The first x-men film in the MCU will be Riot at Xaviers, mark my words

The first x-men film in the MCU will be Riot at Xaviers, mark my words.
>Comfy, small scale compared to world-destroying stakes
>Helps as a film that establishes MCU x-men and their setting
>Quention Quire is an antagonist we haven't seen yet and is someone who challenges the philosophy of the school from the inside

It's either going to be this or E is for Extinction. The Morrison run is ripe with resources fot a fresh X-men film that doesn't involve Magneto, Apocalypse, or beats that haven't been adapted in an x-film yet. Plus it sets the franchise apart from the other MCU shit

Attached: 2576361-new_x_men_vol_1_137_textless.jpg (429x640, 63K)

They can do anything they want, Magneto just needs to fuck off

You can't do Riot at Xavier's first because it hinges on a bunch of prior setup. You could do a version that takes a massive amount of liberties with the story, but you'd run into problems, namely that Quentin Quire is a completely unsympathetic character.

Then what's the best story to start the mcu xmen on? Like said, they absolutely need to put magneto back in the toy box for a bit

Isn't Magneto the person providing kick to the students?

honestly they should start with arcade as their first big enemy

>E is for Extinction in the MCU

You're an idiot if you think they will not ruin it like they ruined Ragnarok, expects a quip before and after Genosha is destroyed.

Feige is a massive X-fag. MASSIVE. He will not let them butcher the team. This won't be ruinied the way Captain Marvel was ruined through his blinded waifuism

So it will be ruined through his blind fanboyism?

I don't want x-shit. X-fags have had almost 2 decades of movies, let some other heroes that haven't been done to death shine.

That's a good challenge for the franchise. They have to give a reason to care about this new version

Genosha being destroyed wasn't even that big of a moment in the arc.

You're misremembering, zoomer. It was a big deal that was derailed by 9/11

I'm tired. MCU always had issues but they're really showing disdain for the source material.

>E is for Extinction

There's no way they'll include the actual extinction part. Hell, even the comics ignore the relevation of the E-gene which is supposed to destroy humanity in two generations.

>The first x-men film in the MCU will be Riot at Xaviers
Naw: it'll be based on Hickman's new run, senpai. Because: Synergy.

Does anyone even remember that part of the story? The comics ignore it because House of M was a thing.
They can do Cassandra Nova sending a massive sentinel to wipe out Genosha taking over Xavier's body, and outing them to the world, but there's no way Marvel would jump right into the Shi'ar Empire like that. Not unless they introduced Xavier and his relationship with Lilandra in an earlier movie.

You'd need to introduce mutants and Genosha first before you can have Cassandra Nova wipe them out. Nova herself would need massive revamping to work in a single film too, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since her origin is nine shades of retarded.

Giant Size #1. Putting a team together is always popular with audiences

It will be Mojo. He will cancel the old movies and give them a new look before transporting them to the MCU.

Morrison crashed his run during his final issues out of hate for Quesada and Jemas. During planet X, Beast found a solution to undoing humanity's extinction

Pretty neat idea, actually. Will be better than whatever they come up with

It's not that interestig on its own, really. You need to end it on something, and all the big climaxes in early Claremon are Phoenix related, and I guess it's too soon for that after the recent fiasco.

I'd rather see them opening with the X-Academy stuff and Headmasters Scott and Emma. Everyone knows everything about Xavier so skipping past him aint the end of the world.

It will be very well done in the first movie,then it will be shilled so hard that it will start poisoning the rest of the films and other characters/teams will be shat on.