wrist not only muddles the message but is wholly unsatisfying as an audience member. After building her and her atrocities up for so long, I don't understand why they thought "Oh she'll think about what she did REAL hard" would make for a satisfactory conclusion.
>tried to kill Rose, for justice, because Rose faked Pink's murder and ruined her and countless other gem's lives, and Steven never tried to tell her he wasn't Rose
>never tried to hurt Lapis or Peridot
>never cared about Peridot and Yellow Diamond's cluster mission and never tried to destroy beach city
>only fused with a corrupted gem as a desperate last resort because she was in the middle of getting beat up by Smoky Quartz
The worst thing she did was try to kill Amethyst, even though Amethyst had challenged her to the fight, and drag the corrupted gems into her misguided quest for revenge against Rose, but even then you could blame that on Rose lying to Jasper
Well you have the following options:
>Shatter her
In which case no gems will ever be made again (just ONE Diamond being shattered created a resource crisis)
>Imprison her
Not really much point
>Give them a chance to actually redeem themselves and fix their mistakes
The proper answer.
No one in-universe ignores how awful the Diamond's actions are, it's just mindless destruction isn't going to fix the underlying problems and would probably make things worse in the long run.
> the fact that things get better eventually is natural.
What timeline are you from and how can I get there?
White Diamond, like every other gem in existence was just another tool. You'll see the "Gem Overseer" in S6.
Nice dodge.
>not being aware of the great gem overseer
Haven't you been following the threads in /sug/, user?
Something called The Overseer has been confimed by crewniwerse threads in /sug/. It doesn't end with Diamond Authority.
Ignore this, there's no such thing.
>the retarded Lapisfag makes the same bait thread for the fifth time
Your headcanon isn't canon, the crewniverse never said anything like that, Lapis also never mentions your headcanon that Peridot or Jasper tortured her on the handship, there are no implications that they did either, Lapis is not justified in her treatment towards either of them
You keep ignoring the statement Rebecca made saying Lapis fusion raped Jasper because she wanted control, and that it didn't matter that it was Jasper because Lapis was angry at all the homeworld gems and crystal gems that kept her trapped in the mirror and she was just using Jasper to take that anger out on.
>You'll see the "Gem Overseer" in S6
How to ruin the show even further in ONE simple step!
Let's just make a brief flashback:
>lapis flies away to Homeworld
>[blank space]
>she brought back by Peridot and Jasper in a fugitive manner.
We're discussing what might happen to her in that [blank space]. Torture is a highly viable option, regardless if you like it or not. We're not saying that she was definitely tortured, we're just saying that there's a high chance of torture between that period.
Well, the problem is that without all the horrible things the caste system brings, its literally the only way gem society can function because of how gems are made. Steven's freeing the gems has just doomed their species.
Jasper was the victim no one cared about just cause she beat the shit out of the CG (just did her job)
We do know for a fact that they "interrogated" Lapis or at least Peridot did ("I needed an informant!") and judging by Lapis' reaction it was not pleasant, but not so unpleasant that she was literally tortured.
Incorrect, there are alternatives in place. Peridot was researching some as early as S2 when they first got in contact with Yellow Diamond and her gardening in S5 will probably pave the way for renewable production methods that don't harm planets.
>>trying to kill Steven
>tried to avenge the death of her Diamond
>>trying to create a gem mutant army
>again to avenge then death of her Diamond
>>trying to hurt Lapis and Peridot
>she grabbed Lapis roughly like twice in the whole show and she never gave a shit about Peridot even when Peri tried to fight her in the desert
>>trying to destroy Beach City
>never gave a shit about the city was just after the CG
>>fusing with a corrupted gem
>not a good thing but not really an evil thing either
Not really, if she was tortured it would have been brought up, and since there is no evidence it's just your headcanon. She was likely just assigned to the mission by one of the diamonds because Peridot thought an informant would be useful the same way Yellow assigned Jasper because Peridot needed an escort, and Lapis wasn't willing to disobey the diamonds at that point.
>judging by Lapis' reaction it was not pleasant, but not so unpleasant that she was literally tortured
We all know that lapis has a high endurance limit. Whatever that could be torturous for any other gem might come as simply unpleasant for Lapis, like how a prison or a concentration camp survivor might shrug off something where a normal person couldn't endure.
>if she was tortured it would have been brought up
I don't think bringing sonething like torture might be a good idea in a kids' show. Implication would be the most they could do.
>she was tortured it would have been brought up, and since there is no evidence it's just your headcanon
Why shold anyone would bring something like torture in a cartoon? Are you retarded. Lapis having PTSD is an evidence enough.
Lapis tortures Jasper in Malachite. The diamonds torture all the fallen veterans of the war with the cluster and fusion experiments. It's not something too dark for the show. Lapis wasn't tortured or abused outside of her imprisonment in the mirror.
I don't think she was tortured otherwise Lapis would have had an even more visceral reaction towards Peridot, and she isn't uncompliant enough to warrant torture, but we do know she wasn't just assigned to be an informant and had a merry ride to Earth.
>Sorry I interrogated you. You were just full of such useful information. That's a sincere compliment. Peridot.
Lapis is very loyal to Steven and wouldn't have been too happy to just tell her everything she knew, so there was some resistance on her side probably, but she seemed more angry at how Peridot "used" her like everyone else.
You're obviously the retard for making this thread. See and
Not any of the anons you've been discussing this with, but the idea of Lapis being tortured is possible, it's just not confirmed or anything. Be careful not to confuse headcanon with actual canon.
>Lapis having PTSD is an evidence enough.
from the mirror retard
I believe Jasperfags are the ones who're bringing headcanons into this by thinking Lapis had received a Hawaii welcome in Homeworld and nothing bad had happened.
I'm not saying Jasper isn't a asshole in this but for her to get most of Lapis's brunt force of angst and then did dirty throughout the rest of the series as a mentally fucked masochist is up there
>Be careful not to confuse headcanon with actual canon.
That's what you should be telling the guy saying Lapis was tortured when she got to homeworld even though there's no evidence and Lapis never mentions this. Anything is possible but you can't just make shit up and call it canon when there's no official basis for it.
Lapis was clearly unhappy about being used as an informant by Jasper and Peridot and having to come back to Earth, and it was obviously wrong for them to use her as an informant, and the diamonds obviously treat every gem like a tool, but there are literally NO in-show or crewniverse implications that Lapis was tortured when she got to homeworld, and you're a retard for pushing it. I could pull a headcanon that Peridot and Jasper were tortured on homeworld out of my ass but that would be just as retarded.
Lapis had three interactions with Homeworld gems after released from the mirror. First is:
>her time after she flew back to Homeworld
She might be tortured, might be not, but she obviously didn't received well.
>the time between her arrival back to Homeworld with ship
People are often confusing this with her time in Homeworld. Most of the torture argument rises from here. Most of the people in this thread are saying that she wasn't tortured due to her experiences in this time period and not the time back she was in Homeworld. I'd say she wasn't tortured in here because it's too brief. But anything might happen, because we didn't see what happened at there.
>the time after her going back to Homeworld before CG had destroyed it
We all know what's happened in here. No need to say it.
To sum up: She wasn't tortured during her brief stay in spaceship, but she could've been tortured back in Homeworld, but that's also a low possibility.
Who cares, the show didn't spend an ounce of time exploring that so why do Lapitards like OP bring it up every day?
>the time between her arrival back to Homeworld with ship
It should be Earth, my bad.
They let Lapis walk off the ship with them when they first landed, so she probably wasn't even locked up until after she showed signs of supporting the Crystal Gems on Earth. And they didn't even seem to be monitoring her very closely, since she was able to send a message to Earth. I have no idea why they'd feel the need to torture her.
Lapisfags are just angry of Jasper having more attention than her in this board. So they're making bait threads to keep people occupied with Lapis.
yeah Lapis isn't innocent either, this is why Alone At Sea was such a spicy episode.
>I was terrible to you.
the two extremes can be annoying (Jasper did nothing wrong! Lapis dragged an innocent bystander into her rape cave for no reason! and Lapis did nothing wrong! She's an innocent little angel princess girl Jasper is the rapist!) you can understand their actions by understanding the context to their characters
>Lapis admits to liking the rape and even missing her
>Entire episode detailing these emotions and her friends being there for her
>Same episode Jasper shows up and is already shown being much more mentally and emotionally damaged from the experience
>"fuck off Jasper"