How can we make The Cheetah as memorable and engaging as Lex Luthor or The Joker? Many consider the character Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis, yet most of her stories seem to be guilt tripping Diana. Do you prefer costume or magic curse? Both? How does one make The Cheetah THE Wonder Woman villain?
How can we make The Cheetah as memorable and engaging as Lex Luthor or The Joker...
Make sure the artist remembers the cheetah's tear marks.
Make her the alpha bitch of all the villains
>Many consider the character Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis
Who does? Idiots? Circe and Ares are much more qualified for the title.
Cheetah being wondy's arch is tradition.
Honestly, Circe and Ares are kind of bores in comparison.
cheetah a shit
>How can we make The Cheetah as memorable and engaging as Lex Luthor or The Joker?
Instead you should be asking "How can we make Wonder Woman as memorable and engaging as Superman and Batman? The answer to both questions is the same.
An earlier threat pitched making her evil Laura Croft. Archeologist, tomb raider, trying to steal magical artifacts to empower her.
>Brainiac and Zod are much more qualified for the title of Superman's nemesis
I like this.
The thing is that Cheetah hates Wonder Woman personally. Circe hates her mom and the Amazons, and Ares just does his own thing.
>The thing is that Cheetah hates Wonder Woman personally
Yawn. Anything else?
Literally just put her in more movies and cartoons, since normies don't give a shit about comics and the tons of good things that have been done with the character already, probably including you, OP
>Promoting a dull character will make them less dull
Cheetah sucks. Circe is way better
Have you tried actually reading the comics?
Is there anyone here oldfag enough to realize that this thread is just a rehash of the "how do we fix wonder woman" threads from years ago where everyone involved admitted that they don't actually read comics?
Cheetah is already cool, you fucking child. You just don't know it because you don't actually read comics.
Explain to me how Circe is better. Must EVERY fucking thing be related to Greek myth?
Hey outrage-faggot, I already think Cheetah is cool. The question was how do you make her as iconic as Lex or Joker. Learn to read
>Must EVERY fucking thing be related to Greek myth?
No, but it should be central to Wonder Woman comics because it's both the most unique thing about her and the most interesting thing.
It's not issue of being cool
Joker isn't fucking cool even, but everybody knows him
It's about how to make her as well known of a nemesis as Lex and the clown
You get that with Ares and Circe already
What were you trying to do with this post?
If you're trying to draw direct parallels, Wonder Woman's Lex is actually Veronica Cale.
I'm sorry but did you not have an argument? The point was that not every story needs to revolve around Greek myth. Wonder Woman has more to offer than that
>The point was that not every story needs to revolve around Greek myth
I agreed with that point, I was simply saying that I think the greek myth aspect should be core to her character, and as such, her "arch nemesis" should be rooted in greek myth as well.
Exposure. That's literally all there is to it, shitbrain. Do you think Lex Luthor is "iconic" because of his look? He's a bald guy in a suit. Do you think Joker is iconic because he's so well written? 70 percent of the time, he's written like trash.
Those characters are iconic because of constant media exposure over a course of many many decades. If Cheetah was a regularly occurring character on the Lynda Carter show, she'd be iconic. If Wonder Woman had a film serial in the 40s, she'd be iconic. If it hadn't take us 70 years to get a successful film, Wonder Woman and all her shit would be iconic instead of only half remembered from Superfriends.
>Do you think Lex Luthor is "iconic" because of his look? He's a bald guy in a suit. Do you think Joker is iconic because he's so well written? 70 percent of the time, he's written like trash.
Those characters are unarguably more interesting than Cheetah, and their extensive exposure is partly because they are more interesting. Lex and the Joker are both interesting enough to have their own comics book (and they have). Joker himself has enough going for him to have his own movie coming this fall. Can you say this about Cheetah? Of course not. You can't simply promote a character into being interesting. Look at all the Captain Marvel #1's this decade to illustrate that point. There has to be something there already.
It worked for Joker.
user she's probably the most marketed Wonder Woman villain with Giganta and Ares trailing behind.....
No one reads comics anymore, which is why comic characters themselves aren't "iconic". Superman isn't iconic. Christopher Reeve as Superman is iconic.
>Superman isn't iconic. Christopher Reeve as Superman is iconic.
This is perhaps the dumbest post on the board today
Do you have an actual counter argument or should we leave off here?
Yes, but OP is using Lex and Joker as his examples for what "iconic" character means even though I don't think he actually knows what he means. Characters who have been in movies and tv shows for decades, while Cheetah has been in stuff for much less time. I know OP is retarded, but I'm trying hard to talk to him on his level.
No it isn't faggot. That's like saying Green Lantern should only fight other Lanterns
Are you seriously just going to go "u dont have an argument i win XD" whenever someone says something you don't like? Sad.
>That's like saying Green Lantern should only fight other Lanterns
Well, then it's a good thing in that very post I agreed she shouldn't exclusively battle mythological characters! Work on that reading comprehension, buddy.
Don't expect people to engage honestly with you after outing yourself as an idiot.
So you admit that you made this thread without knowing what you're talking about.
Okay how about dialing down the smug cunt attitude and actually say something of value? You mentioned that exposure is an issue, which is probably Cheetah's biggest challenge by comparison to Lex and Joker. That's a fair comment. But what about her relationship to Diana? With Lex you have the best and worst of humanity rolled up into one, constantly trying to prove he's better than the most powerful man on the planet, and can't comprehend someone being that good. For Joker you have a mirror to Batman, a man who also faced a great horror but chose to be an evil dick who's obsessed with madness/the futility of doing anything. Now in Cheetah's case you have someone Diana failed, and represents savagery which conflicts with Wonder Woman's quest for peace/truth. But is there anything else beyond that?
He didn't make this thread, I did
That wasn't even my point. I just said Cheetah is very boring.
Make her love Diana and want to show that love in the way cats do, by killing shit and leaving it at her door.
>But what about her relationship to Diana?
>Now in Cheetah's case you have someone Diana failed, and represents savagery which conflicts with Wonder Woman's quest for peace/truth. But is there anything else beyond that?
Depends on who is writing, dude. This is comics. It doesn't matter in the slightest. Lex Luthor is "iconic" even though sometimes he hates Superman because he thinks he's hold humanity back and sometimes it's because he made him bald as a kid. And Joker has never been consistent other than being a crazy clown who Batman has to catch. Hell, in the Tim Burton movie, Joker is the one who killed Bruce's parents. These are things that are irrelevant to "iconic" status. The content of the comics themselves and their quality is probably the least important thing.
Uh, that's literally what she already is though. Did no one read the Perez run?
Please tell me you're kidding...
Are you telling me that before 1966, the Joker was the coolest most well written character around and a household name and everyone knew him as the greatest enemy of Batman?
Strawman. Try again
Nope. You already lost.
Give me a whole issue of her trolling Selina about how she's the "real" Catwoman.
Hmmm, among the-then small comics fandom seen in fanzines like Alter Ego? Yes.
The Joker was mentioned in anti-comics articles dating as far back as 1943 detailing the effects of comics on children, he was ripped off by dozens of other publishers before he had even appeared in more than one comic book (Magno and Davey at Ace publishing had a recurring villain called The Clown whose debut copied several key scenes from Batman #1 and was on the stands before Batman #2), DC gave Green Arrow a similar clown nemesis called Bullseye/Leapo, The Joker cameoed in the splash page of Mad's 'Batboy & Rubin' spoof and, behind Dr. Sivana (who made literally hundreds of appearances in Golden Age Captain Marvel) was the most frequently appearing villain in the Golden Age of comics, making 47 appearances in the 40s alone, not counting cameos, team-ups or covers he was featured on where he didn't appear inside.
Please tell me you're not that idiot who claims The Joker never killed anybody until after It came out.
Yeah. CBR did a Legends Revealed about a guy who ripped off Joker's first appearance two different times with villains called The Clown and The Asp.
I also remember a comics blog where some guy also did a big post on Golden Age Batman villain rip-offs, and more than half of them were of The Joker.
>How can we make The Cheetah as memorable and engaging as Lex Luthor or The Joker?
By going back to her roots as an insecure, crazy rich bitch.
The way I see it, Luthor and Joker are memorable villains because they're flexible obstacles with tons of tricks to keep them interesting. Luthor's creative brain makes him the most dangerous person on earth. He can come up far-out plans, like making artificial kryptonite or enlisting villains from the future. The Joker likewise provides nearly endless unique challenges for Batman, from committing a series of upside down crimes to conquering Guatemala.
The only way to make The Cheetah on their level is to give them their level of flexibility, which Priscilla Rich easily provides. With her wealth and resources, she could become the biggest thorn in WW's side, bankrolling schemes to hurt and kill her. She could literally be the Batman of super villains.
Okay then why not being the biggest smuggler and collector of magical artifacts (or just old relics) on the planet? You could also do the standard The Most Dangerous Game bit where she feeds her bloodlust by tricking men into being her prey, let loose on her estate from time to time in some sort of ancient ritual meets hobby type thing. How about having mild control over her transformations too?
The Joker was ALWAYS considered Batman's greatest enemy. They tried to briefly push Hugo Strange as the archenemy before Joker debuted, but he was forgotten until the late 70s after two more appearances. Catwoman was also once referred to as Batman's archenemy in the opening of her story Batman #3, but compared to Joker, she made very few appearances in the 40s (I think it was 12 total including the 50s), with big gaps between each appearance. The only Bat villain back then who came even close to Joker in terms of appearances was The Penguin.
If The Joker isn't who you consider Batman's archenemy during the 40s and 50s, who DO you consider his archenemy?
>who DO you consider his archenemy?
Fredric Wertham
No fuck that the furries have enough media, make Giganta Wonder Woman's arch enemy
So you're saying Wonder Woman and Cheetah need penises?
Does liking Cheetah make you a fury now? I could see her as a "gateway drug" into fury degeneracy
We all know Batman's most iconic villain during the 40s whom everyone on earth knew and loved was Ally Babble! Frenchy Blake and The Thumb are close second and thirds.
Please tell me he made a return during new52 or some shit?
Filthy peasants. The true GOAT Batvillain of the golden age is Mr. Baffle.
Challengers Appear
Learn from cat woman. Give cheetah a vivid backstory and start inserting her as a background villain into other comics, shows and movies. Also, make her a cursed naked cat girl without showing anything. The naked but not naked thing worked for various shape shifters.
>Okay then why not being the biggest smuggler and collector of magical artifacts (or just old relics) on the planet?
Because that makes her dependent on things other than on her own power. It doesn't look very good when you need to find objects to be a threat when the other big bads can just make them.
Also, it distracts from what her real motivation should be: Killing Wonder Woman. You can't do that when you're managing a petty crime organization. Not even Black Manta does that and he's a fucking submarine pirate.
>Expecting Kino in these dark times
DC wouldn't know quality if it shit on their face.
>Because that makes her dependent on things other than on her own power. It doesn't look very good when you need to find objects to be a threat when the other big bads can just make them.
That wasn't really the point. No one said she was dependent on those relics, just does it for good business while also tying back to her archaeological roots. Furthermore, it's not really a distraction because any good businessman has a company that runs itself. How else do you think Lex finds time for personal projects and fucking over Superman? I would have thought you'd appreciate some Priscilla Rich high society stuff with some ruthless career woman thrown in. But hey to each their own
if only you could remove that speech bubble
>if it shit on their face.
*if it shits on their face.
This really is just another 'how do we fix ____ even though I don't read the comics" thread.
Give me one good reason why Cheetah isn't just a "Two Face" wherein she's only good for 2 or 3 stories
Why? You don't actually care.
Uhuh, that's what I thought. You're just a casual pot calling the kettle black
Exposure definitely plays a role but Lex and Joker got popularized due to being relatively blank slates to write off of. Joker? Crazy clown. Lex? Bald evil genius. Cheetah though? DC can't even decide on what percentage cat they want her to be, not to mention her motivations.
Reminder that WW's villains were designed as relatively sane and rational people with maladaptive emotional impulses and responses, so trying to turn them into psychological foils or thematic antithesis misses the point.
I don't know. I feel like it doesn't really count as furry if she's a character first and a furry second. Most furry bait characters are furry just for the sake of it, where as Cheetah feels like she has a legitimate reason to be a furry which is supported by her backstory and having a personality that extends beyond catgirl.
i think her design needs some accessories to make her more intimidating. It just feels weird when a literal catgirl outruns Flash and beats WW.
>How can we make The Cheetah as memorable
She already is
> as Lex Luthor or The Joker?
Why is it a contest?
I always found it a really stupid gaff that they made her cursed by an African god when everything about her godly powers feels more Mesoamerican and Jaguars are much more like her bloodthirsty, lethal self than the frail and somewhat meek Cheetahs.
Now she's too established to ever make her more thematically consistent. Kinda like how Wondies' Greek element got too fucked with after a point to be a good influence on her characterization.
that fucking mustache...
>Is there anyone here oldfag enough to realize that this thread is just a rehash of the "how do we fix wonder woman" threads from years ago where everyone involved admitted that they don't actually read comics?
Oldfags dropped the character years ago
>Why is it a contest?
Because this industry is in a death spiral
We need a Wonder Woman animated series.
That's a leopard, casualfag.
Cheetahs don't do that.
In fact female cheetahs have to be sexually dominated by a male or they won't even ovulate.
>Pointy ears
Like all big cats, cheetahs have ROUND ears.
Where's Hugo Strange?
With a compulsory bondage scene in every episode.
I mean I'm pretty sure Cheetah is not well known enough for DC to be able to pull the reverse card on her and making her mesoamerican. Hell, you can even make most of her rogue gallery into other deities/minor deities/saintly figures to make it all thematic, with Cheetah hogging all the screen time.
I mean, I can even see this guy turning into a minor deity of passage or a spirit of time inhabiting the body of/helping a human.
>I can even see this guy turning into a minor deity of passage or a spirit of time inhabiting the body of/helping a human.
I think he already did...
meow :3
She's pretty memorable if you read the comics
Cheetah designs should keep the long hair
>Missing the point this hard