While looking for cartoons to watch I was surprised to find that apparently Stephen Colbert's stupid side project...

While looking for cartoons to watch I was surprised to find that apparently Stephen Colbert's stupid side project actually began airing over a year and a half ago. Time flies I guess, especially when you aren't paying attention to celebrities being dumbfucks who refuse to do things like Harvey Birdman that would actually be entertaining.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>that awkward feeling when a comedian you like starts promoting something you know is fucking terrible

I like a lot of the crew on Two Beers In. OP's show is fucking terrible

>Harvey Birdman

Nah just ruin that as well with his political screeching that people weren't listening to otherwise.

>that Birdman revival episode where Phil was also Trump

What is Colbert's deal with politics? Can't he just be a funnyman without the political handicap?

He sold his soul loooooong ago, my friend. He's a shell of his old self on a leash.

>Season 2 starts with them rimming Red Cortez's beanhole and acting like the new green deal wasn't balls to the wall retarded
S1 had some legit funny moments despite being mostly "HURR ORANGE MAN BAAD!" but there's some shit I just cannot abide.

OP definitely doesn't sound like a thin skinned person that is pissed about this specific topic. It's a good thing that people that like this particular president are aware that jokes ranging from satire to straight up caricatures are common regardless of the president's political affiliation.

Projection: the post.

I made this thread because I was genuinely surprised this retarded thing not only has been going for a while, but actually got a second season. Not to have some retarded australian tell me how they feel about the american president.

>jokes ranging from satire to straight up caricatures are common regardless of the president's political affiliation.
That is true, but you're lying off your ass if you insist that obsession with this particular president has reached eye-rolling highs. I think he's an assclown and couldn't care less about him, but the fact that you'd kowtow this kind of obsession-fueled trite just because you agree with it politically is retarded. I wouldn't have watched this show if it were about Obama. The idea in and of itself is just plain garbage and it reeks of desperation for attention and validation just as much as a similar cartoon made by a birther would be, no matter how much you want to try and bootlick it.

>*hasn't reached eye-rolling highs
Fuck, I need sleep

Orange man is ORANGE

>wouldn't have watched this show if it were about Obama
No shit, Obama would lend his voice for his role and defeats the purpose of the show.

"Orange Man Dindu Nuffin" is as tiring

Colbert has been a political funnyman for most of his career. Why would you even ask this stupid question? You don't have to like it but its been a core part of his success.

Why is Trump even associated with orange? He looks more yellowish to me

> wouldn't have watched this show if it were about obama

no shit dude, obama's personal and professional life wasn't a circus.

Because dorito mussolini is fun to say

He dont know what to say to you,he legit have a bad orange tan

You seem triggered.

His big break was being a political funnyman. The guy is a millionaire thanks to it and the people who get a joke love him

fake tans have been described/stylized as orange for years. most prominent example that comes to mind is that Other Girls//Me meme that was popular a few years back

>What is Colbert's deal with politics?
Is this a serious question? It's literally his job.
It wasn't retarded, it was a proposal that was open to negotiation and change and would have gone through that process if the very concept of addressing climate change wasn't so heavily politicized.

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On the first day out of the month when they apply his fake tan, it really sticks out in the colour orange. Then it starts to thin until his butler applies a new coat

>Wtf user why don't you like the 58375947 Trump joke by Colbert? Huhuh triggered incel

>mfw Obama embraced his memes because he's secure with himself and we'll never have someone that chad in the White House again
I miss him.

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In the internet age, jokes are quickly becoming like tattoos, you need to make them knowing that they'll still be there after 20 years. It's going to be *real* shitty having to write off like a decade of comedy just because half of it revolves around one person who won't be relevant in another ten years.

People are still making Nixon jokes after half a century, you think the man who makes Nixon look like a regional mishap is going to be forgotten in a decade?

he hasn't had a "fake tan" in year you nigger

Trump is actually as terrible if not worse than anyone has ever joked about, but that's why the jokes aren't funny. It's like making ten thousand jokes in a row about how we're all going to die. I get it, the world is terrible....jokes aren't going to change it. They aren't going to make anything better. They never have.

So you're saying his skin naturally looks that diseased?

Watergate happened in the 70s, culture moved a lot slower back then. I mean, shit, nobody talks about things that happened only five years ago now. Just look at OP's post, he was shocked that it had only been a year and a half.

Who forced you to listen to them? You just seem like a triggered sperg that gets off by pretending to be a victim of a society you have no control over. When it's all said and done though I'm gonna watch a show that makes me laugh and go to sleep with a smile on my face. Then there's people like you that probably refreshed this page 70+ times already

Did you read anything about it? because even as a proposal it was so fucking stupidly divorced from reality itd have to be entirely scrapped and rewritten to be viable and in the end it was nothing more than a shitty propaganda piece that got shut the fuck down because of how godawful it was.

Watergate had a lot more impact than trump being another jackass in a long line of them.

That person put their name on everything in a bid to try and stay relevant in 10 years. We still crack jokes with people from the past though

I'm as anti Trump as it get but i dont think he's the worse.At least he didnt start a civil war like James Buchanan.Trump is a buffoon so his place is before the last

Yeah I did and you're wrong, it was fine as a starting point for further talks which is what it was meant to be and what the beginning of the process is meant to have. It's literally just an issue of Mitch McConnel being an obstructionist vying for single party rule.

Watergate is literally just a tiny version of the issue with Trump, are you joking? Do you even know what Watergate is? It's having some information stolen from the Democrats. At least Nixon's goons were native to the fucking country. Even to this day Trump is saying he would accept foreign help in the form of such stolen information, even after everything that got revealed in the Mueller Report (which you clearly have not read).

>We still crack jokes with people from the past though
Sure we do, but try explaining Chris Chan to a modern teenager, they might get it, but they also just don't have the historical context to fully appreciate the awfulness. My issue with most political humor is that much of it is 'you had to be there' and if you weren't there then the joke just doesn't hit as hard. There are exceptions, of course, but they're few and far between.

Even if you don't agree with him, you know you'd enjoy hanging out with him.

This is how we know trumptards are easily triggered. Nearly every other president has been joked about and memed on while they were in office. The amount of jokes at Trump's expense are nowhere near as much as Bill Clinton's. Virtually every show in the 90s and 00s made fun of him. George W was branded a retard and had two comedy shows mocking him. And as stated before Obama just rolls with the jokes which is the best way to defuse them.

Attached: thanks obama.gif (700x602, 3.83M)

>Mueller Report

Ah yes, the hack job created by the 17 Angry Democrats to destroy Trump (yet still didn't find any evidence of wrongdoing). Sad.

Go back to making up stories about 'Concentration Camps' - which the National Holocaust Museum says are nothing of the sort.

Given that Watergate ended in a presidential resignation and a supreme court case I would argue that, yes, Watergate was a much bigger deal.

It's an endless cycle.Trump fuck up and rage which cause Colbert to make tacky jokes that cause Trump to rage and fuck up etc etc.Colbert and Trump are like light and shadow,one cannot exist without the other

Chris Chan is not known world-wide to the extent Trump is. People will be cursing Trump's name for the chaos he caused for decades. This isn't even a joke. Just at the border alone, Trump is practically breeding an entire generation of stilted Mexicans by kidnapping children and throwing them in inhumane conditions because... what? Because the people who build the concentration camps get a lot of money out of it? It's inane how hard you try to downplay the damage Trump has already done. If Hell was real he's guaranteed to go there when he dies.

I dont think you even remember where the word "triggered" came from.

Japanese Internement Camp is a much apt comparaison ,to be fair.Also >TOTAL EXONERATION lol

>wealthy businessman
>comedian and actor
No I'm pretty sure they had lives before 2016 and will do so after all this blows over and gets forgotten.

>people that don't get topical humor

>trying to keep retarded wetbacks from illegally flooding your country is "kidnapping them"
oy vey just like the holocaust!

What does that even mean? Just look at OP. They're barely coherent in their anger over a show that nobody talked about for the longest time. Nice one by the way OP, I'm sure we'll get more threads about this show.

My point is that there will come a time when Trump humor will become passe, and that means writing off a good portion of humor and media from late 2015 to early 2025 because a bunch of writers didn't feel like being more creative.

I'm pretty sure OP isn't claiming that this show gave him PTSD.
Again, it sounds like you completely forgot where "triggered" even comes from.

Asylum seekers were following a legal process and their children were illegally taken from them despite that, and you're trying to defend the notion with memes and vague racist sentiment. You'll likely go the Hell too. This is not Jesus's way. You're nothing but one of King Herod's mindless foot soldiers who forced Jesus to flee to Egypt.

Not all jokes need or have to be universal though. I'm mean sure, you look like a retard when you don't understand some but nobody says you need to stick around and keep looking like one

If you were old enough to remember Dubya, you wouldn't make this post. He had like several shows on TV exclusively devoted to making fun of him. He was "the worst president in history" and literally Hitler. The difference with Trump is that Bush didn't give a fuck, whereas Trump gets mad at the slightest provocation.

The guy is the son of a German wetback that fleed Germany AFTER the Germans lost and became a refugee to escape paying the debts they owed

>asylum seekers
Ahh... I remember when that word used to mean something...

The issue is the saturation of it, though. Because everyone both in and out of this thread is too goddamn immature to actually discuss the issues at hand in a mature manner every instance of the joke comes across like an old person trying to be hip with the kids and crack a joke about - let's say - World of Warcraft, but it's clear from what they're saying they've never played the game and thus can't say anything about it, so they just make shit up instead.

On the other side are the neckbeards who play 12 hours per day and get angry when other people aren't as familiar with their weird obsession as they are. So in the end everyone becomes pointlessly hostile to everyone else and no progress is made. The internet was a mistake.

That and 'refugee'


You werent born when it "meant something" and when it "meant something" you probably would have been the first ranting about those "dirty Jews from Europe invading Good Ol'Usa"

Stay cucked, drumpftard

Go back, Russia

>You're nothing but one of King Herod's mindless foot soldiers who forced Jesus to flee to Egypt.
Actually I'd have nailed Christ up on the cross myself

But hey - it's quite simple - if you're a refugee or "asylum seeker" it means that we've got troops on the ground in your country. We have an obligation to return these people home, so coming to our nations under the pretense you're oppressed is an invitation for us to invade your country.
Praise Satan for dead people!

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Our country is run by Russia

>Actually I'd have nailed Christ up on the cross myself
No you'll just shitpost about it on the Internet, stress sigh,shit your pants and do nothing

You religious or something?

You say that like I don't run my own Satanic organization that trolls Christcucks and Mudslimes IRL

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You're the kind of person who sent the ship of Jewish refugees back to Germany to die in the death camps. You don't care and never cared. These are people who are doing all the right things legally and you're just memeing.
>Actually I'd have nailed Christ up on the cross myself
And thus ensure your own failure as Christians are empowered by your cruelty and take over your Empire. You are shortsighted, cruel, and evil. What principals you proport to have, you will swap around as is convenient for you.
>But hey - it's quite simple - if you're a refugee or "asylum seeker" it means that we've got troops on the ground in your country.
See this nonsense? You literally just made it up. Just as I said. No values, no principals, you engage in fiction because you delight in the cruelty it affords you. That's how you become a racist, a nationalist, and a Trump supporter. Christ will return and he will put you where you belong.

>genocide and world wars are the same as being a poor spic
That is one hot tomali of a take.

Does it matter if you do? Anyone can call a tiny little message board "an organization". This is pathetic. You're bragging about shitposting like it's special. I feel no anger, I can only pity you if this is what it takes for you to feel like a big man.

>What is Colbert's deal with politics?
Is this even a fucking question? His entire career was built on making fun of conservatives.

>We need to protect the border because of all the gangs and drug wars!
>Look, there's refugees from the gangs and drug wars.
Which is it user, is there a crisis we need to protect ourselves from or is there no crisis and nothing that should create refugees? You're just a doubletalking liar.

>>Look, there's refugees from the gangs and drug wars.
You realize we have that same shit here in major cities in the U.S., right?
That's like trying to claim asylum status in Norway because you're a "refugee" from Chicago.

You like being evil?


>You like being evil?
If "evil" is not babysitting the entire third world, then slap my horns and call me Satan.

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>You realize we have that same shit here in major cities in the U.S., right?
Not to the extent as the cartels literally controlling entire areas in South America you retard. You fucking moron. I can't believe you wrote this and thought you knew what you were talking about.

Drump doesn't do anything he says. He's a russian puppet and so are you.

>Not to the extent as the cartels literally controlling entire areas in South America you retard.
Sounds like they should really fix that.
Not really sure how bum rushing our border is a solution to that problem.

>I don't want to babysit the entire third world!!!!
But you would rather pay $750 in tax dollars per child to be trapped in a concentration camp? All you're doing is funneling money into the companies that run the camp while destroying an entire generation of children. There's a big difference between that and "not babysitting" people. You're not Satan, you're just a gibbering fucking retard.

You don't know anything either. You're just a shill.

Don't listen to any of their words. They ARE concentration camps. They are racists.

>Yes there is.
>No we don't.
Are you going through a list of retarded shit to say here or something? There's no consistency in what you say, nothing that indicates any true care for the facts, you're just dismissing with whatever low-IQ bullshit you've been trained to repeat like a parrot. No a five year old child can't defeat the cartel you stupid mongrel that's why they're a fucking refugee.

Are you baiting, or just underage?

No you

I would rather spend resources educating and elevating the rest of the world than spend them defending myself against it. If it has to be dealt with eventually either way, I'd rather they came with dank memes and weird porn than cheap aftermarket assault rifles and IEDs.

You're not a refugee just because there's violence in your country.
If the entire southern continent is nothing but an uninhabitable warzone filled with nothing but drug cartels and gang wars, guess what, i dont want any of those in my country. At all. Clearly they've all fucked up their own cpuntries beyond all repair, so I'd rather they not come here and do the same.


You're just a racist nazi russian. You don't even have your own thoughts.

Based. I can't wait.

Underage spotted

But I thought I was a nazi. Wouldn't that make me at least 80 years old, or something?

Obama rolled with the punches constantly and his team were aware of it so they did skits like this during the corespondents dinner.
The reason most shows didn't even though there was tons of set ups (He was conservative as fuck on military policy) was that he could roll with the punches and there's nothing quirky about him they could have used like Bill Clinton being a lazy and stubborn hick playing his saxophone instead of working or Bush Sr being an incredibly dry and dull bureaucrat. Most US shows didn't even go at Regan because he wasn't funny enough. There has been good skits that did burns on Obama (Key and Peele's "Obama Anger Translator" skit for example) but the man knew how to play the politics game exceptionally.

You're an idiot, that's for sure

Remember that rightists aren't worth arguing with. They are brainwashed with fakenews and only know how to project. Just drive them out.

Friendly reminder to report all illegals to ICE for deportation, and seize their belongings after they've been rounded up.

Yup. They're concentration camps. Impeach and remove. Exile all rightists.

Illegal immigrants should be tossed into a dark pit. They're basically rats

So much edge. All rightists are rats. Throw them in a pit.

Kind of a waste, we should at least harvest their organs first, to cover the costs of having to detain their worthless asses in their first place.

>I can't do anything but bitch

no wonder you like Tramp

>who refuse to do things like Harvey Birdman that would actually be entertaining.

But user, Stephen Colbert actually helped produce NEW Harvey Birdman in the same time period.

>jacking off to pics of their step dad

It's a rightist. Just make fun of it.


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You've already contradicted yourselves.
It's over.


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So is it fake or real?
Stupid nazi russians.

How fucking stupid, and queer.

You misspelled Israel


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I heard that song in my head

cia psyop detected

That makes no sense

russian shill


Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

The rightist was mad about bad cartoons so is posting their own bad cartoons

None of these even make sense

Imagine being too stupid to understand a Stonetoss scribble.
I'm pretty sure you "people" would lower the national IQ even worse than African Americans.

>OMG RACISM IS SOOOO BAD!!!111!!eleventy!!
>No it isn't
>Le smugface

>imagine doing the mental gymnastics it involves to think these make sense

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>Why is a comedian known for his political humor suddenly making fun of politicians?

user, did you take stupid pills this morning instead of vitamins?

Take it to pol

>rightists eat shit

Well good thing it was simply a resolution about inspirational goals to fight climate change and create green jobs instead of any kind of concrete legislation, over which you could have debated and found bipartisan comprise over for bringing people a brighter future (note: this issarcasm).

Rightists don't have morals

>the way to form bipartisan support for issues is to propose something so utterly retarded that it comes off as such a strawman that even your own party thinks you're just pretending to be retarded for laughs, but you're 100% serious

>actually granting righties an argument

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>Most US shows didn't even go at Regan because he wasn't funny enough.

Robin Williams had a very controversial skit about Reagan on SNL during the time when were plenty rumors, which we later prove true, related to Reagan's supposed senility.

I dont get it either.


>Offering coal miners a financial support when their jobs become redundant is so retarded!
>So is investing heavily in infrastructure so that flying is less necessary, investing in green, renewable energy instead of subsidizing current pollution and earthquake creating energy forms like oik and fracking, talking about how we need to cut back on red meat production due to the emissions cows produce, or how houses should be made more energy efficient as our energy neeeds rise.

Nuh-huh, sweety.

Because it's just shit they wish made sense

Don't bother. Rightists don't actually care about anything but racism and money.

One of the reasons why Regan was so hard to write as a skit in the US was the risk of it being bad taste about his senility (In hindsight, the "Rappin Ronnie" joke in the Simpsons was super dark). Internationally, they went for the throat like the show Spitting Image shown in the UK which was nasty as fuck towards everyone and Margret Thatcher allegedly had tried to get it taken off the air while she was PM because it was brutal in its satire of her. Political comedy is in the shitter lately because they have been given the laziest, lamest punchline ever, still manage to whiff it and the president still gets mad.

Rightists are babies

You can't just throw "LE ENVIRONMENT" infront of retarded ideas, and think anyone will find them good. Its just the libcuck version of "DO IT OR YOU HATE AMERICA", and does nothing but make environmentalism look insane to the average person. We're still dealing with the damage to public perception "global warming" alarmists did in the 90s, where we were all supposed to be burning to death a decade ago, instead of stating reasonable and rationable positions.

stupid rightist shills

>instead of stating reasonable and rationable [sic] positions.

"Reasonable and rational" positions have achieved fuck all in the past couple of decades because one side has gone "nope, climate change isn't real" and claim it's a Chinese hoax and next to nothing has been accomplished. And now we have overwhelming consensus that we have a very limited time to even hope to put in place changes to curb it in a way where it isn't completely disastrous to the planet and humans where we'd have to deal with massive global immigration refugees and wide spread famine as crops start to fail.

Calm down, Sergei


>climate change
*Global Warming (TM)

>I'm not russian. You are.

>"global warming" alarmists
I can't tell if you're a retard or a shill

I guarantee you that I know more about climate science than you.
Are you even aware of the different models?
Instead of informing the public about this, the response was "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE 10 YEARS AGO!!!!", and you fucking morons have the goddamn audacity to claim you haven't completely and utterly screwed the pooch on this one, and have tainted the conversation far more than "le big oil" could ever hope to achieve with an infinite amount of funding.

>no shit dude, obama's personal and professional life wasn't a circus.

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Definitely a russian

Nobody under the age of 60 still cares about Nixon or makes jokes about him.

>i guarantee that I'm a shill

Mods please rangeban all Am*ricans.

You're an idiot


Stephen Colbert is a sad meat puppet of establishment Democrats with no mind of his own who reads scripts they give him. Barely even worth paying attention to.

Obama and Bush did nothing about the Iran or North Korea problem or the border situation or stopping China's expansionist/empire-building attempts. I don't think Hillary would have done anything about that either.

I unironically used to like his Colbert Report.
I know that was just his shiteating, backhanded conservative persona... but back then, it was funny to watch him feign ignorance, or excitement over things you could tell he hated, or bait people while being friendly.
Now he's just... bitter. Half the time he forgets to even make a joke.

Watergate was...how do I explain this. The thing about Nixon was that he didn't like Beltway insiders and wasn't accepted by them even though he'd been in Washington for decades. So he was a Washington insider who was also an outsider. What happened was a strange alliance of the country club wing of the GOP and the far left to oust him.

>Suppressing data for decades, spreading actual outright lies across all forms of media, and paying off politicians to support their agenda at the cost of everyone else is somehow worse than getting the timeline wrong on the incoming disaster that everyone with any shred of credibility agrees is still projected to occur.

Yeah, I'm definitely leaning towards shill.

Exactly. They just kept passing the buck, hoping the next president would take care of it and doing the damnedest to keep confrontation to a minimum. At least Trump is trying to do something about it.

>Le Drumpf is holocosting Mexicans.
>Still believing anything CNN says.

>haha we made a whoopsie
It's a real life version of "the boy who cried wolf", and now you're wondering why nobody believes your alarmist bullshit.
I support alternative energy because oil reserves are limited and dwindling, and the faster we develop them, the faster we can let mudslime countries go back to living in their beloved dark ages.
But thanks for fucking all of that up, retard. Maybe take a few more pictures of some crying penguins or some shit.

>or the border situation
I thought he deported immigrants in mass and was the first one to put children in cages?
Make up your minds.

What exactly needs to be done with Iran?


I'm going to warn you off the bat. Iran has a large, annoying diaspora who will jump to the defense of the Islamic Republic any time the subject is brought up.

>my decision making isn't guided by facts and pragmatism but instead morality tales for literal fucking children

Behold the intellectual might of the right wing.

>Behold the intellectual might of the right wing.
Yeah, it's called "long term energy independence".
Abloobloobloo to your shitty country.

The fact that it's the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet and has hegemonistic ambitions in the Middle East might be one thing.

# of wars Trump has started: 0

That's Saudi Arabia, though.

JIDF please go back to /pol/

No it's not

>17 angry democrats

mueller is a republican. this is how sycophantic you guys are, anyone who speaks out against trump's long line of wrongdoing is smeared as a political hack and a socialist democrat.

That was faster than I thought. :^)

>Trump got a cartoon
>Bush got a cartoon
>Obama didn't get a cartoon

Are cartoon makers racist or something?

I'm totally convinced by thesmarky reaction image of the secondary character Sandy Cheeks from popular children cartoon Spongebob Squarepants (1999) from Nickelodeon (a Viacom TV station)

Why didn't conservatives make a cartoon, though?

No, it's called blaming everything on one party being mistaken about the time scale while being right overall and proposing plans of action to avoid disaster, while excusing efforts to ignore, suppress, and lie about the facts for profit.

Cuz they suck

obama is one of the most boring people on the planet.

the fact that anyone believes the secret muslim, not a real american propaganda just goes to show how fucking batshit insane half this country is.

>ahahahaha the third world can fuckind die i'm in the first world where everything is so good nanner nanner
>wait why are you moving to the place i just said was better ?

Obama accomplished the Iran nuclear deal. Trump then tore it up and has us at the brink of war with them because apparently having a vigorous verification process in place wasn't as effective way to stop their nuclear program as having no deal at all, which is a fascinating feat of mental gymnastics. Especially when you remember that Trump has the complete opposite approach to North Korea, where they can do just about anything, break promises, rebuild nuclear facilities and continue missile tests, all is fine as long as Kim keeps writing Donald love letters.

I fucking hate these assholes, they know they are disingenuous then ferry around faulty science and push shit "green" technology making companies waste millions of dollars to accomplish nothing.

Yes but Saudis give us money.

you're literally shooting yourself in the foot and blaming liberals, lol.

>shut down all industry
>because we were supposed to die 10 years ago
As someone who knows a thing or two about environmental science, this post has disgusted me more than anything I've read this year.
Do you even know why we use "fossil fuels" in the first place? I'll give you a hint; it's not because everyone is Captain Planet villains.

Who said this?

I mock Internet Tough Guy and edgelords.This guy live a sheltered life and never faced any hardship in his life and like you can see in his next post he's a totes goffik French satanist
This is you

literally untrue.

Al Gore

But I'm actually in full, 100% support of making their third world shithole countries better. I unironically, in the depths of my heart, wish them the best in doing so.
So why the fuck would I support all of these entrepreneurs, future scientists, and engineering geniuses exporting all of their talents to the U.S.?
We're literally robbing them of their talent...

is it because of entrenched interests crushing any and all scientific and economic enhancement because it threatens their hegemony over the market?

>answer, yes.

He said we were going to die in 2009?

It would be shut down admid charges of racism for daring to make fun of Obama, silly. :^)

>Especially when you remember that Trump has the complete opposite approach to North Korea, where they can do just about anything, break promises, rebuild nuclear facilities and continue missile tests, all is fine as long as Kim keeps writing Donald love letters.
That did not answer the question. What exactly did the past three administrations do to stop Pyongyang's WMD program? That's two Democrat and one Republican administration.

To be fair Gore gave fuck all about the environment and was just trying to line his pockets.

fuck off. california is constantly on fire. over five of the hottest years on record have been in the last ten years, the sea level has already risen. Ice caps have shrunk to the point where we can make polar boat rides around the globe.

al gore was fucking righter than your dumb ass.

Since when do conservatives care about accusations of racism?

Yeah I wish I still had that analysis of Gore's carbon footprint.

By all accounts, Regan had a sense of humor and can make pretty good jokes. Hollywood at that point is just too lazy to come up with pretty good Regan ones. I honestly think American Dad had pretty good ones because they felt inspired and creative.

>california is constantly on fire
>make your home in the desert where there is a fuckton of lightning storms and hardly any water sources
>surprised when everything is on fire

California is an affront against man and god, they stal all the local fresh water for farms that shouldn't even exist, they ended a ton of entirely sensible forest fire prevention measure because it harmed plants, and it's a desert.

Obama was like the 21st century Jimmy Carter. "The shit's broken and it can't be fixed, accept mediocrity forever." Said you can't bring back manufacturing jobs from China. Nancy Pelosi said being unemployed was a good thing.

Wow, a neocon in Yea Forums? Not even /pol/ tolerates your kind.

Most of California's infrastructure was built during the 20th century which was an abnormally wet period for the region.

A neocon would have just favored continuing the Obama/Bush status quo.

Obama was the 21st Century Woodrow Wilson: An Ivy League educated Professor who treated the world's problems as a complex puzzle that needed to be solved with the right education.

Wait, wasn't Wilson an extreme racist who started the Confederacy dindonuffin movement and also was partially responsible for why WWII happened down the road with his idiocy?

But Obama added 1M manufacturing jobs and reduced unemployment from 10% to 4.7%

>Still butthurt over one mistake over a decade ago despite all the new evidence

I thought you'd be more forgiving given how much you suck off Trump despite all the bullshit he spews all the time. Oh wait, that's right, you're a shill.

Obama "reduced" unemployment by changing how unemployment is defined for statistics so people who aren't looking for a job don't count towards the total.


>Now he's just... bitter. Half the time he forgets to even make a joke.
Trump has been a punchline since the 90s. It's all low hanging fruit.

Also, I think he was pretty rightly disappointed that Republican voters were willing to ignore all the shit they claim to hate (Russians, philandery, the entitled) when it was politically convenient.

Attached: 497796.jpg (640x480, 57K)

Yes, but liberals rarely bring that up and often praise him. Most of America's problem stems from his and FDR's style of government being used by Dems.

>Washington Times
>founded by a literal cultist

Obama wasn't funny. His main character tic was throwing ums and ahs all over the place.

>being a loser NEET who lives in your parents' basement at 30 and smokes w33d all day
That was his vision for us.

I'm talking about climate science.
Trump has nothing to do with climate science, you deranged retard.