Jokes that were run into the ground

Sideshow Bob's thing of being a classically-trained actor working far below his talent while wearing a dumb costume was funny, but his replacement Sideshow Mel carried on the joke until his entire character was just showing up to say something silly in an overly dramatic way while still in costume or at least having the silly hair.

He's basically Calculon written badly.

Attached: mfnvu9rxz5ny.jpg (640x480, 63K)

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But that IS the joke. He's a Shakespearean actor who can only get a role on TV as a straight-man/patsy for a clown.

That's the joke.

Attached: Thats_the_joke.gif (480x368, 1.43M)

>Krusty hit that

Mel isn't as good as Bob. That's part of his characterization. Krusty even says on TV in an episode "that guy I hired after you left isn't fit to fill your clown shoes."

>He's basically Calculon written badly.

He's the opposite.

Calculon was a shitty actor with no skills that landed a starring role and thought he was fucking amazing.

Meanwhile Mel is a classically trained Cambridge thespitan who can only land side roles in kids shows where he gets pies thrown at him.


I know that's the joke. The point is the running gag isn't funny anymore.

>I know that's the joke. The point is the running gag isn't funny anymore.

The Simpsons have been on for 30 years. Name ONE running gag that is still funny.

>Sideshow Mel is a cuck

Even by South Park standards that running gag far outstayed its welcome.

Hoemr dumb funny

I still meet Liberals in the Year of Our Lord 2019 who respond to any criticism of illegal immigration with DEY TERK OUR JERBZ LOLOLOLOLOL

Almost as bad as people who still think "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID" is a joke on its own, or do Borat impressions.

i think you confused things, it was mel who was doing krusty's sister

>Name ONE running gag that is still funny.

It starts with an S and ends in D

That's right it's Snarky D. the owner of the comic book store!

Attached: snarky-d.jpg (1920x1080, 77K)

>the joke is that gangsters can't also be fags
They sometimes are though.
I once saw two tatted up gang members playing tonsil hockey on a bus.

That sounds fucking hot.

Eh, they were built but I'm not into black guys.

Double gross.

>The point is the running gag isn't funny anymore.
>i don't find it funny, it's not funny anymore! the entire world rests on the sole fact that i get my opinion out there
this may come as a surprise to you but you're probably the only retard who was bothered enough by sideshow mel to make an entire thread about it. some of you don't need internet connections

Mel sister is also his wife.

Get out, Movieblob.

literally fucking who