
Attached: the gay.jpg (2500x942, 448K)

Other urls found in this thread:

iris.paheal.net/_images/23f6dbc67ebcdd7683836bb70185c880/3129153 - Fink Leni_Loud OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes Peridot Steven_Universe The_Loud_House crossover garabatoz.jpg

Damn she so wet that she flooded the damn place

I'm not saying the art is bad but good god Incog has gotten so much worse over the years.

Attached: .png (394x363, 37K)

gotta cover the boobies for jannies

At least he's draing something besides children now

I know what you mean, he draws everyone as sticks

who made this?

When the fuck is raven going to get in on the action incog?

What I hate is when artists go really off-modal.

Drawing Marie Kanker reimagined as an adult with big tits is one thing but some take it too far and then you end up with Lisa Simpson having giant basketball sized tits (but essentially the same body otherwise) and mountains of whore makeup for some dumb reason. Something like pic related is good though.

Attached: 1543902995061.jpg (759x1024, 445K)

well, that explains those poorly drawn tits

I cant even count how many nuts ive busted to his leni images alone

Leni is love.

Pic related Leni is another good example of sticking close to on-model but with a bit of artistic license for lewd purposes.

Attached: 6EBB3BD4-5BAF-4F06-AE42-7A75C5D2CF65.png (765x990, 962K)

I love that image because i can fap to peridot, fink, and leni at the same time
iris.paheal.net/_images/23f6dbc67ebcdd7683836bb70185c880/3129153 - Fink Leni_Loud OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes Peridot Steven_Universe The_Loud_House crossover garabatoz.jpg

Looking at your image and I realize that this lewd portrayal of Peridot is actually LESS thick than canon Peridot as depicted in pic related.

>fun fact
I live in Pennsylvania so as a joke I always refer to Peridot as "Penndot" to my friend. I'm sure the joke will be lost on most people though.

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>I live in Pennsylvania so as a joke I always refer to Peridot as "Penndot" to my friend. I'm sure the joke will be lost on most people though.
First off why

Second you have a friend who knows about peridot?

Penndot is what we call the "Pennsylvania Department of Transportation" that issues driver's licenses and provides public transportation. It's just a stupid joke since "Peridot" sounds similar.

I have like one other person in my life who knows this show even exists. She actually got me into the show. (Also my name is Steven).

>Penndot is what we call the "Pennsylvania Department of Transportation" that issues driver's licenses and provides public transportation. It's just a stupid joke since "Peridot" sounds similar.
>I have like one other person in my life who knows this show even exists. She actually got me into the show. (Also my name is Steven).
Nice, have you fucked her yet?

Of course.

>Of course
Fucking based my dude, are you dating or just friends with benefits?

Friends with benefits. Unfortunately she moved away recently though so I'm not exactly hitting that right now.

Used to watch the show with her taking shots every time a character had tears in their eyes. This was ALWAYS a consistent and dependable drinking game.

Attached: 1560198970065.gif (406x449, 1.4M)

>Friends with benefits. Unfortunately she moved away recently though so I'm not exactly hitting that right now.
Stay in contact dude, hopefully you guys can still hang out and bang/exchange nudes
>Used to watch the show with her taking shots every time a character had tears in their eyes. This was ALWAYS a consistent and dependable drinking game.
Christ i wish more women were this fun

why don't tranny Yea Forums mods let me talk sexually about Gumball, the Pines twins, Ben and Gwen, and other underage character/pairings? And if they're not going to let me talk about it here, where the fuck can I talk about it? Come on, we're all over 18 here, and you're supposed to be Yea Forums mods, if you're this sensitive you shouldn't be performing this role.

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I recognize that bulge owo


This is a blue board, user. Go to /aco/

Better than ttg

Imagine that Penny loves to See Gumball getting Blacked

Attached: bOjP2Kbv7qD9ZOIF.jpg (1200x675, 28K)

as a person who draws porn, the reason is because for some reason all the people who pay to draw said porn always want a ridiculously off model version of a character for some reason

From what I can tell that seems to be part of the reason we get tons of furry / gay / futa crap despite the people who are into that stuff being a tiny minority.

That and I suppose porn artists probably tend to be degenerate (no offense toward you for all I know I might be a giant fan of your work).

"she is so wet"
fucking nigger

Because this is a blue board, you stupid nonce. You will have to go to /aco/ or /trash/ for that.

There are SO many times I've seen some art work... thought "wow this is really good art! I should find more" and then it turns out every single other thing they made is dickgirls or some shit like that.

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yep, futa/gay especially is a niche you can make a lot of money in

/aco/ or /trash/.r Yea Forums.

where is that inside?

I think some people like posting about cartoon porn on Yea Forums because (most) people here aren't jacking off so they can have an actual discussion. I imagine most /aco/ posters have their dick in their hand and can't hold a proper conversation outside of "WOW THAT'S REALLY HOT". It's probably like trying to have a discussion with someone in the comment section of a porn site.

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he's been drawing gwen for so long that he just gives everyone that same exact body but with bolt on tits.

>I think some people like posting about cartoon porn on Yea Forums because (most) people here aren't jacking off so they can have an actual discussion.
Almost half of the opinions on this board are waifufaggotry. If they're not actively jacking off they need to.

I think it's because he's not used to drawing adults.

Its not

It's funny how board culture works. You end up having better video game discussion on some place like /pol/ by accident than you would on Yea Forums.

thanks for the suggestions, but I really hate places like that because every thread just becomes tits tits tits. I look at the catelog and there's so many tits it just repulses me. And then the rare chance there is a topic about a character I like it's gross off-model shit that makes them into some swollen older version of themself. There's a lot of people on Yea Forums who share my love for certain characters, and those are the people I want to be with. Not tit obsessed rabid porn addicted spergs, and not tranny SJW mods. I hope you understand. In my opinion, they should bring back /l/ and /sm/

Youre as mentally deficient as a tranny

And what brings you to this conclusion?

One dot shitposting should result in a ban.

>Can't even greentext
Fucking redditors

Never watched the show. Would it help the enjoyment of the art?

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Reported for racism.

Go to /y/ or 4×2chan then

Know these mods, they'd probably ban it for that reason

Yea Forums mods have always been ban happy.

Does infinity chan still exist?

Not really. It wouldn't hurt and you can attach a voice and a personality to the character and that in itself could help you enjoy the art better but the show is pretty middle of the road for anyone who isn't a waifufag.

Gime sauce.

Attached: edd.jpg (500x268, 20K)

Looks like user finally had sex.
maybe now I can stop seeing "have sex"
everywhere I fucking go.

Read the thread you mong.

Pedos get the rope too

have sex

>attach a voice

Huh, I never noticed that. I have no idea what Gwen sounds like.

This is the best thing I've seen all day. My mood is immediately fixed.

words are never nsfw.

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Pretty sure he has health issues he mentioned in the past, which is why he would go AWOL for like a year randomly. But yeah, it's sad. I loved his earlier work. He used to post on plus4chan and did some of my requests back then

He drew TT girls in the past and his style has clearly changed since then. He used to draw Starfire very on-model

yeah sure you do. tell us what you think about morganagod's toph, user.

Half this site is pedos so it's strange someone who doesn't like them would come here

Vocal =! numerous

otherwise a lot of things that are banned wouldn't be.

Yes. There's multiple shota boards, trap boards, & gays boards.

lol pedos aren't vocal at all you moron
that's how they survive

is that inside a school's indoor pool (judging by the bleachers it could be)

>lol pedos aren't vocal at all you moron

Now i know YOU aren't from around here

It does still exist and it's not worth going to. There are infinitely better chans than hotwheels

woman of bat? is that supposed to be ivy?


The lesbian batwoman.

aw man the censor bar made her look deliciously flat. then i looked up the actual comic and she has hilarious googly boobies wobblin around. still hot, but...

who the fuck?
I mean, don't answer that, but.. what?

Nah, it's mostly just commissioners like Monki or RedRaider that have too much money that they don't know what to do with it. So they can push their shit fetishes on everyone and buyout commission slots, and pay people to vote in patreon polls to push their bullshit.

Attached: ruby_rose_as_batwoman_publicity_embed.0.jpg (750x422, 99K)

There's been a red-headed lesbian batwoman for like ten years, dude

Hey buddy

the reason so much of that content gets produced is because people who like it are NOT a tiny minority

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>tfw Starfire, of all people, calls you a beta faggot

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>T-t-the artist is drawing something i dont like! I-i-its a CONSPIRACY! H-h-hes PUSHING his FETISHES down our THROATS!!!! I am PERSONALLY ATTACKED

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No way is brap and inflation as popular as the amount of art suggests

Is it that time again?

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too bad that's an edit...

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-27-23h30m45s549.png (1920x1080, 887K)

Everyday my dreams are crushed more and more by reality.

No wonder I didn't even notice this on first viewing the episode.

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On-model porn is legitimately my fetish

That awakened my love for black lipstick

my man

Why would I publicly announce on the 12th worst chan which chans are actually good?

Every other "chan" is either gayer than discord (lainchan, sushigirl etc), or completely empty (plus4chan, novelty bbs/imageboards). I should know, I ran one that, while okay at the start, devolved into complete shit. Half is very suboptimal, but it's more active than full so this is where I go to when there's nothing left to read there.

Is this a porn comic or just a funny lewd?

Attached: 0ed.jpg (982x614, 55K)


On model autists lack imagination. The flexibility and artistic license a fanartist has over a character can elevate a literally who into the stratosphere (think Tootie or Velma). Embrace the idea of alternative takes, that’s what makes drawings so awesome.

fuck off tranny

Attached: dick.png (394x363, 37K)

Why are they skinny dipping?

Incog is very consistent and has good ideas but his concept of conveying eroticism is so weak. Sultry Summer has so much potential but is just LOST in bad characterization and weak conveyance of pleasure.

True but instead of taking a character and changing them to fit my tastes I find it so much hotter to take a character and find what about them MAKES them hot. If I need to reinterpret a character then it feels less like I'm into that CHARACTER and more like I'm just using that character as a springboard for my other fetishes. It's like getting a dish and drowning it in ketchup.Sure it'll taste good, like everything drowned in ketchup, but you're covering up what made that meal UNIQUE.
I'd argue On-model doesn't lack imagination. Off model lacks objectivity. Where instead of using what you got and making it work you're just adding big titties, or fat asses or whatever else you want because you couldn't be bothered to try to work with the features the character has.

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>food anaology

Imagine being so autistic that metaphors and analogy are frustrating.

Not every off model endeavor is created equal. Of course there are specific niches like enormous asses and tits that put the fetish before the character, but not every bit of off model is like that. For example, Velma is perceived as generally cute but her on model version doesn’t really reflect this. Fanart Velma can be made ADORABLE.

What YOU feel makes them hot may not be what OTHERS find hot about them. I can look at Toph and like her because she is smol, has a vulnerability with her sight and has cute feet, but someone else can look at her and think ‘wow she’s so strong and capable, I want her to beat me up!’

If the fanart is not for you, it’s not for you. No need to force a stale sameface interpretation of the character just for the sake of accuracy/immersion. Let people decide how THEY wish to interpret characters. If that happens to be porn star titties, so be it.

>It is OK for lesbians to be pedophiles...

>Incog has gotten so much worse over the years.
BS, his style was always a bit bland. Not bad, just bland

D-Rock, in my opinion, strikes the perfect balance.

Attached: tumblr_oatotrXB2G1ur0dojo1_1280.png (736x1074, 1004K)

>red eyes

Attached: 423.png (918x918, 965K)

That shading makes it look like she has 5 Oclock shadow

I wish his ben x gwen comic had better writing

Boners, user... boners.

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The first leg of it was actually pretty good. Refreshing take of Gwen as a porn addict. But they got rid of the taboo so quickly and after the line is crossed we’re left with two bland horny characters. Ben has no vulnerability and seemingly lacks pleasure at all, Gwen has slowly changed from a nympho afraid to admit it to just a generic ‘whatever he wants’ character. Shame.

I mean I never said "I don't accept anything that's not exactly on-model." I just have a preference for On-model when it comes to lewd. I'm not saying you HAVE to do it for your porn to be good. But I dig it. Besides, from an artist perspective it's fun trying to emulate a style, especially since that's sort of an important thing to be able to do for animation and comic purposes.

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Fair play, i’m characterizing you based on a specific type of r34 fan, but you may not meet that criteria exactly. There are a LOT of religious on model guys out there. As long as you don’t shit on stuff that isn’t just because it isn’t, you’re fine by me.

we really need to update this