>Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Yea Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in
or Previous thread:

Attached: CO-G-DT.png (962x1407, 258K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting any and all BUSTY GIRLS wearing any of these tops.

Attached: BIG TITS.jpg (1836x1216, 396K)

Requesting Mrs.McClellan getting out of her wetsuit like in the ref

Attached: mc.jpg (1538x952, 497K)

Does the dude that drew OP have a blog/site? God damn is it good

Requesting Enid in a dominatrix outfit.

Attached: DMN3ciVWkAYScph.jpg (1200x707, 95K)



Otherwise known as...


drinking coffee...

Requesting Bo Peep getting KO'd by Irene from Sherlock Gnomes in a boxing match. Bo wearing the same outfit minus the belt.

Attached: image.png (1000x1500, 1.12M)

Requesting Selina Kyle with her 2011 comic run hair. She has a suppressor equipped pistol, and wearing transparent rubber gloves. Basically, as femme fatale as she can get.

Attached: Selina.jpg (632x960, 57K)

Requesting Olivia Octavius pulling off a Spider-Person's mask (Any costume) to find that it's Aunt May.

Attached: May Octavius.jpg (300x168, 9K)

Requesting Flamenco Dress Vicky like in the image on the right. Have her spell something lewd with those paper cut-outs.

Attached: 005c3af4a64.jpg (1548x1324, 420K)

Baron Karza from Micronauts doing the me and the boys pose with Darth Vader, Dr. Doom, and the Cylon from Battlestar Galactica.

Attached: me-and-the-boys-memes-18.jpg (960x652, 59K)

>Venom is a “dad”
Requesting Venom cracking dad jokes, much to his son’s and auntie Mania’s annoyance.

Attached: 43A170E7-4E35-4B55-AFB2-396E6A76CDC0.png (1024x768, 571K)

Requesting Steven and Azula at the beach

Attached: 882DAE7B-A005-49AF-BB66-4D343A332C27.jpg (6656x3171, 1.95M)

Requesting Enid wearing the same outfit and pose as the character Shock in the right pic. The comics's full name is Hellhounds.

Attached: Agent Enid.jpg (1038x1000, 179K)

Requesting Zurg as a Sinestro Corps member

Attached: Zurg.png (541x433, 280K)

>Mfw I found out what horror I got Hans into

Attached: Enemy Ace.jpg (1196x1600, 627K)

No idea who the woman is in the bottom right corner.

But Azula Eric here

Attached: B7A15758-0B61-4EB0-BD73-7CD3FCF040CC.jpg (2480x3508, 1.74M)

Requesting Gwenpool blowing a kiss with her barefoot

Attached: request foot blowkiss gwenpool.jpg (2020x1216, 657K)

Requesting Percy Mori (from Barbarous) playing with a Skip-It.

Attached: skip-it.png (3352x1145, 2.81M)

Requesting fusion

Attached: fusion request.jpg (3056x3112, 1.09M)

Requesting Julie Powers (of Scott Pilgrim) holding a bowl of poutine while angrily correcting the viewer on how to properly pronounce the word "Poutine".

"It's pronounced 'pu-tsin', you [INSERT INSULT HERE]!"

Attached: julie_mad_af.png (1800x1200, 1.51M)

Requesting Either Supergirl or Power girl flying over Damiens head

Attached: supergirl damien.jpg (2076x2200, 1.02M)

Requesting young Tarzan and his human dad in an AU version where he survived alongside his son, were Tarzan's dad is wearing a loincloth identical to that old older Tarzan and the two of the them are in a standing position, or in a scene where young Tarzan is teaching his father to swing on a vine. Keep it SFW please. No trolls.

Attached: Tarzan and Dad Request.png (1674x1068, 2.04M)

Requesting Chel in an ancient Egyptian style outfit. Don't have any particular design in mind, it can be as historic/fantastic as you'd like.

Attached: Chel dance.gif (470x444, 1.73M)

Requesting the right pic with Vambre and Witchy Simone

Attached: VS.png (750x798, 585K)

Requesting Anarky dousing Insect Queen with bug spay and fire

Attached: anarky bug.jpg (3280x824, 703K)

Requesting Ramona Flowers (from Scott Pilgrim) laying like the reference with her hoodie unzipped. She can be wearing a bikini top under the hoodie.

Attached: ramona_chill.jpg (1510x1128, 205K)

Requesting Hal Jordan flirting with Kamala Khan

Attached: 1EE6E248-176D-4B20-B39A-08AD181DD33D.jpg (1960x1442, 878K)

/r/-ing Honey Lemon in pinup pose wearing a lemon themed swimsuit

Attached: lemon swimwear.png (1788x1780, 2.03M)

Requesting spider man noir in a mage battalion uniform

Attached: Noir.png (1575x1024, 1.08M)

Requesting Gumball and Penny Doing the Swastika Pose

Attached: Gumball and Penny and Swastika Pose.png (1920x2080, 2.14M)

requesting future fat darlie please

Attached: merge_from_ofoct (11).jpg (611x360, 61K)

Requesting anything with Tillie the Little Engine

Lewd or not, up to you, I don't care

Attached: MV5BOWRjMDc5ODItZWJlZi00ZmJiLWE2M2MtNGE2MjdjMDRlNzE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODMxMjIxMjk@._V1_.jpg (814x1474, 189K)

Requesting any 2 cartoon giantesses (they have to have been a giantess in at least one episode of whatever cartoon they're from, and they have to be based off their design as a giantess, so if their clothes were ripped, they have ripped clothes in this, if there's any other design differences include them, etc.) thumb wrestling while standing in a city, destroyed or intact, your choice.

Requesting Fee telling a dirty joke with Harvey and Foo's reaction

Attached: images-5.jpg (429x343, 29K)

Requesting chick on the left image replaced with Smurfette

Attached: smurfette.jpg (592x433, 77K)

Requesting TKO posing the like the reference picture on the right, with oil dripping off his fingers and holding a crushed Darrell head in one of his hands.

Attached: TKO Request.jpg (2436x980, 604K)

Requesting that girl-boxer-robot from tinbots training with Hitmonchan

Attached: french robo training.jpg (2232x808, 312K)

Seconding if the image is of her, tiny as she is, with a dude, just standing there, looking around confused because he swears he heard something.

Requesting the page on the left but with Carol as Starfire and Michelle as Babs. Bonus points if Carol is wearing a heart Spidey shirt

Attached: dcuc_assf10.jpg (968x712, 199K)

Requesting Miss Elaina, Lady Elaine Fairchilde, Music Man Stan (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) as if they were a Family of the 1980's (of the year of 1986)

Attached: 616346_142323235908870_114990940_o.jpg (2048x1952, 229K)

Rule 63 Hal and Arisia being cute and/or lewd together, please.

Attached: hal arisia 63.jpg (503x720, 100K)

Requesting Fa Mulan wearing a bikini with her jacket like the girl in the left pic.

Attached: mulan.jpg (2158x1414, 252K)


Requesting Yea Forums girl in mantra's armor.

Attached: mantra armor.png (429x841, 709K)

Requesting Azula in the same pose as the model with her face scowling, as if she's begrudgingly doing the pose. Thank you.

Attached: Model Reference For Azula.png (2000x1428, 3.67M)

Requesting pic related with lori loud

Attached: 1560852739969m.jpg (683x1024, 80K)

Take a hint. If no one's filling your requests, PUT IN A NEW REQUEST INSTEAD OF SPAMMING THE SAME OLD ONE! Or go to /aco/ you horny faggot.

Asking for criticism, I suck at flamenco dresses. Working on it.

Fuck forgot image

Attached: 1B262C48-DB09-4C51-91BE-08A2B954B7FA.jpg (2480x3508, 766K)

Requesting shannon and enid drawn like pic on the right

Attached: for science.jpg (1280x720, 245K)

Requesting Ebony Maw as Shinnok

Attached: Infinity_Vol_1_6_Generals_Variant_Textless.jpg (468x710, 52K)

Not OR, but I think you're doing good at the flamenco dress.

Officer Peter Parker of Earth X having a laugh with...

Attached: file.png (500x500, 340K)

I will give this a try.

...Officer John Nolan

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1007K)

user please keep references to one image

Requesting Power Girl holding Supergirl's butt & Supergirl holding's Power Girl's boobs

Attached: sg booty and pg booby.jpg (1611x1156, 526K)

Requesting Kamala Khan and Gwenpool drawn in a JoJo artstyle.

Attached: tumblr_otvkziJ5111v60vbdo2_r1_1280.jpg (1080x1920, 419K)

stop requesting, you got a perfectly good delivery last thread

Requesting adult Mabel as a mermaid

Attached: 9E1F62B0-11F1-42B6-80C4-F4E2DFDBC773.jpg (640x443, 146K)

requesting Sharon Spitz from Braceface doing a pose like Maya from Redakai (on the very right) chilling on the water while in a bathing suit like in the middle 2 pics

Attached: request5.png (1024x576, 322K)

Requesting Cheetara wearing Falke's outfit

Attached: FALK-ARA.jpg (1108x736, 295K)

requesting amethyst trying to seduce pearl by shapeshifting into rose

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-wiv7aLjTchceltK.jpg (2866x1415, 405K)

Requesting UltraMan and BrightBurn happily playing catch with severed heads

Attached: pixlr_20190624192900328.jpg (2048x2048, 1.06M)

Requesting Bo Peep (from Happy!) wearing these outfit like in the reference. Also can you have her pose like the model on the right.

Attached: AFF8B278-0788-48EF-B21E-CFDF99E65EC7.png (1037x720, 771K)

Who's the model on the right?

Requesting fusion

Attached: Spidermom fusion.jpg (749x535, 130K)

Sorry don’t know who the model is.

Ana needs it

Attached: 54192520_786807608360563_7695400089447038976_o.png (1232x1232, 497K)

Requesting an older Eddie (most likely a teenager) laying in her bed in just a t-shirt and boxers as she sweats from the hot sun outside her window.

Attached: eddie-generation-o-8.75 (1).jpg (210x240, 17K)

Tch... well, let's see what GIS says (hopefully not just "girl").

Attached: 364.png (577x720, 423K)

Requesting Hanazuki being traumatized

Attached: tumblr_pgi7y79FWd1ugpka9_540.png (540x304, 156K)

It should look like papel picado

Requesting pic related with Lapis and Peridot

Attached: special_feeling.jpg (1800x1600, 930K)

GIS gave me some weird term, but someone on NameThatPornStar (lol ugh) said it's Alexis Fallon, but the pic itself is 'shopped. Let's see if we can find the original...

See? I also had the name ready to post and all, but fuck this brain-dead moron for wasting image space.

The girl from Alvise Zennaro animation reel in 2016

Attached: sw.png (508x314, 147K)


And it ain't like anyone is actually fulfilling these requests; they're all too overtly horny. I first GIS'd , and the only result pointed right back to a Request thread from last week!

Attached: rofl.jpg (926x195, 113K)

Requesting Peppermint Patty drawn dressed in compression shorts and top and posing like the reference image on the far right.

Attached: PeppermintPattyRequest.jpg (2084x1100, 492K)

>Let's see if we can find the original...
Can you two fuck off to /r/ or /s/ with your dumb scavenger hunt?

Requesting this comic with Enid and Wilhamena with the roles reversed: Wilhamena in the bikini and Enid more conservatively dressed.

Attached: protection.png (2204x1508, 3.13M)

Requesting pic related getting dusted away from Thanos and his snap

Attached: sailor_moon_s_classic_sailor_moon_pose.jpg (640x480, 53K)

Requesting XJ9 licking a Megaman stage select screen

Attached: horny jenny request.png (2428x1172, 2.23M)

Attached: 8B5FCAAB-EB27-42A2-B83B-30F83EDCE281.jpg (1650x2550, 3.71M)

Not the OR, but it's about time his request was delivered. Great job!

Requesting robecca steam from monster high looking at pic related in a museum and getting noticeably aroused. Yes its a 1880s steam powered vibrator

Attached: steam-powered-dildo-from-the-1800s-to-treat-hysteria-40000200.png (500x410, 85K)

Love it

These paintings you have been doing atom keep getting better, nice work dude!

Requesting this with Squirrel Girl or Chip and Dale

Attached: nuts.gif (560x560, 659K)

Requesting them ageswapped

Attached: image.jpg (620x349, 42K)

Thanks man I like to mix it up a little every time for fun

Attached: For fucks sake Enid stop molesting every girl that comes through that door.png (1138x887, 558K)

Requesting this with any Yea Forums girl of your choice

Attached: _TIT BOUNCE_.gif (408x408, 3.97M)


Attached: 1560991816327.jpg (625x840, 64K)

How about shut the fuck up and let them continue.

Cause they have been more involved with this thread than most of these spamming retards have been.

OR here Thanks! Nice work!

Requesting Margaret posed like the Gengar and preferably the same facial expression

Attached: Margaret Dennis the Menace.jpg (1048x1820, 478K)

>more involved with this thread
Poor sad man. Caring this much about a begging thread, about people not requesting or delivering.

What is the source of the OP image, I can't read the signatuer

Requesting Miles Morales hitting on a depressed goth girl riri with zero success

Attached: pixlr_20190526232320491.jpg (2048x2048, 2.06M)

I don't get it,

You must be new here.

Requesting Supergirl wearing the underwear on the right

Attached: 538164a76d8035fac06767effdfa44b44127c44f.jpg (4376x3192, 1.74M)

Requesting Susan Strong. She's got the tits and the pecs.

Attached: Adventure.Time.S06E29E30.Dark.Purple.-.The.Diary.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC.mp4_snapshot_03.04_[2016.05.14 (636x639, 257K)

Ben surrounded by alien booty.

Attached: Ben surrouded.png (2136x1624, 1.26M)

Requesting Antimony Carver (from Gunnerkrigg Court) in the outfit shown standing on a tree stump and saying "I am the Annie. I speak for the trees."

Attached: the_annie.png (1484x1080, 1.89M)

Requesting cloud ladies pajama sleepover pinup

Attached: cloud party.jpg (3644x1120, 685K)

Cerise Hood as Sniper Wolf.

Attached: Sniper Cerise.png (2496x1112, 2.16M)

Requesting a COMBO of these two prompts with Penelope Priss from Camp Camp

Attached: 1sgpaj.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Requesting Flame Princess as she appears in the reference picture, sitting with her legs crossed and dangling her high heel from the tip of her big toe, with her small toes visible

Attached: flame_princess_by_comadreja-d9b6h4e.png (1200x1600, 979K)

Sure, Old Guard.

From the previous thread.

Attached: Hail Cobra serpentfuckers.jpg (1366x913, 991K)

Requesting the I have no tits shirt on Shelby

Attached: Shelby shirt request.jpg (1728x2080, 474K)

Requesting the Wonder Pets redrawn in the style of Thundercats. AKA making them the Thunder Pets

Attached: ThunderPets!.jpg (4534x1426, 1.13M)

Attached: i believe it gonna hurt my hand slap those cheeks of steel.jpg (913x1098, 629K)

Requesting a redrawing of this pic on the left but replace them with Lord Dominator from Wander over Yonder and Finn from Adventure Time.

Attached: Her Cute Little Hero.jpg (1652x1716, 360K)

Great, now I need to fuck

OR here. Thank you so much. I never thought a Baroness request would ever be done as she isnt popular in the drawthreads.

Im glad you went out of your way to draw her . you had made my night

"I am TITania"

Attached: ....jpg (194x383, 29K)


sorry if I quoted this incorrectly, but I loved Perudot mi amigo peruano

Now draw her getting gangbanged by 7 black guys

Thanos snap.

Requesting Klaus from American Dad residing in Mysterio's fish bowl.

Attached: An_image_of_Klaus_Heissler_in_a_water_bowl.png (363x274, 105K)

What about it.

Could someone make this chick look like Leela from Futurama please?

Attached: Turanga Leela.jpg (1000x1189, 332K)

Unf! Nice

Or here, I greatly appreciate this thank you.


Requesting Princess Sherbet and Daisy Conrad wearing each other's clothes.

Attached: 1561440365513.png (417x400, 158K)

Attached: image0-141.png (768x1024, 794K)

Requesting Dr Robotnik from adventures of sonic the hedgehog throwing various items or parts into his robotmatic machine. Maybe he's creating robot waifus?

Attached: robotnik_machine.png (2260x1452, 1.8M)

Do you just respond to random requests and ask dumb shit?

are you going to keep making dumb off-topic requests?

Here you go

Attached: amythest.png (1170x880, 325K)

Not the one who requested but wasn't the user's posts removed for pulling the same shit in a previous drawthread?

Requesting Spawn getting congratulated by Batman for being in the world of Mortal Kombat through a manly handshake

Attached: al-simmons.jpg (1340x1009, 492K)

>Not the one who requested

Thank you my man

Attached: old waifus new costume.jpg (913x1473, 611K)


Attached: E5073BBA-3A56-4118-835B-8245E67066E6.jpg (2480x3508, 877K)

Requesting Fusion please

Attached: PicsArt_06-25-07.03.29.jpg (1832x1440, 228K)

Am The OR btw

Requesting cute art of Rayla offering user a hug

Attached: image.jpg (2234x1814, 206K)

Requesting fusion.

Attached: Foxy_Fusion.png (1600x1600, 664K)

Requesting Zuko giving Toph a headpat

reaction is up to you

Attached: a request.jpg (1920x1080, 374K)

Just for the sake of being a different kind of fusion, requesting verbal tic.

Attached: MMMMYEHHHHSSSS.png (2048x2048, 1.13M)

I figured. You're welcome

Here ya go

Attached: Me-and-the-Boys.jpg (900x476, 248K)

Attached: Skeletron.png (2048x2048, 1.28M)

Could someone edit this image so the silhouette on the bottom right is Wario and it says "Him."

Attached: 1561678352548.png (1280x1707, 1.6M)

Requesting a rock as a green lantern

because it has nerves of steel

Could I commission someone to never complete this? Just pay every artist to ensure it's never finished?

What's wrong user?

Scary yiff

Requesting Ladybug landing on Chat Noir like so

Attached: 155725735750.jpg (1027x1771, 726K)

Wasn't trying to make it yiffy

But that makes no sense

Requesting Iron Fist engaging in some sort of crossdressing.

Attached: file.png (1600x2104, 2.21M)

Attached: Hekapoo was ecstatic about showing Marco her new top - too bad he was busy in some dark alley suckin (930x1316, 660K)

I can agree to never complete this, at my standard commission rate.

What's your rate

that filename

Requesting Eowyn getting drunk.

Attached: Eowyn Strike return of the king.jpg (640x482, 54K)

Requesting Batgirl walking with the Gotham City Sirens as babies.

Attached: BG_Cv27.jpg (1200x1821, 465K)

Request from previous thread. I missed this.

Attached: chill with the class.jpg (3064x3280, 2.37M)

Requesting April eating pizza.

Attached: TMNT April_Mirage.jpg (331x542, 49K)

Requesting more Witch Connie

Attached: maheswaran spooky family.png (2028x1746, 1.39M)

Attached: lee lah.png (1000x1189, 2.16M)

Requesting your waifu as a Barbarian

Attached: conan.jpg (1000x1518, 250K)

Holy shit everything about this is perfect. The hair, the underboob, it’s perfect. thank you, you really out did yourself

Requesting Raven and Mary making out.

Attached: raven mary marvel.jpg (471x600, 261K)

I wanna see how this turns out.

Attached: Shezow.jpg (780x1147, 116K)


Attached: D1A8C894-5AE2-40D9-8877-BE2BCEBD6F67.png (900x1280, 736K)

Requesting Morrigan touching Spidey

Attached: spider-man fucked morrigan.png (1024x640, 611K)

Requesting the Powerpuff Girls robbing a bank as adults or in their late teens/early twenties like they did in "Crime 101."

Attached: Powerpuff Bank Robbery.png (641x482, 448K)

Requesting Kolin and Elsa making out.

Attached: elsa kolin kissing.png (1216x2354, 2.02M)

Requesting fusions

Attached: FD556E53-BB52-47AA-B5DA-AD7E19B3D98D.jpg (640x688, 147K)

Requesting Stephanie Brown in a prototype Spoiler outfit (Dark urban style) in her room. She holds up a sheer black stocking From her underwear drawer while pondering on using it as a mask.

Attached: Spoiler-DC-Comics-Stephanie-Brown-e.jpg (500x975, 143K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: creepy bastard fusion.png (1008x793, 151K)

Cute! Thanks bunches!

Requesting Amelia Bedelia dressed as King of the Franks Charlemagne

Attached: 1561436288100.png (631x894, 526K)

Requesting Peni Parker and Keksandra bumping hips, and asking Gogo if she wants to join the Spats Club (Leggings Welcome Too)

Attached: spaaaats gaaaaang.jpg (985x600, 253K)

OR here.
Thank you. It looks awesome

Requesting fanart of Candace wih this hairstyle.

Attached: Quem_Joga_Melhor_(Imagem_503).jpg (360x594, 51K)

Requesting Medusa as Rapunzel

Attached: redhead Rapunzel.jpg (536x1238, 186K)

Requesting Mandy playing video games.

Attached: mandy hooker.jpg (850x2048, 110K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: frog and human fusion.png (1600x1600, 854K)

Requesting Bonnie Rockwaller wearing an I

Attached: Bonnie Khalifa.png (1052x766, 1.12M)

Requesting Enid nude jump rope.
Sensational she-hulk style with the rope censoring the naughty bits

Attached: she hulk jump rope enid.jpg (3864x3192, 2.13M)

I'll draw some requests for Tootie.
THIS Tootie.
Lewd or not, up to you.

Attached: 1561656108670.jpg (187x465, 33K)

Kamala Khan since she can embiggen her breasts

Attached: 1432861914437.jpg (474x692, 83K)

Requesting a pin-up recreation of Peter Parker Spider-Man and Laura Kinney X-23 based of the move picket fences -

Replace the gameboy with a science kit or a book by Reed Richards, and replace the cake with either a benedict bagel or a hot dog

Attached: 1553048360758.jpg (4068x2048, 1.7M)

Requesting Pearl as Walter White.

Attached: crystal meth.jpg (696x556, 102K)

Requesting professional dressed Jen criticizing SJWs for making her a brutish moron.

Attached: 5F660E89-37B7-4DFD-9939-93F243979ED9.jpg (480x480, 38K)

Thanks! That means a lot user

Giving Timmy a great big hug that mashes his face directly into her great big chest. Her innocence should be as big as her bustline.

I want to see the rest of this

Not true!

Requesting Lee Kanker wearing hypon spirals on her shirt this in the reference. Also can you put some lettering on the shirt that say “Look deep into my breasts”?

Attached: DD3EB283-8C1D-4FB2-9BEB-6676EDD269B9.png (2708x1909, 1.89M)

im requesting to know who this is

Seconding but with Mezmerella

Attached: request Mezmerella.jpg (1096x1564, 518K)

It's over here:

-head loos a bitr flat on top
-boobs look like they're different sizes
-her left thigh looks a bit too long

Apart from that preddy gud.
Apart fro


getting blacked by AJ

Asymmetrical Docking with Timmantha who's an even bigger babe than her

Requesting the two MILFs on the top, spending a day on the beach with their respective Boy Toys.
Something with the same vibes as the bottom image.

Attached: QiXX0.jpg (1888x1552, 489K)

Not that user but that's amazing.

It's Friday so you know what that means

Requesting Miles Morales Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson Scarlet Spider in their costumes, but their masks lift up to their mouthes as they kiss

Attached: MilesMoralesSpider-Man&MaryJaneWatsonScarletSpiderKissReq.png (2158x1228, 1.02M)

Are you European by any chance, specifically Swedish?

dead meme friday?

Tootie flashing her boobs innocently at Timmy asking him if he thinks one looks bigger than the other. And whatever Timmy's reaction is to this.

Requesting fusion

Attached: X Men Fusion 4.png (1600x1742, 1.16M)

Ignoring these shit requests and create something thats original? That IS what im doing



aren't most of those reposts from the same guy spamming them even when it's not friday?
like what's the point of saying it's friday?

Idk, just remembered the meme and gathered them all up like a retard I guees

Fuck you, I was just going to request that.
Anyways, seconding, but have Kamala look around nervously to see if anyone can tell she's embiggening her tits.

Look, I get the apprehension of requesting her, but the 3rd image from the left, on the top-row, is perfect for her.

Attached: 5129874-body bags p2.jpg (600x930, 100K)

>Totally not him guys haha
Just stop.

"him" what, Pointdexter? I am "him". Right there, and then. I'm the one requesting Panda.

I second the Panda request.

/aco/fag strikes again

Requesting kind drawfriends to help finish the Major Yea Forums Arcana.
Bonus points for unique IPs for every card.

Attached: co Tarot.jpg (3500x2625, 1.38M)

Requesting with rule 63 green bully.

Attached: roger_klotz.png (1000x1485, 466K)

>to help
>Bonus points
Are bonus points commission money, you corny chump?

Requesting fusion

Attached: april miko gaz fusion.png (952x1176, 212K)

Yeah, for every delivery I get I'll pay a drawfag to explicetly not draw one other request, so I'll get mine done quicker :)

Attached: meme waifu will always be requested.jpg (893x1123, 1.09M)

Not OR but nice job, user.

Requesting Ghoul wearing the bottom middle one.

Attached: ghoulbatmanbeyond.jpg (410x720, 49K)

Requesting that while shulkie sits like this yelling at her smartphone

Attached: 922dfb42012363d21f9c8055ac785463.jpg (240x170, 12K)

Is she cross eyed on purpose?

That's a rather manly jaw for a 14 year old girl.

Requesting Glimmer repping The Wu like in any of the two images on the right.

Attached: glimmer wu-tang.jpg (1100x1332, 312K)

god damn that's a spicy velma

Requesting Ash ranting about superior spiderman to the point of tears to this badger kid who just wanted to talk about Tom Holland

Attached: PicsArt_06-24-10.24.31.jpg (2560x1440, 256K)

Yea Forums character of choice pole dancing.

Attached: Aisha_should_have_made_money_like_her_sister_here_did.gif (500x378, 1003K)


Thirding with spiral nipple pasties

Requesting fusion.

Attached: wilham helen yuki.png (1449x721, 1.08M)

Requesting Shelby smiling nervously holding beers mugs while dresses and posed as the anime girl reference

More Shelby reference can be found here:

Attached: Shelby 4th of july.jpg (2848x2080, 760K)

Requesting Lapis looking for a midnight snack

Attached: NightSnack.png (1311x944, 744K)

4 fingered hands freak me out.

it's roumgu :)

Attached: 2019-06-28_01.png (750x1040, 72K)


Great delivery dude

Someone asked for something with this character a while back

Attached: A5C761F0-5FD2-42DC-93FF-8EB77CF621CE.jpg (1650x2550, 2.37M)


Requesting a cute teen Jean

Attached: qefw.jpg (1031x1502, 144K)

You know if you were a bit more specific you might actually get what you want. Because we got a nice Jean delivery last thread


Requesting an A.U. robot Wilhamena.

Also requesting her for this

Attached: robomilf.jpg (986x882, 134K)

and funny ;)

this was already on my to doodle list sooooooo

Not OR, but she’s perfect!

>Mania symbiote
Would you be up for this, Atom?

Not OR, but adorable/10.

Cool beans

Requesting Velma

Think you could do a robo Carol while you're at it?

/r/ Francine Smith wearing a microkini and tying her bikini just like the woman in the right pic.

Optional Variant:

Please draw her topless doing the same thing.

Attached: Francine Bikini.jpg (1194x864, 305K)

Requesting Zatanna with a neon sign above her head reading "Applause" just like Genie

Attached: Zatanna's Round of Applause.jpg (1191x2132, 435K)

Requesting Jonah Hex curiously looking at a small Rango ready to fire. Bonus points if rango is in his Clint Eastwood attire.

Attached: request_jonah_rango.jpg (1254x1146, 365K)

Requesting Cubchoo being hugged by Killer Frost like if it's a cuddly Polar Bear doll.

Attached: 1200px-613Cubchoo.png (1200x1200, 697K)

Requesting Blue Diamond in just a thong and a piece of cloth that has her bust size on it.

Also thissauce:

Attached: blue boobies .jpg (2423x1729, 521K)

Requesting Broadway from Gargoyles with a big, hulking, strongman musclegut and a full body of proportionally matching muscles. Especially some juicy, meaty pecs. As for expression, I would like for him to have his regular happy and open looking expression, like he's glad to see the viewer and is comfortably showing off his big gargoyle body.

Attached: broadway.png (1314x1243, 2.36M)

Requesting a sequel to this drawthread delivery (bottom pic) but his time Laura is grabbing Jubilee's booty.

Attached: Laura Jubilee booty request.jpg (3684x3801, 1.82M)

Requesting Edda as a flapper.

Attached: Edda.png (948x716, 705K)

Requesting the image on the left recreated with Spider-Ham (middle) as the pig and Peni Parker (right) as the anime.

Attached: co peni ham request.png (1761x640, 1.47M)

>looks at blue diamond
>okay, I like it so fa--
>......Is that a fucking bulge???

Requesing teen Jean doing something cute like hugging pickles or playing with Cyclops visor. I don't know whatever.

Attached: ____________tumblr_oo5i2kFsTY1tuf8kto1_500.jpg (500x669, 109K)

You already got like 2

Naw that's just a fat mons

I think it's just puffy user, not trap material.

It's a poorly drawn vagina.

Oh, kek, thank you
make it was very funny
always here for you chochera

Attached: jy7389iug.png (505x774, 224K)

Requesting final fusion

Attached: 63214785214.png (2500x2500, 1.5M)

Not OR, but nice job user. Goddamn those are some big fat tiddies

Seconding. Make her OP Queen two times in a row.

Requesting THAT Tootie, resting her braless tits on a table, in an effort to flirt with Timmy.


Requesting any of the Mandys on the left, riding Grim's Scythe and wearing the same outfit like the girl on the right.

Attached: ride or die.jpg (3936x2848, 906K)


subtle, bro
smooth as eggs

Thank you so much.

smooth as my brains once I get some more historical dress up Amelia, my friend

I appreciate the criticism. I already finished it though. But thank you.

Requesting Dragon Quest II boxart with the Hilda characters
Hilda as the Heroine (DQIII)
Frida as the Princess
David as the Prince
Marra as Hargon
Lindworm as the monster
and rename Dragon quest to Dragon Panic

Attached: DQIIMax.jpg (1176x554, 259K)

Requesting Charlotte Pickles like in the sequence of images on the bottom, after a hard day at the office.

Attached: 75208231.jpg (1184x1432, 330K)

Requesting April topless with her back towards us, looking over her shoulder and holding up her bikini top

Requesting April

Attached: April bikini.png (1536x1080, 1.33M)

Requesting Elodie wearing a low-cut dress, and dripping champagne on her breasts.

Attached: Elodie champagne.png (1072x1817, 1.66M)

Requesting Finn slap his mother's sweet butts,while saying whatever dialogue lines you want to put in the speech bubble,is your choice for interpreted it.

Attached: Buenos Dias Mom.png (470x1044, 238K)

Requesting Other Mother nyotaimori but with various candy bugs instead of sushi

Attached: 0AFBDED4-E11E-4369-BE31-7AB295758DB3.jpg (3212x4154, 1.88M)

Attached: zatanna.jpg (893x1123, 857K)


Requesting this fusion

Attached: da sequels are in the hips.png (1765x857, 594K)

Is the person that's doing the Ramona Flowers request last thread still here?

Attached: 2019-06-28_01b.png (1029x1308, 169K)

OR for the shelby shirt request, Holy cow! nice work dude, She looks great, nailed her overall cute nervous expression! And that top is fighting for dear life. Thank you very much

Requesting Hanna Thompson (of Octopus Pie) chilling on a couch & browsing Yea Forums on her phone. Probably lurking in the threads or just doing some shit-posting.

Attached: chilling_&_lurking.jpg (4119x1500, 697K)

Requesting some more Amalgam Nova/Stargirl.

Perhaps insisting to others she's a girl?

Attached: Novastar.jpg (856x957, 472K)

Requesting Melissa or Lydia (or another girl of your choice) wearing a normal / cute sweater, but when Milo appears, the Murphy's law turn their outfit into a sexy meme sweater (any variation).

Attached: 1553245832455.jpg (4253x1860, 1.92M)

>these aren't going to be delivered
>while these are
Is it me, or do drawfriends only do requests that go straight for the borderline /aco/ meter most of the time?

maybe you could pay me and i would draw them.

I'm not complaining because my request wasn't delivered, I just noticed a pattern in this drawthread. Some comfy and/or pretty SFW requests don't get delivered, but requests that solely exist for people to fap to a waifu get delivered.
I just think it's kinda strange, that's all.

>Requesting a cute teen Jean
Nice work!
Great idea combining request. Killing many birds with one stone.

Way to get me excited for nothing, dick.

I'd be legit surprised if the Milo Murphy request gets fulfilled; neither it nor its predecessor have ever had many requests done in Yea Forums drawthreads.

If anything, I think more requests have been done for people piggybacking off reference images like but with another character than for the actual shows in the original request.

>Responding to requests just for the ORs to find that their requests were used as examples on only to prove a point.
Was this really necessary?

Looking back at what I said, no, it wasn't.

sauce on left?

Requesting this with a female Yea Forums character

Attached: 4898D62F-52F4-4223-B14C-5F9937313602.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)

Requesting combination

Suggesting Emma.

Attached: Emma train.png (1920x1090, 1.02M)

Requesting a Franny Robinson posed like the orange dressed lady above

Attached: franny_reclined.jpg (1376x1536, 427K)

great work

Requesting fusion of Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel

Attached: scarlet marvel fusion.jpg (546x455, 240K)

Please draw your Yea Forums character or characters of choice on a Vietnam War Era riverboat. Depiction of war crimes like burning huts not required but welcome additions.

War is hell.

Attached: vietnam_rivers_monitor_700.jpg (504x338, 34K)

Here's another riverboat picture.

Attached: riverboat.jpg (1350x727, 103K)

I thought it was Rerugen at first.

Requesting thicc Peni Parker due to her eating Aunt May's wheatcakes

Attached: peni wheatcakes.jpg (883x347, 287K)

Requesting a nerdified version of a character who's normally sultry/sexy.

Attached: garbage8.png (1638x718, 1.09M)

Requesting Yea Forums version

Attached: _20190629_144649.jpg (5054x2021, 1.97M)


Personally, I make my decision a lot of the time based on complexity. The comfy ones tend to have more characters and more specific instructions, things that would take more time.

Attached: zurg.png (876x850, 400K)

>Got lots of new art supplies
>Got lots of new art books
>Practiced drawing simple shapes for 1 hour today

Hooray, I'm gradually on the first road to drawing. How is it going for my fellow amateurs?

Good for you user. I've been practicing from books and youtube videos as well. Also practicing various shapes and figure drawing.

Awful. Every time I grab a pencil I want to die, and while I started from nothing I fell I've actually gotten worse.


Attached: B54164E4-D66E-4870-8181-CD5FE2DEF52B.png (300x207, 100K)


Attached: 68576705f20df2d6cb9d557e6dcefdef.gif (720x1011, 38K)

That's too bad. Right now is my first proper dedicated time. Also, I feel bad for doing it today because it's so hot outside and I feel I should be doing something else.

Taking mermaidization requests

If anyone else has some sexy lady requests I can probably bang one more out tonight.

Attached: dom enid.png (635x897, 285K)

Jessica Cruz with one a these

Attached: 1509770574366.jpg (1986x2137, 1.24M)

Shego tanning like PJ in the image?

Attached: 1479084250643.jpg (2324x1364, 485K)


Attached: DdrBgypV4AEdtOZ.jpg (1200x670, 90K)

here's some of those dumb ideas i've left stewing

Attached: mombott.png (1000x600, 202K)

your multiple month-long bans can't be done by now, can they, abusefag?

Damn you went all in. Thats great.


Requesting up-skirt ladder shot of Janine Melnitz

Attached: ghostbusters Janine Melnitz ladder shot.jpg (1525x893, 288K)

and still dets to put when i got some time.

Is there another user that has asked for Yea Forums characters on Vietnam patrol boats in draw threads? I legitimately don't know who you're talking about.

Attached: confused_seagull.jpg (276x256, 16K)

Attached: B028150A-4C39-4C90-878B-9F476E67C9FD.jpg (640x800, 132K)

Requesting Fusion.

Attached: rsv21v.png (1815x737, 2.07M)

Working in this one, want to be a bit more ambitious and add a waiter Drakken serving drinks so I probably won't get it done tonight but look forward to it.


Requesting a drawing of Nazz (Ed Edd n’ Eddy) wearing these bikini clothing while also posing like the model in the reference.

Attached: 3D85DA61-807D-47E7-9CBF-364857912204.png (2784x2108, 2.4M)

Seconding titty monster version.

Why thank you, kind user

Yup. Were doomed. (Thank you!)

Requesting El Tigre's Maria Rivera drinking milk while dressed and posed like the reference

Attached: Maria - El tigre.png (901x528, 312K)

Frida can do it with her shark-tooth smile

Attached: FRIDA MOFETTE.jpg (948x663, 159K)

Damn, that's awesome! Thank you very much.


Requesting Carol cosplaying as Ken and performing Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

Attached: Carol_KEN hurricane kick.png (1196x1436, 828K)

, please?

Not the OR, but that's very imaginative!

Requesting Panda Delgado in a whipped cream bikini lying on her back like Drupe with cherries instead of strawberries and have her flicking the one on her bottom away saying "dont need this anymore"

Might as well ask

Attached: whipped cream Panda.png (2967x1233, 830K)

Requesting Enid playing video games topless
while OK is in the room

trailer reference

Attached: enid____________.jpg (2324x1080, 404K)

I know this request is probably posted in here somewhere..

Attached: 4D7E1BDB-7E7C-472D-B1B3-9B5754A90166.jpg (1650x2550, 3.23M)

This looks awesome, Atom! Wanna do a request of mine?

Requesting DC's Big Three presenting themselves like how My Hero Academia presented their big three. And just for shits and giggles, have Batman wear the "I really wish I wasn't here right now button".

Attached: BigThree.png (1269x571, 1.17M)

Requesting Mr.Gar walking in on Rad putting ice on KO eye while Enid embarrassed
KO telling Mr.Gar that he got a black eye by crashing into Enid Butt.

Attached: Black eye butt.png (772x1268, 487K)

Mrs.Loud walking in on Leni putting ice or something cold on Lincoln eye. Luna explaining that Lincoln got a black eye by crashing into
Leni Boobs.

Attached: Black eye boobs.png (1522x880, 1.05M)

Requesting my 60s style inspired super villain who's in love with light and controls it. She wears a mini-dress, hair style similar in the ref, face sort of like Audrey Hepburn, and wearing sun necklace and sunglasses.

Attached: 1561000172060.png (909x724, 885K)

Someone posted this on /tg/ and said the artist was from this thread, do you guys have anymoar by any chance?

Attached: 1561834012202.jpg (2955x4775, 2.5M)

This isn't a oc thread

i've never got my payment not to do it so here it goes

Attached: asham.jpg (714x406, 137K)

This is more fitting for /tg/ draw threads

Did the pasties idea.

...Also nsfw variants=

Attached: 19B6D38B-CF43-437E-9CE0-5BD152B7FF66.jpg (1513x1812, 454K)

not OR, but fuckin nice

also let me help you there:

glad you liked it, hope OR does too!

Bonnie for this, I guess.

Attached: 1477877132217.png (955x1500, 335K)

Requesting the comic on the left with Anne showing that video to Sprig, but on her phone.

Attached: bc156.jpg (3328x2048, 1.12M)

Thank you so much!!! Haven't been here in a bit and forget to cross post between boards.

OR here, Awesome dude, keep up the great work!

Requesting Mira Nova pointing at Supergirl ala 60s Spider Man meme

Attached: Mira_Nova.png (250x200, 98K)

Man this is awful
Your Darth Vader looks horrible, like you can’t even into symmetry and anatomy
>inb4 this is my style or “it’s just a meme bro”

Hey, I made those!
I'm afraid those 4 are all i got, but I may do more in future.

OR here, This is absolutely awesome dude, I really like the thickness on the character and love the variations that you made. Thank you so much, Cephalophilia.

Requesting the image on the top with Crimson Avenger, Madame Web, and Blindfold.

Attached: 74836433_p0.jpg (2016x2992, 1.21M)


Requesting Charlie from Hazbin Hotel in the Ed, Edd n Eddy art-style.

Attached: CharlieEds.png (1800x1200, 1.81M)

Sauce that underwear pic?


Well I have to say well done, I really like those, your art style is great and it's funny idea. I'll keep an eye out in case you do more.

Do you have a site where you post your stuff or just here?

Wouldn't Starfire qualify for that? Seems like the go-to joke

Requesting Mélusin-etta

Attached: WITCH GIRLS Mélusine Bayonetta.jpg (1968x2688, 1.03M)

I don't remember the exact source but the artist is named chikkibug.

and Blackfire.

Thank you, you're very kind to say so!
I just post these here, for the moment.
I guess I could do Star next. She's been requested before but I'm only getting into Teen Titans for the first time just now. And I'd like to add more ayylmaos.

You could go with some Ben 10 girls, they're jonesing for that 10-inch human meat.

Attached: 866ff9f1ff7332bdba9be937260cd34304934677bd341bdc118d576a4460b870.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

>I'd like to add more ayylmaos.
Do Gorius Karkum next, then. She's got huge alien tits perfect for stretching that bra out.

Attached: Gorius Karkum.jpg (780x538, 155K)

Please do Ahsoka Tano eventually

Attached: stretchin__by_tourbillon_da-d6iy0tu.png (1126x1092, 487K)

Isn't she supposed to be getting a human love-interest in the new season of Clone Wars?
If so, the 'orange is the new black' tagline writes itself.

Didn't she already have a love interest in the form of that one CIS noble guy?

make a thread about it

Suggesting Supergirl or Power Girl

Make a thread about what?

About who Ahsoka fucks.

glad ya liked it!


Requesting Scooby-Doo Apocalypse Velma turning into a towering Hulk-esque monster similar looking to Lady Death

Attached: Apoc Velma transformation reference.jpg (2425x4519, 1.36M)

This but with M'ress and James T. Kirk
Lots of cum, very messy, tiptoes, abdominal bulge, and ahegao if possible

Attached: req.jpg (830x1207, 421K)

Could someone do robot modes of Cybertronian Gatekeeper and Keymaster? Bonus points if they somewhat resemble Dana and Louis.

Or if you're not into that, just draw sexy Robo-Gozer I guess

Attached: Gozer Transformers Ghostbusters.jpg (1988x3056, 1.24M)

Requesting catfight between Eris and Hexadecimal

Attached: Chaos Masters.jpg (1307x1128, 272K)

Was my Lee Kanker submission that lewd?

It is just a meme, though. Also I'm not very good

The pasties looked a lot like nipples

Requesting Nella the princess knight trying to teach Dave the Barbarian some sword moves by training him.

Attached: 1561469845988.jpg (4000x2486, 764K)

What the fuck, no

Attached: IMG_20190629_191844~2.jpg (1512x2688, 679K)

Requesting design Spider-Man costume in skeleton theme

Attached: spiderskelly.jpg (1108x706, 330K)

Attached: I'm not bad, it's just a condition that runs through my bloodline.png (673x863, 143K)

Not OR, but nice!
Same goes to (You) too, user. Goddamn it's a good day to love big tiddies.

Requesting Nani and the Lifeguard posing together like the girls on the right.

Although, I'd prefer the being nude, with their arms a little lower to cover their breasts and their hair covering the other's puss. Lingerie or bikinis would also be fine.

Attached: Symmetry.png (1816x849, 2.52M)



Attached: I'm not bad, it's just a condition that runs through my bloodline.png (673x863, 192K)

>And then the mad lad colors it

Not going to lie. Those colors take a lot from the original piece.

I gotta second those Massive Mams for this

Attached: ice it.png (1920x1080, 482K)

Ok, it make me laugh. Good work!

>ice it



and some COLORS.

Attached: mombottCOLORS.png (1000x600, 262K)



I'm apologizing ahead of time for this.

Attached: creepy leila edit.png (720x1080, 594K)

Here you go user, i change the pose a little bit...

Attached: Pandacrem.jpg (1261x990, 309K)

i want this as the next op image.

Requesting Gwenpool cosplaying as Slave Leia

Attached: gwen slave bikini.jpg (1170x996, 577K)

Fuck. I want a capeshit version of this. Either Wonder Woman, Mystique, Emma Frost, Vixen or any other obscure Yea Forums Waifu.

Not OR, but spectacular work. Panda is the best

Attached: Ah shit, here we go again.png (642x712, 102K)

very nice

Requesting BW/Buffalo Wing drawn like a typical Shadman drawing: Lots of piercings and tattoos, smoking, character typically wearings heavy metal or punk clothing and accessories.

Attached: BW Shad Request.jpg (1775x845, 405K)

requesting sadcat having a good day please

So this is supposed to be what teenage Jessica Rabbit?

>Wonder Woman

Merida struggling into her dress?

Attached: 1561575010628.jpg (948x1100, 316K)

Attached: Getting ready for ThunderCamp.png (313x207, 14K)

Well they were covered.....

Not sure how much I can show, so spoiler I guess... but there is something about Glimmer with messy hair that does it for me. I would love to have an actual artist do this instead of just me cranking one out early in the morning.

Attached: Glimmer_Wu_Tang.png (3200x2400, 491K)

Specifically nerd Jessica Rabbit


Jinx for his please.

Attached: 1450548975221.png (298x394, 160K)

OR here, this is absolutely perfect man, thanks! I cant see one, but do you got a name?



Not OR, but NOICE!

Requesting rear-view angle of that Shelby

Attached: backside.jpg (396x537, 84K)

Got a few old deliveries coming through.

Attached: Beach Resort Transylvania didnt work out.jpg (900x700, 241K)


Attached: Peridot put metal in a pair of gloves - thats the explanation and Im sticking with it.jpg (700x700, 230K)

Forgot to put meme arrows.

Anyways let's see if I fuck this one up.

Attached: It was then that Lemmy realized he had probed the wrong hole.jpg (1400x1800, 1.14M)

Attached: Dr MILF.jpg (700x900, 162K)

>Sensible chuckling.gif

Can't seem to ctrl-f this request, I have a sneaking suspicion it was from /aco/ and I just fucked up.

Attached: Non-con fusion.jpg (700x800, 279K)

Attached: Susan Strong - you give me a heart-on.jpg (700x900, 295K)

That's all I got for the moment. Now to flood /aco/ with the rest of my backlog.

Attached: Whats the matter Zuzu - afraid to challenge your sister in Agni Slam Jam.jpg (700x900, 538K)

Nice work on all of these! Thanks very much for the Susan delivery.

>casualbit killing the thread

Oh hey, bonus. I missed posting this one.

Attached: Hal is such a slut that he stuck his dick in crazy - everyone knows not to stick your dick in crazy. (900x700, 390K)

*kills ur thred

Attached: its pronounced CEE-OHH you big dumb dummy dumbo from dumber town.png (671x589, 194K)

OR here. Man, I request this long ago, but I got to say this is amazing stuff. Thank you so much, Hatebit.

How can one drawfag be so based?

not the requestee, but nice

By having low standards I guess.

>*slow claps*
OR for . You nailed it perfectly! Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated. Do you have any social links?

sure bby, you can find me at the twitters at CalicoBggs
glad ya liked it!


Killer! Thanks again.

Now that the image limit has been reached I will single-handedely judge all finished requests to reach bump limit

There's no joy to be had here.

Best in Show.

Nice start for a fusion, lovely shading as well

Not OR, but sexy fusion user.

For a rough draft this looks great

>cool down time apart

Love the style on this, also UNF

2 Dr. MILF deliveries in less than a day? We got this one, and the one over at /aco/, so does that mean there's finally a renascence of Priyanka Maheswaran lewds coming?

We get it. Also, why praise the "draft" when the final delivery for that Vicky request is also on the thread?

Nice colors, nice proportions and great filename to boot!


Praise the draft so the artist knows they're doing good. They're doing this for free, so why not give them praise for what they do?

Why no just request with links, though? Requesting Anne Boonchuy like in the image on the bottom. That same level of slim-thicc for the body.

Amazing. So this is not you just shitposting empty platitudes to reach bump limit?

Literally no one cares. Unless the artist is new to these threads, no one gives a shit about what some rando thinks. Especially with how "in-depth" your "judgement" is for these.

Tbh I'm just trying to eat up eat up bump limit

you say that like that is not gonna backfire and like we're not gonna get a new draw thread until Monday night/Tuesday morning because of said backfire.

It's not like it's not gonna happen anyway,the only thing he did wrong was announcing what he's doing.

That doesn't work in cartoons, and it doesn't work in real life.

When the new thread gonna coming out.

When either bump limit is hit and it hits page 10 or when no one replies and the thread gets archived

It's gonna be in three days at this rate.

Then we keep on Posting nonstop

oh how bout we don't because the janitors are gonna delete all this text anyway. and it will still take three days lol

Post referenceless requests you don't expect to get done

I already posted requests I don't expect to get done.

Based dubs and trips but cringe

Weresuccubus Penelope Pitstop

Superman sitting time out for trying to look at his presents

Megabyte riding a Kimeramon into battle

>user stopped before getting to mine

this (you) economy its fucking HARD.


Well blame that one user who had a shit fit

three megabyte digimon pics is pushing it.

does that mean its a furry succubus
or does she become a succubus in moonlight?
i wanna know this mechanics.


>when you spam so hard you forget you made the exact same request in this very thread

Thank you very much!

Not after OK KO is dead and buried, and SU comes back for the final season.

thats pretty damn good

Requesting with cartoon network animated characters

Starfire has been requested multiple times before, so thought I should get to her first.Any ideas for a better dumb tagline welcome.
I wish I had infinite time to do all of these!

Attached: Starfire HUMANED.jpg (1450x2370, 836K)

Think about the 2 most hot, lewd, body like a pornstar, body-like-she's-asking-for-it, voluptuous female Yea Forums characters and have one of them ask the other if she want's a Hurtz Donut, then the two go through that whole thing.

Seconding the butter-face because the others are boring human-faced bitches. Especially Supergirl and Power Girl. Like, why even bother?

Deadpool harassing Ash Williams in the weapon section at S-Mart.


Requesting Rapunzels in Spider-verse's scene

Attached: 095.png (2443x720, 1.5M)


I'm not the OP but... thanks.

Try these

I like this one


I'm not sure what's going on in this image.


Is she made of plastic or porcelin?

I declare this thread DEAD!

Great. We're gonna be stuck here for the next 24 hours when these get deleted.


New thread

You're making it, bro? Cool. Link that shit, then.

No I just forgot to add a question mark.