It's Tasky with his hood up

It's Tasky with his hood up.

Attached: D-EYflZXoAA-mnz.jpg (1200x600, 145K)

Nice, Darkhawk in the MCU.

Seriously looks a lot more like this than Taskmaster.

I think I your both nuts. He doesn't look like anything. Whoever its supposed to be they radically changed him

Nah he’s totally Darkhawk. If not that, a Power Ranger

Im thinking of contacting the guy who owns this, pic related.

Attached: 61ZfmIHU24L._SX260_.jpg (260x337, 32K)

>having a hood
>driving a tank
>having no amulet, wings, or claws AKA the iconic parts of his costume
>debuting in a Black Widow movie of all things
Why is Yea Forums getting stupider and stupider?

user, no one thinks its Darkhawk. They're commenting on the look.

Attached: homer if you only knew.png (512x384, 227K)

>person literally says “he’s totally Darkhawk”
>no one thinks its Darkhawk

Dude he looks almost exactly like Darknawk. It’s clearly not him, but the helmet and that shade of blue screams Darkhawk

Attached: 1377088734589.png (600x546, 140K)

We were commenting on the look you stupid fuck. We know it’s Tasky

>having a hood
My bad, it's actually Sleepwalker, sorry for the confusion.

Attached: Sleepwalker (1991-1994) 001-000.jpg (780x1200, 469K)

he looks like power rangers villain

The helmet looks nothing like Darkhawk’s, it doesn’t have the red T-visor.

Literally paint Red Skull's mask white and they couldn't even do it. It's either they hate the look and have no plans to use it or it's going to be a shitty ass origin for the skull mask.

wow it is Darkhawk

>backtracking this hard

You're new, shut up.

Fucking shitposters.

>If I start shitposting it will allow me to save face

This doesn’t look like Darkhawk to you?

Attached: 75875E17-2BE8-4CD9-9724-21E18C4876E1.jpg (600x600, 70K)

At all?

Attached: 79BEA145-4287-4358-84B8-6E773A46C18C.jpg (1227x1500, 368K)

I mean...

Attached: darkhawk1.png (1104x923, 1.04M)

hey guys, I'm in the MCU now!!!

Attached: Zedd.jpg (720x540, 111K)

Nice arguments guys.
>saving the face
Oh the irony.

No it does not. At all. Also trying to claim that none of you really thought it was Darkhawk by attempting to show how much it looks like Darkhawk isn’t a great defense folks.

>taskmaster colors
>skull motif helmet

>urrrdurr its not taskmaster

wish i knew

Dude nobody actually thinks Darkhawk, of all characters, is gonna show up in a goddamn Black Widow prequel. Are you dumb?



People are entitled to their subjective opinions. The more you post about how you think everyone is dumb for thinking it’s Darkhawk just makes YOU look more dumb

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Laugh at this faggot

It’s amazing how defensive you people are on this for claiming you didn’t actually think it. Keep digging that hole.

I can't stand this design. I usually defend MCU designs but this is just... blah. Not the Tasky I know.


If the hood were up he would be wearing it

Wait, what?

Attached: COBRA Commander is happy; no, seriously.jpg (293x316, 17K)

ITT: user tries to sound smart and gets blown the fuck out and exposed as an autist.

beetleborg lookin motherfucker

Are you that same fucking faggot from the Spider-Man: Far From Home thread who was doing this exact same shit about how Robert Downey Jr didnt want to continue doing Iron Man movies and you sperged out just like this somehow misinterpreting it as that user saying RDJ didnt want to do Iron Man?

The same dumb motherfucker who cant count?

Is this you?

What the fuck are you doing, why cant you understand english. This is embarrassing.

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You mean anons. Because several anons did.

Nope, sorry. You’re raging at the wrong user.

Yes you fucking are, this is the exact same shit.

Holy fuck dude do you enjoy being a thick headed neanderthal?

Just admit you misunderstood. You’re not going to burst into flames if you admit you were wrong.

We literally had a whole thread about the set pictures yesterday and people were saying the same shit about him looking like Darkhawk.

You know who he doesn't look like, at all?


You’re right, user. Completely ignoring our different writing styles and his worse grammar, we simply must be the same person. There can be no other explanation for your getting pissed at not one, but two internet arguments.

Bravo sir! You truly are the Sherlock Holmes of Yea Forums.

Be happy somebody even remember darkhawk

Yeah, I saw that thread. And the people in it trying to argue it was literally Darkhawk rather than just reminding them of him. What point are you trying to make again?

user why cant you just admit English is your secondary language and that you dont understand it?

You did the same shit in the Far From Home thread

>And the people in it trying to argue it was literally Darkhawk rather than just reminding them of him.
No they weren't, I was in that thread also and even posted some comparison pictures, my point always was the he LOOKED like Darkhawk, not that he actually was. Holy shit.

Dude just get to it already

I’m literally waiting for the obligatory “I was just pretending to be retarded” post

Here’s a tip: don’t accuse others of not understanding English when you suck at it yourself. Now go chase your boogeyman elsewhere.

Yes they were. Someone even tried to claim his wings could be hidden in his backpack. Stop trying to defend people who clearly didn’t have the same thought process as you.

Who do you think you're fooling, retard?

Dude come the fuck on, a lot of people in this thread were just spitballing ideas, some even said stuff like "New Warriors confirmed". Nobody was seriously implying Darkhawk was in the fucking movie; and quite frankly, the mask doesn't even look like a skull yet, so in the vacuum it's easy to make that mistake anyway.

he is owned by disney lol

I see someone just straight-up going “it’s Darkhawk,” someone speculating this is why he’d been making so many comic appearances, and again the backpack post.

But hey, you’re either a mind-reader or made all of those posts yourself, so what do I know?






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No, I mean the one screaming "BUT IT'S TASKMASTER." Singular.

I guess this is the closest costume to it.

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