You'd think the world's greatest detective, the man most certainly familiar with psychology would realize the benefits of maintaining friendly relationships with your colleagues and yet...
Take this scene for example:
Arrogant prick didn't even bother to call the league and inform them on his wearabouts. He acts like he's above them and doesn't even have to explain himself yet if someone else were late to the meeting you just KNOW he would get all pissy at them and demand an explanation. Like a classic hypocrite he holds people to a standard he doesn't feel like meeting himself. Furthermore he purposefully doesn't explain Hal his motives so he could tell him off later after he failed to inform Hal even though he had every opportunity to do so and this is just one example of his uncooperative behaviour
Seriously fuck this conceited piece of shit
Why is Batman such an asshole?
Oh yeah, fuck Batman.
>you're scaring them
said the guy who's entire reason for being is striking fear into the hearts of superstitious and cowardly criminals
Seriously, nigga? Why are you even wasting your time watching these shitty ass movies?
He's a man with no powers whose costume is widely mocked by other heroes in universe, he has to command respect and fear if he's going to work with a team which includes literal gods and aliens, and you don't get those results by being nice.
Because Batwank
Because writers make him an asshole.
They already know his secret identity. There's no reason to keep up big scary bat schitk and needlessly provoke his comrades
50% The old narrative trope that highly logical and motivated characters don't make time or consideration for good social graces
50% him being an asshole in Frank Miller's works, which have had an outsized influence on everything else
Lol are you retarded nigga?
Knowing his secret identity does not obviate the need for what said, rather it confirms it. They all know he's just a guy so he has to find ways to be mysterious and powerful.
Look at the scene OP posted, the takeaways are Batman is smarter than you (already knew about the missiles), Batman thinks farther ahead than you (his entire thing with the Scarecrow), attempting to interfere in whatever Batman is doing results in you being made to look dumb (Batman using his asymmetric information to make Hal look bad for stopping the bad guys). Sure, he comes across as a dick, but he also is the person who holds all the cards thus providing for his worth.
The other heroes are basically used to it already and so don't fight because they've probably been similarly showed up and so everyone assumes: 1) Batman knows about whatever we're doing and 2) will come and help when he's needed. Any interference on our part to this will end badly.
What is the worst Batwank animation: This or JLTAS
This,because these movies are shitty. This Batman has no fucking charm whatsoever to compensate his dickish behavior. That's the bigger problem with these movies. All of the characters like charisma and good voice work. They're bunch of dicks.
Oh cool, a Batman hate thread. Must be a day that ends with y.
Funny Oliver seems to be respected well enough
Oh cool, an overly sensitive batfag whp doesn't get that his husbando is slowly killing off all the genre variety in DC.
Ollie doesn't act like he's the unofficial leader of the Superhero community. Writers have Batman stick his nose in everyone's business.
>genre variety in DC
DC Comics has primarily made superhero comics for children since day one, but sure
I wonder how hard you'd cry into a pillow if someone made a thread shitting on Superman
Is this a joke? Everyone is always shitting on Green Arrow, calling him an obnoxious busybody
Wrong, GA is always trying to make his voice heard in every situation, but keep pretending you read comics
I have no doubt that he is a superman fan. They keep insisting that they are a "great" fanbase just like their hero, but fail to mention how insecure they are about Batman.
seething faggots.
Another successful character war thread
>GA is always trying to make his voice heard in every situation
But he doesn't insert himself into other heroe's lives like Batman.
>DC Comics has primarily made superhero comics for children since day one
Really user? You're gonna pretend that DC doesn't have a huge backlog of war, western, and Horror comics?
Its almost like he grew up without parents teaching how to not act as an asshole
This has nothing to do with the orientation of the stories. Kids buy soldiers as toys. The war comics are just silly and kid oriented, just as everything else.
Hardly, this is just what Batfags fall back on when people criticize the oversaturation of Batman.
Wasn't Alfred his father figure?
Could have thought him that he doesn't need to be a cunt 24/7 to earn respect and how to trust people
Actually I forgot: Why is Bruce so distrustful again? I don't remember him being betrayed often
Identity crisis really set up the paranoid Batman but it's also comes from the idea of Batman being prepared for anything.
Everyone is telling Bats to GTFO of their business too
I think the real problem is the overreliance of Batman that DC has. I don't think this precieved Batman Bump helps lesser known titles and characters, what helps is pushing them to the forefront and getting people to discuss them.
>cowardly criminals
Yeah, but Supes was scaring innocent citizens. Key fucking difference, mate.
So what exactly made Batman so much more successful than the rest?
Besides getting pushed of course
He's a bit more relate-able since he's human (not by a lot though) (death of parents at a young age, etc.) and his rogue's gallery.
>So what exactly made Batman so much more successful than the rest?
I'm not saying Batman doesn't deserve his success.
But Batman also got his success back when comic books were more prevalent so it's like comparing apples to oranges.
Just because Batman is a more successful character doesn't mean the lesser known characters have to play second string to him.
There are plenty of ways to command respect and be nice. Batman is just a traumatized dickhole.
Look at Kamala Khan and Miles Morales. They do much better than any new DC characters like Sideways or Naomi and it's because Marvel pets people know these characters exist. People already know Batman exist, he doesn't need the exposure as much as others.
This cuts both ways. the league should also know about his lone wolf habits.
That's exactly why flash warns hal about doing something stupid.
>Supes was scaring innocent citizens
And people with small nukes but BIG inferiority complexes.
Worst part is, he wasn't always an ass. Like, I go read gold and silver age stuff, which is better than most of what's out now anyway, and Batman's actually a pretty cool guy. I blame fans and writers wanting Batman to be taken seriously. He's an inherently silly character (just like the majority of all superheroes) and trying to make him not-silly just ends up strange and jarring if you're more familiar with the silly stuff (Which I am). People forget a lot that Batman's supposed to be fun.
ITT: retards that don't like batman blaming a character for bad writing.
His parents were betrayed by the city they loved? Might be reaching but i think it’s certainly applicable.
He could have at least left a message what he'll be late. That's all
Which is why Brave and the bold Bats is the best
Batman never actually tried to maintain friendly relationships with other heroes.
He seems to want to intimidate them at all times too and make damn sure they are acting according to his own personal set of rules.
I swear I would have nuked the entire apartment in green explosion on reflex in Hal's place
Are we going to address the fact that Superman of all people is shown to be a cunt in the video? The whole thing was riddled with bad writing and characterization.
>Flash gets his leg broken
>''I give you 5 mins''
>Wondy gets punched a bit
>''How are you, m'lady?''
Yeah screw him too