I see people claiming that his annonymous source was that guy who made that pedophile cowboy comic

I see people claiming that his annonymous source was that guy who made that pedophile cowboy comic

how exactly do we know it was him ?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 50K)

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This guy’s a mess just starting with his appearance.

I don't know what you are talking about, and only vaguely who.

lurk moar

Some alt-right shill called ez pz who claims insider info on animation figures behaving badly.

alt-right? isn’t he israeli?

mentioning ez pz should get you banned
It's some shit fanfiction to make money off youtube soulless as fuck

I told you to lurk more

Why should we care? He draws whatever he wants.

Attached: 1561013363075.png (593x720, 308K)

Pedophile cowboy? You mean the really hot one with the /ss/?

Imagine making a fake insider leak video exposing the animation industry only to then get BTFO when you get exposed for lying by Yea Forums because Yea Forums are the ones that made them up

Attached: D476B2CC-CEBE-4CF7-9386-9EBD10CE5A8F.png (494x456, 307K)

but everything he said makes sense and explains everything about the current state of animation

thats bikini cowboy

Attached: lay down.jpg (1325x2048, 691K)


See, that's the only pedo cowboy comic I know. Probably because of Splooge and the boner's their work evokes.

Attached: 1415613.jpg (595x2134, 410K)

This was a scary read.

Not enough proof?

Oh shut up. Either answer the user or fuck off.

Fake news


You wouldn't believe the amount of self-destructive idiots out there.

>If you don't know a fucking e-celeb you need to lurk moar

The absolute state of this place.

Netflix is the real future for western animation

These guys are convinced the alt-right is totally open to all ethnicities and sexual preferences, as long you hate feminists and liberals.

They don't.
Just speculation from Yea Forums "detectives"

Lemon Squeezy here again after a long time with more info: Supposedly Aleks Hirsch plowed two-hundred moms, Ian-Jones Quarty's gonna kill his current team of animators because they're all too white, and lastly Danna Terrace ,doxxed my older brother's anonymous source. Once again, I am not a shill, Luke just told me so.

Attached: lemon squeezy.jpg (288x288, 16K)


>Muh dad works for the Disney Network
>Alex Hirsch rapes people and shits in trash cans
>Even though we live in a world where Savino and a shit ton of others got power bombed out their offices for just talking to interns
Lemon Squeezy proves that any "Culture Critic" can make 500 bucks off the bat if they can placate dumbasses who just want to rant on the internet.

>Ian-Jones Quarty's gonna kill his current team of animators because they're all too white

Attached: 1481070817974.png (800x1083, 890K)

Someone post the twitter cap of Ian laughing at the white caricature of him

seconding this

>but everything he said makes sense and explains everything about the current state of animation


Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

Is this lily peet or E;R?
Or are they the same person?

uhh he's a jew, ya fuckin anti semite