New Dr. Garrison instant classic.
New Dr. Garrison instant classic
I unironically like Ben Garrison's art.
Probably his best cartoon.
I really like this one
Why are Americans so fucked in the head? What is wrong with you?
This is just proof he never watched it because if he did he'd have written a comic about the in-fighting like Bernie smacking Biden over the head with his Iraq war vote.
No, wait, that'd make Bernie look good because it does make him look good, nevermind.
To be fair I'm sure kids would cast better votes.
What is this referring to? I look at the news from every perspective and this lines up with none of them.
but it's true.
Uurgh,so Garisson goes the Wormwood way of parroting memes.Where's Yea Forums outrage,you fags usually get enraged when the mainstream media copy """"your"""" shitty memes
Fucking Ganondorf trying to steal my votes, man
They hate brown people so much it turned them retarded. An educated well-spoken black man who saved their economy became president and it freaked them out so much they voted for a retarded white man who was worth negative 300 million dollars.
Tulsi Gabbard’s not on the same level of stupidity as the rest of them
Watching those debates was just fucking awful, none of the candidates answered any of the questions lobbed at them and all they did was pander to the lowest common denominator. Trump's already won.
>Ben Garrison
>mainstream media
Anything "not Yea Forums" is the mainstream for you fags
That's just incorrect, Bernie and Warren were very clear and stood up to other candidates' bullshit. You clearly didn't watch it so who are you repeating?
I liked the part where they were all excited to enact laws in order to make me pay the healthcare costs of the entire southern continent.
>you fags
So what dumb libcuck website are you visiting from, friend?
why do Americans disenfranchise prisoners? I thought they loved liberty
>Mr sanders would taxes go up for the middle class if we enacted your healthcare plan?
>goes on tirade about millionaires and billionaires not paying their fair share
>mr sanders that wasn't the question....
What could possibly be bullshit by the standards of those two. Did someone say that they're not willing to give prize bags to people who enter our open borders, with cash and various other items. Free tortillas and so on
Were they clear about how they would pay for free healthcare, college, and reparations?
Only convicted felons get disenfranchised and the reasoning usually goes "If you can't be a good citizen why the fuck should we care about what you have to say".
Plus 99% of convicted felons are trash, lower class parasites.
Pretty sure person in jail would just vote for whomever made crime easier.
Where's the joke?
He believes in Qanon so he perpetually thinks Trump's enemies are about to be imprisoned.
Look in the mirror. :^)
Conservatives threatening us with a good time again
He's good because he takes the normal silliness of political cartoons to an extreme, which somehow loops them around to being fun to look at.
>wall street and automotive bailouts