So does anybody actually like this show? Because to me its one of the most bland shows cn has ever aired.
So does anybody actually like this show? Because to me its one of the most bland shows cn has ever aired
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I fully maintain you have not seen many CN shows then
no he's right this show is bland as hell
not one single original concept or joke
I didn't know the hedgehog character was a girl for like 5 episodes.
I like it
Especially because it's so different from previous cartoons
It gets away from the LOLRANDUM humor that so many cartoons devolved into and just has a show with a magical setting with characters that don't seem out of hand or unnaturally wacky
I don't need a crazy premise or slapstick to enjoy a show, dialogue and plot are what I really crave
before you argue it is lolrandum, it sets up the entire background of the show in the themesong, so you can't really say it's so wacky and crazy that everything talks or there are monsters who graduated from college
I remember that Yea Forums flip-flopped on this show faster and harder than anything else I've ever seen. They spent months tearing apart the pilot then completely lost their shit over the series itself.
it's not lolrandum it's just boring
Yea Forums still doesn't like this show, that's why these threads never get attention
>flip flop
No, you fucking faggot. Not when the pilot and series are so radically different
Man it's hard to me to hate a show, even shows i don't like i can see why other people would like. But this thing, fuck dammit i hate it with passion. i usually evade to comment on threads related to this shit, but since you're asking about, yeah, i hate this cartoon.
It's okay background noise.
That's like saying people now like Teen Titans GO, just because a there are threads full of people who like it. People with different tastes come to Yea Forums and the board is not one person.
How is it boring?
>>Yea Forums still doesn't like this show, that's why these threads never get attention
the sci threads have a following we had a couple over the last couple of days, and a pretty big one with the new episode releases.
Why? It just looks boring to me. Actually it looks like something a person who thinks cartoons are for children would make.
>Make shit thread to complain about show you haven't seen
>Shit thread will be deleted anyway because mods/janitors don't like more than one SCI thread up at the same time
Get fucked.
>characters have zero personality, unless their sole purpose is to be annoying
> stories try and fail to emulate adventure time
>jokes are almost never funny
>pretty much no character conflict
>complain about show I've never seen
I've seen several episodes and they were all boring as hell
The randomness of the whole show reads like it was written by someone in a psilocybin induced trance. The main story itself is pretty thin. Which is fairly common for most SoL shows. I think Yea Forums just prefers more depth to stories. Regardless, Susie makes for some great Dom Waifu material and plenty of other cute stuff.
Yeah, something people who think all children are retared would make.
If you kind of squint 'Is' looks a little like 'b'.
Summer Camp bland.
Your loss. If you can't handle a show that's not in your face and obnoxious like Adventure Time, you don't deserve to enjoy relaxed or subtle media.
How long did it take you to come up with that zinger
I feel like you're nitpicking at the surface, because I could easily argue against all of those
>MCs have clear distinct personalities, witches do too
>Stories don't emulate adventure time because it's a self contained story without "muh deep lore" pushing everything to some sort of cosmic crux that never gets fulfilled
>jokes are subjective, IMO I'm laughing all the time
>literally every episode is about character conflict
I mean, if you're going to argue that, at least provide some sources
I liked the first season a lot... but then the second season just doesn’t have that something. Maybe it’s SOUL. Maybe it’s COMFY. I don’t know.
Also fuck year long hiatuses for small cartoons like this
The beginning episodes are weaker, it gets better. It's personally my favorite show this year. Watch the show with low expectations and stop thinking about the appeal. The last few episodes also give hints that it wants to build the world/lore of the show, so they want to give it more depth, kind of like AT did.
not enough to justify such a bland/bold statement.
I disagree
>elephant is a pussy
>girl main character is good at everything
>boss witch is a bitch
>second boss witch is a bitch that likes cute things
>third witch is nice
those are some complex characters
>expecting complex characters on Yea Forums
>they have no personality
>uh, I mean they don't have a DEEP, COMPLEX personality
carrying away the goalposts.jpg
>assuming same person posted both comments
I actually misread it as that when I was watching the latest batch of episodes and had a good chuckle to myself.
then butt out of the conversation faggot
>respond to someone
>only one reply
more than this shit
do you actually consider those personalities?
I stand by my statement, the have no personality
why the fuck do all the characters act like their 5 years old
I still say the pilot was better. Oscar punching Hedgehog and getting cucked was more entertaining than anything I've seen on the show so far.
>Yea Forums just prefers more depth to stories.
This. Yea Forums as a whole is weird cause they rip apart shows with deep lore/plot like SU, AT and Starr Vs to an extent, but they make so many threads about those shows like every other day you'd be convinced that they actually like those shows.
>why the fuck do all the characters act like their 5 years old
qualify statement
>why the fuck do all the characters act like their 5 years old
Put a tripcode on RebelTaxi. You're not fooling anyone.
10 new episodes on the CN app next month my fellow Cuck Campers.
That show is a cross breed between AT and WBB with some sơyveniverse for some pasty pastel measure with a tiny bit of non-plot sprinkled on.
>character supposed to be a """hedgehog"""
>I am a hedgehog, my name is hedgehog xdd
The pilot episode was so uncomfortably weird that it just left a permanent sơy aftertaste on the end product, not sure if it was done with the purpose of having it meme'd on and thereby raising attention or if the creator was venting some deep twisted seethed views from their own life experiences, either way, it was a bad maneuver that got passed under the "right place, right moment" condition as cn execs are fishing for low age tablet users audience and a pasty soft talking animal-humanoid/monsters was just what fitted their bill.
Does anybody has a mega of the second season?
Your analysis was hard to read, it's pretty much for indie/hipster furries.
Thank you so much
It fills the hole in my heart left over after Harvey Beaks died.
Harvey Beaks was actually enjoyable and only obnoxious about 20% of the time at worst.
>show is good based on whether I like it
dreck and dulocpilled
Lol stay anus annihilated
Are you stupid? Why respond to opinions with that kind of missing the point retardation.
I can't get over the infantile art style. Like, it feels so childishand whimsical that it's almost unsettling.
Pure and earnest friendship is my cocaine.
It's impressive to be honest, that an adult can replicate sometime so childish though, while also keeping a childish imagination.
How in the hell is that thing a hedgehog?
it matches the infantile writing
>It's impressive to be honest
This board will praise garbage over the dumbest shit imaginable.
It's not praise user, your expectations seem a little too high. Besides, a few posts on Yea Forums don't generally cover how the entire board feels.
>a few posts
A large percentage on this board does that stupid shit at least once to something.
>your expectations seem a little too high
Yea, I expect people to realize how dumb the kind of thing you just said sounds.
>something sounding dumb
Expectations are still to high user, it's 4can.
>So does anybody actually hate this show? Because to me its one of the most targetted shows cn has ever aired.
If you can't understand the appeal of the show user, then it's simply not for you. There are many many shows in different genres others like. And this one isn't hard to understand, you just aren't there in your life, and you may never be. But that's not an insult and that's not bad. Not everyone likes comfy slice of life and that's fine.
There is a difference between comfy slice of life and a show made for toddlers
There's different levels of comfy slice of life.
why does
>show made for toddlers
sound just as baseless as "based, cringe, have sex, dilate, etc."
The writers of this show think 11 year olds act like their 6
What's funny is nobody gets this bent out of shape over Arthur even after they had a gay rat wedding that made the news.
You can like it if you want but you're autistic if you think saying Summer Camp Island is geared towards toddlers is "baseless". Don't toss that in with fucking Yea Forums memes.
How do you even know how 11 year olds act? Even if you're 18, 7 years is a large enough gap where you lose how 11 year olds perceive media. You must be young, and you sound like you're hating the show just because it makes you insecure about your maturity/age. Besides, 11 year olds are only 5 years apart from 6, I'm sure their mannerisms wouldn't change that drastically.
I have family that are 11 and they dont act like their 6
Well one does but he's kinda off
>What's funny is nobody gets this bent out of shape over Arthur
Because we don't have threads for it outside of memes or shitposting.
Still not as worse as anime giving 13 year old characters the personaility of someone in their twenties
Because it is baseless, "made for toddlers" is a broad statement that doesn't diverge on WHY it's "made for toddlers". Because you could say m*p was made for toddlers, but it still manages to keep their 18+ demographics; and it doesn't erase the fact that it's successful. It adds nothing that hasn't already been said.
That's also bad but characters acting like their 20 is better than characters acting like their 5
Yea Forums is ONE person
>if people who aren't toddlers watch a show made for toddlers that means it isnt made for toddlers
>i am going to use my little pony as my example
I know this irrelevant, but please use they're instead of their, they're means they are. Their can be used like (their car, their house, their hair)
>Well one does but he's kinda off
One of us.
The point was you didn't elaborate further on why you think the show is "made for toddlers". It's a meme that has been thrown around and is baseless. Your points still aren't adding anything either.
I wasn't that guy, I'm saying that saying something like this show being geared towards toddlers isn't as baseless and those fucking Yea Forums memes. You should be able to see this yourself even if you like the show and he hasn't said why. But it comes up very often, the colors, the everything is cutesy and has faces, the writing, etc.
But kids can't relate to a character that acts like they're 20, yea there are kids that experience the hardships of life earlier and may have the traits and thought process of someone who's 20, but it's not marketable to the targeted demographic. A character that acts like their 5 is more marketable in the Yea Forums industry because most people have been through the age of 5, it's relatable to the younger and older demographic, while 20 isn't. There are shows that make jokes and contain personalities that are more relatable, but they're usually side characters.
I can't speak for him, you, or any others, but as a kid I loved those kinds of characters, kids that could be taken seriously. I switched to anime because even though there were some that went too far in that direction, I liked watching shows where kids/early teens were competent. It wasn't about relating to someone "like a 20 year old", just someone who was young but didn't act like a retard.
this, also I want see this loser become a better character already
I have to be honest and say I've never stayed on Yea Forums long enough to recognize or use their memes.
>You should be able to see this yourself even if you like the show and he hasn't said why. But it comes up very often, the colors, the everything is cutesy and has faces, the writing, etc.
True, it was very hard to watch and I took a five-ish month break because of it (S01 E06/7). I just got back into it around two months ago. I gave it another chance because of Hedgehog and Susie, the writing became more bearable for me as the episodes progressed. I guess I do have to consider the fact that it's a pretty hard show to get into, and the first episodes are the most important factor on dropability.
not to say hes bad, I just want to see him not depend on hedgehog so much and become his own person
Reminder that Oscar got slapped down a mountain and he was fine.
Speaking of kids that can be taken seriously, I think (if you haven't already) give March comes in like a Lion a try. It fits the bill.
Me too. I thought it was just a guy wearing a skirt to be ‘progressive’. Like, I didn’t even question it lol.
I also forgot to mention that the faces are specially only in the actual island, since Oscar spent an episode trying to get regular toothpaste without a face, as he was getting annoyed by it.
Alice is ____!
Dummy thicc
RebelTaxi said he kinda liked the show if I recall correctly.
I remember when there was a thread nearly every day and was hitting the post limit only a few hours later, those were the days
I like it because it's soothing and the campers are cute especially Max.
But AT was relaxed and subtle. Back to pol
>alice and Susie are canonically thicc
You're watching cartoons for kids. Kids aren't too eager for "muh complex personality".
You know that AT and this shit got same creators, right?
he had a middling opinion on it, which i assume means it's not offensively terrible but he wont watch any more of it. but let's be real, pan is so whipped by the industry he wont actually fully critique anything anymore.
I bet shes really familiar with that smell
reminder that alice turned the monsters into babys and was about to kill them
Witches: No sense of right and wrong.
The only people who like this crap are the same zoomer cucks who use words like comfy or relatable and safe as positive adjectives when describing something the like. Out of all the shows CN has made in the past decade i hate this one most of all.
Plot Twist: The person she hates in that episode was once her lover.
i couldn't really get into harvey beaks. but i liked this show more than i thought i would
Susie is unironically the only good thing about the show
I like it. I think it’s charming, quietly witty, and cute. I find it thoughtful and mellow, not bland. But I also don’t like a lot of the action/superhero cartoons that many do here. I never cared about that stuff, even when I was a little kid.
No u
Scenes like this are proof the "this show has no jokes" criticism is a load of shit. No, watching the pilot isn't good enough to be an expert on how the show is because it's not canon and nothing like the final product.
No, that criticism is still fully accurate, that line is barely a joke as it is and isnt even funny
I hate Oscar.