Are there any RECENT South Park or Simpsons episodes which are good?
Are there any RECENT South Park or Simpsons episodes which are good?
The movie was pretty decent, but that was almost a decade ago.
>Zoomers would defend the movie even when it was shit with very few lines wroth remembering
More proof of the strepitous decline in quality after season 9
I just like it for the Bart scene.
No. South Park hasn't been good in several seasons and The Simpsons hasn't been good in twenty years.
That episode in the latest season of SP where Mr. Mackey and Kenny teamed up to take down those scooters was a nice, it also goes to show that Kenny is the best human being out of the four boys
No and stop asking.
>Early seasons: Kenny is the blank slate character in which you can project any crazy personality trait you want
>Latest seasons: Kenny is a good boi.
That character went to shit but fujos wont stop schlicking in approval.
Kenny's only trait was that he was horny.
I think simpsons had a mini renascence 5 or 6 years ago but it’s gotten worse since then I liked that Halloween episode they did that wasn’t a treehouse of horror but that’s the only one that sticks out. South Park is as good as its ever been in the last decade or so
sneed park
For a show about disgusting, absurd humor and politics starring paper-cutouts, it sure seems to attract an alarming amount of fujofag shippers and underage DeviantART OC fanfic writers.
Yeah I always found that intriguing.
Why are you asking this here? You know the answer already, Yea Forums doesn't enjoy anything and people here like to just bitch and moan about everything.
Yeah would have been better if he just stayed dead and was replaced by Tweek for the rest of the series like he was intended to.
No wait then you would complain how it's fujo pandering because it's Tweek.
Seconding the halloween episode about Kenny and Mackie and Tegridy Farms was a pretty damn good episode too, Randy Vs Vapestore would have fit in perfect with the golden age of the show.
I honestly haven't seen any simpsons episodes in forever, but I do remember the one where Homer becomes friends with a robot was straight up standout, legit funny with stuff I remember even now. There's some good stuff in there, I'm sure.
Post 2014 South Park is just as completely unwatchable as post 2003 Simpsons.
It's sad to realize that the number of shitty unwatchable episodes outnumber the good episodes. It was good for about 10 years but it has been fucking awful for 20. They keep that up and the whole damn show will just be remembered as a completely terrible pile of shit that no one wanted to watch.
I never understood why Kenny of all people was picked to be the moral one that went out of his way to fix things and do what's right.
After 15ish years of Kenny being the dirty little "don't give a fuck" horny shit that will do anything for a dollar, and is more interested in getting his dick sucked than anything else.
Contrast? He's not really a 'good' person in the episode, he just wants to spend halloween with his friends and can't afford a scooter. The only other reason people call him good is how much he cares about his little sister and Mysterion being the only decent hero of the bunch.
Compared to what was airing at the time (and now), the movie is pretty solid.
>Tough tough soft tough soft soft tough tough soft soft
Put It Down, Doubling Down and The Scoots were my fav in the recent seasons
There is also all the Mysterion episodes, and the foster care episode that shows him as the moral one.
that was pre-Craig Tweek so no, you are wrong.
Define "Recent" first so i know what i can work with, like a year or 5 years?
That one Simpsons episode where Lisa becomes afraid of Halloween and fired employees break into their house.
What is wrong with kenny being a good boy? Its nice having him be more of a character.
doesnt the foster care one directly affect him though? Im sure he wouldn't really be doing that for any of them if his sister and himself weren't part of it.
Season 21 was pretty good and I liked Tegridy Farms.
Tegridy Farms was the first time I've genuinely enjoyed a South Park episode since fucking 2013. Randy was genuinely funny and I enjoyed the subplot between Butters, Cartman and Kyle.
Tegridy Farm was ass
such a weak generic Randy episode, hard to get through