The Z stands for "Zoinks!"

>The Z stands for "Zoinks!"

Attached: Shaggy Ball Z.png (848x479, 743K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>female Namekian
shit fanart

>no appreciation for a green woman

Attached: Captain-Kirk.jpg (700x530, 151K)

It's from an animated parody. A really good one IMO.


Attached: 1530864093537.png (480x360, 123K)

What is your favorite arc in scooby doo? Mine is when Shaggy learned to summon his confederate ancestor in battle.

Attached: likeamaterasu.png (754x960, 924K)

I've never unsderstood the final panel, is that supposed to be an alien plant or what?

>Shaggy’s Goku
>Scrappy’s Gohan
Does that mean Shaggy fucked a dog?

>Lucky for you, I'm a dog lover

>Daphne is now a trap
maybe Fred will finally pay attention to her

I unironically want WB and Toei to produce this. It's not just a fun idea but the single most perfect method of appealing to every kind of autist imaginable. Also, Namekian Daph a cute.

this, shaggy blanco show when?

>A really good one

Attached: disgust.png (149x151, 20K)

Need more of Vegeta Velma



Attached: 46398137-99C0-43D6-A671-98E2F2F91A52.jpg (920x425, 144K)

Remember when Ultra Instinct Shaggy was just a piece of the whole Gohan Blanco/Dragon Ball Super Power Level meme?

Attached: b33.gif (500x375, 1.59M)

>joke low effort parody is actually somehow entertaining

Attached: file.png (900x900, 492K)

But what good is all that power if you can scare him with a cheap ghost costume?

Attached: g-g-g-ghost.jpg (720x540, 137K)

>dbz parody in 2019
Get with the times old man!

Draginball is more relevant now than ever!

Attached: broly.jpg (2240x2677, 817K)

cringe, this is funny?