Can the MCU PLEASE move away from "Ironman"


This is getting cringey how hard they are trying to tie everything to Tony

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>Post yfw you stopped caring about marvel after endgame

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it's okay, i'm sure he'll die in endgame. it's leading up to that pretty hard

pretty great speech tho

>Tony is basically fulfilling Norman's role in a lot of adaptations
Can't wait to see RDJ grows cornrows, masterminds the clonesaga and comes back from the dead, revealing his name was actually Tony Osborn Stark all this time

This desu

Why is Tony stark a villian magnet?

He keeps farting out villians

hes an asshole

Wait why does William hate Tony?

>waiting until Endgame


There is NO REASON to continue watching the MCU after Endgame.

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>"Tony Starks old employee's want revenge The Movie"


The smart people started their Disney boycotts as soon as the fox deal was announced

I don’t wanna sound like an apologist but this is the last Tony chapter

Pretty much

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Until Spiderman Home For the Holidays or the Ironheart movie

Jokes on you I stopped at Iron Man 2
Literally the only cape films I've watched since then are Deadpool 1, Aquaman and Shazam

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is the whole thing out somewhere?
or atleast the jameson bit?

Shang-Chi is going to be kino

The Jameson and Skrull bits have been posted a few times

Every Based Marvel movie is kino

That's why they all make a billion unlike DCrap

Post credits JJJ scene

The ironic thing is that he's screwed himself by insisting on being a local hero. There are probably a bunch of Peter Parker's out there but only one in Queens.


I cannot stop watching MCU until they resolve the whole Leader and Mandarin stuff.

Leader will never happen because Hulk is done but Shang-Chi will resolve your Bad Orange man

>Leader will never happen
It's just a rumor, but it says that he will be the villain of Thunderbolts movie instead.

most likely they'll make the Mandarin the father of Shang-Chi as a Fu Manchu replacement

Look man, Spidey is my favorite hero, i just want another kino movie about him, like Into The Spider Verse or Spider-Man 2
But i get Iron Boy:Mysterious Boogaloo

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>box of scraps scene

for what purpose


If I may, let me play Devil's Advocate here; Shouldn't we just acknowledge this as it's own universe by now? I get pissed at inaccuracy and stupid liberties as much as the next guy but shouldn't we also stop and realize this is it's own world with it's own reason for being? Don't misunderstand me, this isn't an excuse to validate stupid creative decisions. For example I REALLY don't care for this take on Peter Parker. However with that said, I don't exactly blame Marvel Studios for making Tony Stark the cornerstone of this universe. The character got the ball rolling on this entire franchise, and his technology is EVERYWHERE. So while I might hate this take on Spider-Man, and I do wish Hulk was far more than the joke that he is, I can at least appreciate a few things here and there that make this world different. Like Adrian Toomes is arguably better than his comic counterpart.

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>Larkin Love

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To be fair, Mysterio saying Spider-Man is Peter Parker isn't the same as showing Spider-Man unmasked. If the next movie villain is, say, Chameleon or something, that could easily be resolved.

user, Endgame came out 2 months ago.

Imagine a world where RDJ never cleaned up.

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See my only problem with this is that it's just not the same if Peter Parker has ZERO relationship with JJ

The only thing MCU movie I might see GoTG 3 because I hear Beta Ray Bill might be in it and even then it's more out of the fact I like the character from the comics and Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

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Is this going to be a recurring role or a one-off cameo?

That video is edited for some reason

So what the hell is the 3rd movie going to be? I want to say straight to The Sinister Six.

Oh, so it is.

Still not a picture of Peter in-costume, though.


>Post yfw you stopped caring about marvel after endgame

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I stop caring after Infinity War, I didn’t even feel like to watch Endgame

>I-It doesnt matter that Vultures wings are chitauri tech
>w-who cares if he has a grudge against Ironman
Fuck you guys I warned you

Vulture was better than every villain from the Raimi and TASM films and he had an even bigger hatred for Peter, just because he hated those caped bozos in Stark tower doesn't mean he's just a shit, worthless character y'know

Quick, bullshit up a reason for the X-Men to have ties to Tony

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I only watch Marvel for Ant-Man

Come on, FFH is basically an epilogue for the Endgame saga, of course it'll still have a strong Iron Man thing going.
If they keep doing it moving forward, then yeah you can complain.

That said, after Endgame, why are you even watching.

my face when they showed j.jamson

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The snap gave people X genes.

>Post yfw you stopped caring about Marvel after Iron Man 1

Comics are shit.

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>and he had an even bigger hatred for Peter

Nice head canon retard

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Stopped caring about comics in 2010's and never cared about MCU.

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Better than move to Captain Fungus

>"Eight years. Not a word from the feds, nothing from those Halloween costume wearing bozos up there over at Stark Tower. And then all of a sudden, this little bastard in red tights shows up, and he thinks he can tear down everything I've built. Really? I'm gonna kill him."
But yeah, he's all about Iron Man despite hardly ever referencing him