Batman Damned

This is the only good thing to come out of this mess.

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OG Zatanna is best Zatanna.

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What's wrong with her face

It's kind of sad that such a cool character has barely 20 issues to call her own over her entire history. #BringBackDini

welcome to bermejo

I liked batman damned, but the final story seemed to fall flat a bit.

>I liked batman damned, but the final story seemed to fall flat a bit.
At least Zatanna didn't.

I think you're lost, this is a Zatanna thread.

Op, I liked the start, it quickly fell apart though.

I wish she'd drop the long pants in over JLD and go back to fishnets.

I was referring to Zatanna.

>a cool character
I'm pretty sure you weren't. Even people who like her know it's just cleavage and fishnets, she only needed enough issues to start the r34 engine churning.

Sorry but I've actually read her comics to I've come to the conclusion that she is indeed a cool character. But thank you for your input otherwise.

Zatanna is usually the best thing in anything she's in

Have you read any other comics? Or anything at all apart from comics with Zatanna in them?

I'm just trying to figure out how slim your frame of reference can be that Zatanna is cool.

Why would I bother engaging with you further? You've obviously got your mind made up. Beyond that, you've entered a thread about a character you don't like, so you've given away the sort of person you are. Good day.

Why the fuck are you haranguing this guy over his opinion that he thinks Zatanna is cool you dumb cunt? Learn to accept that people have different opinions you loser.

I'm genuinely interested. Nearly every other person that likes her admits it's just fun sex appeal, which is dwindling in comics. I've never heard her described as a cool character.

>I'm genuinely interested

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that is a fine ass

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whats wrong with her face?

Love Zee but the batpenis and Con/Man gayness were better


Ugly art

As a literal fag who likes her, I think her powers are cool and her stage magician motif is neat. My first exposure to her was in the Justice League Heroes game where I was "who's this? where's Hawkgirl?" but I ended up liking her.

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I dont get how she does the stage thing as a pubic superhero

she doesn't use real magic when preforming

I like the idea of celebrity heroes. Same as FF, or X Statix.

x statix needs a tv show

If they did it like a faux-reality show it could be kino

that would the ideal way to do it

Attached: x statix.jpg (950x1489, 291K)

I trust you'll be picking up the X-Statix 1 shot in July