Fuck the ccxp cologne and fuck their prices 50$ for a ticket...

Fuck the ccxp cologne and fuck their prices 50$ for a ticket. Look how little visitors they have this shit deserves to flop and hopefully they'll learn and make it more affordable next time. I dont even care about the mainstream crap i just wanna see artist valley and see if i find some cool merch wich i wont afford anyway. Fuck your hogh society comic experience. I must be just a peasant for you to exclude from your exclusive establishment. This is nit funny im fucking dying in thks abusive welfare family and you tell me i can't have fun in life

Attached: IMG_20190627_174212.jpg (1152x2048, 413K)

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who still goes to convention these days?
it´s just sjws and feminist patting themselves son the bags for destroying the old "evil white male patriarchal comic industry"

your first mistake.
They're expensive and shit, we have the internet now for a reason

Can you do me a favor and ask any of the attending dc/marvel writers/artists why they keep censorship female characters to no longer be sexy despite constant decrease in sales?

American trash is just out of date. Guess the price doesn't matter if the content actually attracts people

Gross. Poor people in my Yea Forums.
Get a job.

This is the first big comic con in germany and it sucks

Comicon is only in Vienna and only in German. Its shit.

not everyone is fortunate im still in school and i'll live in a dorm for the mentally ill but for now im in a abusive welfare family where i cant even get a job because the welfare would just keep the money i earn

Where is the comiccon next year? I could probably take a bus to berlin. The ccxp cologne is just arround my corner but its expensive. I was exited to see the ad just to have my hopes crushed and remind me how i can afford no confident life

Just googled German anime cons.

>Low ticket prices
>We keep our ticket prices as low as possible. That's why we even let you
>decide for yourself how much you want to pay for the convention.

Wow German weebs and Japanese are terribly fucking humble and have the long term perspective.
Probably, German comic nerds and Amerimutts overrated themselves or were greedy too much.

Some have decent panels.

Don’t many panels exclude white men from attending these days?

Its overpriced and most of the star guest are Yea Forums stars but I would think there would be more people there if wasn't Friday morning

At the same place there used to be the roleplay convention which was decent. they ditched it for the ccxp

Yikes. I'll pass.

Attached: CCXP Cologne.jpg (1300x3200, 951K)

>unbearable whiteness

>why men ruined comics and only women can save them: five very special women talk about saving the world like only superheroes can
>have you been sexually offended by a comic MeToo: six women of comics lament sexuality
>don't ogle my boggle: 5 tips to cosplay without having to worry about men looking at you


Was there yesterday, since a friend of mine has a stand in the artist alley and a bunch of guys I know were doing some tabletop.
Was pretty fucking deserted, but it could just have been because it was Thursday.

Artist's Alley was okay, if pretty tiny, the rest was trash: Merch you could get pretty much anywhere else and a bunch of shitty prompts to take photos with.

I'd advise anyone in Germany to go for anime cons instead: more artists, more panels and way more people doing cosplay.

Attached: fair enough.png (496x406, 307K)

The feencon (fairy con) is nearby in cologne in some weeks. Its a roleplay convention

Their "Superman experience" is literally a screen showing the anniversary short that has been on youtube for ages and a shitty mannequin to take pictures with.

Would have been angry if the staff hadn't looked so damn miserable.

This thread has a ccxp ad under it. Irony

/tg/ can approve.

>USA is the whole world

Looks interesting, but between Doki Mi and CCXP I'm broke af at the moment.

I'd love to see some Russian cosplay girls walking around.

What anime is really big in Russia?

I remember when I did a cosplay from an obscure swries years ago. I had sent some pics to a German fan site. Most of the cosplays and posts were by Russians because it was more popular there.

kek america is really a pathetic country. its definitely been on a decline.