Here's your Alex Jones parody, bro

Here's your Alex Jones parody, bro.

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Man, time has not been good to Jesse Ventura.

Rami/Sony wins again MCU faggots.

>No iconic hair
I don't get why they're so intent on modernizing Spider-Man. It's bad in the game and it's bad now. When's the IP going back to Sony? At least they can still be midly faithful to the best parts of Spider-Man.


>I don't get why they're so intent on modernizing Spider-Man
Shit like this makes me glad that Superman still works at a paper. Not that DC hasn't fucked with that a few times

Personally I'd prefer to be disappointed that he doesn't have it versus throwing a wig on him and feeling embarrassed for JK Simmons he's already been through enough, with batman flopping

Just like the kino PS4 version. Nice.

True. That's probably the only part of Man of Steel and BvS that I cared about. It's a strong setting.

give Simmons a break, you can't exactly grow your hair back without spending ten billion burgers for hair cosmetics.
>inb4 just use a wig bro
no, using a wig is an insult to baldfags

Kind of hope that since JJJ is now just an internet shock jock that this is just a fan service cameo and he never appears again.

They shouldn't have hired him then. I'm balding and I'm going to wear that fucking wig if I got hired as J Jonah Jameson.

Does this mean Joe Robertson is a PJ Watson parody?

Daily Bugle ought not be a fringe site. It’s still supposed to be a reputable newspaper despite JJ’s Spider-Man hatred.

So Ned gets a wig and JJ doesn’t?

>they shouldn't have hired the guy who had the best comic book character portrayal of all time
here's your last (You)

This. I see this and I'm insulted and angered. What the fuck is Disney thinking? This isn't what we had in mind when we said we wanted Simmons back. This is them spitting in our faces.

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He's the only one who portrayed the character in live action. No shit. Make him wear a wig or roll the dice on a new actor. Being a riff on Infowars also makes him unlikely to have the cast he used to bounce off anyway.

He used a wig and fake teeth in the original. Simmons was bald well before the Raimi movies.

>trying to make Alex Jones look bad by comparing him to J. Jonah Jameson
>thinking J. Jonah Jameson isn't based as fuck

LOLing at them.

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Could potentially be salvaged if they hire someone else for the sequel. Current guys are hellbent in making everything a joke.

The reporter says, "Controversial," not much insight is given, but it's safe to assume that it's fairly reputable, despite it's no doubt controversial views.
Also, if you're complaining about Jameson being an Alex Jones-tier conspiracy theorist, then why weren't more people complaining about this when the ps4 game came out?
Jameson as a character has always been a conspiracy nut. So it's not like it's unfitting either.

>I don't want them putting chemicals into the water that the freaking gays into menaces to society!!!
What did he mean by this?

There’s a difference between being limited to Spider-Man conspiracies to reinforce your stance and Alex Jones’ brand of nuttiness.

?? It's the other way around, they're making JJJ look bad by comparing him to Alex Jones.
You... don't think Alex Jones looks bad...?

Do not like the whole “modernizing” thing with the character. Newspapers do still exist. They just get circulated online more than physically. Is that too hard for filmmakers to understand?

Embarrassing, but the first one already set MCU Spider-man as a joke anyway so no biggie.

Teaser to Disney's X-Men.

JJJ being bald is modernizing?

Dear God... it's happening!

Yes. It's a small part of it. They're basically saying he's old and obselete. The bigger part is reducing his role from a newspaper editor to a joke. Peter Parker can't even get a job working for him since his identity got revealed.

>They're basically saying he's old and obselete.
Like actual newspapers, did you mean?

Fucking boomers.

Newspaper still exist just like how physicals of comics exist. This is also a fictional comic book world. Why the fuck would you adhere yourself to reality in fiction when it's results in something clearly inferior? Do you know why I don't ask stupid questions like "Why didn't Thanos just double the resources?" Or "Wouldn't the Snap ruin the world from a point they can never recover once the people came back?" ? I don't ask those questions because it'll be boring and half assed when it gets tackled in capeshit.

>You... don't think Alex Jones looks bad...?

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See this kind of loses its charm when Peter hasn’t even met JJ


Yes. They pretty much made Peter's supporting cast unsalavageable for the sake of a couple of laughs. I wouldn't be angry if this was the last MCU Spider-Man film but looking at the early Chinese- Japanese box office, This partnership with Sony is here to stay.

I mean with the way the MCU is a lot conspiracies aren't too outlandish.



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fuck they really reveal his identity?

Yes. Unless Peter can prove it's not him like in some occurences in the comics or ask Dr Strange to remove people's memories of him, They exposed his identity in a mid credit scene for a couple of laughs.

>Peter Parker can't even get a job working for him since his identity got revealed.
This is the biggest fucking bullshit of the whole fiasco.

Sony is so fucking clueless they missed the whole dynamic of Peter and JJ was that JJ was his boss that hated Spider-man but liked Peter who got all the pictures of him.

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Of course he doesnt he's a retarded channer like this other retard.Let him be a retard and buy "muscle supplement" that'll slowly poison him.Jones doesnt believe a word of what he say,he just find the good niche of unquestionning retards to squeeze for money.You could easily remake the shitty meme of that other retard with Alex as "THE JOO" brainwashing people and stealing their money

>They exposed his identity in a mid credit scene for a couple of laughs.
It wasn't for laughs you retard

"This other retard" in question

So...he's not the same JJJ as the Raimi timeline, correct?