Why one is okay, but not the other?

Why one is okay, but not the other?

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Blue dongs are legally protected.

One was made 30 years ago.

Doc Manhattan is a villain and there for us aloud to be seen as a sexual deviant who can be seen naked

Batman is a hero and must remain pure and untainted by making sure no one ever sees his peepee

Doc Manhattan is constantly showing his penis in the pages of Doomsday Clock.

Because normies know who Batman is.

twitter wasn't around the 80s.

Because Batman is for Kids!

This is the real answer. Doc Manhattan is in Watchmen, a comic that's obviously and clearly marketed as being for adults.
"Batman", the idea of Batman, is fundamentally entrenched in pop culture consciousness as one of those superheroes for kids. He's got action figures, bedspreads, napkins, party hats. So when soccer moms hear "batman took his penis out in a comic", they hear "dc is trying to show a penis to my children".

Batman big benis
Manhattan small benis

something something blue penis, never erect

one is blue

Manhatten is known to be naked. Watchmen is considered mature.
Batman never shows nudity. His comics are for teens.

>Has the power to reconstruct himself in whatever way he chooses
>Chooses a blue man with a small dong

One is an Omnipotent existential Space Oppenheimer in a book written for adults who can(we assume)understand its wieght & deconstruction.

The other is something inherently associated with children even though 50%, if not more, of the bank made on the (you can be rich/lonely/melancholy James Bond who fucks a latex clepto or his surrogate family) is made by the adults who grew up with an iteration or 2 of him & want to add something to the mythos in a unique way.
So they decided on Bruce Benis.

In reality it felt more like a marketing stunt.

>In reality it felt more like a marketing stunt.
That's such bullshit, the nudity was so inconsequential.

>t. batman

Dicklet btfo

Because you can't get 10K+ re-tweets with Manhattan's pee-pee.

>In reality it felt more like a marketing stunt.
My guess is that they just pulled the good old "blood and penises = mature comic" and got surprised by the "outrage".

>got surprised by the "outrage".
Because the outrage is stupid as fuck and only highlights other people's immaturity.

because batman is the ultimate self insert power fantasy and if he's bigger than you it ruins the whole experience

One was done to show how detached the character has become, the other was "LOOK ,COCK!"


I agree, but fucking Twitter exists and so to do fool's who inhabit it & read capebooks.
Add to that the 'gimme clicks' outrage reality that we try to live in.