Did you know that your name is a title that someone can freely use? You can be the next Jane Foster, Jennifer Walters, or maybe Jason Aaron!
Did you know that your name is a title that someone can freely use? You can be the next Jane Foster, Jennifer Walters...
First of all how dare you! If a strong independent man that needs no woman like Steve wants to be Wonder Woman, he can be Wonder Woman. I would like to believe that we advance enough as a society to accept a man like Steve as Wonder Woman.
Marvel women suck. I wanna be Lois Lane.
Yeah dude there are lots of people who share the same name
I would actually read an Elseworlds where Steve Trevor becomes Wonder Woman after finding her bracelets or something Thor-style.
Torn between wanting to be outraged and wanting to support a new trans character, heads might quite literally explode.
It’s kind of weird. You don’t just take somebody’s birth name. Kamala doesn’t call herself Carol
Carol calls herself Marvel though
-present facts to an SJW
-SJW cannot argue the facts
-SJW becomes enraged and violent
Would Steve transform into a girl or would he just get the bathing suit? Either way, he'd have to call himself Diana if he followed the Marvel model.
mar-vell =/= marvel
Captain Marvel is his superhero name though. Its not like Carol called herself Mar-Vell. Giving Carol the name Car-El is just plain retarded. Whoever thought of that needs to be fired.
Honestly if that entire arc was just Thor genderbent by Odin that shit would’ve been amazing
>Marry me
Is he /ourguy/?
I think he is.
>yet another bait thread that will reach 300+ replies
>getting mad at a joke and twisting what that joke says
Don't be surprised if someone calls you a faggot.
You might have some chances, she is, after all, the JL's whore.
Shulkie BTFO
Literally "do what you must I have already won" face
user please there was better bait in that chapter
>complains about sexy clothing
>wears sexy clothing
Thanks yoga thots for convincing dumb women that skintight pants aren't sexual at all
That starfield effect looks really cool on Daredevil.
Wow really? Looking hot is just as oppressive as being an uncontrollable monster capable of destroying the world? Bravo Aaron you’ve officially gone full retard
It's better people think you're a monster and try to murder and dissect you than think you're an attractive woman.
Women just want to be treated like garbage like me. Be a feminist and call them horrible beasts.
This entire comic was and outrage Gator-bait.
Shame because there are she-hulk fans that dont want part of that
Reminds me of this.