Redpill me on this dude

redpill me on this dude

Attached: Doctor_Doom_Stan_Lee_Interview.0.jpg (1200x800, 99K)

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Best Hip-Hop artist out there

where can I listen to his music?

While I'm inclined to agree with your original point,as far as I know Dr. Doom=/=MF Doom

He recently copyrighted the word Doom. All to fuck with the LoD

In a word, prideful.
Probably the most talented person in the marvel universe, but never the best at any discipline (which makes him a perfect Gillian for many different heroes).
Best when he is used as an Ozymandias "I know better than you and will make the hard decisions" type.
Megalomaniacal, jealous, envious, but not psychopathic.

oopty poopty scoopty doritos cheetos fritos

Doom is smug
part 1

Attached: 560.jpg (1440x2244, 1.35M)


Attached: 561.jpg (1440x2223, 1.21M)

Next big MCU villain and he will be more related to Stark than to Richards.

>when i tell you start snaping

He has a foot dive

you sure?

Attached: operation doomsday.jpg (1000x1000, 116K)


Oh really,when i play against him in MVC i never see it. I think your full of it user

He steals power that isn't his.

he's Marvel's version of Batman with even more plot armor

>he's Marvel's version of Batman with even more plot armor
Not even close

Attached: Doom.png (819x468, 801K)

Attached: 1556765652952.jpg (444x611, 400K)

its like the opposite of plot armor.. plot vulnerability?
He is established as insanely talented, science, magic, the works. But he always fails aside from one story where he ascended

Doctor Doom is not a nigger.

Dudr sacrificed everything worth to him for a cool magic armor and a country.

He steals shit.

But He is the niggiest with his life for cucking white nerds and fine blondes


Attached: FOOTDIVE.gif (560x315, 1.98M)

The definition of IDGAF