Since Pride Month is almost over, can we have some images and discussion over all the Pride worthy moments and imagery in the show?
Star Vs Pride Moments?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have another pic to start it off.
I hope they die
You don't know true pride.
The only real answer
Really need a whole month? Wasn't it's just a week?
>implying you can stop the signal
Heck, I take a day.
>that hood ornament
Nice! BTW, does anyone have the Mega links for downloading seasons 1-3?
Fucking amazing.
Shit wrong one sorry
I was actually gonna post the real one this time
You still can, right?
Lemme go digging
Hope it still works
I will check in a bit, got to get to work soon, thanks.
Only good moments, if you can even call them that are some same-sex couples at the concert in season 2 and the implied relationship betwen Rhombulus and Lekhmet.
Star crushing on Brunzetta when she has at no point before shown any romantic interest in girls feels shoehorned in, not heleped by the fact that they don't elaborate on it (even a short scene showing Star a bit confused about her own feelings would have helped).
Worst is proably Jackie. Let's assume for a moment her figuring out she liked girls was always the plan.
The fact that they just dump the end result in into the show is pretty damn weak.
It's the writers wanting to the approval for including a progressive plotpoint while being too lazy/cowardly to actually tackle the subject properly.
If we had gotten an episode actually focussed on Jackie, show her sorting out her feelings and explicitly show her and whatsherface as a couple, it could actually be decent; as it is it's little better than Korra and Asami turning queer offscreen.
Nose rings are fucking disgusting
I can even stand looking at someone in real life that has one
Did they actually make Jackie fat?
Don't think so.
Haha, upboated my good friend.
Reminder that Biden got fucked in the first night of the debate
>Remember that little black girl from California who was bused to school everyday? It was me, Joe!
>It's the writers wanting to the approval for including a progressive plotpoint while being too lazy/cowardly to actually tackle the subject properly.
How would you habve done it then?
Genuinely curious.
His gross finger nails....I can't get past them...
In an ideal world?
Back in the sleepover episode Jackie mention that she had a crush on a GIRL in skatecamp, maybe a small conversation about how she's not sure if it was just a crush or if she's genuinely into girls.
Then, in season 4 scrap one of the shittier episodes, preferably something with Ponyhead, and give us a short summary of what happened to Jackie after Marco left for Mewni (most of it could even just be a montage set to music), make it clear her and her girlfriend are actually an item (non of that plausible deniability bullshit).
Have the conversation between her and Marco play out differently: less him stammering like a deer caught in the lesbian headlights and more of him being genuinely glad for her.
If we are talking something Disney would actually let you air, I'd say do it with Starfan13 instead of Jackie.
Have her show up with a "friend" to thank Star for being verykind and accepting of her and her feelings and how that gave her the confidence to stop trying to be Star and become her own person.
She can then tell Star her real name, give her hairband as a thank you gift/keep sake and walk off holding hands with her "friend".
They’re that bad?
please go away.
Definitely an improvement.
Yes, I can't not notice them.
It looks like he chews them compulsively.
How does he not cut himself when he wipes?
They didn't make Jackie Kiss her. Believe me, this is nothing but a mockery of her personality. Pulling a Korra with a non-kiss. They did that scene and change Jackie's orientation on Purpose without reason.
Pretty sure their intent was representation. They just did a shitty job.
You could maybe make an argument that bad representation is still better than no representation, but if the fucking horseshow is better at it than you, you might wanna take a step back and think things over.
Did you get lost? Tumblr is thataway.
well then get lost
But user, why put in all that effort and thought when the end result (lots of people on the web cheering you on for your cartoon being so BRAVE) is the same whether you half-ass it or not?
This is why I love Cass in Tangled. She so complex and her sexuality so layered in subtext that a reveal would probably hurt her character rather than improve it.
Because it's too important a subject to leave it to lazy incompetents.
You can tell throughout the series that Cass has feelings she knows Raps will never return.
Seeing her trying to be a good friend to Rapunzel while at the same hurting from seeing her with Eugene is worth more than any amount of shoehorned in French lesbians in the world.
She's a skilled warrior who struggled against a world that wants to put her in a box, a struggle she fought she was alone in. Until she met someone who listened to her dreams and didn't laugh. Who believed in them even when she didn't. Someone who needed a friend, a guide, a guardian. Until one day she didn't. Slowly she changed, until she wasn't that scared girl from the tower anymore. She was a powerful confident woman upon who's brow rested the destiny of the cosmos. A destiny that made Cassandra's look petty and pathetic, a child's fantasy. Cassandra learned the hard way that Rapunzel didn't need her protection anymore. She probably never did
That's compelling on its own, the gay subtext is just the frosting.
>That's compelling on its own, the gay subtext is just the frosting.
Agreed, I simply highlighted that aspect of her since it was relevant to what I had been talking about.
No, I wasn't disagreeing. I was Cass could have been a good character without the subtext. But they made an active choice to make a character who doesn't pander or get brownie points. It's just a small piece of who she is
Ah, gotcha.
Neat pic
Representation don't fucking matter if quality is not there to help. This is nothing but camel shitty poop
Quality is always necessary. It's the first thing to proceed in the concept, once you've inserted it, you'll make a representation for real.
seeing the absolute implosion of Cassandra's life was a joy. Chris knows how to make cute characters feel pain
Any thoughts on how to bring magic back?
What if some magic was preserved?
wish trannies would turn that 40% into 100%
janna's smol unicorn?
What? Where in what episode was that?
Janna still has a mill horse, it's purple sure, but it is tiny and if anyone can tame it I think Janna could. Once tamed, she uses it to make a wand, probably using the banagic wand as a vessel. This could bring back magic, but very much nerfed. The realm of magic would be much smaller, all magic spells much weaker, like at about 5% their usual power if they can be cast at all. Not enough magic would exist to create invincible super soldiers or a multiverse destroying spell, but want to conjure up a couple laser puppies sure.
Now, purple magic is still magic, just like a golden magic realm could still enable dark magic spells, the opposite is allowed. The dark millhorses of the new realm would all be tiny, and while wild mischievous, not really bent on pure destruction and can be tamed by those patient enough.
Now, purple magic can't be used to heal people the way gold magic could, but maybe it could have some other effect. Also, the realm of magic would not be as overpowering and it would take much longer and thus less pudding to keep people from losing their mind while visiting there... because guess what, they would visit there often. Magic would be nerfed to the point that even portals cannot be made and the only means of inter-dimensional travel is through the real of magic. The new realm being much smaller than the original makes it easy to find the well you are looking for, and also makes for a nice hub for all beings from every dimension. The first shop to go up would of course be a pudding stand, but not long after that the goblin dog truck stakes a spot and eventually maybe even a quest buy is built there.
Meh, just some stupid shit I've been thinking about.
>mill horse
A rube goldberg of suffering
Mamma Star - s4e18
Just google Millhorse, literally its like the first thing that comes up. Janna literally says, "this one's mine."
Hekapoo in theory could still be alive since she was in the tavern at the edge of the multiverse when magic was destroyed, which is on the boundary between reality and non-existence. So she could be the last remnant of magic.
why would you assume it's still alive after the realm of magic was destroyed?
Because it wasn't in the realm to hear the whispering spell.
Neither were Rhombulus and Omnitraxis. Destroying the realm of magic destroys the magical shit all across the universe, we already saw this when Toffee pulled the same stunt
Glossaryck and presumably all his children are beings that can't exist without magic, but other magical beings can, such as Ponyhead and she even still can fly. I would presume that a millhorse being a generator for magic, as long as it was outside the realm of magic during the whispering spell, ought to have survived.
The "fritz" Toffee caused affected Rhombulus and Omnitraxis. Eventually nearly all magic in the universe had been deactivated and turned green by Toffee. Then, Star seized the last bit of magic from the bottom of Glossaryck's soup; and she created a millhourse that was used it to return the green inactive magic back to gold active magic.
All the evidence is there. just one millhorse is all it takes to bring back magic.
Janna literally claimed a tiny millhorse as her's and kept it under her hat. Given that she was teleported to with her hat still on, the millhorse went with her.
We also saw the first wand created using just a millhorse and a rattle, so the vessel does not need to be anything fancy, just a stick with a bulb on it.
There does also exist a magic battery in Marco's vacuum, it is not necessary for the creation of a wand but will come in handy later when the millhorse starts to get exhausted.
I find it strange that they would make it a point to show all these things and not leave us with the impression that Janna's millhorse could be used to bring magic back.
Christ, yet another gay thread. Being straight during Pride month is worse than being a Jew in fucking Nazi Germany
>caring more about faggot representation than coherent writing, tying up loose ends, and actually going somewhere with plot threads
This show could be literally the end of gay oppression for all time and I'll still want to know why the fuck Nefcy and co bothered making us think pic related were connected somehow. Who the fuck is in charge of continuity for this shit anymore?
Bit of a hyperbole
that was just people letting their headcanons run out of control, nothing in the show was indicating Toffee and Marco had some kind of special connection
No, he's completely right. At least in Nazi Germany corporations didn't put swastikas in their logos
Kinda cute for a being twisted by dark magic.
There's many problems with the writing in this show but Nefcy not making the fanbase's autistic fanfiction into reality is not one of them.
>dude le anal buttsex month lmao
Who comes up with this shit? Can an American explain why this is a thing?
(((who))) indeed
The Pride movement went way smoother than the Civil Rights movement and overall gays faced way less oppression. You'd think blacks would be fucking pissed the rainbows get a whole month.
A lot of the old guard of the Gay Rights Movement are getting pissed with the trannies making them look bad and demanding special rights. You can't help being gay, but gender dysmorphia is a mental illness.
February IS the black month dingus
Blacks don't like gays period, nothing to do with some arbitrary month. Walking through the poor black areas as a gay man means you have a death wish.
My obsession over Star's cunny is definitely pride worthy
Yep. Say they legitimize the crazies like NAMBLA. And the youth are turning against them too
What was up when the corrupted Millhorse Tom was riding impaled Marco with its horn, and the wound disappeared after Marco ended up back on Earth?
Yeah, that seemed like a hook to me.
>You can't help being gay, but gender dysmorphia is a mental illness.
Ah, irony.
starco child
Are you saying it is not? You mentally feel that the gender you identify with or desire to be doesn't match your biological sex. It is a mental disorder.
>the fanbase's autistic fanfiction
>what is subtext
His entire character.
What else?
All the other unicorns croaked though, while would Janna's not.
Plus it was infected anyway.
the power of friendship
Scott Pilgrim, right?
They didn't die until the green water touched them.
Smol horse was with Janna, and not in the realm of magic. I know it isn't confirmed either way, sure, but it totally could have lived. That's all I'm saying.
Good point...
There's also the fact that the sludge/water stuff still existed after the Realm of Magic was destroyed, and thus could possibly be turned back?
Right, I noticed the sludge bit myself.
1/10 of background characters and Jackie
This show went down the shitter because of the lack of cuckqueans.
Got any good art of Chloe BTW?
StarFan13 was the only good example of dykery in this show.
Not a drawfag. It's not really surprising the lack of fan art of Chloe as she's really hated by Jackie's fans because of jealousy and ignored by the rest because being a one shot character. She deserves better
Her design isn't really that good either desu. She's made to appeal to woke SJWs, not waifufags.
I can't believe people actually care about this stuff showing up in shows. Like there are people who actively like it and look for it.
Her design is average. If she showed in season one she would be Hope tier famous. You are right about SJWs, but she would have been waifu material if she hadn't been a lesbian
they're called gay people
>gay """""people""""""
In the real world, Rafael would belt the fuck outta Marco for acting like such a fag at times.
>the implied relationship betwen Rhombulus and Lekhmet.
They were brothers
How'd she get that picture of Star in her sleepwear...
She shares a branch with Buff Frog.
Show would’ve been infinitely better without the pandering to faggots and other freaks.
Pride is a sin, diversity is a satanic new age cult dedicated to Moloch. The natural consequence of sin is to go to hell, hell is not a supernatural place but rather a descriptive metaphor for where your life will end up, and you'll be locked in that cycle, wherein your lifestyle makes you miserable.
Abandon hedonism, abandon short term gratification, go find some meaning in your life that goes beyond feeling good about being a degenerate.
The mhc weren't in the Realm of Magic either.
>Star crushing on Brunzetta when she has at no point before shown any romantic interest in girls feels shoehorned in
She has however shown sexual attraction towards six packs. she's just a slut
The MHC can't exist without magic. Millhorses generate magic. I feel like I'm going around in circles here.
They look like he tried to rip them off his fingers but gave up halfway through.
Let's assume for a second that Millhorses can exist without Magic existing (doubtful since the Wand stopped working when Toffee killed most of it).
How would they restart the Magic without acccess to its dimension?
nigga please. you are biggest degenerate in all of /sveg/.
and your booru sucks too.
First, the part that you are talking about where the wand stopped working is because Star killed the last millhorse, Vincenzo. Star used the whispering spell on Ludo's hand so that she could enter the wand/realm of magic and face Toffee.
As for restarting magic, it just takes a millhorse. We saw Star create a millhorse from the last drop of magic, but in this case we already have a millhorse.
We saw how to make a wand when Glossaryck placed a millhorse inside Meteora's rattle.
It's a kids show anyways, and the explanation could be as simple as "it's magic," this doesn't have to be so hard to understand.
>As for restarting magic, it just takes a millhorse.
An uncorrupted Millhorse INSIDE the Magic.
All we have is a corrupted millhorse, which might not even be alive anymore and no leftover magic to kickstart.
>We saw how to make a wand when Glossaryck placed a millhorse inside Meteora's rattle.
That's just to create a wand. Magic was alive back then.
Also the millhorse wasn't corrupted.
>It's a kids show anyways, and the explanation could be as simple as "it's magic,"
This has always been a shit argument.
I love Stars feet!
>Misha thinking he gets to have an opinion about literally anything
Great post, my friend!
Pride is a sin
>Let's make an episode like rugrats all grown up!
Why does this episode exist?
t. Marco
What do you mean?
We should have had more of those two...
You made an unrelated character cry!
You made her cry...
How could it be reignited?
What Star didn't appreciate is that Marco lost his squishy belly. Dude's body fat percentages are going down.
Pretty soon she's going to be making pic related face everytime he gets out of the shower.
gays don't matter
Body fat percentages matter more for ripped abs than actual muscles.
You have a six pack right now but unless you're under 5% you're never going to see it.
Can you lower the body fat somehow?
Seriously, no pictures of these two yet?
>Only good moments, if you can even call them that are some same-sex couples at the concert in season 2 and the implied relationship betwen Rhombulus and Lekhmet.
The same sex couples were ok. Lekmet and Rhombulus being described as a couple was just fanwank from Cotugno
>Star crushing on Brunzetta when she has at no point before shown any romantic interest in girls feels shoehorned in, not heleped by the fact that they don't elaborate on it (even a short scene showing Star a bit confused about her own feelings would have helped).
I think it was more lust than actual romantic interest. Unless it's just abs what Star is attracted to, if it's the case, then it's just terrible writing and character development and handling.
>Worst is proably Jackie. Let's assume for a moment her figuring out she liked girls was always the plan.
She is just a wasted character. Not because she's bi, but because her arc could have been pretty interesting. Probably they should have kept her instead of replacing her with Kelly. Shipfags would have been stuck with that development. But it'd be probably against the lore
>The fact that they just dump the end result in into the show is pretty damn weak.
Yes it is
>It's the writers wanting to the approval for including a progressive plotpoint while being too lazy/cowardly to actually tackle the subject properly.
Nevertheless, I think they did it the right way
>If we had gotten an episode actually focussed on Jackie, show her sorting out her feelings and explicitly show her and whatsherface as a couple, it could actually be decent; as it is it's little better than Korra and Asami turning queer offscreen.
That brown buff girl was cool and all but
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
It is.
It isn’t. Dykes are less then germs and Jackie was murdered at the hands of Sabrina Cotungo for the sake of brownie points.
Carpet munchers
Would Star going god mode been a better ending?
>You can't and never will have anything remotely like this
Is this what NEET's think when they finally feel like they want nothing to do with reality anymore?
What did she do there, exactly?
Everything blows up, cycle of reincarnation moves on. Eventually a new earth forms with a Marco and a Star meeting.
Soul bound lovers yadda yadda yadda finding each other in every subsequent life etc.
I mean, I guess it's better than the dimensions merging, but destroying the Magic still doesn't solve the emnity between monsters and Mewnians.
If anything it simply assures that the latter are now completely defenseless.
Why is Star such a thirsty slut?
Watching Marco pleasure other girls while she watched awoken some sort of primordial feeling within her.
This is problematically heteronormative
How bout this?
Not really
Would have dropped the show completely had we gotten a full carpet munching episode. Slogged through it as is with stupid shit like offscreen Kelly dumping.
The only reason you've never seen a girl like her in real life is because you're not attractive enough to even attract horny people.
Nice trips.
Listen to the voices when they tell you to kill yourself.
Also, Star is for cute outfits and appreciating cool young women.
holy shit Misha's still alive?
Why. Why haven't you been driven to the fucking pits yet?
Also, smug characters who shit on honest efforts like Marcos deserve the rope.
Remember that scene where Jackie is sad after breaking up with Marco?
Both are mental illnesses
Cardio or starvation
What is that?
The bloodmoon
Thought that it was Slenderman!
What is the relevance of this image?
Poor Jackie, I'm glad that she found Chloe.
Are cucks included in the ever expanding LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ?
Wouldn't it be accurate to say he's made in the USA though?
And let's not forget, the other unicorn that was around right after the worlds merged, which proves that unicorns, in general, are obviously not so magical that they couldn't survive the Realm of Magic being destroyed.
Fuck faggot, that shit was forced.
remember when people thought jackie would be a mermaid princess or something like that
her actually being gay is less gay than that autistic headcanon was
I blame Nefcy.
That was an actual headcanon?
Ugh fuck
Marco body + star hair.
Mariposa is a starco daughter OC they re made as Marco sister
Gay headcanon, so gay Sabrina Cotungo tried to rape me
This show turned into dogshit after S2. Cuckposting was the height of this fanbase
Not funny.
You know what is funny Sabrina? Ruining someone else’s show for brownie points.
Went to Times Square earlier in the month. Rainbow shit everywhere. I can see how it gets annoying.
Desperate attempt to create the Mewniverse. It gives a lot of fan speculation and maybe the opportunity to a revival or sequel
What do you mean?
Why does Star have such a voracious appetite for male genitalia?
That's right!