Give each of them a Tony Stark fixated origin and we’ll see if any of them come true when the next movie is released

Give each of them a Tony Stark fixated origin and we’ll see if any of them come true when the next movie is released.

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I actually loved how Rhino, Scorpion, etc. were literally animal experiments gone wrong in the ASM1 video game. That should have been the case in MCU's Spidey too but they fucked up by making everyone either be Iron Man-related villains or outright dogshit

Osborne is just Justin Hammer after a name change because his reputation and name were ruined by his previous encounter with Iron Man. Glider is just Starktech and his powers stem his power suit.

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They're all his illegitimate children, and Stark left everything to Peter, leaving them super buttmad.

Ock: Tony Stark’s teacher who had the accident when Tony skipped class and left his bunsen burner on

Norman: Tony Stark’s best friend in high school who abandoned him for popular kids

Rhino: Stark Industries janitor who was fired when Stark Tower was turned into the Avengers HQ

Electro: Tony Stark’s electrical engineer who was fired when the arc reactor was created

Scorpion: Tony Stark’s private investigator who he fired when he said the words New York

Hobgoblin: Ton Stark’s tailor who stopped getting paid when he died

Lizard: Tony Stark’s top scientist who turned into a giant lizard

Doc Ock worked on Rhodey's prospetics but got scrapped at the last minute for being too big and unweildy.
Norman Osborn got beaten through a number of contracts by Stark Industries that left his company close to ruin.
Elektro was working for a power plant until he got taken out of a job when Arc reactors became more mainstream. Honestly some of these characters had some sort of connection with either the Fantastic Four or Stark Industries early on in their careers.

>Electro: Tony Stark’s electrical engineer who was fired when the arc reactor was created
No no wait, I can expand on this. It's this guy, from the first movie who got all legitimately offended by Stane telling him to imitate Tony.

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ASM1 game Rhino > ASM2 movie Rhino
Just thought I'd leave it there.

he's actually working with mysterio

This guy is in the new movie and works for Mysterio.

I decided not to see it so what's up with Mysterio? Was it what everybody predicted and that he's just a bullshitter?

God damn it, I tried to think of the most retarded callback possible and they already did it.

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In my eyes, ASM1 and 2 (with all its bullshit) were superior to Homecoming and probably even Far From Home but Rhino was literal dog shit. There was literally no point to the character except for setting up a second member of the Sinister Six

>the BOX OF SCRAPS guy is in the movie
what the literal fuck? this is the first positive thing I see about this movie. the entire scene looks like a TV show production though, damn
>Mysterio is actually a disgruntled Tony villain
fuck. me. AGAIN!?!? why can't Spidey have his own villains?

Peter is truly Tony's successor, in that all his villains are gonna be ruined by directors/screenwriters trying to put their own spin on things.

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I grew up with the Spidey and Iron Man TAS shows so I always hoped they would pull off Mandarin for Iron Man.... yeah, I think I don't have to elaborate on that shit

I liked the ASM approach to the sinister six and was eager to see what would happen because the two movies were pretty comicbook-like and also quite comfy. Spidey being a literal Iron Man fanboy, having villains who have basically nothing to do with him but Iron Man, AND everything in his life revolving around Iron Man is just pathetic and boring as fuck. Thank god I my interest for the franchise was done after Civil War even though I paid for IW and Endgame to just have a proper send-off to this Disney shit

I really wish IM3 was created later on in the MCU, the Mandarin's rings could have easily been adapted to connect with the infinity stones, being alien technology. I did think the twist that the mandarin character was a caricature played by an actor, but the rings themselves and the true alien mandarin force could have been good. Just avoid making him look/act like Lo Pan.

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>I really wish IM3 was created later on in the MCU, the Mandarin's rings could have easily been adapted to connect with the infinity stones, being alien technology.

That's close to what I was hoping they'd be as well. At least them being Alien technology that somehow found it's way to earth a long-fuck time ago. Also, thought it could've been neat to have the 10 Rings be a rogue, former branch of Hydra.

>Just avoid making him look/act like Lo Pan.
That could've been easily avoided had they gone with how they originally were building him up as a china-boo sand-nigger.

>Just avoid making him look/act like Lo Pan
That would kinda suck then. Dr. Doom is great because he's such a wildly egotistical satire of a European despot. Mandarin is like that but of Eastern mythology. If anything, I hope they play it up. Make him an immortal evil Chinese sorceror/warlord who has been around since Sun Tzu. Just get an authentic famous Chinese actor for the part and make him as cool and evil as possible.

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they could have easily done that considering what they're doing now with all the Kree tech
>already introduced the Ten Rings in IM1
>gain significant power in the East over the years
>Mandarin has been a thing for decades
>after the invasion in Avengers 1, have Mandarin send the Ten Rings organisation to steal new tech from all over the world
>have them build literal ten rings that can harness all kinds of power
>finally make IM3 movie
>Tony goes on an adventure all around the world, finally arriving in Asia and forcing Mandarin and his terrorist organisation out of hiding
>shit goes crazy as Mandarin has his own weapons
my idea can't be as fucking bad and boring as the actual end product was, fuck's sake

They want the China bucks though so they can't have him be a caricature. Hell, the idea they had for Kingsley's Mandarin was great in itself. He was intimidating as FUCK due to the entire Bin Laden vibe he gave off and everybody knowing the Al Qaida propaganda videos

The twist would've worked had the real antagonist been every bit as compelling as the fake one, not fucking Aldrich Killian.
That's what people who defend the twist refuse to understand.

well, that's pretty obvious. Killian being a beta retard was the worst thing about it. He didn't have an interesting suit but just some random fire-like powers. He was generic as hell and that immediately dragged down the final reveal. I actually hadn't heard any spoilers prior to seeing the movie on opening day and was just sitting there in the last row mouthing "what the fuck is this?" like some dimwit, waiting for an actual Mandarin to come up. yeah, that turned out great. The cop out they did with All Hail the King was even worse

Also, I just did a google search and there are news from May stating that Feige has plans to bring the real Mandarin into the mix. What's even the fucking point now that Iron Man is dead? I don't want to see anybody else deal with him so why now?

The Chinese don't see that as a caricature, only WOKE whites do.
That kind of villain is based off their own folklore.
It'd be like saying Saruman is a caricature of evil whites.

>whitewashing is okay
Cultural erasure is bad and you should feel bad. Also, real Asians aren't as fragile or thin skinned as blacks or white women. An evil Chinese mystic isn't bad unless you're implying every Chinese person is evil and magical.

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Unironically kino

>morbius was hit by a chemical stark tech weapon and survived, causing his mutation into a vampire-esque being

>Kraven was an African weapons dealer, similar to Claw. But his supply ran out, so he tried to rob a Stark building and found an experimental formula he now uses to become peak human.

Kraven is the only one I think they'd actually not link to Stark but would instead use T'challa/Wakanda instead.

Of course he is a bullshitter, he's Mysterio

There's nothing wrong with tying Peter's villains to Stark.

Eddie Brock was a reporter who got photos of drunk Tony in Iron Man 2 to try and discredit him. Tony noticed and destroyed his camera and ruined his career. The symbiote was captured by Stark Industries and was experimented on by Tony for his nanosuit.

Venom is actually Tony stark radioactive shit and piss that was given life when he used infinity stone.

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I'm not bitching yet because it's only two directly tied to Tony but if they keep it up in future movies it'll be a detriment

Funny that he was almost in Black Panther 1 but they're probably saving him for the sequel, it'd be kino

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Beep boop