Cliches that you hate

>Villian kidnaps a girl
>The only way to save her is "true love" and shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>true love saves them
I don't understand

>villian have the heroes in paw of his hands.
>make a 5 minute speech about killing him.

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>comic book """kills off""" an important character

>character changes something that makes them a better, nicer or more successful person
>changes back because "lol just BE YOURSELF"

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>You destroyed my machine, thwarted my plan, broke every bone in my body, and fucked my wife!
>That means I win!

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when did this happen?

>It was all an insurance scam and he had a cuck fetish

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>Duo team
>Only one is useful and does everything important.

>villain is a mass murderer
>is tied to a plot to bring about the end of the world
>kidnaps a baby as a hostage
>the hero shoots the baby to prevent him from doing anything worse to it/take away his leverage without hesitating

Name literally (1) comic/cartoon where this happens.

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Name 17

>Villian kidnaps a girl
>The only way to save her is "true love" and shit
>Turns out the Villain was the girl’s true love
>He was just saving her from the hero

>villian have the heroes in paw of his hands.
>paw of his hands

What did you mean by this

>Villain kidnaps woman
>They live happily ever after.

>Overcompetent female main character who has little to no charactee flaw to work on.

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Worm, by Wildbow

Protag Skittter shoots a baby named Aster to prevent a fate worse than death at the hands of Jack Slash, who brought about the apocalypse by talking an autistic alien god into destroying humanity.

>villain kidnaps someone for no apparent reason
>villain monologues to his prisioner about evil scheem
>prisioner is guarded like shit and escapes through air duct or sewer
>prisioner still have all his stuff/weapons with him in jailcell
>super hero/villain is arrested and put in jail/loonybin but noone bothers to take this lunatic out of his costume.

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Oops, superhero related but more a novel than a comic book, my bad

That's because it's not a real trope.

>villain completely fucks victim up
>crying fixes it

>hero does literally all of the work to finally save the girl
>gets sidelined by another guy who did fuck all
>hero is forced to accept it because it was his sacrifice
Every time I see this, I just feel that it's a writer being bitter about something that happened in high school, when in reality he was probably a lazy fuckboy

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Most of those apply to video games more than Yea Forums that I can think of

>spend most of the story building up a romantic interest between two characters
>shows them possibly get together at the end
>timeskip epilogue shows they didnt get together
>spend entire story building up a romantic interest between two characters
>they never get together despite the chemistry or they only get together when they've wasted decades of their lives on will-they-wont-they bullshit

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>villain spends years trying to murder hero at every opportunity
>hero tries to invade villain's evil lair and is knocked out cold
>"lock him away! He might be proven useful in the future!"

Im pretty sure every media had done all of those. But mostly comics.

That is almost the plot of a Batman Beyond episode.

>characters walk into a vast room

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Oh boy that's a rough one

It's not from a cartoon, but the Nickelodeon movie Snow Day. The cliche is:

"Average dude works hard to impress the Hot Girl at school and it seems to be working. However, his mediocre dumpy looking Girl Friend kisses him. He has a talk with the Hot Girl and though she is willing to give him a chance after having a bad break up with her Bad Boy Chad Boyfriend the Average Dude? He takes the general advice given to him by the Hot Girl that he should still go and hook up with the Dumpy Average Girl Friend of his."

That never stopped making me angry.



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>character A: does something stupid that might anger character B
>character B: (seemingly angry) that...was....(suddenly overjoyed) AMAZING!


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>Villain monologue
>"This is the ultimate master plan, that "I" created."
>Yells the name of the masterplan
>Gets killed by said plan cuz it doesn't work the way the villain wanted.

The "will they or won't they" is usually done to keep the spergs happy. I don't understand why not having a heart warming union would be the focus if it's only making a micro percentage of your fanbase happy but sometimes a character remaining "pure" gives them legs within the fandom. Still don't like it, though.

>villian has paws

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>Girlfriend / Wife / Love-Interest knows her man is a superhero
>She gets pissed when the hero has to ditch her to save the day.
>Hero is guilt trip for rescuing people.
>Hero has to apologize for doing what’s right.

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>That one ethnic group was completely wiped out years ago!
>lol jk. There's more of them.

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>Hero spends entire plot trying to stop bad guy
>At the last second decides to forgive bad guy and let him live
>Hero doesn't hate bad guy anymore, they want to be friends
>I still hate the bad guy
>I still want to see him punished

>Villian kidnaps a girl
>Doesn't rape her
I mean c'mon this doesn't seem realistic.

>Character creates some super tech that would change the world for the better
>Due to some unforeseen error, the technology causes problems
>They decide to abandon the tech rather than try again with that error in mind and make it better

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>Villain has the same powers and capabilities as the hero while being his "opposite"

>Hero is well like by everyone
>Some villain/random asshole makes it look like hero did something bad
>Everyone turns on hero
>Nobody questions validity of evidence or the person who came up with said evidence
>Everyone seemingly forgets all the good things hero has done for them

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God what a fitting picture. Fox probably would go along with it too.

Everytime this happens i hope someone puts that bitch in the fridge

>Bad guy does bad things all the time
>Is somehow convinced to try and do good
>Doesn't know how to do good and ends up ruining every attempt at heroism because he's too retarded to not look intimidating/evil or be outrageously destructive when saving a cat from a tree or some shit

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>Villain finds out hero's secret identity and learns about the hero's job
>Doesn't walk in dressed as a civilian and shoot the hero in the face when he least expects it

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Okay, then name at least several more. I mean, it cannot be called a CLICHÉ unless it's literally commonplace.

>Avengers: Ultron
They tried again and it worked, but it’s more of a "% of fucking up again", risk and reward

Didn't this show end up bombing horribly?

>Villain kidnaps girl
>Doesn't immediately rape her

What the hell is even the point

>as If it wasn't her idea...

Hades and Persephone?

>t. Bowser

sounds like every Bond movie

>tfw you spend three years of your life obsessing over massive lavender-shaded gargoyle cock and suddenly you have a wife and kid

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>villian is OP as shit
>effortlessly beats the entire cast
>gets a redemption somehow
>never uses its powers at maximum ever again
>its used as easy jokes at best, never does anything relevant at worst

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One of my biggest peeves is any character that is an asshole and never gets any sort of comeuppance.

Another is when a character has been treated unfairly and none of other characters apologize or make amends for the unfair treatment.

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Not necessarily on topic here but what is with everyone's obsession with these two?

Has ANY piece of contemporary media ever done this without it being a self parody?

Literally the only thing I can think of is Kingdom Hearts

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Yea Forums but
>fight boss in RPG
>he joins the party later
>his previously high max HP gets brutally axed for no reason

>even the most incompetent villain can grip the city in terror because of the comically inept police
>hero is framed for something
>police are immediately upgraded to near navy seals level competence with military grade weaponry and are relentless in their search and capture of the hero

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The flipside to this is just as irritating.
>Hero finally has the villain in his grasp.
>Either due to sudden retardation on the hero's part or a contrived coincidence, the villain escapes or is rescued.

Only Greek God pairing that is semi-decent, only marginal amounts of cheating and jealousy related bullshit.

>hero kidnaps girl
>she rapes him
On second thought, this doesn't happen enough

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>family friendly show
>villain is clearly meant to be evil and goes against what is normally decent
>”what the HECK”
Don’t really hate this, it’s just silly to me

>Girl likes Guy
>Allows him to come over house
>Finds him touching her Dad's boner

Still hate that shit

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Sometimes "What the heck?" sounds more natural than something like "What the devil?"

>Kids film trailer
>Character turns out to be a dorky screwup
>Music stops, cuts to character saying “We’re doomed”
>Kids film trailer
>Slapstick joke (character gets hit in the balls and screams like a girl, character farts, etc)
>Music stops, cuts to other character
Whoever edits these trailer how do you sleep at night

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ESL here, is villain and villian the same thing? Is it like an america and britain thing?

Where have I heard this story before?

>kids film trailer
>slapstick joke
>cut to another character's reaction from what is very obviously an entirely different part of the film

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>villain kidnaps hero's GF
>He found her using Hero's old facebook page that he stopped using years ago and they have broken up a long time ago
i mean the hero still doesn't want the hero to kill her but its not exactly in a relationship anymore

That sounds like a "Scary Movie" plot twist. Which Wayans bro did that?

Simple solution. Drop the cunt giving you issues.

That furries are villains

>Buttmonkey is treated like absolute shit throughout the series.
>The writers give him a downright insulting pity win that doesn't even begin to make up for the abuse and indignities he's suffered.
Two examples at the top of my head would be Josh's birthday party in Clarence and the ending "Family Fracas" from Bob's Burgers. In the former, Josh had his face scarred, cheated on and dumped, had ear bitten off, lost an eye, became depressed and obese, lost his right hand, had his tail bone broken, and just treated like scum by everyone for literally no reason so him having one moment of fleeting joy before having to continue his painful existence is nothing but a shameless attempt at throwing the audience bread crumbs.

For the latter, after being humiliated on national tv, losing out on a car, and having his enemy completely get away with fucking him over, was watching Bob take pleasure in Jimmy not knowing how to change the tire of the car the Belchers should have won really supposed to be cathartic to the audience after the shit that preceded it?

Go ahead and tell me that I'm seeing the glass as half empty but you can't deny that these are unsatisfying payoffs. Why couldn't we get an episode of Josh actually taking more steps to improve his life and come up on top in spite of it all or at least give us a reason why we should take pleasure in his suffering? As for something like Bob's Burgers, I don't know how I would ended the episode but anything would be better than what we actually got.

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>hero constantly gets cucked out of stable relationships due to “will they or won’t they”
>has to watch all the other characters live happily ever after

>misunderstanding happens
>Wait, I can explain!
>they can't explain

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any plot involving an easily resolved misunderstanting in general, actually

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>MC, you need to [insert action here].
>B-but I suck at doing [insert action here]! I only just started practicing recently!
>You have to. You're our only hope.
>*MC proceeds to perform whatever action flawlessly as if he were a master at it without any ramifications*
Has there ever been an example of this where the hero completely fucks it up?

Worse when Tech could solve most of humans problems

ok mr. incredible

I thought it was funny in The Incredible with Frozone, but that's about it.

>villain can be redeemed

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Star Wars The Force Awakens lightsaber fight at the end with Rey and Kylo. I mean she go like a master and without any training, and is the first time she uses a lightsaber

user OP said cliches you hate

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No amount of dumb fan art will save you from your shit taste.

It can be fine if at least the villain still suffers for their actions

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>hero is keeping the fact that he's a superhero from Girlfriend / Wife / Love-Interest/ friend.
>muh I can't tell them because they will get in danger.
who are they going to tell????

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"Villian" isn't a word at all. It's always villain.

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>violent psychopath villains are either never killed off or get offered redemption by the heroes
>comedic or lighthearted villains get violently killed off without any offer for redemption

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>team of heroes
>oh no they can't work together
>the tough guy is fighting with the by the books type leader.
>over the same girl
>tough guy plays by his own rules, yet he keeps coming back to the team?

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>>villain gets redeemed
>has one bad day
>back to being a villain.

In his defense, it can easily be overdone. A villain turning a new leaf should be meaningful and rare.

>A: Gives a detailed explanation
>B: In english, please

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What's wrong with hating redeemable villains? Not the guy who posted it, but I actually love battles of good vs evil a ton more than battles of good vs not quite as good.

>female main character
>can overpower men bigger than her

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>character then proceeds to explain in a more convulted way
>other character gets it immediately

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>have black guy on the team
>he was raised up on the streets, he saw shit.
STOP! fucking stop.

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>story is set in modern day
>police have laser guns

>Misunderstanding happens
>Friends completely abandon and shit on a character they've known their whole lives due to something out of context
>Character tries for the whole episode to clear his name but some bullshit prevents him

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Are you referring to Trudeau?

>trusts women to keep secrets
Biig mistake, bro

>everyone including thugs have laser guns
>laser guns just stun or burn people, making you wonder why the hell they switched to those since guns are way more effective

>New character appears
>The audience is immediately made aware that they're up to no good
>MC figures it out immediately and confronts them
>every other character in the show refuses to listen and just brushes them off for being "jealous" or something equally as retarded

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>character never lifted and is a shut-in or with a sedentary job before becoming a superhero
>puts costume for first time and Is ripped or has at least an above-average body.

>make a story/side story about racism.
>don't show anyone beingracist to (x)
just copy the x-men

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>plan almost works
>contrived coincidence makes it not work
>doesnt try plan again
This bothers me so much in looney tunes

Mojo jojo tried turning the world into dogs a second time

>Make a fictional race as an allegory for racism
>the fictional race has deadly superpowers and is legitmately dangerous

>Gun control message in a show where random people have superpowers and the main characters work at a convenience store that sells weapons

>situation could be easily solved with a gun
>doesn't have gun

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>main characters are a group of friends
>one friend is clearly useless and exists just to harass and belittle everyone else in the group

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Name a single goddamn show that actually did the Boys vs Girls trope without being extremely one sided

Operation FUTURE from KND is cheating

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>there is a group of friends, they fight evil or something
>they have annoying little "comic relief" character whom purpose is to be annoying and useless. Bonus points if it's a coward and can gibber only.

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x-men evolution
what do I win?

>80s rock song in kids trailer
>celebrity spotlight on cartoon character
>"funny awkward moment"
>music stops
>cartoon characters react to awkward moment

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I'd argue that Futurama did it right both times, first with the Amazonian planet and again with the gender swap episode:

>jokes about women's basketball and female leadership but Zap still being Zap
>all the guys had it easy as women and got gifts/compliments despite being dumb as bricks

Braid sucked.

>Protagonist has a best friend of the opposite gender
>They end up together at the end for no reason other than they're the lead characters

>>Protagonist has a best friend of the opposite gender
>he gets put in the friend zone in the first half of the story.

>Protagonist has a best friend of the opposite gender
>He was to choose between her and the popular girl everyone has a crush on

But then you get the faggots demanding that said race be put in the story, or worse if it's vidya. i.e. High Elves in Warcraft got 90% of their race killed, then the remaining ones turned into Blood Elves because they drank infernal energy to gain powers to fight back. The early books were super specific in that High Elves had only less than 1% of the original numbers left. But despite Blood Elves being -the- High Elves with added energy that never stops faggots from demanding them every fucking year.

>big, mean looking guy
Bonus points if he likes pink

>young boy falls in love with an older girl

>>female main character
>she falls for the bad boy.

>episode revolves around villain being good to people
>hero fucks with all of it because "villains will always be villains"
>the fuckup gets so bad it tilts the villain back to doing evil shit
>"see how I was right?" t. hero that needs to get murdered.
>Villain gets second chance
>someone tries to take advantage of him
>villain reverts to evil
>"see how he never changed at all?"
Batman Beyond was almost perfect if not for fucking Dr. Freeze this hard.

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>if you kill him, you will be just like him
>ignoring the part where the protagonist kill/beat up all the henchman along the way

>asshole character can't say anything too harsh because of the rating

I wish I got to hear Dominator call Emperor Awesome a homo and tell him he missed the gay pride parade a few planets back

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Read Ward instead.

Unsatisfying payoffs are terrible because you actively feel your time has been wasted.

That Triple Frontier film had one of the most unsatisfying attempt at feel good endings ever, and I was actually slightly angry over having spent the time watching the movie. Went to bed mad.

>heroes lose IQ so the story can be prolonged and have extra drama

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>Villain can kill hero
>talks to them long enough that the Hero is saved

>Hero has a mid life crisis
>immediately does everything he needs to right
>goes back to square one

>Protag falls in love with girl. Literally no change to his character beside some fame or fortune
>love interest all of his dick
>Isn't the least bit skeptical

>any version of "the power of friendship/love" when ass has been horse kicked multiple times.

>Villain is right about things and is doing a good job to get their point across..
>Protagonist has no way to counterpoint them other than "They're evil" or to attack them.


Always bugged with with the Red Sky seasons of TMNT.

But the whole point of the episode was that Terry believed in him, right until the end, to the point that Bruce even believed him to be right.

Ishvalans weren't completely exterminated, but they were basically broken up, but to be honest the Ishvalans had it coming starting a war over some dumb religion and some little girl getting shot.

Then when they get their ass whooped their dumb religious leader wants to act like he's some kind of big spot and his surrender will end the war. Fuck the Ishvalans they unironically had it coming and fuck Mustang and Armstrong for being bitches about it.

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>Villain thinks he's killed protagonist
>Doesn't check to make sure
>The protagonist is still alive

>Villain kills the protagonist
>Protagonist is brought back to life.

>you've just discovered a tiny bit of my plan
>villain proceeds to explain the entire plan in great detail to the heroes

Why do you hate reality?

>Villain doesn't explain his entire plan to everyone in his organization.
>EVERYONE proceeds to betray him upon learning the true plan.
Like there has to be at least some loyal members, right?

>Male characters shirt get torn apart during TF sequence
>Female characters top stays miraculously intact because breasts are evil

>male characters constantly shown nude for comedic value
>female characters never experience anything close to this

>male villain
>female second in command who is super loyal because he saved her/gave her purpose/she’s in love with him
Every single goddamn time you have this setup they do a retarded character arc where she suddenly realizes he’s a bad guy or the big keikaku is no good despite gladly standing by them for however many years working for their plans
Usually with her falling in love with the main character

>Villain kidnaps a girl
>Rapes her

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Fuck off you sped

>strong warrior gril
>suddenly forgets how to fight and becomes a damsel

This needs to be a thing

For some reasons lasers are acceptable for TV-Y7, but bullets bring it up to TV-PG.

I can think only of Dio who checked if protagonist is dead.

villain dose unspeakable crime after crime each getting worse, hero refuses to put the villain down because muh morals or I don't want to be like him nah fuck that some of the shit these criminals do in comics, cartoons etc they need to be taken behind a shed and shot.

>hero constantly gets cucked out of stable relationships due to “will they or won’t they”
>meanwhile the romantic interest, if she is a heroine, is constantly on the rebound with other established characters and random OCs getting dicked in-between the "will they or won't they"
>hero has to watch the love of his life fuck other men and all the other characters live happily ever after

Here's something good
>Villian kidnaps a girl
>True love is what motivates the hero to save her, regardless of the amount of suffering he most endure and bloodshed he must face to do it

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>every single one character is unlikable
>b-but they supposed to be! that's the point

>villains steal, rape, and kill since their debut without ever doing a double take on their awful behavior
>hero sacrifice everything to constantly stop them
>villains just double on the edge
>"we only became like this because of you, the hero, constantly trying to stop us from stealing, raping, and killing! You made us this way! You're the true villain!"
>villains come off as victims
>hero is in the wrong somehow
Fuck Batman writers, man.

>This exact scenario has happened before
>Villain thinks he's killed the protagonist again
>Doesn't immediately shoot him a bunch of times in the chest and stab him in the eyes
It's one thing to fuck up once, but for the exact same thing to happen again is even worse. More for comic books than cartoons though.

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>There better be a good explanation for this
>There is sir
>Aw then I'm happy.

>character falls off a seaside cliff with a bottom full of pointy rocks and rough waves
>not dead.
EVERY. SINGLE.TIME. I dont think there is a single case of this trope where the character just ends up dying there.

Preacher's Featherstone. Didn't bother me much as Jesse and Tulip's constant bullshit
>It's too dangerous
>I can handle myself
>she does mostly and even saves Jesse
>leaves her anyway
>they repeat this a few more times

Not Yea Forums but
>Villain defeat main character
>Immediately shoot him a bunch of times in the head
>the fucker is still alive

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>Character creates some super tech that would change the world for the better
>Character ignores obvious flaw that could be easily fixed
>Character ignores others pointing to obvious flaw that could be fixed
>In fact, real world regulatory committees have already made it illegal to overlook said flaw
>Suprise! bad things happen
>moral is to not play god

>had several villages and an entire of quarter of dalaran to themselves
>people clamored for them for literally 15 years now
>"naaaaah, lets add a group of canonically about a hundred blood elves defecting back after void rape"

Its so intensely retarded it could have been nothing else but an intentional fuck you to the fans.

>nobody has actually given a response
I don't know what I was expecting.

I read this in his voice.

>character has to keep up an overly convoluted lie
I don't even care if it happens across all media, fuck that shit. I hate it so goddamn much, it's almost never executed well.

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Sped off you fuck


Hey man, Hades has romantic standards unlike his brothers

>sub-villain fails the main villain because of the hero's plot armor
>sub-villain gets killed
I like to see the main villain tell the sub to learn from their mistake.

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>Character creates some powerful superweapon with a big flaw
>send it into battle
>on its OWN
>with no backup?????

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>douche is a prodigy or gifted with great power
>delusionally proclaims himself a god
>said proclaimations become 90% of his dialogue

In the same vein
>Villain gets new super soldiers/super weapons.
>Kicks the good guys asses exactly once but they're heroically beaten back.
>Is never a threat ever again

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>heros find flaw on the weapon
>don't upgrade the weapon

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that's because they were ordered to kill women and children.

>government are the bad guys
>it must be destroyed
ok but who will take its place?

>villain kidnaps the girl
>she saves herself
>her true love is an ineffective well meaning wimp
>she loosely locks herself back in her cell,
>props up the guards she's knocked out,
>and tears her clothes a little bit
>all so her hero can rescue her
>it was all her elaborate plan from the outset to get him to fall in love with her
>the rest of the film is about her hiding her love's ineptitude from himself so as not to bruise his ego while she rescues them

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>They are mutants that are against Sentinels and humans arming themselves because they're a threat to mutants
>These same Mutants want to be accepted by humans, super dangerous powers and all, regardless of how they're a threat to humanity
I can't believe they don't see why humanity isn't cool with them being around. Their powers a threat, far more dangerous than firearms. But they can't see why humans see them as dangerous living weapons?

>the fictional race has deadly superpowers
>governments not trying to get them into their army

>Cliches that you hate
any form of time travel, I fucking hate it.

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Based and Spetznaz-pilled

actually ruined Gumball

>villain gets immense power boost and wins
>hero asspulls a victory by doing something that contradicts earlier plot elements
>this despite a way for the hero to win that is within the rules of the show existing

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>Villain finally breaks hero's morals
>Hero goes psycho mode
>Instantly regrets it

Bonus points if the hero cripples the villain and lets them hobble away only to casually walk-hunt them while popping off condescending shit like "What's the matter buddy? Isn't this what you wanted?"

Aw shit, I thought this was a love thread.

People post ones they like anyways, context clues you in that this was a "good"

>villain thinks humans are killing the earth
> I must kill all humans by heavily damaging the earth
>this is the only way to save the earth
I see cartoon and anime keep doing this.

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>robot/AI concludes the "logical" thing to do is kill all humans
That terminator shit is RACIST, #not all robutts

>eating sugar instantly gives a character a boost in brain power


>it's another Yea Forums confuses cartoon tropes with anime tropes episode

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Now I'd be with you on it when sugar makes kids act like drugged up apes but I've never seen anything that has sugar make someone smarter. When did this happen?

they both use the same tropes.


It's the same shit buster. The only difference is that anime managed to innovate and create new awful cliches to hammer us in the head with.

>Big, strong villain picks up the hero, has him defenseless
>Throws him, giving him the opportunity to recover

>villain looks like he's working with us because of mutual interests
>same villain looks like he's working with us because of mutual interests, but it's different this t-
>same villain is workin-
Repeat ad nauseating.

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>villain nearly defeats the hero with scheme
>heroes barely manage to foil it
>villain figures out they can just try the same plan again with some adjustments

>Character is a terrible liar
>Everyone believes it
It's one thing when this is played as a joke, but sometimes it's like they legitimately want you to believe that the person being lied to is actually that oblivious in a non-comedic way, and I just can't buy it. I have a theory that they do this so viewers who aren't paying too much attention can tell that the person is lying so they don't get confused.

>Male lead is comedically stupid
>Female lead is a boring nag

>Main characters who are friends/family all seem to hate each other
Can't we all just get along? I know anger is funny, but sometimes it gets to be too much. I like when friends are friendly.

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>robot/AI realizes the the biggest threat to humanity is itself
>instead of destroying it, seizes all power from humanity and makes damn sure they can't hurt each other

every fucking time

One instance I can think of is Amadeus Cho but its literally a superpower.

>Ishvalans weren't completely exterminated, but they were basically broken up, but to be honest the Ishvalans had it coming starting a war over some dumb religion and some little girl getting shot.

To be fair, Envy probably helped drive the Isvalans to war, as it would help complete Father's plan.

> Henchman tells the main villain some bad news that isn't the henchman's fault.
> Henchman still gets punished.

Yes he should put her in the friend zone at the last half,and he reveals he has been fucking the sexy female villain the whole time.

>Henchman gets killed
>other henchmen seriously continue to work for the guy whose mood swings are so bad he'll end you over nothing

There is never a "You need them more than they need you" kind of thing going on.

>episode about racism or bigotry
>character can't even be racist or bigoted

>Villains team up
>It goes well while the heroes fight each other for some dumb reason even though it should be completely obvious they're the good guys
>Villains end up ruining their plan by fighting each other over dumb shit

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>MC falls in love with a girl/boy who is working for the villain and is being only getting close to him/her for the villain plan.
>he/she STILL trust them ever knowing this.

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>Ke$ha starts playing

What if they end that relationship and the woman gets angry about it?

She now has some vital power over him.

Can you feel it, Mr Krabs?

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Has anything but OK KO done this?
Just because it's bad writing doesn't mean it's a trope.

>show tries its hand at meta humor
>it only amounts to pointing out how weird and cliched it is

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>80s rock song in kids trailer
Hey, I'd take that over the next Top 20's pop song any day of the week.

>... I'm the bad guy? How did that happen?

>male villain is killed
>female villain has sex with the main character and is magically redeemed

>entire premise rides on secret identity shit.
This is so exhausting. What kind of writer wants to write an endless of cycle of "are you the superhero? Haha no way!"

It would be more realistic and pragmatic for an AI to just gradually remove any and all power from humanity while also providing for their every need, making them too fat and lazy to stop it.

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>villain imprisons/traps protag
>doesnt kill him for some reason

*Gets into any flying vehicle*
Either the side kick or the empowered female character says
>Do you know how to fly this ?

What ? This is incredibly funny. I'd love to see a hero go like "Ok Mr. Hellghostevilman, try helping that old lady cross the street"
>Evil guy accidentally rapes and kills the granny

It's a pertinent question.

This makes me incredibly mad for no reason, thanks for ruining my night

>film features a group of characters
>somewhere in the middle they get into 1 small fight and immediately decide to split up and never see each other again
>SURPRISE, they reunite to face the conflict in the final act together
I hate this. I hate this with a passion. Why does every single fucking movie do this?

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I wouldn't have posted it if it didn't piss me off too

I love when this shit happens, when the hero gets much scarier than the villain has ever been up to the moment

This, so many movies, both good and bad, pull this crap, and it's been a legitimate factor on passing up a rewatch.

>Misunderstanding is revealed.
>The New Character is revealed to be evil to the cast.
>The recipient of the mockery gets no apology, the recipient does all the forgiving.

Name 5 (five) examples of this coz Irredeemable was better than Irrcorruptible desu

>It's a mexican character
>The only remarkable thing he is known for is the fact that hes a mexican
>Furthermore, he has a generic mexican name, and sometimes he says some words in spanish

¿Cuando van a aprender los hijos de su chingada madre?

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>hero does all the work to save everyone
>everybody treats him like shit for it because he couldn't magically be there sooner or save everyone

>Character's identity is supposed to be a secret
>After the reveal they casually show them undisguised

Just ugh.

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>bully makes life miserable for MC and others
>everyone knows and does nothing about it
>MC finally reaches breaking point and retaliates
>fucking EVERYONE comes out of the woodwork to criticize MC

I think OP meant fictional tropes user.

>Mexican character is the best character in the show
I am okay with this.

>Spanish insults go on air uncensored on a children's cartoon.

I sure love Teen Titans.

>riding something fast

I have never seen anyone in my entire life every say 'woohoo!' unironically. It makes me seethe to see it CONSTANTLY.

I take it you weren't a big Ducktales fan as a kid

>female pick up a gun
>do you know how to use it

>mc's best friend slowly evolves into the main villain after mc stole his love interest

I distinctly remember being triggered by this one as a kid watching first Spider-Man movie, but it seems to show in just about any plot line involving a bully. It's just tiresome.

master/teacher is evil
>give nothing but red flags

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Because it's so realistic and grounded in society. Zero tolerance and the like are what's causing more school shootings than bullying itself should ever hope to just because they'd rather brush the problem under a rug than waste tax money doing their goddamned jobs.

>it turns out the love interest has zero chemistry with the villain
>he becomes even more depressed and crazy

Probably the sole exception I can think of desu
>master has jet-black swept-back hair, gaunt appearance and bags under eyes
>speaks in a british accent when everyone speaks in an american one
>is wearing long, dark robes with muted dark-green accents
>hands glow bright green when he uses magic
>idiot protagonist doesn't suspect anything at all.

the hell does Tarn have to do with the trope

His identity is revealed in the last issues of MTMTE then in Lost Light he makes an appearance completely unmasked in a scene set earlier in the continuity.

>Character is a wise cracking joker
>Something really bad happens
>Wise cracking character is still happy and telling jokes
>He's starts joking and laughs
>the laughing turns into crying

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>Villain wins
>everything is actually better

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You know what would be awesome? If this were actually the case but the teacher is a legitimately cool dude. Not some fucking Snape cop-out where he's a fucking douche to everyone but has a TRAGIC backstory. Speaking of which, that's one I hate.
>Douchebag has TRAAAAGIC backstory
>Somehow that explains away everything he does wrong
Fuck you. Everyone has problems. Just because you were an infantryman doesn't give you the right to beat your kid until he turns into a basket case. This goes double for women, because they usually get away with a lot more. Just once I want to see a female villain try to sob her eyes out for the protagonist only to have the protagonist's GF shoot her in the fucking face.

>We are gonna have to use .... THAT

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after the reveal he keeps appearing with his mask on, then he dies and appears in a flashback before he was even a decepticon, so it doesnt count


You shouldn't be so quick to judge, user...

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>villains are just Nazis.
come up with something better guys.

To continue on: Perhaps there is narrative beats where its TOTALLY the moment he betrays the protagonist - and even the protag is starting to suspect something.

But then nothing actually happens - nothing bad at all. The dark silhouette that the protag has seen the last few episodes in the corner of his eye or in newspapers or photos? The one that turned out to be the Master?

Turns out he was following the protag and protecting him from various thugs so that the protag could enjoy a day off heroics and be a normal 10-13 year old kid.

Tie it up in a nice knot with a 'don't judge a book' moral.

There should at least be someone explaining to the kid after the fact what's happening and/or some foreshadowing that the master is there to protect the kid.
Because really, if there's a 13-year-old chosen one present and his salty as fuck master magician who has seen some shit and can force-pull your heart out of your chest is in the area, you don't bother the fucking kid while he's on vacation.

>>villains are space Nazis.

Heres how I would do it. Have the next episode be a 'limelight' episode based on the master's dealings during that episode, showing events that happened in it from a completely different view.


Hero defeats villian and he doesn't rape him.

>Villain and hero start relationship
>One always changes to the other's side
You'd think that at least once they'd just drop out of the fight, flee the country, and bang. Especially if it's two characters with extremely similar life philosophies on opposite sides of a conflict that they gain nothing from.

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>hero leaves the war/stop being a hero to raise a family.
>heroes call him a cowed, guilting him to come back into the fight.
>heros are not seen as monsters.
it's worst if the hero dies.

>"How DId You LeaRn How To FLY?"

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>Where did you learn to fly?
>Flight sims!
>Huh.. I guess being a geek finally paid off!

>Maybe I'm not a coward! Maybe you all are just stubborn! Ever thought of that? There will always be people to fight! There will ALWAYS be demons to slay! So let my family have me NOW!

>new villain shows up
>Henchman and sub-villain join him

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>villain is smart enough to build an evil lair and has an army of followers
>loses every episode due to incompetence
>villain builds giant machines and has a huge underground laboratory
>robs banks
this one irritates me because it's clear the villain is already pretty rich so why does he need to rob banks?

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>Character development haircut

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It was my dress

I paid for it

anime is just cartoons for japan

I really love this entire premise. The AI basically gave the humans exactly what they wanted and gave them no reason to fight back while it simultaneously stripped all control from them, only delegating the meaningless tasks to them while controlling everything else.

every fucking time


>ummm.... awkward
Especially when it's used to break tension between two characters

It did.

But people claimed that it had good ratings but they probably didn't put streaming and online sales into account.

>me am play gods!!!

>love interest all of his dick
>ass has been horse kicked multiple times

I interpret it more as a jab at Nice Guys(TM) who believe that being nice to someone means they must reciprocate to "even the score".
Which is fine and all, but I do think it's not very compatible with "normal" stories, where a lack of karmatic consequences for villains and heroes usually feels unjust and anticlimactic.
Could work in a short story all about this lesson, or a Tighten-type villain who thinks they're the hero, or a setting(/backstory) that's supposed to feel unjust and shitty.

Sounds like that episode of justice league that I hate.

In incredibles it made sense considering super heroes were banned.

That's hot

They gutted every character in that show. Last good episode was the fight between Lapis and gems, because of all the OH SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL AND STAKES ARE THERE but it all got killed off with "nope just want to go home".

>the character splits up from the group
>they don't come back

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this reads a bit too much like my life

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And I said I was sorry.

>this one irritates me because it's clear the villain is already pretty rich so why does he need to rob banks?
Building robots ain't cheap. You need the money to build more robots.

>Ben 10 Alien Force
>Ben has is frequently called to stop terrorists, monster attacks, and alien invasions
>Julie gets mad at him because he's saving the world instead of going to her tennis matches

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It also happened in TMNT 2003. Shredder tried to kill the turtles by burning them alive and then ordered his henchmen to search for the bodies immediately afterward.

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I would have given up so hard on Leela if I were fry.

When did this happen?

I only have ten bucks but I'll put it towards your show if you make this happen.

To be fair johnathan died holding him in his hands thinking if he were to die, dio would too.

So... real life? Checks out.

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I like that cliche.

I remember the reason they broke up in Omniverse being the dumbest shit.

>Villain gets redeemed and/or is on friendly terms with the hero at end of issue/episode
>Villain appears in later issue/episode as cannon fodder for hero to fight without explanation as to why they’re bad again

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>He didn't read Purple Haze Feedback

But that brings my other pet peeve
>Guy dumps his team
>Came back later and was accepted back easily.

>female hero helps to redeem and is on friendly terms with ex-villain
>other heroes "we think your getting too close to him"

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Looks like you haven't read PHF yourself.
Mista gives Fugo the ultimatum to assassinate the drugs team to get back into the gang, or else he'll kill him.

Why would someone write a scenario like this? Fiction is to escape the insanity of real life.

>villian have the heroes in paw of his hands.
>make a 5 minute speech about killing him.
>proceeds to successfully kill hero
>plan is thwarted only by bullshit plot armor

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>Hero does an asspull
>"How did you know how to do that!?"
>"I didn't"
>Episode problem could be fixed by a major character
>Episode ignores their existence