>Frank gets some criminals to help him lead a bunch of innocents out of a tunnel infested with monsters
>He promises on his family's souls that he won't kill them once its over
>Literally shoots the only criminal that made it out alive in the back as soon as they were out of the tunnels even though the guy was still offering to help
Jesus Christ, Frank
Punisher is an asshole
Ow, the edge.
>The war never ends
Frank in a nutshell.
based Frank
I mean he's right.
What did the criminal do exactly, that's an important part.
Did he rape a kid? Or steal a car?
Holy shit, that look of betrayal. That makes me feel things.
We are never told, all we know is that he was in a prison bus.
Because it justifies killing him?
Frank just an unhinged murderer. Him killing criminals makes him no different from Dexter who was portrayed as what he was: a serial killer.
Sure it can, the way I see it if you kill an innocent person, you're basically consenting to being killed yourself.
So if this dude murdered someone, then what Frank did is fine.
But if this dude like, stole a car, or destroyed property or something, then being killed would be too much of a punishment, especially after helping out and possibly trying to redeem himself.
Man! does this mean he will try to kill the fucking Juggernaut? eh! good luck with that, Frank!
Based on his age and the fact that his last name is Ferrante (an Italian surname, and we all know what an Italian in a Punisher comic means), he was probably a mobster of some kind.
>yfw Punisher spends the entire issue trying to kill the Juggernaut over and over, which Juggy is blissfully unaware of because he doesn't feel any of the bullets or explosives and he's too busy fighting monsters.
The Punisher is an asshole? The Punisher is an asshole? The fucking Punisher is an asshole? No fucking shit OP.
>juggernaut is actually aware and just smiles and laughs at the attempts and never holds it against frank
this looks tight
Why they gotta draw Frank so sexy?
>Company makes one of the last straight white men in their books into a complete unrepentant monster
>even has the black nurse be the voice of reason
What did Marvel mean by this?
So, that's whey the Penance Stare doesn't work on him? Or did the came back to the death after that time with the age with angels without his soul?
>What is Spider-Man?
>What is Daredevil?
>What is Cyclops?
>What is Wolverine?
>What is Captain America?
>What is Iron Man?
>What is Thor?
>What is Moon Knight?
>What is Iron Fist?
>What is Dr. Strange?
Nonreader outragefags are a plague on this board.
Didn't half those people you mentioned get replaced by progressive versions of themselves for a really long time?
For a couple of years, and now they're back to normal, because legacies don't stick 99% of the time.
Garth Pennis ruined Punisher.
He killed Frank (real human being and a real hero) and swapped him with that edgy asshole we are seeing now.
Modern Punisher is trash.
Not really, no. 9/10 times the new char was a glorified sidekick.
Also way to tip your hand. Get the fuck out.
Back to r/KiA you homo
If you read comics you'd know half of them had been replaced by minorities and women decades ago. Pretty much all heroes have been replaced temporarily. The only problem with the ANAD era was that it was all at once and badly written.
Frank is timeless, eat shit
This already happened with Mettle and he was superhuman.
Frank was a cynical foil for Daredevil before the Ennis run
Frank was still pretty much a full-blown edgelord 25 years ago when Dixon and JRJR were doing his solo stuff. Hell, even in Miller's DD run a decade before he was pretty fucking edgy.
>listen you red skull knockoff, do you not know who i am?
>what do you mean that's an old meme
Dude he beat the fuck out of Santa forever ago, like read the room before you say stupid shit.
This doesn't strike me as something Frank would do. Even as an agnostic or whatever he is he would have too much respect for his family to falsely swear on their souls. Seems like whoever wrote this had his fedora on too tight.
In Miller's world everybody is the edgelord.
You are right about Dixon - he had started this shit, but he isn't as popular as Ennis, so if somebody else would get to write Punisher stories after him, everything could be changed, toned down, reversed.
Damage done by Pennis is irreversible.
>in the age of oversensitivity to guns the punisher somehow continues to exist as an edgy holdover of the 1990s
Yeah, Frank's Catholicism is still there despite him personally being lapsed. It's been long-established that he fully believes he's going to Hell after he dies, just that he's determined to drag as many scumbags down with him as he can.
Also didn't he go into a full-blown meltdown and take particularly nasty revenge against some goons who violated his family's graves?
Happens with games, comics, movies. A single irreverent writer is bad enough. Bouncing a franchise between dozens of writers is a recipe for disaster.
can Duggan take over from Rosenberg
>we all know what an Italian in a Punisher comic means
But Frank is Ita-
Oh, I guess that's probably your point.
>don't shovel that shit at me
Ehhh...Frank would not be so mean to a civilian, especially one he just led to safety. He CAN be as edgy as possible with the enemy but he's always had a code about non-coms.
The worst crime you could ever imagine.
He'd get along with Justice Lord Batman.
The Punisher has always been an anti-villain and was never a hero or an anti-hero. The Punisher has never claimed a moral high ground and has refuted anyone who attempted to place him on a pedestal or sought to emulate him. The Punisher is a broken man and actively ducks attempts to redeem him as he considers himself beyond redemption.
Stop trying to white knight an unrepentant murder junkie.
I think the point in this comic is to make him as abrasive as possible so people are turned off from the character. He's not supposed to be someone you idolize.
The man who keeps his sons toy gun around because he just fucking misses his family too damn much just does NOT strike me as a man who would swear on his Families souls and then go right on and kill the guy.
Go home Daredevil, you're blind.
>Punisher Kill Krew
>Frank vs monsters from the 10 realms!
This has gone very poorly for Frank in the past.
You expect too much from the writers. Do you think every single one reads comics and knows these things?
It doesn't work on legitimately insane people IIRC. Or people with no remorse. And Symbiotes. And really anyone the authors want to show resisting it because muh feats.
Clearly this is your first time reading a Punisher comic.
Frank kills criminals. He kills ALL the criminals. He doesn't compromise, he doesn't negotiate, he doesn't show mercy and he doesn't fucking hesitate.
This is literally how Frank has always been. Holy shit, read a comic.
>Using "ow the edge" as a criticism of the fucking Punisher
I want women to leave
Don't forget that he burned his family to death.
Frank obviously doesn't care
ITT: causals and women can't handle the Punisher being the Punisher
How is he a monster? You're a giant fucking pussy.
wow, Duggan really phoned this in. This is a far cry from his DP/GotG
As others in the thread have mentioned, this is extraordinarily edgy, even for Frank. I get that nerds love to take any opportunity to lord their comic knowledge/status over other people but this is not really the place to do it.
>this is extraordinarily edgy, even for Frank
Read Punisher MAX, or any Punisher written by Garth Ennis. Hell, even Rucka's Punisher was like this. Basically all of the characters most definitve runs are congruent with this current depiction.
Go back to wherever you came from.
Punisher MAX is an entirely different character. It's like using Marvel Mangaverse Dr.Strange and arguing that he's always been Vash the Stampede.
I've been here since 2007
He punted an armless and legless old woman into a polar bear den. What the fuck are you talking about?
I like how you just ignored the rest of the post so you could single out the one part that allowed you to look like you know what the fuck you're talking about, you fucking lamppost.