Get gf issues of She Hulk

>Get gf issues of She Hulk
>She loves them and it gets her into comics
>She loves how confident, openly sexy and fit she is
>Marvel is trying to ruin her now by making her less "Problematic"
>Wanting to be attractive and date men is problematic now

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I don’t know, if I had to pick between being a tall green person and a huge green monster, monster sounds so much cooler

Yeah but that's mostly men who want to be huge green monsters.

I don't believe you have a gf, mostly because you're posting on Yea Forums

I doubt this because that implies they're actually going to do something with She-Hulk

Aren't they turning her back to the old Shulkie?

>Get gf issues of She Hulk
I don't believe you.

I mean, if everyone on Earth hated me and governments tried to kill me repeatedly, I'd probably go with ripped, confident sexbomb, y'know?

The last issue of the avengers was a debate over old shulky and how problematic she was. It looks like there is a good chance of turning her back but with a “DONT YOU LOOK SEXIST MEN” attitude about it.

She's been reading comics ever since. Currently she is reading Psylocke

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Wait. Kate? Oh shit I know who this is.

If I had to pick between looking like Hulk and looking like She Hulk. I'd definitely pick She Hulk

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Yeah, that issue really fucked up.

Ugly people don't understand the problems beautiful people have to deal with! Especially homeless people hated by everyone like the Hulk. Ugh, what a cis male.

>Not wanting a giant green dong

Oh I have no problem with keeping my dong.

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It's the most privileged thing really.

>Hulk has no noticeable bulge

Being a promiscuous skank is disgusting

You could at least post a page from the issue

Modern feminists don't admire femininity or string women anymore. Today feminism is all about taking feminity away from men, since women are more or less equal these days anyway. Whereas previous female readers would have admired Shulkie being a self-possessed career woman who was confident and liberated in her sexuality, this modern generation of female readers can only see that men are enjoying boobies and want to take it away from them.

If I had to pick between being a super strong attractive green person capable of using full coherent sentences and being s roided out monster who speaks like a retard I'd pick the former option because I'm not fucking insane.

Being sexually liberated isn’t a good thing whore apologist

>>Get gf
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