
They finally got to the box plot..

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Other urls found in this thread:!qa5BjKLY!-8avaSRZKJTY1Hur8jSQFw

Anyone got MEGA of all episodes?

Plus Ann's feet...sort of.

Oops, forgot the feet.

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so many cartoons have these convenient journals full of information

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Indeed, Gravity Falls did it better.

>an old character knows about the lore but won't tell and it involves a book
I hated when Gravity Falls did it, I hate that Amphibia is doing it now and I will hate it when Owl House does it. what the fuck is their problem?

How much do you guys think Anne misses air-conditioning, clean bedding, and food that isn't derived from bug-infested muck?

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Bad plot build up?

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not as much as black dick.

I think she got used to eating bugs by now.


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Boomers want kids to get off their smart phones and read a book because doing new stuff bad doing ancient stuff good.
Also, easy merchandising.... Manlet Falls journal was a best seller wasn't it? That got the kikes as Disney rubbing their ratty little claws together, so expect every cartoon to have these lore dictionaries now.

It's almost like books are made to hold information.

She's Thai remember? Eating bugs is nothing new to her

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Gravity Frogs

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Anne Vs the Monster of the Week.

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She's Thai
They have a thing for whites much like whites have for blacks

Should be Anne vs my dick.

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>ywn put your lips on Anne's body

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Frog House

this cartoon is such an uninspired mess.

Honestly I got a Big City Greens vibe with all the Southern drawl, tough little sister, adventurous older brother, etc.
Anyway I'll watch it cause I like frogs.

Nah, Amphibia has charm, those other shows just have tropes they rely so heavily on that they have a resemblance to anything that uses them. Kinda sad they were ever popular to begin with. At least their dead and over with and newer better shows like Owl House and Amphibia will replace them

Oh no the box is evil who would've guessed.
Bets on if the show ends with the frog world and Earth combining just like Star VS?

Big City Greens is one of the most uninspired cartoons I've ever seen, you could compare anything to it and find similarities since it doesn't do anything any other cartoon hasn't already done and done better

It will turn out they were on Earth all along

But she's grossed out by bugs

there is a plot?

what episode my god they're doing this feet thing on purpose i just know it

No one would bother copying such a shit ending.

Beggars can't be choosers
I like to think her grandparents made cooked insects for her before, but never actually tried it before leaving earth

What was Hop Pop's past like? He has at least passing knowledge of items like the music box. And there seems to now be at least some family history of travel and/or military service. Are they going to go the "war vet" route, or has he just done enough reading over the years to dabble in all kinds of obscure knowledge?

I would call it Simpsons ripoff.

Actually, I think she's into the frog thing. A bit too much into it.

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>that pit shit

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What are her other stats?

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Her constitution and charisma are garbage. When she's not being clumsy she's actually quite dexterous, tho.

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the extra loud kissing sounds (underwater!) made me 100% sure they're doing this on purpose

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Not all Thai like eating bugs


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nice references.

Girl Time.

thnk u

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>Anne joins the hunt.

>It's almost like books are made to hold information.

So are smartphones, dumbass.

Never stop being bitter at nothing user

a phone access info but isn't meant to keep it

It'd make even less sense for Hop Pop to have plot relevant secrets on a smart phone, dumb ass.

Is this going to turn into a fetch quest across the island? We're getting to know the townsfolk pretty well and that tells me they aren't leaving for any long periods of time on any given episode. Wartwood's centralized location makes sense as a hub area.

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the big city in th middle isn't wartwood iic
Also according to synopsis, there's chances that they travel through the mountains by episode 13

Wartwood is nestled in the valley of the brown mountains so it's as central as the walled city at least.

You mean this one?
>"Trip to the Archives"
>To prepare for Anne’s quest, the Plantars visit the town archives and accidentally get trapped.
Because it doesn't really suggest that, especially since the following episodes clearly still take place in the town. There's something about going to an inn and a bazaar later on but it looks like Anne isn't going to leave Wartwood any time soon.

just because you only use your phone for browsing, it doesn't mean it can't store information internally

It's an evil dead joke, it's always been an Evil Dead joke

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it's not meant to. you are meant to change your phone every year like a good goy. Any other use breaks the warranty.

That's not even the first book of secret knowledge featured in Disney series.

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>series/season ends with Anne transforming into a frog
Calling it now

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As long as the Plantars don't get sent to earth I'm good.

we know there's a prophecy kind of plot with 3 warriors vs a giant frog. If she becomes a frog that will be for an episode at best

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There's a lot of similarities between these two cartoons.

>Gravity Falls did it better.
And pretty much everything else - worse

I personally didn't like the use of the book i nGF, sometime it was merely about having silly drawings, sometime it became a magic tome full of ultimate power tricks, and then there's the machine plans that kinda don't fit there, it was just too convenient to the plot.

When are we getting a flashback showing Anne's mother? I'll be she's THICC.

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Does she actually have a family? Maybe Anne is an orphan. She doesn't seem to miss home much

All the characters’ limbs are thin as sticks.

One of the animators confirmed she has a dad and went on camp trips with him

What on earth gave you that idea? I mean her dad is pretty stout but a thai woman with only one kid? I don't know.


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Wait, wasn't this in cut footage? Maybe they scraped the parents idea

But her family runs a restaurant.

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She mentions having parents in one of the promos. She's not an orphan - unless she's adopted.

They scraped it because they remembered the MOM is supposed to be the white one, not the dad, since Anne's surname is Thai.

>unless she's adopted.
I doubt it, who would have taught her all her thai culture?

>implying she won't turn into a newt
There was an episode foreshadowing about one of the ancestors being a newt and becoming a planter.

Thai parents?

>brenda song
Holy shit, that's why she sounds so familiar. It's funny that these disney actors become voice actors later on in life, like Ashley Tisdale.

>threads getting nuked
>attention-whore steps in
lol amazing

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Yeah, it's a world of magic and technology, hidden and forgotten secrets of the ancestors, strange creatures... Plantars also happen to be creatures that bounce around in a dangerous forest and have a human friend at their side. I hoped they'd make a Gummi Bears reboot that doesn't suck but Amphibia works for me as well.

Working for Disney basically means that Disney owns your soul, but when they become older they can't be the face of the company anymore so they just shove them into voice acting.

We know he used to be a (failed) actor from the lake snake episode.

Shit version

>Tfw you've always thought Thailand and Taiwan were the exact same thing until just now

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The truth is pretty shitty

I said Anne was Thaiwanese awhile back. Boy, was my face red.

>he doesn't find Anne hot

I never said that. I just acknowledge that she wouldn't want to anything to do with any of us unless she was doing it for one of her friends.

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>she wouldn't want to anything to do with any of us
Eh, you're probably right, she doesn't behave like she has any romantic interest in anyone.

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>newt settled down
Is it possible that it was a romantic kind of settling down?

Why haven't you saved me yet anne...

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She's probably getting pumped full of frog eggs every night

8 episodes Sasha stayed in the rape dungeon

she's busy right now

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Aw shit now I feel retarded.

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Next week we'll see how she got her dumb ass locked up and how she likes it so far, so it's still something.

Still nothing new to her though

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she's not native.

I love it, than you.

Kek. Also, hair down Anne is the cute and hottest Anne

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Man poor Sasha

What Martial arts would she be the master of?

This is fact

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Well if she wasn't a bitch to Anne before she sure will be by now

And where is she getting all those different clothes?

After the IOU scam? Letting frogs worship her acne.

heh someone saved it

So, all of the clothes are produced locally, and custom-tailored to her imposing forms?

I wonder how her focus episode is going to play out. Will it be serious or will her attempts of the titular prison break be at least semi-comical. I mean, the show was consistently doing humorous episodes so far, regardless of the amount of danger and drama they involved.


Anne is the big bad of the show. sprig discovering the secret lair was the first time Anne didnt directly cause all the conflict that needed resolving

There are taller amphibians like newts.

>What Martial arts would she be the master of?
You stupid bitch. Do you really have to ask?

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I see a bunch of various towns

Heard you guys like frogs.

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go back to the '80s, you failed TMNT spinoffs

Stop teasing me, user, I already wanna hug_ her hard

When I couldnt find the thread yesterday i thought it was banned for being too filled with creeps

I used to be a huge polly hater but now I think she has proved herself to be a decent character.

What's Anne's favorite Wu-Tang album?

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Nah, we just dont want to push it with how many threads we make when the show is in a lull
She's definitely gotten better

>dont want to push it with how many threads we make
2 got nuked before this one, so what are you on about?

annes feets


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whats it called when i like a character but i am not sexually attracted to her


It looks the interest is winding down as the number of posters in each new thread is dropping (obviously things go slower on weekend breaks, too). There are observably fewer numbers of unsavory types such as fotm waifufags, shit starters or smut fiends. For now.

this is what white people deserve

Once Upon a Time in Shaolin

I mean that's fair but it's literally the "modern cosmopolitan clashing with farm livin'" bit again.
This comparison is just fucking insane to me, is it based entirely on the fact there are yellow people? Good Simpsons is nothing like it, and I don't watch any nu-Simpsons to make the comparison but I doubt it.

She isn't, but I'd bet she's second generation given she knows how to cook traditional Thai foods

Just some thoughts after catching up

TL;DR: it okay but I think it could be doing some stuff better

Generally I like the main characters. Don't have a favorite yet but it's good they're all entertaining.

>Anne: Likable and the voice fits better than I expected. I think she could be portrayed as more selfish or bitchy if they want to show her developing, but maybe the crew/Disney doesn't want the MC to be a superbitch. Or Disney exaggerated that in the synopses. Maybe it's like some metacommentary on how selfish most protagonists are that she doesn't seem that out of the ordinary, IDK, but they could've gone farther
>Sprig: Don't have any complaints, but maybe he could get more focus than he has since it kinda feels like he doesn't do much
>Hop Pop: Yeah, I like that they show he knows what he's talking about, but Anne's conflicts with him kinda make things too formulaic and I'd like to see more of him in other roles. Also interested in what happened to the kids' parents but I can understand if that never comes up
>Polly: Obvious meme/fan favorite comic relief character but I actually find her pretty funny

Also: I like the dark humor, stuff with Sasha has the potential to be interesting, Felicia is hot

I think it was a mistake showing Sasha in the dungeon so early. At the time I thought it was great and got me really interested in what was coming, but since the show right now is clearly NOT all about the lore, then maybe they could've put it off until later. Feels misleading when it just gets ignored for the next 6 episodes.

The show feels too formulaic at times, and I don't get the impression it's really supposed to be. Like, Anne ignores advice + things go bad + monster fight + day is saved with some item from earlier. Think things could be mixed up more, as the episodes feel samey and indistinct after a while.

It's all competent, but I feel its stronger moments show it can be a bit more than that.

Best episodes: Domino Effect, Dating Season, Family Shrub

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I agree with everything you said except
>Dating Season
That was the lowpoint of the series so far


Is probably the correct answer. But personally I can just keep driving with Wu-block. I'd be lying if Wu-massacre wasn't my favorite cover

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Eh, I thought it was fun. I don't want or expect frog romance to become a big thing, but I thought the characters were all used well and it felt less formula through focusing more on a town tradition rather than the whole conflict being within the family.

What did you not like?

I'm done

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she's like 13 bro, she doesn't exist to satify your weiner

I’m not a fan of the matchmaker trying to get two platonic buddies together cliche that ends with one of them realizing he does wuv her. Shit is gay as fuck. Not a fan of the character either. Tomboy#30848 that’s not likely to appear much in the future who gets their own episode revolved around this crap. Episode wasn’t funny or fun.

It seems like a good life. I wouldn't mind being thrown into that world when I was a teen.

If only others thought the same way as you.

BTW, that's an edit.

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How does she have her legs? Or does she let it grow all natural?

I'm surprised how well they pulled off what's basically the same joke twice. Sprig even calling out that he's already engaged. I like how both time the families gained something in the relationship.

Not me, I was an edgy little fuck with moobs and hyper vigilance.

I wonder if they have like organic bugs. Who is she painting her nails for? The frogs?

I think she had been gone less than a month.

I was a fat recluse, like i am now. I feel like hopp poop and sprig would make you into a man. (Only partially homo)

I actually enjoyed how they didn't go overboard with her tomboy characterization. She's still acting like a girl. Too often I've seen female characters turned into overwhelmingly competitive, mud-soiled, cruel, gross, bad-mannered and manly brats, just to show us how they aren't like other girls.

I think it was more for herself and to relax

The show has a decent amount of crying. Does that mean that something particularly saddening is going to happen later on?

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Their ancestor was Kermit?

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How did the newt lay frog eggs?

She is a formely pampered and hormonal teenage girl who has to use leaves and sticks as tampons. She is gonna probably be emotional.

She went to a boarding school, they aren't known for babying you. But hormonal for sure.

Bugs are fine, even enjoyable, for humans to eat if you just pull off the legs and roast them. But Anne seems almost dedicated to eating them in the least pleasant way possible.

Same with any Disney show post Phineas and Ferb or Gravity Falls.

It's a cartoon.

that's poverty food with 20% of shell and 50% of gust filled with feces you can't remove.
At least a shrimp can be easily opened and cleaned. a cricket, not so much.

Not sure what boarding school you went to, but mine certainly did.
>Made your food
>Cleaned your room
>Did your laundry
>Free spa treatments
>Cut your hair
I was totally unprepared for life on my own thanks to them. I mean if she went to a military school I might get it but still.

The point is, Anne is going out of her way to make eating bugs even worse than it has to be.

Well Braly and some of the boarders were on BGC, so I don't doubt some influence rubbed off

it can't be good, that's what you brainwashed hippies can't understand. You do it for the message, never the taste. That's why you got triggered and started to be a warrior about it.

You could probably clean a woodlouse or a grub in the same way you clean out a shrimp

At least she doesn't cry over every little thing, like some particular chubby boy

>All that
Just how rich are your parents?

>>Cut your hair
Did they give you a choice in haircuts or there was one mandated haircut allowed?

mine was like that too
>handjob to completion on penis inspection day
It got a little awkward when the nurses were sick and the gym teachers had to sub in, but other than that, it was comfy

She's thai. Kick boxing.

Upper middle class. It was a nice school and we had some rich students, but it was not a rich person school by any means.
Boys had a single page of about 8 haircuts they could do. Girls had a whole freaking book.
Ahh penis inspection day, probably the best part of the school. I only recently learned that public schools don't normally do that.

>I only recently learned that public schools don't normally do that.
it's because the funding just isn't there
they started a volunteer service in my hometown, but it got shut down by private insurers because of capitalism

So is Anne a planter at this point? She has taken the liberty of setting up an aranged marriage for sprig.

>implying she's not a psycho crusher user

probably. a bit hasty considering she's only been there for a few weeks, but it's also highly possible hop pop and the other frogs don't really expect her to find a way back to her world.

waiting for the momment when reveal each girl have now one of the stones inside them and have powers.

It says something about that world when an entire family is resigned to dying. Also, I thought it was a nice pseudo-twist that the book was wrong. With the state of their society, you really can't trust medical tomes to be accurate.

Says You.

Hinted. Why was Anne the one that got to hold on to the music box?

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She was the one that opened it.

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>file name
they're usually black dots, how have they not been blue this whole time?

there was a couple of seconds in the first episode when she was holding back the mantis, and it purposefully fades in and out, it doesn't randomly pop in pop out like it would if it was an animation error.

Watch the first episode again at the part where she catches the mantis's claw. Her eyes bleed blue, then shift back to black. Either it's an animation error or foreshadowing.

Interesting thing. Anne really hasn't shown this level of strength since this scene

It was an animation error. Happens all the time. This show is prone to absurd faces anyway.

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i don't think so

GanneTheory:Anne is a joy mutant and she is peter's family
please dont kill me is just a(game theory) joke

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> Not Cooper

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You need to spoil or get the ban hammer.

Never post again

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Good job user.
Have a nice vacation.

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porn is love, porn is life, sorry about the fun hating virtue signalers.

spoiler filter on now
sorry to bother. I did the drawing without having watched the show at that moment.
but I'm an enf lover and I couldn't resist

Attached: Anne ENF.jpg (3000x3000, 1.69M)

I mean, porn on a blue board will still earn ya 3 days in the virtual slammer.
Just imgur it, bruddah.


They'll ban for that too. But oh well, it's only three days.

Hey, I just drew some porn too. Guess I'll post elsewhere.

shit, didn't know that
besides I had it on my twitter AND the original pic I based on was uploaded on one of the amphibia threads
but ok here you go:

>those comments
Fuckin' lol.

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There's an Amphibia booru you can post to as well.

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tried to warn you

>Also, I thought it was a nice pseudo-twist that the book was wrong.
Technically, it wasn't wrong. The only reason they weren't cured is because they didn't have the fatal sickness in the first place, just an ordinary cold.



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I deleted it myself lol

Yes she is.

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pls link me there

Cowardly, but smart


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Seeing Equiano in a meme

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there was no other way... at least that's what i think

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so misha, so post
epic misha-post


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>long haired maddie
Interdasting. Cute!

Haven't looked into this show at all. It my good?

It's quite comfy, even though the land of Amphibia has like over 9000 deadly things and there's gratuitous amounts of background deaths.

It's a decent blend of SoL with dark humour, the first two episodes give you a good idea of what you're in for so check them out to see if you like it.

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Not too bad. Adventures in frog world with an MC adjusting to her life in a new world. Teases an overarching plot for those who want a story but as a sitcom, it's pretty darn funny and not afraid to get dark at times.

Alright, I'll check it out when I get home from work tonight. It's been a while since I've gotten into a new cartoon.

what about the blue hair and the blue stone in the box? I smell something suspicious here.

Best show in years desu.

Would love to see more Maddie but sadly Spring is falling in love with Ambush Girl.

She'll just have to fight for his heart.

I mean when considering the kind of merchandise in the past and the tendency for teachers to deride cartoons as being bad for kids, it's probably a smart move to tie watching TV into reading books

Hello frens

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beep beep

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It’s the best show of the year

Betsy is adorable

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this is fucking offensive, my heritage is not your halloween costume.

>black eyes transform into blue as foreshadowing
>Anne is gonna be transformed into an Aryan

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And Evil Dead got it from H.P. Lovecraft.

So how much does it let you download at a time? I never figured that out.

Use JDownloader and it works a lot better, that's all I can tell you

>if a show has an important book in it, it must be because boomers hate cellphones
Give your head a shake.

Such long Frog like legs. She better not go near a French if you know what I mean. (ex. "French eat Frog legs').


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>the bugs, plants, etc. aren't giant, Anne and friends were shrunk when the box transported them
>the series finale will involve the three humans at actual size having a kaiju battle with something


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who artist?

It would be cool to have a mystery where the answer is on a old phone, half of the season would be looking on thrift stores trying to find a charger or battery that could be use to turn on the old phone.

dat shoulder

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Yeah, that Mrs. Croaker's a high class dame.

Wasn't that an episode of Cowboy Bebop?

Is that island on the far right.. floating?

The black part underneath looks like rock.

I would have never thought a show would make me see snails as cute

Agreed, glad she's not like Francine from Arthur or this little shit from Star Vs.

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No, it just has steep cliffs on the southern side and it slopes westwards. I guess the minimal details make the wedge shape of the island look less defined.

I feel like Janna and Maddie would be friends.

Depends. We have to see more of her to make a bold claim like that. Janna's a character I'm surprised has friends at all.

yeah, it's hard to believe she became a friend, her personality is more of a "school friend" material, someone you meet because you need to.

Way to sell books to the devoted fan, and not have to include any of that world building in the actual show.

This, plus I find her just as creepy as Marco's old friends before they got pushed to the back. She gets a pass becasue she's a female. Also, her character design is kind of ugly.

You guys done discussing? See you on Monday then. It looks like next week will reveal quite a bit.