
This franchise gave you X2, First Class, DoFP, Deadpool, Logan, and all it takes is for ONE mediocre at best movie, to make you write it off completely and give it to fucking Disney?

Attached: https___hypebeast.com_image_2019_06_x-men-dark-phoenix-leaving-1600-theaters-01.jpg (800x533, 81K)

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It also completely bombed financially

Really good
>Last Stand
>First Class
>Days of Future Past
>Dark Phoenix

>and all it takes is for ONE mediocre at best movie

Attached: 1496612094604.jpg (944x368, 126K)

I'd give the first one a bit higher rating than mediocre but I agree with the rest.

All because of Disney propoganda

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First one was good enough to re-start the superhero boom

It tanked because it'd been delayed so many times people barely cared anymore, early reviews were terrible and it came off the back of Apocalypse, which was near-universally regarded as being mediocre at best.

How did you pass the, "I'm not a robot" test?

No, it bombed because apparently the merger meant nobody was doing any promotion for it until just before it came out, and the movie had to go through fundamental changes due o the possibility of the merger while it was still in production.

I thought it was good but the ending was pretty weak.
The goverment and public hates the X-Men but at the end nothing of it goes anywhere.
Didn't they want to put mutants in concentration camps

Fox has never made an xmen movie. The closest they came was deadpool. They deserve to lose the xmen.

It also gave us a bunch of shitty wolverine solo movies. These movies have always been hit and miss.

If you've been here for any length of time you'd know that the reception of this series sways based on its most recent entry. After DOFP and Logan it was "this is why fox-men are better than MCU/PURE KINO", then after Apoc or Phoenix "just give it back already. As soon as Marvel makes an MCU X-men movie, you will have chantards going "I WISH FOX WAS STILL MAKING X-MEN I MISS LOGAN AND X2"

>ONE mediocre at best movie
But user... it had so many. So, so many.

It's just our usual disney shills

This. FoX-Men used to be such a beloved franchise until Disney shills started trying to force the hate on here.

I'm just going to say it. I didn't really like Logan. I don't like seeing characters I like tortured on screen for several hours with no closure.

It was a deconstruction of the superhero genre.


I like my genres fully assembled. And I feel like they could have deconstructed it without showing us Professor Xavier struggling to take a shit.

Fact 1: X-Men movies are better than the MCU movies as a rule
Fact 2: Disney has a HUGE marketing department that pays off critics for every major release (no Lone Ranger and John Carter were not major releases fuck off retard)
Fact 3: FoX-Men posed a threat the the Mouse's biggest movie franchise

Based off of these three facts, what conclusions may be drawn? I'd say Disney sabotaging the superior movie franchise is a given.

You want escapist fantasy, but the movie showed you reality and by showing you reality it showed you how ugly you yourself truly are. It held a mirror before your face and drew you to a blind rage to escape reality yet again.
C'est-ne-opas une film, c'est la vivre.

Supreme lmao, but you made it too obvious that you're trolling

No I was just kind of bored.

Is that that whore?

>First Class
>Days of Future Past

Bruh, can I have some of what you're smoking?

DoFP, Logan
X2, Deadpool
X-men, Deadpool 2, First Class, Wolverine 2
Everything else

Every movie without the pedo sucked.

Why are you talking to me like I'm an executive at Fox?

That whore?

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But First Class was good too :(

DoFP is just ok and Deadpool is mediocre.
I honestly don't remember what X2 was about.

>because of one movie
Ok, let's check good or bad the position of the XMen movies produced by Fox really was

Mediocre to good
>X-Men 2
>X-Men 3: The Final Battle
>X-Men Origins: Wolverine
>X-Men: First Generation
Good to great
>The Wolverine
Underratedly good
>Days of Future Past
Great to excellent
Mediocre to SHIT
>Deadpool 2
>Dark Phoenix

Attached: 1561604942108.jpg (706x706, 68K)

Even if it doesn't hold up well today, the first movie is what started the current superhero craze. It also didn't have any modern cape flick tropes to ape because it was inventing them.

It's one of those common situations in the comics world where the actual content might not be that amazing, but the legacy is a fucking beast.

Bayesian sampling model

eventually the bot can update itself to pass the test because the test is administered by another bot which is incapable of true randomness and overseen by humans who aren't incapable of true randomness but have much more limited libraries of reference to base the test on than any bot library

and of course Yea Forums doesn't autoban IPs that attempt 400,000 captchas a second

Never liked it that much. It's always been ashamed of it's comic book origins and they've shown that they have no plans to fix that. I'll rather roll the dice when they go back to Marvel.

You say that like it's an actual justification for a boring, shitty, racist as fuck movie. Then again, I bet you're the kind of faggot that brags about jerking-off to white men being tormented, emasculated, and finally replaced by a cheap Mexican knock off after 2 and a half boring, SJW propaganda filled hours. Fuck Logan and anyone who liked that shit.

that's a fair assessment. the newer cast doesn't cut it for me. fassbender was an exception.

>Not knowing Fox was purchased while they were doing this movie.
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The older cast was beyond based. Forget Magneto, Xavier and Logan.
Frasier was Beast. Better Nightcrawler by a mile. Cyclops felt like Cyclops. Motherfucking Rebecca Goddamn Romijn as Mystique. Even for Toad they got Ray Parker in the first one.