I want to kiss this cat

Bruh look at this thing

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-28-00-21-45-1.png (289x172, 77K)

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Like damn

Ugliest show on the network. That kid looks disgusting.

I tried watching this with my nephew, and the first thing I said was "Jesus look at that niggas head. Its fucking dented!"

No wonder chubby lolis aren’t a thing on Yea Forums

Stacks > Wildernessa as Kelsey's waifu. fuck that dog dick riding bitch.

>inb4 tripfag bitches because Craig might get paired with a black girl

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>ugliest show on the network
But that's not summer camp island

nigga please

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It is the same as the Steven Universe artstyle. Stop cherry picking cunt.
That's a joke in one episode. Everybody loved his ugly fucking head. Sad thing is that some niggas heads look like that.

This is actually a really good show. Reminds me a bit of ed edd n eddy.

I’ve been beaten. Second ugliest show on the network.

That’s one of the best because of the animation. No animation in CotC justifies this character design.

>it’s the same as the SU artstyle
God no. I hate the SU style too but no main girl looks like THAT, or the mongoloid looking friend. Only the black guy looks passable and he still has asshole lips and a fucked up head.

The mongoloid ginger is an inbred. He's supposed to look like that.

>it's good because of the animation
then may I direct you to another triumph of animation that is sure to suit your refined taste

>OK KO looks like Digital Era John K.
I’m not sure who would be more insulted, Ian or John. Either way it’s clear you are a cartoonlet.

Summer Camp Island looks way uglier imo.

it's not a competition. they're both awful for releasing such cancer as their cartoons to the world.

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>talking about animatiom
>posts a still image
Wew. Everyone knows your cookie cutter autistic adherence to muh model sheets is bred from years of flash animation and soulless inoffensive barely animated crap. OK KO utilizes the board driven system incredibly well (unlike SU) and is able to pull of some great sequences every episode.

All cartoons are cancer. Children need to just read books and keep fucking quiet so I can drink alcohol in peace.

Technically the conversation was about art style before it was about animation

>The hair ornament was the bird
Nearly died laughing when it was revealed.

The conversation was about whether or not the show is ugly. I explained that, while OK KO may not have the BEST character designs (I still like em, especially Ian’s love for bottom heavy women) the movement generated from them makes the show one of the best visually.

In contrast, CotC is a more naturalistic looking, less wacky show, thus it needs to rely on the character designs and backgrounds to do the heavy lifting. While the backgrounds are pretty good, the designs are really very bad.

unironically Craig has better animation in one episode than KO does in an entire season. plus it stays on model.


yes it does.
with K.O you'll have the character shapeshift or change dimensions for no reason other than they don't care about the thing they're working on.

Attached: 1537782666214.webm (720x405, 2.46M)

You don’t know shit about animation. Go watch live action if dynamism and flexibility scares you.

She is Hungarian trash.

Pommel right in the leather cheerio! Oof!

It's not that, its just that for some reason, no one seems to be able to understand that chubby is between pudge and fat and that there are two levels of fat between pudge and landwhale. Everyone just goes right to SHE A WHALE HURRRR if shes just a bit more than pudge level. Makes no sense.

If Kelsey has to go forge a new sword and train, I hope Jerry shows up as a sparring ally. He's part of the creek, I think.

i feel like i just stumbled into a cluster fuck of anons that ritualistically shitpost against different cartoons, unable too agree with each other because they have different tastes in media but are too wrapped up in there "no i'm objectively correct" mindset too realize it.

>i feel like i just stumbled into a cluster fuck of anons
That's just Yea Forums in a nut shell

A made a sword swinging ting!


Good (Why the spoiler?)

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Would you file Lotta from Netflix’s HSK reboot or Grenada from Gravity Falls landwhales?

Started watching this recently because Rosenstock was doing the music. It's a pretty good show.

Force of habit actually, one mod on another board wipes any imgur links they see like its going out of style. As for why It's an imgur link in the first place, can't post pics regularly anymore.

Grenda's a bit more than chubby but then again she meant to be that way as the MANLY girl...

As for Lotta... maybe I should add chunky in between chubby and fat, cause that girl CHUNKY

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Why don't you just drink a crummy pale of water then...Boomer

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its good

Candy Corn is NOT good you tasteless scum!

apparently is suppose to be a little girl...
when is obviously a chubby boy model, quite bizarre creature.

Short buffgirl

I want to play DnD with Kelsey.

Candy Corn > Chocolate > Caramel popcorn > Shit >Cotton Candy

Attached: 1548105585393.gif (230x237, 754K)

>Candy Corn > Chocolate
Oh you blaspheming piece of-
>Shit >Cotton Candy
... There might be hope for you.

No one expected the Creek inquisition!!

I ah, I like everything you got going there buddy

>people buying and liking candy corn

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Jerry is part of the creek, but he looks completely different and isn't really friends with Mark and Barry (and David, who only appeared on In UR Manger)


>Not Mouse Guard