Will it be any good?
Will it be any good?
What redpills will this one have?
The ice birds are an allegory for White supremacist over taking the threat of islamic terrorism. The threat of fascism rise again
surely this guy is a fucking troll yeah?
Angry Birds game is no longer popular as it used to be. I don't get what's the point of making a sequel.
Will he ever get treatment for the skin lesion?
It takes like 5 years to full produce one of these movies so they made it as quick as they possibly could in response to the first one's success.
Thurop Van Orman is Directing it and I loved Flapjack. I also laughed like, twice at the preview I saw for this movie whereas I didn't laugh at all in the first one. Maybe it'll at least be an improvement?
good question
The first one wasn't, so why would this one be?
I hope Thurop Van Orman is able to get his Black Forest movie made
He's /our guy/. He sees this franchise for the masterpiece it is.
This will always be funny.
kinda weird they made Silver Chuck's sister instead of being a bird raised by pigs.
It probably wouldn't have fit the timeline for her to have been raised by pigs when they just recently encountered the pigs.
Make her younger then.
>first movie is basically REDPILL BIRDS about how pigs are Muslim invaders and need to be thrown out of your country
>second movie trailer has the pig going "WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER!"
Poltards will get mad.
It's a surprising novelty to have ONE movie reflect a different ideology even if it's just by accident. The 2nd movie just appears to be the same shit we always get from Hollywood.
wait, i thought Yea Forums hated this guy? i know Yea Forums does
Cute little pig
Then she can't be the love interest to the main bird, which seems to be her purpose in being here
That's what happens when you project ideologies that aren't there. Its funny to joke about but anyone who honestly believes is real is a drooling retard.
That's because the first movie was funded entirely by Rovio, which is based in Scandinavia, a region affected by the migrant crisis.
Hmm, I wonder who the Christians and Muslims are uniting against?
Those pesky Shiks
That chuck render is literally the same one from the first movie, they couldn’t be half assed to make a new one.
For comparison
If I can say one nice thing about these movies, I like how they cheat the perspective on the beaks like a 2D cartoon would.
thurop also did real good on the home cartoon, every thurop moment in that had me stitches
>people actually through Genndy would get a Samurai Jack film out of directing Hotel Transylvania.
>it just forced him into making more insufferable HT sequels instead.
>Thurop is basically stuck making Angry Birds sequels for life.
Rovio might not be as evil as Sony though.
Thurop wasn't working on the first one
not enough Clyde sneezing bird
0/10 will not see
The first was great so yes
Fascism is the only road to prosperity for the Western world.
The Swedish, duh.
i wish the girl pig and bird weren't so fucking cute.