>Comic book fans bully 7 year old girls
Comic book fans bully 7 year old girls
So what?
>Comic book fans
Are you sure about that?
What are they even bullying her about
Incel punks fuck off
>implying woke marvel would ever cast morgan stark as a replacement iron man anyway
What about Ironheart?
>letting a 7 year old on social media, especially one who was in one of the biggest fucking movies of all time
Putting the autistic moralfaggotry of this thread aside for a second, that is objectively fucking retarded.
Is that just code for “I don’t like you” at this point?
Apparently they think she'll replace Riri Williams.
they are therefore stupid.
>Is that just code for “I don’t like you” at this point?
It's literally "Women don't like you."
Shut up, nigger
White liberals and niggers aren't comic book fans.
I thought people were bullying her because she doesn’t want to take pictures or sign autographs?
Which is insane because she’s a fucking child. People are fucking terrible. Let the kid be a fucking kid.
See, thats the issue with Legacy characters they're always stuck to the hip to the original.
Riri should've have been her own unique character from the start. Despite the fact her origin been changed, she's going to be forever associated with Ironman.
Hopefully Marvel realizes this when creating new heroes,no legacy, no team, dont association with something that's already established like don't make them a brood, Kree, Skrull, mutant, inhuman etc keep them completely original.
Legacy characters hurt in the long-run
Remember when the media called for the lynching of the smirking maga hat kid?
> replace
That nigger is some throwaway token character, the idea of replacing something like that is a joke.
Wasn’t that just nerd or geek?
>muh retributions against the JOOISH MEIDA!!!!
Kys kys kys.
At least he’s a teenager who has an understanding of what he was doing. Don’t pull that “what about”ism bullshit
This is a 7 year old child.
It’s code for untouchable nerd virgin
He was smiling at a savage, user.
you seriously still believe he was the aggressor in that circumstance? It was the fakeout indian chief who was quickly called out as a hoaxer and the black hebrews who were stirring shit up.
Kid was just doing what anyone else his age would do when being stared down: smirk nervously.
It's not about creating new characters, the comics only continue to exist as a tool to help the films, token legacy characters make for easy cheap marketing, it also sates the SJW's and blacks thirst for gays and blacks being given pity roles.
only legacy character who made sense was x-23 because she is practically wolverine. She isn't a completely unrelated chadacter who comes out of the blue and decides to take an established nickname
Why does inceldom and racism always seem to go together?
Are they racist because they're incels?
Or are they incels because they're racist?
So Yea Forums?
SJWs are not comic book fans. They don't buy shit, that why every single title made for them have more awards than actual readers.
They are fucking locust, roaming from one media to another, destroying everything they touch. The sooner publishers and movie studios ignore the weekly SJW outrage riots on social media and get back to making their normal mediocrity, the sooner their real fans will be happy again
You're still suggesting sandman was racist. Could you please try and be less retarded next post?
>Comic book fans
They mean must casuals because actual comic readers know that Riris origin has already been changed
His crime was being white to these cunts. Stop explaining things to them. They don't care about facts or logic. They only care about their progressive religion and want it to infest everything they see. Including your comics.
yeah well people are starting to get slowly sick and tired of the sjw narrative. You'll start seeing articles soon about how companies start telling sjws to fuck off instead of bending the knee
It's because neither women nor shitskins are human.
overreacting a bit
how'd you like the debate?
Congrats user, with that logic your mother is not human. Guess that makes you the spawn of a cum guzzling cock sock
It can be either. Usually their creepy incel behavior chases away any social interaction at all, so they go to /pol and act like being white is an exclusive club, and everyone who posts Kangz and Holocaust denial are their friends
Or their online racism slowly leeches into their personal life, alienating friends and family. And nobody wants to fuck a guy screeching about Jews and niggers
>a 7 year old girl will never bully/dom me
Why even live?
user, he's a racist incel. He probably wasn't even breastfed. Imagine an existence with absolutely no affection from anyone, not even his mother.
I doubt it. Many news sites are owned by the same corporations selling these products, like rainbow cakes for faggots and so on.
How did this thread suddenly turn to incels and racists?
I mean isn’t that where we all come from? There’s a reason your dad talks about how much he’s only loved and cared for your mom while your mom acts like she just started existing before birthing you because no human would be able to take hearing that their mom used to take pounds of cock every weekend until she decided to settle down. So I’m sure that other user is fine with it
and there are many more less mainstream ones that are getting increased attention from people tired of mainstream bullshit fake news
>Bullying a 7 year old kid
This is one of the many reasons why certain people shouldn't be allowed to breed...
Gotta love election season
ooof....tell me about it
Comic book fans are fine with her character, alternative universes are normal, everything possible.
Sjw trolls bullied her. She is too normal for them .
shut up mistake
What I get from this thread is that Ririfags are cancer.
It’s the only way people on any board argue now. It doesn’t matter where you’re at or what the topic is. As long as you don’t like what the other person said all you have to do is call them an incel and when the person inevitably responds you sarcastically state how women totally love them. It’s the ultimate argument winner
Correct, women are just wombs for the creation of more men.
They are feeble minded, barely sapient creatures who need to be manipulated into complacency, lest they tempt more feebleminded men who have fallen prey to the vaginal Jew.
>nigger talking as if it's a person
Adorable. Go eat mud cakes, you little scamp.
What an stunning dress
>Apparently they think she'll replace Riri Williams.
How, she hasnt been the same since the relaunch?
>As long as you don’t like what the other person said all you have to do is call them an incel and when the person inevitably responds you sarcastically state how women totally love them. It’s the ultimate argument winner
I thought I was going crazy. It really has been happening lately.
Is the fact that you’ll never procreate is reason you’re so upset at women and minorities?
Because leftists are cum-brained sex-adicts and it's the only thing they can think about, so much so that even their impotent insults focus on sex and infantalism.
Don't listen to this retard. They're bullying here because she doesn't want to answer shit.
Is the fact that you're an easily distracted hedonist the reason you'll let feminists and invaders rot your country, so long as you get poon and """ethnic""" streetfood?
Alternatively, accuse everyone of being from /pol/ and shilling for /pol/ and that every controversial post is a /pol/ gay ops
>>Liberals bully 7 year old girls
It's nothing new. People have been acting like this for decades. It's just the social media and being able to constantly share what goes on in your life 24/7 just points it out better. It's really quite surprising how many people never mature beyond high school. I mean they're back to calling people virgins.
There was a video made about why certain fans are willing to give Miles a chance and despise Riri . Ririfags came to the video and started bitching, they;ve also tried to derail a into the spider-verse thread, and now I'm hearing they're bullying a child wtf!
>Reading between the lines, it sounds like Lexi was either naughty in public (like a million other 7 year olds on the planet) or she/her parents refused to sign autographs for fans.
>It's crazy that a child has had to share a message like this online, and you have to hope this was a one-off occurrence. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound that way and playing Morgan Stark in the biggest movie of all-time has put Lexi in the spotlight in a way most young stars won't be accustomed to.
Wow literally nothing about harassing her about Iron Heart/Riri Williams
This whole thread was just to bait arguments.
Everyone please kindly fuck off
That's pretty fucking rich
>Putting your small child into a Hollyjew production
>Putting your small child onto social media
Gas these parents
How does it feel knowing your caustic bigotry will always prevent you from intimacy and love? But all a minority has to say is "Orange Man Bad" and women trip over themselves for him?
Yet incels get the most upset when women cover up, don’t want to look sexy, or their favorite tv/cartoon/comic book character no longer has a boob window.
Pot calling the Kettle black
Ririfags gonna ree
>What about Ironheart?
But there is a Morgan Stark in the comics. He's Tony's dumbass cousin
Youre that the women who go for shitskins are even capable of providing intimacy or love, let alone being a competent mother. All it does is prove the point that women, by and larged the majority of them, are mindless sheep with a desperate need for social validation.
Nah, the difference is that you're hypocritical about it. You applaud and induce women to cover up, you celebrate ugliness and disfiguremeng and mutilation, yet you're "sex positive". Don't play dumb, you're already impaired enough, you don't need to pretend.
What is it called when you take a role meant for a white person and you give it to a POC?
1. A second grader shouldn't be on SM
2. That fruit's still at least decade from ripeness. Green apples don't taste very good.
So Tony’s daughter becomes Brass?
Marvel should make her Ironheart instead. Nobody even likes Riri "race baiting" Willaims
actually, it was sjw's and comic book fans
Blackwashing or Minoritywashing
Christ you must be a blast to be around at parties.
Reparations you fucking bigot, it's okay when we do it.
Ah, yeah, mindless debauchery and watching niggers grind on each other while whores and whoremongers taint every availed bed in the house. Sounds like a lot of (((fun)))
How is cyberbullying real like nigga turn off the computer screen close your eyes nigga
It sounds like the mom is being the stereotypical social media-mom going on about how being a parent is so hard and it's even harder when your kid is famous
She mentions bullying but doesn't say anything about what actually happened. It just hints that some fans either asked for an autograph or the kid was being a normal 7 year old and people gave them looks - like people give to all families with small children.
This has nothing to do with Lexi (that's the girl's name right?) It has everything to do with the mom trying to get attention and fame through her daughter.
This. Libshittery is complete fine about black washing but white washing is somehow a big no, no.
>mom I see mean words I can't not read, an dyou can't move me out of the screen! kill those NAZIIIIIIII!
I'll bet Feige'll make Morgan Ironheart just so they don't have to pay Bendis the royalties for Riri.
If you're famous you can't escape that shit online, like all of Etika's streams and tweets were calling him a clown and that's partly why he killed himself
It honesty makes sense if the kid was to replace Riri as Ironheart since she’s is an established character in the MCU, not some literally who.
Good. There can never be enough Bendis FU's.
>Posting the same stupid page when she already moved past that and her current series is actually great, as well as Zub's Champions
That's kind of funny.
Get out of the kitchen if you can’t take the heat
But they used Aaron Davis in Homecoming and even credited Bendis. So he’s already gettin royalties.
user I've been married for 4 years come October and we're gonna try for a baby. She's my best friend and my better half. I know her thoughts and she knows mine. We're so physically intimate she knows if I have a weird freckle before I do. We spent an entire week just making love and swapping secrets. We're that annoying couple you see out in public, giggling and holding hands and jumping each other the second we get home.
How does the fact that she's white and I'm not make you feel?
Just turn the screen off lmao.
>How does the fact that she's white and I'm not make you feel?
If you're black, it makes me feel good that the coalburner will be burdened with a mutt to raise on her own when you inevitably abandon her.
If you're not black, I honestly don't care. Other races are civilized for the most part, so I honestly wish you the best on your marriage and future child!
Still left a bad impression with many fans. Riri is not a good character and never will be. I'll tak Miles Morales, Kamala Kahn or any other legacy character over her.
The fact that you think that’s the ONLY form of Party shows that you’re probably what, anywhere from 17 to 21 years old?
Get out more. Not tryin to troll or fuck with you here man. If you really view the world like that, you’re going to be fucking miserable when you finally live on you’re own. I know you’re upset at the world or something for whatever reason, but it’s not worth it dude. Focus on you and bettering yourself.
I actually thought this was hilarious. It shows the teacher is cool and Riri is so autistic she needs a crucible of artificial adversity to struggle against.
Sometimes you're held back by SOCIETY.
Sometimes the only thing holding you back is you.
With casualgaters more like. Everyone saw that as soon as Bendis stopped writing her, she became readable.
>Get out more
I made this mistake and it only out me off from modern society more. I turn 30 in a month and everyone else my age acts like they're still fucking 15. It's embarrassing.
Reasons like this is why I fully support governments controlling the internet, some shit you just don't do.
>>Bettering himself
Why would he do that when he can blame all his problems on others?
He can't get a girlfriend because of feminism
He can't get a job because of Mexicans
He's poor because of Jews
He has no friends because they're all liberal basedbois
He can't go out because a black guy may shoot him
And he has all those Chads and Stacey's raising the standard and rubbing their joy in his face
When you tell me to get out more, what kind of party are you even talking about that ISNT that? Because the parties that are worth going to, that aren't just pseudo-clubbing at a house, are kind of mostly just for friends.
I've already got that; I've already got a close group of friends, and I've got good relationships with my coworkers.
I'm just fundamentally repulsed by the vast majority of plebs.
Yeah, I was willing to give her character a chance by after this moment and her threatning to attack Nick Fury when she had no right to be in that classified SHIELD area. I just can't and all see is an unbearable brat with a victim complex. I'm trying to make my own comic character and I hate Bendis for portaying a black character like this. Yes some of have that pathetic victim complex but not all of us have it. I want original minority characters not this tokenized BS spewed out by shit writers.
>if I strawman someone's grievances, they'll feel shame at how silly they're being and NOT double down on what they believe to be true
You're not a very good orator, user.
What, did you drop the spaghetti and swear off social life forever. user, humans have always been immature. We never stop being idiot children, we just gain the ability to create them. I work with the elderly, and let me tell you, there is no difference between generations. We are all selfish immature assholes, some just hide it better. Lower your standards and lighten up. Life is fucking fun if you have idiots to share it with
Only thing blacker than my heart is my skin
>I'll bet Feige'll make Morgan Ironheart just so they don't have to pay Bendis the royalties for Riri.
Sounds about right.
>Riri fans go Ree
Yep, fuck them.
I'd be cool on Iron Kid. Have that cheesy Spy Kids type of stuff going on again.
Still shit user.
10 reasons why she's shit
1. Racebaiter
2. Lacks the charm Tony has despite his flaws
3. Annoying
4. Tokenized Mary Sue whose smarter than Stark himself
5. Made by Bendis The King Of Hacks
6. Brat with a victim complex
7. Fans bullied a kid
8. Unoriginal
9. No respect for SHIELD or rules
10. Ugly
>I'm just fundamentally repulsed by the vast majority of plebs
I know it sounds like I’m over simplifying here, but seriously just stop giving a shit about what other people are doing if it’s not effecting you directly.
The time and energy you waste on being too concerned with normies and plebs is time you can bettering yourself or discover a new hobby. Go to the gym and get jacked? Make it Yea Forums related and take up drawing/art? Don’t waste your younger years drowning in resentment against people you will literally never meet or interact with.
>Only thing blacker than my heart is my skin
That's a shame. Hopefully you'll be an outlier, then. As much as I enjoy the schedenfreude of being proven right, it still hurts all the same. I'm honestly tempted to congratulate you on the baby anyways, just for the chance of you actually being decent and doing your part to make your race respectable.
Are you a black man, user, or are you a nigger?
This. Outragefags won't bother reading the new Ironheart book and only resort to posting the Bendis version.
>Minorities complain about a white person taking the role of a minority character to the point they're bullying a 7 year old child over the internet.
>Meanwhile, white people have had to suffer as tons of real and fictitious white characters are turned black, hispanic, asian, etc.
Really makes me think.
I sincerely hope later down the road she improves. For this reason right here. I’d love to see her grow out of it and accept that the people saying no are saying it for reasons beyond her skin. After that she opens tons of possibilities. I’d be 100% ok if she went full on villain imgoingtoprovethemallwrong mode.
user, the last party I went to was 7 guys in a living room watching Berserk, taking a drink of beer everytime somebody dies.The one before that was to watch the Stanley Cup. One before that was a wedding. One before that was a birthday party where we tried weird food combinations. Cheddar cheese and apple pie is better than sex.
If the only party you can imagine is a high school booze orgy, than you need to get out more.
How does that relate in any way to this?
Not what he said. He said can take the heat better because he is older, not that he deserved it
>His crime was being white
No, it was wearing the maga hat, not beign white.
Shut the fuck up you spoon fed shill. The fact that she was made by Bendis is already bad enough. I don't care if Marvel has made attempts at salvaging her shit of character. She will never be GOOD.
I'm a human being user. Same as you. I've got thoughts and feelings, dreams and secrets, prejudices and perversions.
But thanks for the blessing.
Too bad, she's now good.
"Colorblind Casting" because then its judged on talent.
>What, did you drop the spaghetti and swear off social life forever.
No, I just act like an adult. People my age are still getting drunk to the point the black out and vomit and all that shit. I did that shit over a decade ago. It wasn't really fun then and it sure as shit isn't fun now that I want to go to bed at 9pm, I can't stomach more than two beers with all the greasy bar food, and all the standing makes my knees hurt. Maybe I'm just old now. I dunno.
>We never stop being idiot children
True, but after a certain age, there's a time and place for it. Out in public isn't the place.
>I work with the elderly, and let me tell you, there is no difference between generations
I too have had some experience dealing with the elderly. Honestly I feel like after a certain age you regress. Granted it's probably loss of mental function but still. I hope to off myself before I get senile.
>Life is fucking fun if you have idiots to share it with
Not really. I specifically don't want children. I especially don't want children in adult bodies that aren't even mine.
>Only thing blacker than my heart is my skin
Well that certainly explains your immature world view.
If she went the Syndrome/Buddy route from Incredibles it would do wonders for her character. Instead of this poor attempt of passing her off as a so-called hero. I hate how white liberals think this is what minorities want. All we really want is well written and likable characters that just happen to be {insert any race).
Nah, she never will be.
>comic book fans
>not an angry mob of woke twitter users who saw Endgame and then heard from some clickbait article there was a black Ironman girl
user, that's just hanging out with friends and having fun. Whenever I hear someone I know say they're going to a party, or going partying, they ALWAYS mean clubbing or a booze orgy, as you so perfectly put it.
But women are more biologically complex. Males are literally just genetically altered females. And all asexual lifeforms are female.
I don't watch the shitty movies. Who is this little girl supposed to be? Skimming through this thread, Iron Heart? If you can black MJ, why not white Reereetard? Seems the blacks got the better deal on that one.
Anyone can post the Ironheart edit about her wanting to be Tony Stark, but with that also has th big edits in it, please?
Which just proves that men are the more evolved lifeform ;^)
Thanks for the (you)'s, anons
>5 fucking panels of reused art
Marvel is shit now.
Anyone can post the big edit of it? You know the one.
legacy characters are the worst
What is your definition of mature? Because humans have been getting drunk for milennia, it's hardly a new phenomena. And you can drink things besides beer. Personally I hate beer. American beer is weak, the taste is gross, and it makes me gassy. Plus the amount I'd have to consume to feel anything is substantial. Usually I'll do vodka, because its easier to control. And only idiots get puking drunk, I usually switch to water or juice as soon as I get buzzed.
And I only drink socially, so every two months or so. Can't get crunked every weekend, I gotta work.
ITT: manchildren who watch shows for kids think they're better than anyone or that their opinion matter.
Finding it now user brb.
I can see a time coming where you have to be ashamed of being born white.
Even of that's true why would they make riri white? That's like making king tchalla a blonde blue eyed aryan
Those can be fun too if you're with the right people. Good chance to people watch or work on social skills. It's also a good icebreaker, because everyone wants to get away from the noise and go somewhere quiet to talk. Or bang.
I like to get in drunken debates about stupid shit, like cartoons or world history. You haven't lived until you've seen the history professors loudly debate Genghis Khan vs Alexander the Great
This. What you and that other user described is getting together with friends. The definition of party, for the most part, means going and getting wasted and clubbing. It doesn't even change as you get older. You just get old people trying to go the club and it's embarrassing.
>What is your definition of mature?
Having some self control and not drinking to the point you black out and hook up with some random thot. There is nothing wrong with getting drunk, but after a certain age you shouldn't be getting blacked out shit faced anymore and go fuck random strangers. That's just gross.
>>So ashamed he leaves by pretending to be retarded
>Riri fans are insane
You sound like you're 22. You'll get it when you grow up a little.
Unless you live in Russia or Ireland, most adults don't do that. It's universally considered trashy. Even growing up in St. Louis, getting black out drunk was considered a sign of weakness, and drunkenly fucking a fatty was even more shameful.
I haven't left, I'm just admitting that I was baiting for (you)'s initially because this thread was destined to be terrible. Now that I've gotten bites, I can ease down into my actual views.
>7 year old girl with a social media account
What the fuck
>most adults don't do that
You obviously have never gone out to the bar
Are we going to see more of these threads now that incels and their precious the Donald is being quarantined over on Reddit?
24, but you're not wrong. We all understand that in a few years we'll have to stop drinking because our bodies won't be able to handle the poison anymore. We'll slow down but we'll still have fun.
Hopefully she grows up to be better looking than Annasophia Robb who was pretty disappointing.
Senpai, I live in Austin, the number of late 20s to early 40s out at 6th street is fucking ridiculous.
He's a child. He doesn't know.
Your bait is weaker than your chin.
Are you sure it's not because the conversation between us has become more civil, and I'm not apeishly shrieking at you for reparations and food stamps? Don't worry man, I won't tease you.
Drunks at a bar, shocking. Honestly, I don't know how they afford it.
Goddamn you're annoying. Go away
>Are you sure it's not because the conversation between us has become more civil, and I'm not apeishly shrieking at you for reparations and food stamps? Don't worry man, I won't tease you.
That too ;^)
Consider this
Ayyy St Louis ain't no picnic either compadré. We went from being the jazzy flyover city to NeoDetroit. Race riots and white college kids marching about Black Lives Matter while people burn down their own town.
Gimme time, I learn pretty quickly
No u
W a s t e d
>Ayyy St Louis ain't no picnic either compadré. We went from being the jazzy flyover city to NeoDetroit. Race riots and white college kids marching about Black Lives Matter while people burn down their own town.
Quints for truth.
We deserve to be gentrified.
Zendaya's mom is white, she's more white than black
Because it's the new slur for people with inconvenient opinions now that the old ones are no longer very effective.
Supposedly her parents had rumors of physical and mental abuse against them and they just used this to deflect.
Counterpoint: Seven year olds shouldn't have goddamn social media accounts.
Sounds like fake news to boost Endgame re release numbers
This. Being a child actor is a much worse enviroment than being stalked by a hundred sweaty men on social media.
"social justice"
>thread devolved into a Riri hate circle jerk despite the character having nothing to do with the conflict
Do people not get that, that user lied or is the hate that strong anons here would just run with it?
Watch this post be ignored.
Making the cast more diverse and vibrant
Triggered incel.Go shoot a mosque so police can kill you,channer trash
As someone who has some connections to the actor's family, the real reason that "bullying" video was made was because the kid acts like a brat whenever they go out and eat in public (i.e. throws tantrums, fights with her brother, crawls under tables, etc.) and the mom just sits around bragging about her kid's role in Endgame while paying the kid no attention whatsoever. This usually results in people coming up to the mom and telling her essentially that they don't care about her kid being Stark's daughter and to get her kid under control (this has happened at least twice).
The mom (like most mothers of child actors in the industry) then throws a little drama fit because she has the mental maturity of a highschooler and makes social media posts about her family being "bullied" and has OP's video made for sympathy points.
It's all a bit pathetic, really.
>Comic book fans
>People complaining about Morgan Stark preventing Riri from being in the MCU
Wait, I thought the narrative talking point was that Comic Book Fans Were Horrible because they didn't like Riri?
Racists and incels aren't comic book fans
Twitter hates Whitewashing
OK but I preferred to hear about your uncle who works at Nintendo.
>Yea Forumsfags unironically thinking Morgan is MCU Riki
>sjw's still existing
I wish the woke taliban would set themselves on fire already.
As soon as you stop being such a bitch and do the sam thing since you're no different
>literally no one said this
Fuck off back to Yea Forumsmblr
Children should not be allowed on social media, children's online activity should be strictly monitored by their parents.
Why is this basic common sense so uncommon these days?
Wait, wait. How are they reaching her to bully her? Does she have a twitter or similar social media account? Why does a 7 year old have a social media account?
Instagram. She was sort of made to have one. Don't know who
Yeah, that's kinda trash, "forcing" a child to have one, because of publicity is crap. Not that I expected better for disney.
you mean this entire time we've been in Yea Forums? i couldn't tell the difference.
I never said Disney, but honestly she shouldn't have one right now
Well, I mean, you said "made to have one". I assume the only one who can "make" her have one is her employer.
She's still a black teen from modest upbringing.
Which is completely unique for an Iron Man legacy.
Is it or is it her agency? Who knows
Why, though?
It's great to prevent erosion on your walls.
We should find a way to transplant wombs into men like you, that way we don't need women and you will finally get laid and be useful.
I don't bully children because they're the wrong skin color you worthless faggot.
In this girl's case, those two options are happening to her.
Why would you bully such a qt 3.14?
>Crazy people on Twitter bully 7 year old girl
Whitewashing Riri is a serious issue
Lmao no one mentioned Jews you snivelling kike.
A good thing!