Imagine if the gender is reversed

Imagine if the gender is reversed

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>qt brown girl instead of uggo

Is the black girl still taller? Because if so, yum.

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it gets posted on the women abuse thread then.

Who's tougher? Melissa or Zack?

>Depicted as physically incompetent to contrast to her mental superiority in Season 1
>Becomes physically superior in Season 2, thus becoming the typical "uber-competent female lead"
Why Josh?

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He didn't write the episode where Melissa takes martial art classes.

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some writers dont understand that flaws make interesting a character.

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rape isn't funny

To be honest, main trio have little to no character flaws.

That's why people love Cavendish, Dakota, Elliot, and Bradley.

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That is partially true, but Milo and Zack do have weaknesses, Melissa, on the other hand, has few (because they are resolved immediately) or no weaknesses.

What character flaw does Milo have? (Murphy's Law is not a character flaw)

It is a combination.
The first episode you mention was by Jim Bernstein.
Valerie and Marja did Cast Party.
And the one with the debate, Josh did.

But Jim Bernstein established Melissa as physically incompetent, making him based.

Murphy's law ... is a disease! Bum bum bum!

Exactly, suppose they later scolded him for giving weaknesses to Melissa.
Dani Vetere also established her as forgetful and made an episode of that, but she left the show in season 2.

>Dani Vetere:
>Wilder West: has a female character who's too attached to get involved in dangerous situations
>Smooth Opera-tor: has a female character who's too attached to order
>The Race: re-establish Melissa's physical incompetence

Is she /ourguy/? A shame she was only there for Season 1.

>Meanwhile, her replacements Valerie and Marja made an outdated, blatant "girl power" episode

The world is unfair.

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>It makes an episode where Melissa has weakness.
>They scold him for that.
>Then he does an episode where Melissa is a descendant of a significant woman who basically created text messages.

>It makes an episode where it is mentioned that Melissa is forgetful.
>They scold her.
>Does The Math Book, an episode that is based on Melissa forgetting something.
>Leave the show like a boss.
Dani is the best writer.

I've found new appreciation for Dani now just wow

Is really bad when you can't give to one character from main cast a defined personality.

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>Everyone except Doof has basically the same reaction
How is this not proof that the main trio is bland?

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B-but, the lumberzacks.

>Recorded in front of a live audience, in Burbank, California.

Unfortunately it's only a main topic of conversation in Season 1.

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When would the scolding occur? If they didn't like it, wouldn't the unwanted elements be erased during the writing stage?

>Recorded in front of a live audience in Danville, Tri-state Area

She could've been a descendant of pic related

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If only the West allows this

There's always an AU for that

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>Imagine if the gender was reversed

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I love their relationship. Brock never had this kind of relationship with May or Dawn.

Mistyt seems to be the only girls he doesn't hit on.

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