[adult swim] shows

What are your top 3 favorite original adult swim cartoons Yea Forums?

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1. Venture Bros
2. Aqua Teen
3. Mike Tyson mystery’s
Moral oral and black dynamite are somewhere up there too

>Aqua Teen
>Space Ghost

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Harvey Birdman
Space Ghost

>Aqua Teen Hunger Force
>Black Dynamite
Superjail as a close fourth


Aqua Teen

Off the Air
Aqua teen

Mike Tyson Mysteries and Joe pera talks with you are up there too.

Moral Orel
Space Ghost

1)Aqua Teen
2)Venture Bros
3)Squidbillies which I honestly think doesnt get enough praise.

Mike Tyson and Birdman just being edged out.

Also on a side not. The Jellies s2 was actually enjoyable. Far better than s1.

12oz Mouse
Space Coast C2C

>Sealab 2021
>Venture Bros

Honorable mentions
>Tim and Eric/Tom Goes to the Mayor
>Space Ghost
>Stroker and Hoop
>Saul of the Molemen

I only have two I absolutely love:
Space Ghost then Aqua Teen.

> 12 oz. Mouse
> Moral Orel
> Xavier: Renegade Angel

Special mention to Tigtone and the Shivering Truth for my top 5. (I haven't seen Ballmasterz or Squidbillies.)

1. ATHF - The gold standard. Hilarious over its full run. Aqua TV Show Show was the best alternate theme song.
2. Moral Orel - The dark horse. Brilliant show that should have gotten a full 3rd season. A shame nothing came from Beforel Oral.
3. Space Ghost C2C - The originator. Showed their was money in low budget HB property rehashes and lead to the golden era of AS. Zorak best boy.

Honorable Mentions:

Sealab 2021 - Would be #1 if it didn't turn to shit after the death of Harry Goz (RIP).

Venture Bros - Loses points for release schedule. I forget half of the plot because it takes 3+ years to get a new season.

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Hot Streets

>Aqua Teen Hunger Force (and Sons)
>The Brak Show
>Sealab 2021

1. Venture Bros
2. Metalocalypse
3. Moral Orel

12 oz mouse

Venture bros
Harvey birdman

>Space Ghost
>Venture Bros

>Dragonball Z
>Gundam Wing
>Tenchi Muyo

>Midnight Run
>Lupin III
>Cowboy Bebop

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Pretty good taste for a namefag