Where the fuck is the Pantheon? Where the fuck is most of Hulk's old supporting cast...

Where the fuck is the Pantheon? Where the fuck is most of Hulk's old supporting cast? Where is Weapon H during Ewing's run?
>Jim died of Aids
>Warborn fucked off to the Savage Lands and Miek was spared (come on)
>Skaar depowered and in Europe
>Rick is Handbomination
>Doc Sampson brought back but no one mentions his evil personality or the time he came back as a vengeful ghost

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Oh, and fuck Cho. Marvel was always pushing him, first as Rick 2.0 then as a Hulk.

Just read Ewing take like a good Elseworlds/Ultimate run. ALmost none of the stuff he wrote will be canon

THANK YOU. He should use the EXACT same supporting cast as David, ALL OF IT, not just pick and chose some of them. We don't ask MUCH. Just that comics repeat the same stories ad infinitum.

I get why Fall of the Hulks happened but you can't introduce the Green Door concept and than exclude a majority of the Gamma mutates and handwave their absences. Back to the other axed characters. Hiro-Kala is now a solar body, She-Hulk is Bruce Jen, Emil is also Handbomination, Jarella is always the passing mention for when writers want brownie points, etc.

Different editorial regimes. There is a new editor in charge of Hulk. Most of the past decade plus worth of Hulk material was done under editor Mark Paniccia a guy whose books the rest of Marvel editorial doesn't care for.

Gee, I can't wait to hear Bruce second-guess himself on which persona is going to become the Maestro after Ewing's run again and have Savage and totally-not-merged-Hulk become the dominant personalities besides Bruce again.

Things that's going to brushed under the carpet once Immortal ends
>Bruce's brain damage
>DevilDad's healing factor
>OBA unless a writer wants a Hulk story that deals with mythical characters
>Gamma Flight
>Anything remotely related to Civil War II

Pantheon consisted of Half-Asgardians and one of Loki's bastards. With Marvel's Asgard push, you'd think they'd have a mention.

>Implying they'd brush that over
It's literally cosmic Satan. There's no way to brush that shit out. It's like the Spider Totems mate.

This is the Delusional Hulk thread;
Ewing's shit isn't getting 'brushed' aside.
And the Pantheon sucked, let 'em go.
Praise of PAD's run is monkey see, monkey do.
It sucked.

I hung out with PAD at a con party and asked if he ever meant to use the Pantheon elsewhere and he said "Nah...they did what I needed them to do but I've never felt inspired to bring them back."



>my uncle works at nintendo

That Doc Samson thing you said was straight bullshit, they mentioned all of that

>but no one mentions his evil personality or the time he came back as a vengeful ghost
But that would be a good thing. Fortunately Ewing managed to make it work, bless him.

This thread reminds me of all the Wonder Woman fans who bitched at Azzarello's run while it was ongoing.

Yeah, it's going to be a lasting change that will change the Marvel universe forever! Like Wolverine being dead, Planet Hulk, Civil War, Secret Invasion, and all the other foundation shakers! Honestly, Ewing-dicksucker, kill yourself.

Batman: Damned was a mistake that manage to piss gasoline on what little there was to enjoy in Joker. Your taste does not surprise me in the least.
>And that's a good thing

90's Hulk was one of the highlights that decade period.

>It sucked
But I liked it so it can't have sucked.

I was referring to Samson turning evil.

Weapon H was more fun than Hulk
World War Hulk > Immortal Hulk
Pak > Ewing 7 days of the week and twice on Wednesday

>wating Phanteon back
>wanting more Weapon H

That's a stange case of shittaste

>And the Pantheon sucked

No they didn't. They were cool as fuck.

>Where the fuck is the Pantheon?

Probably disbanded after they discovered the reason they existed was a sham.

>Where the fuck is most of Hulk's old supporting cast?

Mostly dead. A lot of the survivors are actually in the comic though.

So it is really true that there is no accounting for taste.

>yes let's have a hundred hulks strolling around
This only sounds like a good idea if you're 14.

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That it is an awful idea was amply demonstrated by the 'Planet Hulk' Secret Wars mini. It was like an Orc empire or something. If the Orcs were on valium.

Never said I wanted them back, I just to know what's going on in the Marvel universe since we've had multiple events centered around Asgard with no mention of Pantheon or Loki's bastard and I thought Weapon H would be somewhat relevant since Immortal Hulk retroactively rewrote the origin of gamma radiation with the Green Door. You'd know if you had reading comprehension.

>Most of his cast were Hulks
Did you actually read comics in the past three decades? I know Ewing hasn't.