Waifu Swimsuit thread

Let’s post some waifus (obscure or not) in swimsuits while it’s still summer.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Alysonswimsuit.png (1366x768, 756K)

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Attached: that's my fetish.png (1366x768, 578K)

Attached: eloise.gif (489x360, 2.1M)

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Attached: teentitan_girls_by_ta_na-dcjxzj5.png (800x1180, 678K)

Attached: 1551046341307.jpg (795x628, 201K)

And an alternate:

Attached: 1392621656229.jpg (768x576, 178K)

Attached: lay down.jpg (1325x2048, 691K)

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Attached: Daria reading the news.png (1540x870, 1.78M)

Attached: Too nice to even cannonball.jpg (708x397, 38K)

Attached: LorTish.jpg (367x398, 58K)

Attached: fanny in swimsuit.png (600x360, 74K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 8.02.26 PM.png (1023x604, 619K)

Attached: gottem.png (1128x2100, 958K)

Dang, Bikini Cowboy, have not thought about that one in a couple years.

Attached: 1549819774662.png (2400x3201, 3.04M)

Attached: Betty Boop - Bathing Suit.png (720x540, 356K)

Attached: who-framed-roger-rabbit-disneyscreencaps.com-2960.jpg (1920x1040, 256K)

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Attached: Laura and Gabby selfie.png (1148x899, 1.13M)

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>that's my fetish

Attached: tumblr_mfc3soneXj1qhmzmho1_640.jpg (535x900, 50K)

Attached: Jubilee Laura Rogue beach crop.jpg (1700x2500, 878K)

My wife's swimsuit is cute

Attached: k.png (3115x1180, 2.76M)

friends and peeing in the pool

Attached: Tampa Bay Comic Con.jpg (621x960, 115K)

Attached: 003 - wTjwBfF.jpg (2294x1772, 672K)

Attached: Pocket Princesses 104.jpg (800x543, 181K)

Attached: korra asami beach.jpg (3200x1800, 502K)

Canon look tho

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Attached: S1e15_it's_good_to_be_Wendy.png (1280x718, 995K)

Attached: korra bikini.jpg (417x750, 110K)

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Attached: Nazboo_and_Zeta_the_Sorceress_Shimmer_and_Shine_FF.png (1440x810, 1.45M)

Bryke are hacks that wouldn't draw Korra in anything skimpier than a white tanktop
I mean my god have you seen her fucking tits

Attached: L8TP6sv.jpg (353x635, 114K)

If the show had a beach episode it would still be popular now.

Attached: Korra bikini .jpg (900x2000, 230K)

Attached: Imageeee1.jpg (1360x768, 244K)

Seeing the Silver Surfer at the beach always puts a smile on my face


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thats really nice

Attached: De Plane De Plane.png (882x619, 656K)

>OP's pic has Velma and is asking about swimsuit waifus
>nobody posts pic related

It's like I don't even know you anymore Yea Forums.

Attached: f88.png (474x666, 344K)

Attached: Ready to get wet.jpg (384x288, 20K)

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Attached: 86-HelloN-Bikini.png (478x360, 506K)

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Attached: Julie-Bruin218.png (720x480, 451K)

Those product placements.

Attached: jessica rabbit bikini.jpg (510x660, 48K)

no I meant one has a happy expression while the others have a distressed expression

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Attached: beach_copy.jpg (800x439, 71K)

Attached: Sexy Elsa4.jpg (443x893, 77K)

Attached: Sexy Elsa61.png (900x1455, 277K)

Attached: underwatereffect.png (720x576, 525K)

Attached: Candace_in_a_swimsuit_relaxing.jpg (1361x765, 279K)

Attached: Image 0001.jpg (1280x1713, 294K)

I want Disney to explain this atrocity.
Why the main characters looks like jelly beans ?

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Attached: 11a.jpg (1024x754, 149K)

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Attached: My actual wife IRL.jpg (450x960, 33K)

S&P. They do directly call attention to it by saying that a curvy girl wears the same swimsuit as Candace but better.

i prefer wendy but daaaaaaaamn this is good

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