So what is Yea Forums honestly opinion on this movie?

so what is Yea Forums honestly opinion on this movie?

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it gud.

It's okay.

I want to fuck him

Go away.

spidergwen can sit on my face and "assphyxiate" me until i die

Soundtrack was good, there were a few good kino scenes. I enjoyed the fight at the end but was confused at some of the choreography because of all the colors. Made my head hurt.

Really, really overrated. Fight scenes are great but everything else is average. Miles is also boring and his arc is badly written

Yea Forums considers it the second coming of Christ, which it doesn't really deserve. It's a good movie, hell it's great, but it isn't the messiah everyone claims it is.

The animation was novel and good. Characters were all right. Story was alright.

Pretty good. But not a masterpiece like so many anons were hyping it up to be

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you've never seen the movie, because it is quite literally the best animated superhero movie of all time, better than The Incredibles, and could easily be in contention for best superhero movie ever put to film.

overrated but definitely one of the best american animated films in the past 10 years. not to say the bar is high or anything but it's the only one that's actually cool.

very good

Black Panther is overrated
Superman II is overrated
Spider-verse is on the Mount Rushmore of superhero movies. It may well be the best animated superhero movie of all time.

Oh i can agree on that. The animation was great

Good humor, stellar animation, nice music. All around solid movie, even if I think the impact of the main plot was a bit over-hyped.

I actually just saw it today. Pretty good.

Good movie, very enjoyable. The animation and art style are what really elevates this movie into something really great, though.

best animated Spider-Man movie.
the spider-verse side (gwen,peni, ham and noir) is definitely the weakest part of the movie.

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>Spiderverse is on Netflix
>threads till it leaves
Months of this tied in with Far From Home bullshit

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i would put next gen up there with cool animated films but i'm pretty sure it's chinese.

>best animated Spider-Man movie
That’s not really saying much.

as someone who's into 3D animations, I like it but I don't like the story.

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"one of the best american animated films in the past 10 years" is still better then any anime film ever so I'd say it's pretty up there

Miles was the worst part of his own movie.

it's a good movie that gets a pass for it's flaws for women reason

it was so good that it made me mad that all capeshit isn't animated

Like others have said, the story could've been better, but I feel like it's one of the few movies since the 90s that really prided itself on stylish animation. Almost every shot looks like display-quality artwork.

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It's pretty good, not the best ever and a lot of issues, most notably the terrible comedic timing in the second half during serious scenes and how slapped on and utterly superfluous Penni, Porker and Noir were, make re-watching it feel like a little less fun than the first go.

But it undeniably has a style unique to its own, the chemistry between the characters is top notch, the action scenes are spectacular and inventive and despite some massive plot holes in the third act the story clipped along and flowed nicely. Overall, good film, deserved to do better than the pretty bad box office it did.

best super hero flick I've ever seen

Average at best, its fans on the other hand are fuckin' shit

peter was not the main character so I still did not see it

>and utterly superfluous Penni, Porker and Noir were

This is what bugged me, they just randomly showed up in a scene that totally broke the flow of the story and didn't really contribute to anything outside of a nice fight in the finale, they also were very one note and never progressed or advanced in any way, they were exactly the same coming in as going out. Peni was so underdeveloped I have no idea why the robot dying was supposed to be sad, wasn't it the spider piloting it? And the Spider is fine? It was a pretty drawn out scene to in order to try to give stakes to the finale, but it just makes no sense.

*blocks your path

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>%6 million
Box office
>$5.8 million

Then by that logic, Spider-Verse is worse than the Grinch and isn't 1/3rd as good as Minions. Fucking Rio is laughing at Spider-Verse's tiny box office.

>$6 million
fuck typos

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still better than mask of the phantasm

Oh wow, 375? That's cute. Isn't that adorable?

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No no, lets be fair, he said Superhero movies! Lets compare it to other superhero movies, but who's a good comparison..

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Spaming this shitty character again? Dont you get tired you stupid nigger.

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I'm a huge fan of B:TAS and this movie but lol no, it doesn't hold a candle to Spider-Verse.

And then they fucked it up by INSISTING on fucking 12fps. I can even admit there were a few parts that were probably better that way, but they used that way too fucking much and it seriously dragged the movie down for me, I was constantly aware it was happening. And then I found out the software wasn't actually built to run at that low a framerate, so they actually had to modify it to work for their shitty ass decision.

I mean you said best. I told you the best. If you want highest grossing then incredibles 2. Lol fucking retard


>Oh boy! Time to talk about Mask of the PhantasZZZZZZZZZZZ

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nah it looks cool

You one of those zoomers that need constant quips and mary sue characters to not get bored?

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Are you one of those anons that get mad quickly because people say that what you consider is the magnum opus of DCAU is anything less than JUST good, like it actually is, Nostalgia-googles user?

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>CGI well done in a sea of crappy illumination CGI tier
That's my motherfucking messiah

Then why isn't Kingsglaive your go to?

It was okay. Miles will never be cool.

>the magnum opus of DCAU
it's a great movie but there were better things that came out of the DCAU

it was a good movie with some mild problems
better than all the MCU movies put together

even if he could become cool he will forever just be a black copy of Peter
they should have given him a different personality

Amazing. If you have any love for comic book movies, you better fucking buy a physical copy.

Honestly my favorite Spider-Man movie

I feel like it would have been better if the moved the prowler reveal earlier

Its also something you’re going to be saying for a long while

>That ass

I like blunt symbolism and over-dramatic character arcs.
Phantasm has both in spades

You're right about it actually being cool. Most animated movies aren't cool. Even the good ones aren't really cool. But this one actually is. I really think the editing and sound track help a lot. I know editing is kind of an odd thing to single out but while watching it I couldn't help think about how rare it was for an animated movie to be cut that way.