Edit Thread?

Edit Thread. Will post what I got. Mostly shit.

Attached: Gabby_prices.png (1392x1728, 1.16M)

Attached: 1458318311124.jpg (1200x1845, 1.02M)

Actually that one is one of my favorites. DIdn't think I could find it.

Attached: 1450562931520.jpg (1244x1489, 123K)

I’ve been searching for this.


Glad I could help.

Attached: NWF - Niggas with feelings.png (945x465, 677K)

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It is funny how they are never drawn with their utility belts or webshooters visible under the spandex

>Anal is completely free
That is not how you run a business

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She's a good girl. Let her learn the fun way.

Oh. Oh no. Oh no!
Oh yeah.

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Attached: 2.jpg (1988x3056, 1.47M)

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I'm scared.

Attached: 3.jpg (1988x3056, 1.49M)

the fuck?

Attached: kate bishop 1.jpg (1569x665, 231K)

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hnnng ect

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Does this help?

Attached: 1561482039253.jpg (984x1512, 617K)

Attached: OHSHIT.jpg (1041x754, 218K)

Gabby became Laura's new pimp? She's very enthusiastic about advertising her sister's services.


Attached: ANW-GabbyMP.jpg (1988x1841, 857K)

Attached: Gabby_VD2.jpg (1250x1868, 366K)

Anyone have the Kate Bishop edits from West Coast Avengers? The art was perfect for edits.

Attached: feminist.png (900x948, 1.17M)

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Attached: 2793762-klara_prast_avengers_academy_27_whoops.jpg (1093x352, 77K)

Attached: 8b92208a6da1213161989bc34f570a7bbbc21b3951f7c33b3b063f5632caef37.png (595x907, 677K)

Perfection. Thanks user.

>Asia Argento

I got more

Attached: 1543724062988.png (901x945, 705K)

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Holy shit, I made that one! Forgot all about it.

Attached: gabby.png (1952x2140, 3.73M)

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Attached: 1543789355069.png (1987x832, 1.26M)

Stop sexually harassing Spiders, Carol.

Don't be harsh, she is really a 13 year old boy after all

Attached: 1561498893663.jpg (987x1512, 987K)

>Young boy-woman rapes old man
Shit, I'd read it.

that is a mighty braap

>tfw you are simultaneously a teenage boy and a late-30s childless woman

Attached: 1483342551152.jpg (207x396, 43K)

Pedophiles need to be shot on sight.

Attached: 20pounds2.png (1196x751, 602K)

>looking at that and thinking she's talking about herself
Quit sucking on that barrel in front of the mirror user, she's advertising for Laura. Probably. This time maybe.

>fictional characters
nigga what

Attached: AlternativeLeft.jpg (874x672, 117K)

Attached: 1533754050505.jpg (1024x1616, 782K)

One of my favorite bits from illuminated made even better because in the current Black Panther run the future Wakandans make a big deal about BP stabbing Namor while omitting Black Bolt.

Attached: Illuminated TTRO 4.cbr-18.jpg (1200x1845, 1.25M)

Attached: cj.jpg (1988x3056, 2.22M)


Attached: Jean Grey.jpg (834x1534, 503K)

Attached: Gabby Laura slut.jpg (542x1111, 310K)

Attached: 8d62e7a5-826a-499c-a75a-5bf5e085684f.png (259x377, 158K)

Hey, I remember this one. One of my first edits and I flubbed it so bad another user came in and fixed it up for me. Thanks to that guy, typesetting's a bitch. A fun bitch but still a bitch.

Attached: katebishopdaddy.png (1569x665, 653K)

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Attached: 1561065425543.png (478x676, 668K)

can we request edits?

You got paint my man, make the changes you want to see.

Remove the last speech bubble entirely. If you MUST leave it in, just leave the elipses.

/aco/ exists, you fucking retard
>announcing a sage
Sage, and I'm announcing that im reporting you.
>posting on Yea Forumsmblr without a proxy
git gud

Not an edit.

Attached: 501746_original.jpg (1248x2008, 1.34M)

Nigga what the fuck are you talking about? How is any of this /aco/ viable or did you just want a (you)?

But I don’t have anything to edit with, let alone the skills to make edits, or the patience to learn.

Attached: 1558895330874.gif (513x640, 2.69M)

...Paint. You surely have the free software preinstalled on all windows computers, Microsoft Paint. As far as skill you're in a thread about editing speech bubbles, I promise you it's not hard to achieve that. Fonts are only important if you actually want to make someone think your edit is a real panel.

I'm not talking about simply changing text.

Attached: 1510539626736.png (930x941, 587K)

>tfw every girl i ever knew had this daddy-ll fetish

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Attached: captain shazam.gif (514x529, 3.28M)

Is that why Kate Bishop canonically wears no panties?

Attached: Kamala fanfic.jpg (1200x1844, 1.06M)

Here's your aco

Attached: 1560248458260.jpg (400x400, 31K)

my favorite

What's a quick-shot charge?

That's disturbing as hell in motion

Cum too soon and she gets frustrated, so she charges extra?

It's not supposed to take that long

Attached: 1561497646095.jpg (493x640, 178K)

Attached: life_on_the_outside_by_roboqueer_d1wchpf-pre.jpg (569x1404, 161K)

I remember this. Good one

Whatever happened to that baby?

He appeared in that wasp book at nadia's birthday

Attached: 1557330918454__01.jpg (1310x809, 297K)


Attached: Gabby_funal.png (1392x1728, 1.14M)

That's good, because I was worried with Marvel and their track record with babies.

Attached: X-Factor-39-volume-3-Jamie-Madrox-absorb-baby-Sean-Theresa-Cassidy-Siryn.jpg (650x1020, 115K)


Too kawaii. What issue is his from?

Comicbook writers are so worthless.

I needed a laugh.

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Attached: Felicia-exploitable-1.png (2018x1705, 2.84M)

Attached: felicia-exploitable-2.png (3696x1408, 3.83M)

Aw that's cute. Shame Nadia is a fucking trash character.


Attached: Felicia bukkake.png (2373x360, 1.17M)

Attached: Felicia dateline.png (2420x1080, 1.41M)

Attached: Mysterio_Chris Hansen.jpg (1061x2408, 512K)

Little known fact Ultimate Mysterio is actually a vice cop known for his sting operations!
>Bye Felicia.

Attached: felicia dateline 2.jpg (2117x2426, 1.03M)

you heard him

Can we request for edits on this tread?
Like a thong edit

Attached: moonstone marvel.jpg (1928x2632, 997K)

That's the original

Imagine getting jerked off by her Xenomorph cosplay gloves.

Attached: 1511712347172.jpg (1303x2048, 739K)

>current Black Panther run the future Wakandans make a big deal about BP stabbing Namor while omitting Black Bolt.

Attached: I wouldn't call a filthy goddess but whatever.jpg (1041x1600, 432K)

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Unstoppable wasp issue 7

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Attached: 1499201278174.jpg (1988x3056, 3.1M)

>the IR fetishist vs the black dude
Startlingly accurate.

Attached: she-hulk hey kid wanna ss.jpg (640x551, 183K)

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Attached: Billy FN Batson.jpg (1024x505, 220K)

Attached: putting your post where it belongs.jpg (916x1380, 434K)

I was so proud of myself when I found the original comic. I love this edit

Attached: 1473175029481.png (975x1366, 1.98M)

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I always strive for accuracy.

Attached: Gwenpool, The Unbelievable (2016-) 020-017.jpg (1988x3056, 2.29M)

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I always liked that panel of him with a megaphone asking if anyone knows where the Joker is.

Why does she have Sivana teeth?

Oh fuck you for making me notice that!