No Optimus!

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>mfw he got BLAMMED through the gut while scrambling on the ground like the bitch he was

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So were the lessons here supposed to be being a hero means you gotta kill a bitch every now and then?

What do you mean no optimus? he's right there

yes optimus he deserves it

>Optimus, please! See reason in my actions!
>You refuse to? That's fine. I'll accept whatever justice the LEADER of the Autobots shall reign upon me.
>Or just shoot me in the back while I'm unarmed and on my knees. That's fine
>Wait, you're not gonna shoot me in the head are yo-
Where were you when Optimus Prime became a murderer?

>this is a normie meme now
of all things why the fuck did this one take off


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Not like they had a prison for him.

>I surrender therefore you must abide by the rules of the genev-

Right there, cheering him on.

Fuck turncoats and fuck Sentinel Prime.

Optimus being a hardass that had no problem killing and even executing defeated enemies went over well with casuals.

Because its based

Maybe they never had a Geneva convention on Cybertron

Didn't you like, kill Ironhide?

The autobots are not and have never been super heros, there soldiers

Watching the animate move in my pjs jamming out to the touch yelling optimus to pull the fucking trigger

Fuck Sentinel and fuck Faggatron. They deserved it for killing millions.

>movie-verse autobots brutally kill decepticons
>IDW autobots pal around with Megatron after he wipes out like a billion humans

That's been his characterization in lot of the comics, though. He's consistently been written as s soldier, a reluctant soldier maybe, not usually willing to kill without a good reason, but he's not going hesitate if it's necessary.

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>That's fine. I'll accept whatever justice the LEADER of the Autobots shall reign upon me

More likely he'd have tried to stab or shoot Optimus the second he lowered his aim. Sentinel was a lying traitorous bitch. You don't play around with guys like that.

Nobody ever seems to remember that Sentinel was a lying cheat throughout the whole movie and you'd have to be a moron to accept his surrender.

"I just ask the Autobots to surrender and leave the planet in peace."
He then blows their ship the fuck up the instant it takes off.

"Just give us the resources we need and we'll be on our way."

He then has the Cons start wantonly shooting up Chicago to get humanity cowering in fear and reveals he just wants to enslave the entire population.

Not to mention him tossing Megs off a building and taking over when he saw that he was weakened from his fight in RoTF and not as big a threat as he was.

So yeah, fool Optimus twice, he's not letting Sentinel try to negotiate then backstab him a third time.

Where would you be without me Prime

Fuck you normie I saw how your bullshit turns out and it ends with Rodimus fucking "Prime" running the Autobots straight into the fucking ground after Optimus gets gunned down by a Deceptinigger.

I really wanted them to team up but I can understand why optimus killed him