Who is his Yea Forums equivalent?

Who is his Yea Forums equivalent?

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Jim Gordon

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Alan Moore

Berserk is garbage.

This, but honestly Barracuda is way more fun

>first post

absolutely based

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How the fuck did barracuda got back passed the censors even back than? Even marvel Netflix said barracuda was too problematic for Netflix.

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Cause Marvel was more hands-off with their MAX shit, and Marvel already has a lacking editorial

Your opinion is wrong

MAX books barely even had censors, at least when it came to language and violence.

Your momma is wrong

Is anything else from MAX any good besides punisher and fury?


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Everyone is on a bendis hate train now but Alias

Isn’t Alias boring after the purple man stuff?


Eh it remains ok in my books

This doesn't even offend me. It just makes me sad.

Supreme Power

I came here to check if anyone posted this already.


The Buggernaut

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