The 90s were the best

The 90s were the best

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No but it gets too much hate

The 90's had a lot of good content, a lot of good art, and a lot of memorable moments. It definitely gets waaaay more hate than deserved, especially considering what gets released now.

The 90's had Starman so yes, they are the best indeed.

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This decade is the best

It’s mainly Liefeld

>kill off Superman just to bring him back again
>turn Hal evil so his autistic fans throw a 10 year long shitfit

nothing good came out of 90's DC

Honestly I woukd argue that DC's 90s reputation is tainted by Marvel and Image in the 90s.

DC actually reined it in pretty well, outside of Az-Bats, Jurgens Teen Titans, and that wierd Wonder Woman run where Artemis was Wonder Woman and Diana worked in a fast food shop and wore leather.

It also has the late 90s early 2000s golden age of good legacy heroes where you got many consistently well written legacy/new generation hero comics like Azrael, Superboy, Robin, Nightwing, Impulse, Wally Flash, Cassandra Cain Bat-Girl, Connor Hawke Green Arrow, Starman, Matrix Supergirl, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.S, DC One Million, and Young Justice. All of which are pheonomenal runs that D(idio)C and Geoff Johns decided to shit on in the 2000s and removed with the New 52.

starman, hitman, sandman, the spectre, doom patrol, and JLA would all like to have a word with you.

Yeah, I mean Kingdom Come, was pretty much every 90s hero outside of Marvel, the main 90s antihero was basically just Cable

I can fap to this.

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I would argue that Kyle Rayners Green Lantern run is a more interesting than basically all of Hal Jordans Green Lantern before Emerald Twilight outside of Emerald Dawn and Green Lantern/Green Arrow.

>ywn be choked between the meaty, sweaty, leathery thighs of a dom Amazon, forced to sniff her hairless crack while she tells you about how males are the inferior gender

Just fucking kill me now desu

This to be quite honest.

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I unironically miss 90s cape comics, maybe I’m just a old fag but I liked the combination of action and cheesecake.

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I miss unapologetic cheesecake

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I really like Felicia as a character if you catch my meaning.

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Deodato WW was the only time that I genuinely found the character sexy.

Is he gonna be okay?

The weak should fear the strong.

I mean, I would argue that was one of the biggest issues with the 90s (especially at Marvel). Literally the only thing causing people to read the comics was cheesecake, hence why they had those god awful swimsuit issues. So once they actually wanted tk do more complex stories that weren't just about getting women into the sexiest positions possible that base starts to go away (like X-men from the 90s to the 2000s until Grant Morrison almost singlehandedly saved it from cancellation and even kept fanservice in there while telling an actually good story).

>god awful swimsuit issues
Not what I would call them.

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Fuck off, zoomer.

DC also had its cheesecake-only comics, the already mentioned Deodato WW, Jim Balent Catwoman.

DC also was heavily into cheesecake in the early 2000s, Ed Benes BoP.

And on TV too!

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I didn't mean to sound like DC wasn't. What I will say though is that it is much less gratuitous in 90s DC that I have read than 90s Marvel. And for the most part they at least had somewhat strong plotting and dialogue to back it up and make up for it

And yeah, but he also had Gail Simone writing so it somewhat made up for it

I love Birds of Prey!

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You should look into the 80's user.

I miss 90s comics too.

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I don't think DC did a single title I disliked in the 80's.


>Literally the only thing causing people to read the comics was cheesecake,

You are a retard.

So you acknowledge this was the main reason. Because everyone else here confirmed that's what made them read commics and not about the stories

90's were better than the 00's

Not all of it. Some are good, but the rest are terrible. Fuck the 90's because that's what almost killed Marvel

Too much pandering to sad fanboys

LOL cheesecake was one part of it but he main factor was the characters looking appealing, both men and women.

I am really conflicted, 00s, 90s, 60s are the three I deem closer
tell me anons
It's really difficult

The last one. 90's has Vertigo and a lot of good indie shit.

You know what I realized? I am aware that 90s were overall better than 00s, the average 90s story is better than the average 00s story. But I have consumed more 00s stuff (and mostly dc) so a lot of stories I specifically like are in the 00s. So yeah, it's a backlog issue.

>a lack of cheesecake as to why X-Men slumped

Yeah that probably has nothing to do with their entire roster of genre chanaging superstar artists leaving to start their own company...

There was a lot of cheesecake in the 90’s, I should know I bought a lot of it, but that was from like “bad girl” comics. Very little of it was from Marvel

I enjoyed Hal’s time as a villain.

I unironically love Bloodlines. The parasites are fun as hell. They're so stupid, yet they managed to kill 3000 people undetected. Low Int, High Luck.

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The 00's were very hit or miss. On one hand, you had books like Solo, Bizarro Comics, Kyle Baker Plastic Man, and H.E.R.O., and on the other, Identity Crisis.

It's a shame they went all in on IC instead of the fun creative stuff.

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And it gave us Hitman!

>30 NEW heroes/villains
>Only 1 was actually successful

One lesson I learned from the New Guardians is that heroes introduced during "events" are almost always failures.

Still, I thought Gunfire and Anima were okay. Terrorsmith had a lot of potential. The rest ranged from mediocre to hilariously bad.

I still can't believe DC tried to resurrect the Blood Pack with the New 52.

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Add Knightfall, at least until Jean Paul kicks Bane's ass.

Late 90s/early 2000s DC is the best DC era of all time, the universe was never richer and full of legacy and a sense of history than that time. Lots of good titles coming out as well.


Yeah, 00's felt very hit or miss. I think the 90's keeps getting vilified because it's an easy target.

I think there's some really high highs in the 00's at DC. I enjoyed All Star Superman, Superman: Secret Identity, Seven Soldiers, Jonah Hex, New Frontier, The Spirit, Baker's Plastic Man, Johns/Busiek Superman, Morrison's Batman, Wednesday Comics, Solo, and a lot of others. But when 00's DC got bad it got really, really fucking bad. Identity Crisis is one, Cry For Justice is another. Batman: War Games, JMS' issues of Superman: Grounded, a lot of really really bad issues of Titans after Johns left, and so on. Like for all people complain about Death of Superman and Knightfall, I'd rather read those over fucking War Games or Identity Crisis or Cry For Justice.

DC in the 10's wasn't a complete trashfire, there were definitely things I liked such as All Star Western, Rebirth Superman, New Super-Man, Priest's Deathstroke, Prez, Flintstones, Wonder Twins, some of the HB and WB crossovers with DC, Multiversity, Morrison's Green Lantern, and some others. But even though I liked Morrison's Action, Pak/Yang depowered run, and some others parts, the New 52 Superman felt really hollow to me. And I had that kind of problem with a lot of the New 52, no matter how much people say it sold well. I think it was a matter of tossing out the baby with the bathwater. And of course the bad comics were as terrible as 00's comics--Heroes in Crisis is such an example.

Amazons should be hairy

society was pretty cool in general before feminism and "social justice" become the norm

>and that wierd Wonder Woman run where Artemis was Wonder Woman and Diana worked in a fast food shop and wore leather.
hey, i read that in storytime and honestly that run was pretty damn awesome.

same. that's what really defined comics at their best for me. the crazy (sometimes complex), dark stories, mixed with cheesecake that took pride in what the (theoretical) human body could achieve. it was a lot like the greek and roman myths, full of rippling thews, mighty men and women, glorifying in physical power and beauty.
these days it's like watching a bunch wimpy people whining about issues, guilty over what they are, or taking pride in shit that doesn't even matter for their heroic deeds.

you sound like a retarded faggot
>Literally the only thing causing people to read the comics was cheesecake
i'm sure there was a few like that, but the fact that comics like witchblade, vampirella, lady death, etc, were all heavily cheesecake, yet still pulled off awesome and sometimes deep storylines and no one has had a problem with them.
>hence why they had those god awful swimsuit issues.
complete faggotry bitching about that. i would kill to have those come back. at least they had some fucking balls to do that. these days we can't even get anyone in a "sexualized" costume at all. literally everything is boring and modest and you'd think the christian right had gotten their way.
>So once they actually wanted tk do more complex stories that weren't just about getting women into the sexiest positions possible that base starts to go away
itls like there's no difference between the christian right and the feminist left. there is nothing wrong with women, there is nothing wrong with women being sexy, and there is nothing wrong with people enjoying sexy women. you're more of what is the cancer killing comics than 90's cheesecake ever was.

>like X-men from the 90s to the 2000s until Grant Morrison almost singlehandedly saved it from cancellation

Look I like Morrison's comics and all but he didn't singlehandedly save it from cancellation. The X-Men books before he came on board were still selling better than every Marvel book.

Hell, you know when the worst X-Men sales were? The 2010's. If X-Men was doing 2010's numbers back in the late 90's/early 2000's, heads would've rolled.

>Fuck the 90's because that's what almost killed Marvel
>Too much pandering to sad fanboys
you fucking retard, try actually learning what happened in history rather than shilling your shit.
the reason Marvel almost died in the 90's was not the cheese cake or the writing. it was a bunch of fucking faggots who saw that some really old orignal issues of batman and superman were worth a lot of money and decided that Comics were a brilliant fucking investment and started buying anything and everything they could because "it's gonna be collectable and i'm gonna be rich!"
and then marvel (and a lot of others) started seeing this and decided "why the fuck not?" and so they started pumping out special covers, and brand knew "issue #1s" and shit like that, flooded the market, and then like what happens every time shit like this goes down...the market crashed and nearly took the entire industry with it.
that's what what happened.

While I'm not excusing the sins of the 90's, I honestly feel we're worse off than we were then.

At least back then DC was a refuge from the garbage Marvel and Image was spewing. Now they're balls deep in it.

>Death of Superman
It's one of the main reasons death in capeshit does't matter anymore.

sad but true.

I like cheesecake too but give me a Manara or Cho, fuck this shitty 90s aesthetic. Liefeld is also one of the worst in mainstream comic artists in terms of artistic ability, dude can't even draw a fucking foot.

I'm an Anima fan

I hate you

i miss the coloring

90s and 00s Lee did awesome Cheesecake.

>dude can't even draw a fucking foot.
foot fags.
not even once.

I don't care much about feet but when they're missing it's pretty noticeable.

I never got the appeal of Jim Lee, he's just Liefeld with a marginally better grasp of human anatomy. He's also responsible for the abominations that were the New 52's costume designs.

Yeah, like as if bringing people back from the dead never happened before Superman. OH WAIT.

You know, for all the "Didio hates the Teen Titans" memes that people make, the situation of that team was way worse back when he wasn't in charge, unless you count Young Justice as part of the Titans franchise.

Superman just unleashed the floodgates at an unprecedented level, it definitely started the trend of "killing" the really popular superheroes and bringing them back to life less than a year later.

The ones that were worse were the Wolfman era ones, namely Raven and Beast Boy, they aren't great now but they appear in comics now because the cartoons caused them to basically be synonymous with the franchise. Everyone else is worse now.

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I once heard that Lee doesn't understand manga's appeal.

Considering he's Co-Publisher of DC, that's not a very good sign for the company.

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>no JLA

Get the FUCK out of my board

Anima was good, but didn't really fit in with the other cape books at the time.
The cover art was also really misleading compared to the actual content of the story
This was one of the covers, making it look more 1990s-esque...

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while art and stuff like this was on the inside.

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Messner Loebs Wonder Woman was cool...wish DC would reprint it
(yes they reprinted the ARTIST but not the writer so they left out space pirates and taco wiz story line)

>not posting any of the best 90’s books
Yikes user

I still want a Wonder Woman action figure of this costume.

Just... shame they chose to go with a leather bikini strap, instead of a tube top. I think it would've looked so much better with the latter.

Poor guy. He's homeless, and his writing doesn't have much mainstream appeal.
Hell, Simone was the biggest female voice DC had for years, and she's just getting a WW omnibus now.

this makes me sad

It's tragic, but stuff barely sells these days.
The kids market is growing, but the adult trades are stagnating. That's why DC is shitting out so many OGN's now

Indeed, but with the way people go on, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the 90's were ALL Liefeld-tier. A lot of people like to ignore that a lot of beloved comics like Hellboy, Preacher, and Sandman started out in that era. Great runs with horror characters like Ghost Rider and The Spectre along with Chaos comics' output. Pretty much all the Vertigo stuff in general, Morrison JLA, etc. Even the Liefeld clones were pretty fun in a "dumb action movie" way.

Even Marvel had a few bright spots in that era with its horror titles and Black Panther.

and Kurt Busiek started writing the thunderbolts and Avengers in the late 90s too so that should also count.

I used to shit on the 90's all the time, now I realize that comics were just straight up better back then.

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Yeah, it's a problem with people thinking things were only extreme and bashing the 90's as Easy Mode criticism, so you have all this decision to move away from it, to show that they're not like this artist-driven era of comics, when instead it led to blander looking comics in the 2010's. People think the 90's were grim and gritty... but they took themselves less seriously compared to people's attempts to be serious in the 2000's and 2010's.

Some distributors still have a lot of those comics stored away, because they are still selling while a lot of the newer stuff doesn't so well. However, good art is still being produced.

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Oh boy it's fucking zoomer o'clock here to keep the nostalgia wheel turning, now the 90s are gonna be seen as underrated classics, and completely disregard that every new character was Death Blade the Blood Assassin.

Exactly. Thats where the idea that DC is legacy comes from. Even if it was dark and gritty at times, it never lost the sense of scale and wonder from the size of the universe. That's the biggest issue with the New 52, they destroyed the wonder and kept the dark. Because dark and gritty comics can be very good and still be comic booky. But the big issue that people conflate with grim and gritty is losing the wonder and scale to make it more 'realistic'

I mean yeah, but it wasn't really Wonder Woman. It was Diana Prince with some connections to Wonder Woman. It was the same thing as Az-Bats or Superbro, it was something new but didn't neccesarily follow what the character is and where they're from as an archtype. That's my big issue with it

>i'm sure there was a few like that, but the fact that comics like witchblade, vampirella, lady death, etc, were all heavily cheesecake, yet still pulled off awesome and sometimes deep storylines and no one has had a problem with them.

Yes they did, but those were outliers that really transitioned into actually having deep stories. The fact is that they started being popular because horny teenagers wanted to get their rocks off. And it could be stated that they were good in spite of all the gratuitous cheesecake.

I want to be clear that I don't have an issue with costumes (unless its unreasonable extremes like only wearing a monokini thong with balloon tits and ass cheeks). What I have an issue with is all the times they drew characters in uncomfortable contortionist positions just to show off their ass or make their ass and tits both visible on one panel with fights revolving around that instead of actually good dynamic action panels

>complete faggotry bitching about that. i would kill to have those come back. at least they had some fucking balls to do that. these days we can't even get anyone in a "sexualized" costume at all. literally everything is boring and modest and you'd think the christian right had gotten their way.

Again, there's no issue with sexualized costumes. But its just another example of how companies (Marvel very specifically) emphesized having cheesecake in their comics rather than actually quality storytelling. I have issues too with redesigns to make the women look more 'realistic' like Lara Croft, She Hulk, and Carol Danvers to name a few, but the issue kf the 90s was they focused on that rather than actually quality stories outside of a few outliers (and it even almost managed to kill the X-Men until Grant Morrison basically saved them with quality stories that still had cheesecake, but it wasn't the focus of the book).


And on the issue of the religious right vs. Feminists, even a broken clock is right twice a day. The feminist reason why is because of the fact that it diminished the role of women in many many comics (again maybe not all) to just being things put in to look sexy with little to no agency of their own and desexualizing them is a (misguided imo) attempt to work to give women superheroes in comics more agency, especially in team comics where it is especially egerious. And on another note, some of the sexualized costumes were for characters that are canonically high schoolers so therefore there is a much creepier undertone to having them in cheesecake outfits and/or sexualizing them.

>itls like there's no difference between the christian right and the feminist left. there is nothing wrong with women, there is nothing wrong with women being sexy, and there is nothing wrong with people enjoying sexy women. you're more of what is the cancer killing comics than 90's cheesecake ever was.

There isn't anything wrong with any of those. But the big issue of it was that a vasr majority of these stories were literally written (very badly I might add) to get women into sexy positions so horny teenagers and young adults would buy it. And I would like to clarify again that I have no issue with women in sexy outfuts. My issue with the 90s in comics was the removal of actual good writing and plot to get women into those positions and that's why 90s at Marvel and Image sucked so bad, vecause they focused on making cheesecake rather than quality stories

Shut the fuck up zoomer.

It may have had slightly better arc ideas. But Geoff Johns and Dan Didio have basically made it their passion to destroy all of the legacy characters and basically all post 1970 characters and make everything back tk the way it was in the 60s

>Completely sideline Kyle Rayner and have him almost never appear in a major way and no major ongoing team affiliations so Hal can be the main Green Lantern and be the focus of basically everything Green Lantern related

>Turn the fun, brash, sarcastic, outgoing teenager Superboy who is supposed to grow into Superman into a brooding loner whose costume is literally just jeans and a T-shirt with nothing else and kill him in the first major event Didio and Johns do.

>Remove everything that makes Impulse special and unique in the Flash family zo that he can be more brooding and serious. Then completely destroy any elements of charactization and just make him Wally 2.0 when hes the Flash and promptly murder him. And they even go as far as to removing most of his history and making him a psychopath child soldier in the New 52.

>Turned Wonder Woman, one of the most diplomatic and peaceful superheroes in the DCU, into a man hating psychopathic violent women and the amazons into a violent tribal man hating society.

>Basically did to Wally what they did to Kyle 4 years earlier. Threw him in the trash and said that the silver age version is the greatest at everything and the center of the entire flash universe. Although worse because fhey also completely removed him from continuity, only to add him back tk make him basically shoot up a psychiatirc facility and kill like 30 people.

And there are many more legacy characters and teams they have ruined together since they really came into the limelight in 2002-2003.

Yeah I understand I over-exagerated a little bit with that. But Morrisons comics put them back on the map of being super big again. Similar to how JLI revived the Justice League from.the sfagnation it experienced in the Detroit Era or (as much as I hate to say it) Geoff Johns Teen Titans revived the Titans brand critical acclaim

>it's a problem
I think it's a good thing in a way, it lets you know immediately whether someone knows anything about comics so you can stop listening to them if necessary.

Best 90s/early 00s DC comics?
The spectre
Doom patrol
Doug moench/Kelley Jones batman
Peter Milligan on detective comics
Young justice


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Death of Superman was bad. its just lets kill Superman for attention by introducing the worst type of Superman villain: a boring mindless powerhouse that only knows destruction. What dogshit it was.

Battle Shonen genre has beginning, middle and end and generally just one creator doing it with some editorial guidance, American super-hero comics wildly changes between creators, editors, connection to a shared universe, origin stories, continuity matters until it don’t...

Give me Maximum Carnage over any Dan Slott arc.

Carnage and his girlfriend were pretty funny.

You ignore poor sales since it hasn't attracted new readers, while DC is getting some

And yes that literally is the problem. It panders too much to fanboys and not focus on getting new readers involved. You focus on one group of people and not get more is what contribute to poor sales, and while what you said is true the other fact can't be ignored that there were no new readers involved that took any interest in Marvel until the year 2000 with the Ultimate Universe and Civil War

Marvel didn't expand back then because their market is the same fanboys since god knows how long they were alive. And today DC is making that same mistake. Because Marvel expand they have more sales, but that also means they would have to make changes that fit the current era they are in. And today, cheesecake don't really serve anything. They stopped serving anything because it made no sense. They never made sense now

Stories have to matter now, and that means stop pandering because they don't translate better in sales

>overhyped event comics
>the best
What's wrong with you?

>Marvel didn't expand back then because their market is the same fanboys since god knows how long they were alive. And today DC is making that same mistake.
What's deal with the ton of kids and teen OGN's announced then?

I agree with that it a lot of damage but story itself isn't bad.

I wouldn't say it's particularly good either, Doomsday was a shitty villain since he's just a dumb brute and the rest of the Superman other than John Henry Irons aren't so hot either.

DoS is a generic story relying on the shock value of SUPERMAN GASP DEAD. Just cause of that it's one of the worst stories. Dan Jurgens is an average Superman writer at best.

The 2010s make the 90s look like a golden age for Marvel.

>Geoff Johns Teen Titans revived the Titans brand critical acclaim

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Geoff johns is overrated. But I cant believe the JL was located in one of America's worst cities KEK. No interstellar space threat will take them seriously, Justice League Detroit LMAO, the way they went out was hilarious too.

ostrander's martian manhunter.
green arrow with connor hawke as the main character will always have a special place in my heart

>giving a fuck about women
but then again, it's probably the only fuck you will ever have in your life

>Dan Jurgens is an average Superman writer at best.
Very true
I do like his Superman art though. Ordway was obviously better when he was drawing him, but Jurgens wasn't bad.

There was some good stuff, but I wouldn't call it best. DC was trying to recreate Watchmen and thus to reinvent their Heroes in an equally mature way (see Knightfall). Marvel tried to outdo Image and while there were some good comics, for every good one you had a ton of crap.

I think AoA was epic in scope and very good implemented, but everything that came after this for the main X-Titles was pure crap for half a decade, and while we're at Marvel, sure I loved Thunderbolts and Pad's X-Factor, but let's not talk about the Crossing or Heroes Reborn.

I'm a Marvel fan, and perhaps this is because I didn't read enough DC back in the day to get to the bad stuff (or things like Green Lantern's Emerald Twiglight didn't affect me as much emotionally), but I think DV on a whole die the 90s better.

Waid's JLA was great (just a bit to long dragged) and you had a lot of small good series (Starman, Hitman), Even overhyped events such as Death of Superman look medicore at worst, compared to the abyssmal "Onslought" or the last two 3rds of the Clone Saga (which I even liked in the beginning, but began to drag on and repeat itself in ever shorter cycles).

I mean, as much as I hate to admit it. It did after the Titans brand (not including YJ because that was a veabd very distinct from Titans) suffered in the 90s from Dan Jurgens literally garbage tier Teen Titans run and the mixed reception and low sales to the Titans title that ran until Graduation Day.

The Titans franchise was in a pretty bad state by the time Geoff Johns rolled around and he did bring it back to being a big thing in the DC universe. Granted it was at the cost of destroying the characterization of all of the YJ 4 and leaving them with nothing. But it was considered tk be very good and sold very well while it was running and basically prevented the entire Titans bloc from dying.

>it was considered to be very good
Not by me. I read it and found it boring; shit, even Jurgens' was more readable.

At least its more than you will ever have in your life

Great list
I'll add Batman: The Long Halloween and Superman Adventures on the DC side of things and for Marvel
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
Marvel Comics Presents #72-84 Weapon X arc
Punisher War Journal even if it started in the 80's... I guess I could also include Mike Grell's Green Arrow and L.E.G.I.O.N. if we count series that started in the 80s but continued throughout the 90's

for other publisher stuff I like Astro City and Ellis' Stormwatch

is that from DeMatteis' time on Spectacular Spider-Man? Issue 183 perhaps?

Good thread. From now on, the kids of today should defend themselves against the 2010s.

>thus to reinvent their Heroes in an equally mature way (see Knightfall).

Azbats wasn't an attempt to make a "mature" hero. It was taking all of the edgy shit batfags wanted and shoving it down their throats.

>Azbats wasn't an attempt to make a "mature" hero.

Well, I don't disagree on the edgy shit, but it was indeed an experiment to give some vocal fans a more mature Batman. Delivered hamfisted by writers that couldn't see a line between mature and edgy. At least they were clever enough to replace the man inside the costume before.

>DC was trying to recreate Watchmen
While there were definitely cases of them trying to recreate Watchmen, I don't think Knightfall was one of them. Knightfall/Knightsend is kind of a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too scenario, where they're sort of jumping on a trend (popular anti-heroes, something horrible happens to main character) while also showing why an anti-hero Batman wouldn't work, and why regular Batman is better.

And honestly I hear people (including Moore) say that Watchmen was responsible for bad comics in the 90's, but I can't seem to remember what from that time period could be influenced by Watchmen. Maybe influenced like the British writers, sure. And James Robinson's Golden Age is Watchmen-inspired. What makes something Watchmen inspired, the bleakness of a story? Superheroes being ineffective? Rorschach-style hero? I feel like we see more Watchmen-influenced comics in the 00's and 10's, like Identity Crisis and Heroes In Crisis (which I think had obvious Watchmen influences and yet miss what made Watchmen worked).

>but I can't seem to remember what from that time period could be influenced by Watchmen
Stylistically, Giffen was with the Five Years Later Legion of Super-Heroes
>Deconstruction of the previous decades of LoSH
>Often futile outlook for the future (the universe couldn't get it's shit together after a disaster)
>Adherence to the nine-panel grid
>Every issue had 1-2 pages of backmatter giving backstory to what happened in the five year time skip

Attached: Legion of Super-Heroes (1989-2000) 003-020.jpg (1988x3056, 1.91M)

I have to reread this.

>it's one of the worst stories
Now that is going bit too far in my opinion.

the long halloween is a shitty comic user

That's why it's hard for me to explain the wonder and awe of the DCU that I loved so much to people who started with New 52. They never knew what was lost. The universe felt empty and kind of lame, and the damage hasn't been yet fully repaired, and I'm not sure it will ever be.

That amerimanga style, though.

>Couldn't attract fans because of pandering
>Can't attract fans now because they shit on the fans
Like pottery

Little zoomy zoom zoom wants his action in a comic dedicated to the detective aspect? Faggot.

>liking Loeb books

>Disliking things because of memes
Double nigger

>meme meme meme meme

>not liking Loeb books
Ultimate baby go noose yourself

So, how are you enjoying the Iron Fist TV series?

>iron fist the TV show from 2017 is bad, therefore, long halloween the comic book from 1996 is also bad

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Yes, user. A creator can make so much crap that no one will want to try his "good" works.

wow, you really are retarded. you aren't even pretending.

Maybe I should read Ultimatum so I can change my mind about Loeb?

you're just the worst kind of idiot. unable to separate the art from the artist. unable to evaluate things on a case by case basis. I don't care what you read, you'll never get the most out of this hobby or any other one because of your attitude. you probably drop books because of tweets

Go back to whatever YouTube comment shithole subreddit you crawled out of.

>Honestly I woukd argue that DC's 90s reputation is tainted by Marvel and Image in the 90s.
I know the Image comics part, but can you explain the Marvel part?

image was literally a bunch of guys who worked for marvel before leaving, so all the xtreme style shit was at marvel before it was at image, and once those guys left, people at marvel kept aping their style. you also have the holofoil covers/variant covers/polybaged/trading card attached bags.. lots of gimmicks. then of course the crossovers. but everyone did it. image, valiant, dc, marvel.

I don't know what that guy was trying to suggest, that DC was somehow "innocent" during the 90s. death of superman is perhaps the most damaging event to the comic book industry ever and perfectly typified the 90s business gimmickry.