Pepper Potts

Best Pepper.

Attached: Pepper-4.jpg (300x220, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 6d884e067bd9afdfa3c2102328550f01.jpg (555x1441, 186K)

And best tony

Attached: tumblr_inline_nsmio2pMpu1tr34zm_540.jpg (540x304, 27K)

Best pepper best mandarin best whiplash best ghost and best hammer there hasn't been a new ironman cartoon for 10 years

Attached: tumblr_static_tumblr_static_pntz8lrl5yscsgg4o00ok884_640.gif (499x281, 721K)

looks like berserk 2016

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_06_02_at_10.04.16_AM.0.jpg (1200x800, 284K)

war machine was dummy thicc

Attached: MV5BMTg2NjM2MTI3M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjgzMDIwMjE@._V1_.jpg (1920x1080, 884K)

She and Tony are going to have a cute daughter

Last Pepper thread had a lot of drawings from a drawfag

He never drew my request sadly.

Attached: 1557797278910.jpg (448x252, 9K)

that tony looks gay

Attached: PEPPERNEKKID.png (435x418, 208K)


Attached: tony pepper kiss iron man armored adventures.webm (616x360, 292K)

More like this please.

finished my fanart.
what do you think?

Attached: cool teens.png (2000x1500, 1.97M)

Nice, I'll be sure to repost it somewhere.

Imagine one of the most popular manga of all time getting an anime adaptation that looks like absolute shit compared to a show made for Nicktoons a decade ago.

Attached: tony pepper midori days.png (600x700, 200K)

Sorry senpai

I miss her.

best theme of course?

i think it's gr8 m8

What request was that?

pretty darn good!

I didn't like how useless she was. They loaded her with teen detective tropes, but never used her in this capacity. Or in any capacity.

You ever played VA-11 HALL-A? You know the character you play as? Her name is Jill. I wanted Pepper to wear her outfit.

Attached: Jill_steam_trading_card.jpg (185x184, 8K)

Attached: pepper.png (3000x2500, 524K)

Attached: pepper2.png (1900x2700, 509K)

Attached: peppercrop.png (418x590, 209K)

were there any more from last thread?

Attached: pepper3.png (1550x2800, 705K)

Really cool. Miko and Pepper certainly never got enough love.

Attached: Miko naughty.jpg (1200x1200, 394K)

Don't forget best Living Laser

thanks. I'm pretty self-critical about my stuff, so it's nice to see it's actually appreciated.

I wish I coud get this good one day.

Attached: nom.png (500x500, 44K)

Dat ass

Rhodie’s mom was hotter but Pepper isn’t bad either.

Didn't really fit my tastes bro. Sorry. Don't want to be that asshole. (I hate myself for this)

I am always open for comms.
I usually throw out personal preference for them.

Roberta will be mine

Attached: 1192249-roberta_rhodes.jpg (262x704, 27K)

Just gotta keep practicing, simple as that.

Attached: Miko and June ass.png (1094x1051, 182K)

Attached: 1553068048081.gif (220x145, 53K)

It's fine. I'm not a fan of lewd stuff and from what I've seen, your work is mostly lewd. I'm not surprised it didn't suit you so... eh. Don't lose sleep over it.

Attached: 1557517215261__01.jpg (729x690, 142K)

Not that guy, but what contacts do you use to take comms? What's your usual rate for a basic piece?

where is she from

Man I love both sides of this image. I love girls doing that blowjob motion.
Transformers Prime.




discord Panzer#3054
comm rates

Miko from Transformers Prime, the full CG series.
I'm digging the shot of her ass in those panties. The slutty behavior is a nice bonus, and probably not far off from what she would have been like if the series were more risqué.

Attached: Miko no pants.jpg (810x1080, 305K)

She's so underutilized in porn.

Ain't that the truth. I'd say the same goes for Armored Adventures Pepper, and 2012 April to some degree. Of course, in the lattermost's case, a lot of people just have a huge love for her 87 incarnation.

Attached: Miko's special seat.jpg (720x720, 236K)

Attached: Miko tasty.jpg (800x700, 126K)

Obligatory CLANG

2012 is insanely dummy thicc, though.

April? She did have a nice figure, but one can't deny that 87 April had some big tiddies, and quite a few people liked that jumpsuit of hers. Still, a bummer the three girls didn't get more stuff like

Attached: April.png (380x630, 106K)

that was a pretty weird anime but good

Drew some Roberta this time

Attached: ROBERTA1.1.png (758x1198, 120K)

I don't think this shift in style is working for you, Panzer.

How so? I just did what I normally do.

Not him, but I would say the lack of color does make her look a bit odd. Not that it's always necessary to have a dark-skinned character colored in to look proper, but it might help. In any case, nice to see another of the AA girls getting some love.

Still, they knew what they were doing with those tiny shorts

Attached: April dance.gif (398x718, 3M)


Attached: ROBERTA1.3.png (758x1198, 173K)

Why was he so great?

Attached: Ironmanaa_ep07b.jpg (640x360, 31K)

slap the cuffs on burnie

Attached: nora_rwby.jpg (700x700, 38K)


you're a good man user.

Any more ideas I could do?

Tony was suffering constantly in this series. There were times where I thought he was going to snap. This is how you write iron man.

Attached: tumblr_inline_pbvv9wYTQl1qfqy8p_500.gif (500x356, 503K)

Attached: pepper desu.png (480x640, 122K)

For Roberta?

Attached: tumblr_inline_p53mezZJMH1va5gm9_640.gif (640x360, 2.36M)

Her or pepper

Certainly interesting that they got the teen angle to work, given so many other shows have done the "x as a baby/kid" and rarely turn out well

Every Avengers cartoon is an Iron Man cartoon.

Maybe something like this, with Pepper either in regular pants or one of the suits, asking Tony if they make her butt look big. Could even have her asking in a more teasing/enticing manner. Wouldn't even have to necessarily show Tony, just a muttered text bubble as his response.

Attached: Gogo good question.png (600x600, 115K)

Attached: pepper hehehe.png (300x300, 6K)

Or Hulk. Seriously, Fred Tastycake or whatever his name is has been hogging that damn role for what, 12 years now?

I could imagine her and Miko shitposting together online

Attached: Miko phone.jpg (653x720, 74K)

>That suit was actually used in a movie
Nice to see underrated cartoons get their due.

I could see Miko shitposting so hard she gets banned and then she posts again from another IP. Pepper tries to keep up.

Pepper probably knows all sorts of workarounds thanks to Tony (or commandeers a program he made for hacking that lets her get back in), while Miko probably has to bug Raf to help evade her bans.

I liked how they adapted Mallen to be child friendly

When I first watched RWBY, I legit thought "wow, they really did just rip off Pepper from Armoured Adventures"

Shit was still pretty fucked up with the Extremis stuff. Seemed like all three of the CG shows were able to be ballsy at times. TFP had a major character die within the first five minutes. TMNT 2k12 had some downright Cronenburg level body horror with some of the mutations. And IMAA was able to capture a lot of the pressures Tony faced, and without even bringing in his alcoholism.


Miko probably asks the Autobots to hack into the network so most likely they are on equal foot. Until Pepper asks Tony to buy Yea Forums.

based thanks for reminding me i gotta finish the series