Katara is a pleb filter
Only beta boys who are into femdom worship Azula
>Muh psychopath waifu
Katara is a pleb filter
I'm a femdomfag and don't give a rat's ass about Azula.
I’m sure plenty of femdomfags like Azula (i’d say that’s more of Toph’s niche), but plenty of Azula fans (such as myself) are just exercising their savior complex. I don’t want Azula to beat me up, I want to fix her with my dick.
Katara is stable, smart, competent and pretty, with only a few minor issues like over protectiveness and a jealousy complex, so she’s a perfectly fine choice, but she doesn’t allow me to exercise my fantasy of being needed. Katara doesn’t NEED anybody.
I like Azula because she would understand my desire of toturing people and burning them alive, I dont think I coul have that with Katara. And Azula would be more fun to dominate
>Any Avatar waifu
>Pleb filter
They all sucked.
Oh ye of little taste.
>That episode where azula couldn't even talk to any boys like a normal human without sperging out
Pathetic. She was a virgin incel
Not agreeing with the first part, but will agree with the second. Azula is a challenge, it takes a strong man to turn that into a wife. Katara puts up the front of independence but at the end of the day she’d be pretty easy to crack. Aang did it over the course of the finale by just letting her sit with the idea of a relationship for a bit.
Holy cringe. The entire show is filled with quality. Post your chart.
I think Katara has a more attractive design and the motherly aspect is a good flavor, but if you’re looking for the most stable girl possible, this is it.
>not interested in the idea of teaching your waifu how to human as she slowly begins to understand how she’s feeling or how to express it
the only guy Katara didnt try to spread for was her brother
She never tried anything with Zuko. She WAS rather thirsty, once again this highlights her ease of access. I don’t think it’s indicative of how she’d act in a relationship though.
Katara is the mainstream, easy pick. Some of the first stuff I remember fapping to is deviantart fan art of her.
>She never tried anything with Zuko
didnt she making googly eyes to Zuko started a lot of shit with the fans and the writers?
>Only beta boys who are into femdom worship Azula
Azula is for being dominated tenderly until she opens up her emotions.
No. There was no chemistry between her and Zuko at all. The only reason Zutara existed is almost all female fans self inserted as Katara and Zuko is the female favorite. They wanted to put a square peg in a round hole.
only paedophiles are into Toph
That's correct. Every single zutara shipper is a assmad female who can't stand the idea of the main female ending up with somebody a little younger and shorter than her
this guy, this guy gets it
But what about old Toph?
Yes, and? Also footfags.
>Having waifus
Who is the cringe one here?
You, for being a fun policing normalfaggot.
You, user. You are.
Actually Katara is the girl for betas. Anyone who likes her for anything other than her waterbender body is looking for a mother substitute.
Meanwhile Azula is better in every single way. She is strong on her own. A girl worth to die for. If you want to tame Azula - aka change everything about her - then you don't give a fuck about her, you just want to punish women.
Bad take. Azula needs help, and ‘taming’ her is not a hateful act. The idea of a ‘project’ is a very natural fantasy for both men and women. You’re doing far more harm by encouraging her behavior. Obviously you wouldn’t want to turn Azula INTO a Katara or Suki, she’d still be her, but helping her find inner peace and love should be what any waifufag wants.
Katarafags do have a subsection of fans who want a mommy GF, but she’s so young that it doesn’t completely overwhelm her other charming points. She’s just a general allrounder, a bit of a bland choice but sometimes the obvious just makes sense.
It's the reverse.
Retards think Azula is femdom when she's a timid sub who did whatever Ozai wanted. She didn't last hours without his authority to guide her.
Meanwhile Katara is a fucking ball busting bitch the entire show.
>Sokka JUST gets back from risking his life to spring their dad from the best prison in the Fire Nation
>says he doesn't love their mom as much as she does because he doesn't want to hunt down an old man and murder him in cold blood
Anyway, for me it's Toph.
>you just want to punish women.
Are you a ‘smol loli GF’ Tophfag or a ‘STEP ON MY FACE AND BUST MY BALLS’ Tophfag?
Katara is just a bitch. Neither her or Azula understand that femdom is about affection.
>ctrl F
>no Jin
Zuko should've tracked her down and married her instead, fuck Mai
Jin pleases old men for money.
My fetish is cuddling.
I like Jin but she’s kind of bland. I’d sooner go after Suki/Katara/Tai Lee.
Katara can be a bitch occasionally, I wouldn’t describe her as a bitch in general.
Femdom is about you being a no nothing idiot beta little boy. I hope one day you actually end up with a sociopath (the only kind of women who are into femdom)
I love how the Donning-Kruger effect makes the most ignorant people the most confident about their opinions.
She sure is, you see, if you like Katara you are a even BIGGER pleb then people liking Azula. So all the plebs get stuck at her and never passes by the filter.
Guys I'm new to Avatar lore but from my understanding pic related is canon right?
Katara is top waifu but a lot of anons like the crazy which is why Azula is so popular. That and her autism is relatable.
>let me tell you what your fetish is about
No Avatar girl is inherently pleb.
Incestbros gotta lot of fun content from this series. I prefer Azula X Zuko of course, but watercest is fun too.
Gravity Falls got so much incestbros content there's a name for it (pinecest). In the process of making this post I just realized fucking Google has a spell-check to properly direct you to PINECEST.
Ben 10 has plenty of content too. Frozen does too but a lot of that seems to be tumblr people wanting a lesbian Disney princess while ignoring it means incest.
>tfw I'm an INFP female and I'm into femdom
You are Incorrect.
What's that?
I just like tomboys
that being said if i to have a choice i would take suki over toph
What about grown woman in armor Toph?
Justice is blind!
t. Seething katara nigger mad his last thread got no replies
Is it just me or has Tai Lee fallen from the obvious crowd favorite (when the show was airing and for a while afterwards) to kind of underrated? What changed?
Yea Forums started to hate loose women. tai lee is a thot
Is she? She’s kind of attention happy but I always took her as kinda too naive to be an actual slut.
I don't blame her, but she couldn't shut the fuck up about how she wanted to fuck Sokka.
Gotcha. Fair take.
She only wanted him because she couldn't have him
>Only beta boys
says the guy who has a crush on a cartoon character
Fuck outta here normalfag.
Why did you reply to me though?
Because normalfags
But why did you reply to me?
>Only beta boys who are into femdom worship Azula
meanwhile in reality katara the bloodbender was the control freak psycho while azula under all that pretense was a cute dork that just needed love from a boy who cared about her like Zuzu
Why did you reply to this thread?
Because I wanted to talk about cute cartoon girls.
Just not having crushes on them? Or do you think anything after ‘see’ has to do with what I said at the end? Are you new or just tired?
Of course not. I understood at once what you meant. Ahaha...
I looked upon you, and knew you were a gentleman of taste and culture.
>Only beta boys who are into femdom worship Azula
>Azula is for being dominated tenderly until she opens up her emotions.
preach it brother!
Every girl sans Katara wanted to fuck him.
Wow she doesn't look like a 10-12 year old clown anymore. She looks like that hot lady from GI Joe's Cobra organization.
>katara didnt want to fuck sokka
>the only two kids out of puberty in the entire south pole for literally years
>sokka is probably raging hard and yackin it all the time
>they sleep together in an igloo
>she probably listens to him punishing his meat and fingers her self silently in her seal skin bag
yeah she wants it dude. literally the only reason she latched on to anng was because he was the only other fuckable male she has ever met.
Have any of you people actually lived with someone who has Katara's archetype/stereotype ?
May someone please tell us how whiny and edgy they can get despite their maturity?
My older sister was like her growing up. She mellowed out when she finally had a kid
I will never forgive Bryke for fucking up Korra. Her design was perfect and deserved better.
I'm not even attracted to females but this thread made me understand what to do to make a female character people would want to waifu more
Do tell!
It’s all psychology. Each man wants their own take away from a relationship. Sexy is a good base, but for real flavor you have to go niche. Some guys want to protect, some want to be nurtured, some want a struggle, some want innocence, some want undying affection. A good waifu will fulfill a fundamental need in a group of people, even better if they can fulfill multiple needs in multiple people (Toph can simultaneously be seen as vulnerable blind loli AND badass spunky girl)
>not adverse to killing
>mary sue
pic related
people all have their own preferences.
listen up kids abuse is fun as long as the victim is male
She wasn't abusing him. He was obviously consenting.
emotional abuse of someone who is desperate for sexual and romantic attention is still fucked up
Ehh shaddup.
>She wasn't abusing him. He was obviously consenting
you should read up on emotional and sexual abuse user I would suggest starting with child rape to ease yourself into the topic
And she's gentle and protective too!
dont get me wrong i would love to rape eska right back. she is cute and i like her character.
It’s fiction guys.
its a kids show and kids learn behavior from tv was the point of this line of replies.
She was cute but also a slut
t. Soccermom
A bit, but she got cockblocked from her bad taste in men.
nah man its t. someone who has been posting on Yea Forums for 15 years and grew up watching tv for most of his spare time. I have been greatly affected in both negative and positive ways by by the shit i have been exposed to. I have a lot of friends and have met a good number of people who also show signs of exposure to all forms of media harming them as people.
Just because you can’t handle it doesn’t mean others can’t. Plenty of functioning members of society out there. People like you murdered so many cartoons and shows. Fuck off.
Who wouldn't?
Jesus Christ Toph is more handsome than Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent and just as handsome as Diabolik.
No way, this is our site now kemosabe
beta detected
dominating a girl who thinks she is capable and strong is the greatest pleasure
Tomboys are the ultimate straight mans choice, A regular girl has tits and pussy but comes loaded with gay shit such as make up, desire for shopping clothes and useless shit and watching boring shitty TV shows.
A gay dude is gay but he has a partner that shares his interests.
A tomboy has the best of both worlds, a female body but with enough /fit/ness to keep up with you, good interests and great personality.
A trap is 200% gay. Not only are you fucking a dude, you are also putting up With the faggotry of a female.
>wanting submissive women
Literally beta tier.
What is this art style called?
>Hur, I'd totally dominate her like in my doujins
How do you delusional fags rationalize her not fucking murdering you within a day?
>Allowing a thought experiment that a cartoon character is real? A-OK.
>Putting yourself in a position in which they are sexually interested in you and wish to pursue a relationship? No can do
Why are you like this?
both of y'all little bitches
t. tophfags
So which are you?
>muh blind little girl I wanna smell her feet and protecc her and let her know she’s cute
>>Putting yourself in a position in which they are sexually interested in you and wish to pursue a relationship? No can do
In this case it'd would be changing the character beyond recognition.
Azula tried flirting/possibly hooking up in the show and it lasted for half an hour before she started setting the dude's house on fire.
You know; because she is a psychopath.
Anyone thinking she'd be into a relationship between equals, let alone "being dominated" is fucking delusional.
azula is starved for male affection is literally part of her character design
I think that minor artistic license with a waifu is not harmful at all and you’re being a fun policing autist. Azula has plenty of character points that can lead to the interpretation of needing a dominant man in her life.
>Not being into Azula because you want to break her will while at the same time having her fall painfully, hopelessly in love with you
Fucking peasant.
>not fixing her gently
Her possibly wanting affection doesn't mean she wouldn't fucking murder you.
Chan was a fucking pussy.
I dont fucking understand how all these newfags think everyone who wants a strong women is somehow a beta who wants to be dominated.
nigga straight men want to dominate women we want a challange. Azula wants to be sexually controlled and we can feel it.
You're all wrong. The best girl is June. Get you a woman with some bite but won't violently murder you the second she perceives an insult.
The same could be said of anyone that likes most of the primary female options available considering they're all supposed to be under 16. Or are you just going to pretend your waifu is exempt?
>traight men want to dominate women we want a challange
Insecure incels want to "dominate" women.
Men want someone on equal footing.
Men want all of the above and so do incels, it depends on context for each case.
okay retard. lets just ignore the millions of years of human evolution and the thousands of years of recorded human social interaction and lets make sure women to continue to be "equal" so they will vote to bring filthy fucking brown people to the west, ban firearms, and remove free will.
you are a low T basedboy or a kike trying to subvert
Found the incel.
Works like a charm.
This. I want an aggressive woman that I have to work for, but in the end we see each other as equals. Others want a submissive yesman wife, some want a women who'll treat them like shit. Different strokes for different folks.
She's not number 1, but June is number 2 for me
yep its the jew
Who's number one?
I'm inclined to disagree on the basis of the increased chance to be violently murdered but you do you
Hahahaha its really easy to instigate you betas
It's all good. I understand the risks, but what can I say the heart wants what the heart wants. It's nice to talk like civilized people,.
>act like a retard
>fuck off retard
Fuck off retard.
I like dominant/semi-dominant women because I feel like they're actually interesting. I can barely find half the women in real life attractive because they're porcelain limp wristed passive vapid thots. I blame society for reinforcing this idea that men want some weakling woman because apparently all men have control issues or something.
Jack from Mass Effect is best girl, Azula is one of the best Avatar girls, and Remy from Black Lagoon is about my limit. But you know, women like that.
>tfw no Psychotic Biotic GF
lmao literally seething
Dainty women have their appeal, nothing control freaky about it. The PROTECC instinct is strong and natural.
This is the cultured Azulafag take. We can coexist.
I suppose. Agree, actually. But it seems like there's some women who do nothing with themselves asides from the bare minimum with no greater passions and goals and want a father figure to fuck them and control their life and it makes me respect them less as people. Those are the ones I'm talking about; half gold digger, half wind between the ears.
Also, Jack deserves protecting. She's been so much all alone and I want to be there for her.
Lesbians are also into Azula, don't forget that
We can argue who was best, whether it be Azula, Katara, Toph, Korra etc. forever.
But what I think we can all agree on, is that every girl in both series are absolutely top tier and are for people of taste.
I'm starting to wonder if you people confuse affection with thirst
I want to see azula rape a qt lesbian with a strapon so hard her ass starts bleeding
Imagine if Azula and Katara traded places. Azula being the hot headed water bender prodigy and Katara being the loving and caring Fire Nation princess who executes her Father's will but does it diplomatically. Like an evil mother Teresa.
>in both series
I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Starfox.
Katara fulfills my mommy kink
>hot young girl
>also full on mommy-mode preinstalled
It’s a fun combo.
Joke's on you -- I want Katara to mommydom me.
How can someone be so right?
>Dom Katara
Y’know I never really thought about it but it kinda... works?
>Katara blood bends you because the pain she inflicts and the control it gives her makes her horny
>forces you to hold a boner after several orgasms and it’s so sensitive it’s painful but she just keeps going
>let’s you finally “take charge” after orgasm denial and teasing, but right before you’re about to ravage her from behind, she forces your boner to drain so you’re just standing there so horny you could die but with no way to fuck her
This but with Eska pls.
Katara would probably be into proper femdom too if you coaxed her into it. Bet she could get into the role something fierce.
But only if you'd let her cuddle you softly afterwards
thats the challenge
>Katara takes the relationship too far and it becomes abusive
>threatens to make your heart stop if you don't find elaborate ways to profess your undying love to her every day
>she punisges you by bending your blood in ways that makes your limbs move in ways that breaks your bones
>enjoys watching you contort in painful and humiliating ways with the flick of her fingers
That’s too far for me, thanks but no kinkshaming here.
Best kind of Femdom anyway.
You say that like it's mutually exclusive or something.
The question is more, are you a subby Toph guy or a Dommy Toph guy
She'd be extremely nervous at first. Whenever it'd be time to step it up, she'd fidget and hesitate, and you'd have to encourage her that it's alright. Then she goes fully into it, to the point where you're considering the safe word. In the morning she'd make you breakfast because she'd feel guilty afterwards, giving you a chance to cuddle-comfort her before going to work
Loving dommy mommies are the best.
yes character points like "having a vagina"
And being unstable, having mommy and daddy issues, and difficulty expressing herself in social situations. Personally i’m more of the Mr. Fix-her-with-my-dick kinda guy but I understand someone who wants to tame her temper.
Azula would be hotter if she were a sexually deviant cannibal that raped people, cooked them alive with her fire bending, and ate them.
how about no
I mean you can always date her dad...
Jesus Christ man
>Bryce: Why yes, we did create the physically perfect waifu, but HOWEVER wait till you see her personality
zhu li... do the thing
she came out as gay in the comics
isn't she married to varrick?? i seriously hope this is bait
only user here with a brain
Emotionally in the moment nothing was there. It was a bait and switch that people with shipper goggles fell for.
I dunno whether to be proud as a pinecest fan or disgusted as a human being
You should be disgusted, it's much better when its a triad with Pacifica as the third
For me, I like the dichotomy of her being tough, competent and independent while simultaneously being a vulnerable little blind girl.
>Pacifica as the third
would that be Jin or Ty Lee for zucest?
Ty Lee would fit better because she's clearly bi, and way hotter than Jin
this is the only good post
aang loves the water whip
>a lot of that seems to be tumblr people wanting a lesbian Disney princess while ignoring it means incest.
in my experience it's mostly by very lonely males on Yea Forums who project heavily on elsa since she is a neet
I haven't watched this series but Katara is fucking cute in Four Elements Trainer.
turns out many girls nowedays are turned into neet incels by feminists that show men as monsters to be afraid of
>Jin's anus.
I mean, with the weirdos like /r9k/ and their insanity I can see more paranoid women closing themselves off and demonizing men
my sister was told in school during diversity class that almost all men are rapeists just waiting for a chance so yeach
Hopefully Frozen 2 will introduce another girl yurifags can ship with Elsa
Toph is clearly a switch, so the question is irrelevant
wincest > random dyke
>not wanting to fuck both the delicious brown and the crazed fire chick
Can’t get murdered if you murder first :^) also what said
Azula would understand and assist in my desires for world domination, plus I love the way she flirts. She'd be fun if you could get her to relax a bit.
Baaaaased and extremely redpilled
This is cringe Suki is a non-bender, not an earth bender.
>you just want to punish women.
Imagine being this beta
She burned it down due to frustration at being ignored and treated less you fag
>The same could be said of anyone that likes most of the primary female options available considering they're all supposed to be under 16
Toph is a prepubescent girl, the others aren't.
hight taste
My nigga
I like Katara too, though.
I agree
But it's also less marketable
>Four Elements Trainer is the first exposure a percentage of players have to ATLA
That’s hilarious
I think she is supposed to be around 12 - 13. I have a few Chinese and Vietnamese friends who are adults and could still pass for kids.
Katara is the girl you want to mating press
Azula is the girl you want to fuck up the ass against the wall
Toph is the girl you want to hold hands with and kiss while you pronebone her
Korra is the one you hatefuck
For me it's Gran Gran
Switch the first two around and it's accurate
Love, Love, Love, Slave
Based 4ETbro
And you conveniently forget how conservative is she otherwise. She would never ever respect or care about anyone who is not above her. Zuko is the only one exception and their relationship was fucked up.
The Beach.
Pushing an aggressive woman to the wall and ravaging her butt while she encourages it is my fetish.
>That jaw
The reason she tried to hook up with a guy was because she felt inferior compared to Ty Lee. She was always the best in everything and now the "dumb slut" Ty steals her spotlight. The reason she was so clumsy because she never cared about relationships before.
That’s a lot of speculation.
>Milf porn with Aunt Kya
Azula calls Ty a (cock)tease and tells her she is only popular because she is "easy". Then Azula even admits she is jealous. When she goes off with the guy she "likes" as soon as she thinks she got him hooked Azula starts rambling about how they would be the strongest couple. The princess sees relationships/marriage as a tool.
Oh I understand your speculation, just pointing out the character traits you have attributed to her ARE speculation.
I want Katara to cuddle me
>That moment you realize your male Azula
My nigga.
As all takes should be
Frankly no one on Avatar was really top tier waifu material, but they were all pretty cute in their own ways. Suki was probably the best, but still not show-stopping. That's why I seriously do not understand you shipfags, why do you even care who they end up with they're romantically unremarkable.
Besides the >you didnt love mom shit, I dont really get why people call Katara such a bitch. She was caring and pretty hot.
She was pretty selfish. It came up a lot in the show and I don't think it was intentional necessarily, although it might've been. She's very demanding of other people too, like she's entitled to their labor.
It's absolutely intentional. Katara may be an emotional pillar but she has lessons to learn all over the story
I dont know, there were times I thought she was being childish and the show portrayed her as being the voice of reason at the time. Not all of her selfishness is properly addressed. Like how she demanded the waterbending master teach her; okay sure she was right to challenge the tribe's rules, but she didn't have to force that specific master to take her on. Aang wanted that guy specifically, but she could've picked a more reasonable master and any point, but no it has to be him and he has to consent and she has to get her way and anyone who says this man gets to choose his students is wrong. That complete selfishness and entitlement is not just glossed over, its praised in the show.
If it was a female teacher refusing to teach a guy because he’s male, would you feel the same way?
Alright thanks for completely missing the point and shoving that assumptive narrative on me. I did say she was right to challenge the tribes rules, if you had read the post. She meets with the chief to get things changed and he does. He says it's fine as long as the master will take her on, at that point it's a personal choice for him to not train her. Like I said she could have gone to any other master but no she is so entitled and self absorbed that she demands it be this one specific guy and he shouldn't get a choice. That is totally selfish, and is just one example.
Yes or no?
I don't know, man, I think anyone would be pissed off in her situation. That's not Katara being selfish so much as Katara having self-respect
Pleb filter in that only plebs liked katarra?
This guy gets it
>strong stoic facial features like one of those roman statues.
>lots of experience that only comes with age.
>she can't bend your spermies back down your urethra unlike certain young sluts.
If you still have that question after reading my post then we're done, I don't really want to bother with retards today. You should have your answer.
No, reasonable people aren't entitled to peoples attention or labor. Katara got the laws changed but that wasn't good enough for her, she had to make this person submit to her personal will and do as she demanded. There are other water bending masters who can now legally teach her, but she stubbornly demands it must be this guy. Its selfishness through and through.
>t. incel
Oh gee let's find out.
>she was right to challenge the tribe's rules
>I did say she was right to challenge the tribes rules
Can you read yet? It seems obvious, baitposter.
That's a very libertarian take on the show, dude. We can go on about whether or not people are entitled to discriminate about who they offer service (no blacks/irish in bars, bake the cake, etc), but that isn't the fairest lens to see the show in, I think. Someone was discriminating against Katara, telling her she wasn't good enough. She stood up for herself. The truth came out and both characters grew for it
You're seriously not reading and it's getting annoying. The issue was only discrimination right up until the law changed, which it did, and then it wasnt about that anymore.
I'm not sure we're meant to idolise Katara in that moment so much as empathise with her outrage, much like we eventually are asked to empathise with the old trainer when we learn his reasons for rejecting her. He had to compromise more than Katara did, but that's only in proportion to the specific situation. If she was wrong, then ironically two wrongs made a right. If she was right, then you still have every other situation the show called her out on or didn't act like she was the best person in the room
Two wrong don't make a right and if you seriously believe your own crap and aren't just throwing up weak throwaway excuses then you're legitimately retarded.
Yeah Azula is way too mentally weak to be a good dominatrix.
And for someone getting pissed at being misread, you made a big misread yourself. Take a breath, reread the post, cast your bias aside.
But was Katara a good sister?
Katara was just poorly written because the writers could not make their damn mind if they wanted her to be likable or a run of the mil two faced bitchdere caricature, all those people say she is motherly are just coping, this is what happens when they tried to copy and mimmick bad anime tropes.
She was a horrible sister. Look at how she treated Sokka during that episode where she goes off to find her mother's killer.
>Zuko is the only one exception and their relationship was fucked up.
that's becouse Zuzu never tries to assert dominance if only he would take more time trying to understand what his sister needs insted of wasting it with that two faced whore Mai things could have been different
You dumb fuck. Azula is waifu material because I want to break her. Same with Toph. The tougher and more crazy they are, the sweeter the idea of breaking them.
What would of happened if Katara and Azula swapped places as sisters. Katara being Zuko's little sister and Azula being Sokka's.
Ozai would have a bloodbender to order around
You're right; Katara is for plebs.
Ozai would breed Katara
There was a fanfic were zuko offered to let Katara practice bloodbending on him that led to bloodbending based femdom
Azula is a girl with severe daddy issues.
I bet she'd suck your cock on the first date, if I kindly asked her, cos she wouldnt want to disappoint me
I'm gonna rewatch Avatar one day