Dora the Explorer got cute as hell. Are you seeing her movie?
Dora the Explorer got cute as hell. Are you seeing her movie?
Only if there are sex scenes
i'll probably buy the dvd so i can jerk off to sweaty Moner in private
Is this from a porn parody?
Swiper gonna tap dat ass.
I was actually contemplating checking it out until I saw the chimichanga fart joke in the trailer. I'm sure some girl I ask out on a date will want to go and I'll have to bite the bullet, but that's the 1 occasion I would.
No pedo, but damn she's hot.
>I'm sure some girl I ask out on a date will want to go
user you can't date preschoolers. That's literally illegal.
It's from the Dora movie coming in August.
> she’s smiling because she’s impressed at how well hung you are
>BOOTS the monkey doesn't have his namesake
What, is he going to get them at the end or something?
She... doesn't look like does the explorer.
That girl looks like she is 30.
Why the fuck would a girl you are dating want to see does the explorer? Do I need to call the police or something?
I think I love her
>girl wanting to see a live action Dora the explorer because she also watched when she was a kid
Dunno about you, but that does sound like something a girl would do.
Mexican here.
Just dropping by to say that my prima is hotter.
I'm not a Chad, but I can't imagine any girl I have dated wanting to see a movie for little girls.
So is she legal? I'd like to know before I start saying weird shit.
But this is a sequel, not a prequel.
Did I miss something? What is this movie rated? I don't think it's going to be a little kids movie.
How creepy would you have to be set on seeing this movie above the age of 25?
I grew up on this show and Don't get it. I mean, I guess if you see it on Netflix but going to see it in the movies? Creepy.
it's not
it's a meme nostalgia movie like DP.
Who exactly is this movie's target audience? The 4-5 year olds who actually watch the show will get easily bored and tweens won't be caught seeing a movie based on a "baby show". Is Nick relying solely on the pockets of nostalgiafags for this movie to make money?
I don't think this has anything to do with nostalgia, people watched this at the age of 5. They're expecting people to see it just based on how fucking weird it is.
you like girls that look like boys user, you should probably talk to someone
15 days
>>you like girls that look like boys user, you should probably talk to someone
why? Is there someone who knows where I can find some
Didn't cast a black woman to play Dora, you had 1 job
I'm going and I'm 38. She is so fucking hot I almost can't take it.