I've got some time so I'm going to dump the first comic I ever "created" and go into detail about what I learned...

I've got some time so I'm going to dump the first comic I ever "created" and go into detail about what I learned throughout the process at the end.

So... here is page one.

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Page 2.

The first and second issues take place in Salt Lake City, so I decided to make the main character of the first issue into a Mormon. Not entirely original but I figured it'd at least be somewhat accurate given the "Mormon Mafia" that goes on over there.

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Page 3.

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Does he have 3 wives and have special underwear?

What’s the “Mormon mafia”?

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What role did you have in this comic? Did you do all the pencils/inks/colors/letters?

was this web only or did you publish it?

Page 5.

Three wives, no. Special underwear, maybe.

Salt Lake City has the highest percentage of Mormons in the entire country, they basically run the city.

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Page 6.

I wrote it, put the team together, and self-funded it.

Neither. I wrote this early last year and then got busy with life stuff. My goal was to shop it around at the larger conventions around where I live as part of a pitch packet with other stories I wrote and had concepts/samples/etc. drawn up.

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Page 7.

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Page 8.

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Page 9.

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Page 11.

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Pages 12-13.

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Page 15.

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Page 17.

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Page 18.

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Page 19.

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Page 20.

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Page 22.

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Page 23.

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And page 24.

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So what'd I learn? Putting together a team of people who know what they're doing (not that I know what I'm doing) is harder than it sounds. In other projects I worked on, it was kind of like herding cats. You'd get the run around with artists as to why they haven't turned in work yet, letterists who keep forgetting they're working on a project in the first place, and people who would straight up go AWOL.

If you ever plan on making a comic book, be aware that this is common. In a bit of research I've done, apparently this problem is endemic. So much so that even Marvel and DC run into these problems.

(This was a title page we played around with.)

Attached: Transients Cover 001.jpg (2829x3874, 2.67M)

Pretty good. Where do you want to take the premise?

I mentioned finding people who know that they're doing.

Well, that is key at every step of the process. Be that line art, inking, coloring, (flattening if it's a thing you're doing), or lettering. For instance, a lot of people think that the writer should also be the letterer. That's simply not the case. I can't do lettering to save my balls. Even people who claim to be good at their jobs, and give you a portfolio of decent work can be lying.

Here is a particularly egregious piece of lettering work I had done before deciding to can the first individual and move on with someone else.

Pay attention to these pages: Same script, same price even, but look at the difference in the lettering!

Attached: Lettering First.jpg (2264x3124, 3.34M)

I know where I'd like to go with the premise, but I still have to find a way to distribute the story. Since this was done in early last year, I've rebuilt my team with the same letterer, colorist, but a new artist. If I am lucky, then there will be an Issue #3 and I'll introduce the main characters.

(Concept work for one of the main antagonists by the new artist.)

Attached: Tsunami.jpg (3307x5184, 3.46M)

The story, in case you missed it, is called Transients. As I sort of go in this first issue, Transients hold something of a status as second-class citizens in the US. To me this is the only plausible outcome if people with superpowers or even weird traits suddenly started to crop up. I really liked the misery porn that X-Men was really capable of producing at one point. Someone is just normal one day, and then the next they're a pile of goo that melts everything. The main character of this story is a teenage girl named Lily Gold (here is some concept work for her by another artist). She's a young Transient female that is currently hiding her status as a Transient due to the negative connotations that identifying as one brings. The guy on the left is something of a mentor figure for Lily by the name of Mx.

Overall I want this story to be fight heavy with some focus on Transhumanism themes, and a healthy dash of bad news bears.

Attached: Lily and Mx Headshot Concepts.jpg (1500x773, 239K)

Not bad at all user. Pretty brave of you to post your name though

Where did you get the capital for it anyways?

Can confirm all of this.

I worked as co-writer on a series that actually did see publication through Diamond last year and we struggled with this sort of thing through a number of steps. I think we went through several colorists, to the point where we ended up scrapping all previous work paid for and starting over because the new people we were hiring couldn't fully match what the first person had done.


For what it's worth, I really dug this issue you posted! Hope you can take it somewhere!

your art ability makes me cum dude

So when do we get nudes of the red alien lady?

Work. I don't make much but I know how to budget. So I just worked and put the money away. If you are willing to put up with a language barrier you can easily produce a comic of this quality for about 2 grand.

And a good colorist is literally the hardest part to find, at least for me it was.

Thanks but I am not the artist. The artist is Dana Obera. I put everyones credits at the end.

Soon hopefully.

Really nice work, dude! I want to see more.


If I am lucky there will be more by August.

Nicely done, user.

You got an email/Twitter or something?

Yup, it's:
[email protected]

And thank you.

I find amusingly amateurish your attempt of lettering.

What motivate the change of artist? Lack of matching or logistic problems?


I haven't contacted them in about a year, and they're busy with other work at the moment. It's fine though as I believe I've found someone who can do the work.


>please someone read my comic!
damn this thread is pathetic

>only 1 wife
Gay detected

>an actual independent comic creator trying to get feedback
>this dumbass wants more MCU shit

Truly pathetic.

>Actual content creator here

Holy fuck this is rare. OP if you are still here please tell me more about your life. Do you actually work with comics of did you put your time and money on this for fun? How much money did you put on this? How long did it take? How happy are you with the final product? How big is your cock?

literally no one cares, OP should have made porn if he was gonna self-fund anything.
the fact he didn't just confirms he's a faggot.

It's okay, they're entitled to their opinion.

I did this for fun, I enjoy writing and I really like art so I decided a comic book would be cool to work on.

As far as how much money I put into the project, the whole thing cost about two thousand dollars. Overall it took several months, most of which were spent planning and finding the right people and then it took just over a month to put all of the individual pieces together.

I am pretty happy with the final project, but I definitely feel there is room for improvement, and so I am very excited for the second issue.

And, it's pretty average.

What do you do for living so you can casually put two grand on making a comic you on't even sell?

Nothing special, I really don't make a lot of money. I just decided I wanted to do this and budgeted accordingly. It took time, but I did it.

Sounds dope, congrats on going through with it, many people want, very few actually do it. If you ever do anything else is there any place I could check it out?

are they still human dna wise or non human.

is it like mutants with x gene.

Kinda. But rather than it being a genetic marker, it's a universal effect. Someone falls out of step with universe, accumulates a bunch of junk data, and when they come back the resulting junk data can have extreme adverse effects. This page: is showing that happen.

I need to make a website, but I haven't gotten around to it. I'll post another experiment I did.

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I enjoyed it. Is there more or it ends there?

Also how much did it cost to fund it yourself?

Nvm, didnt read the other post. 2k is not that much

>two thousand dollars
>less than a year
Heh, now i see why crowfunding comics are so profitable.

>weeb angry intensifies

>2000 dollars and a lot of time, stress and energy managing people
It's a lot but it sounds surprisingly achievable. I hope to see more comics from Yea Forums one day.

so superpowers is a universal fuck up.

Yes, it's like a bunch of bad sectors on a hard drive. Shit starts getting wonky. One character I want to feature as an in-universe news report on why the Transient Shift can be used as a boogieman to scare the general populace is through the tragic case of a guy who is constantly shifting, unceasingly into other people all the time and has just been driven to complete and utter insanity by it. Literally frame to frame to frame would have him as one person, only to turn into a second, and a third. Sort of like the ending to the Clayface fight with Batman.

Wow... it sucks.

Yes, you have bad taste, we got that the first time you said so. You don't have to keep samefagging.

So do you plan on making more?

Now I am going to get a preachy and this might come off as harsh.

There are a few precautions I'd give to those who want to get into making a comic but are like me and self-funding, and are the writer but nothing else.

>Get a lawyer.

I know this sound crazy, but you can easily find a lawyer who is willing to write up a contract for you. Just tell them exactly what you want it to say. Most contract lawyers will do something like this for 200 bucks. I am glad I did this, it really helped me put into perspective what I needed to do with each new project and what my "contractors" needed to do in exchange to get their funds from you. It also protects your intellectual property. You are paying them, never forget that. They aren't doing this out of the kindness of their heart, they might like your idea but the exchange of services for money is what primarily drives people to work.

>"I'd like to get paid by page."

Don't ever fall for "paid by page" meme. I say this for your own protection.

Imagine you pay someone write a script for you and they only write six pages, would you pay them for those six pages? No. Why? Because it's useless. IANAL but I found that setting up my contract in phases definitely helped keep everyone to the specified time tables we discussed well before starting. For instance, I might pay someone for signing the contract because they did some concept work first. Then I might pay them half for completing a specific phase of work (such as penciling all of the pages before they go onto ink it.)

Not a fan of cape stuff?

>Your heart is probably going to get broken.

You'll likely find a nice artist, one who is within your price range and whose art you like. And they might say they're interested in your project, and they might even sign your contract but then... but then the time between emails starts to increase until eventually it peters out altogether. I usually give people a week to get back to me, sort of as a warning, like "Hey, haven't heard back from you, just wanted to make sure everything was okay." If you still don't hear anything back from them, it's probably time to cut ties and find another artist. It sucks ass, but it is likely to happen to you at least once. Be it with the line artist, the inker, the colorist, or whoever. You might even get a guy who flat out bails when you're 80% of the way done with the entire project. I had this happen to me on a pitch packet I was putting together with him and it suuuuccckkkkeeedddd.

Yup, working on the second issue as we speak. I plan on funding at least three total, and then if I can't find a distributor to pick it up... Well, we'll go from there!


what i hated about x men is that every x men member was the perfect power while everyone else was freaks. I also hated the fact they never experimented with the powers they had and just did the same thing over and over.

will you be doing that as well

Mormons look after their kind. And they're the majority in Utah, so they run the place.

What about the Mormon?

Not gonna lie, I think she is cute.

I liked the comic very much, man.

Nope. I'll be focusing on power growth for the main cast, and how freaks are actually the norm. Some standouts were able to win the lottery as it were, but they are few and far between and most of them are completely "useless" power wise.

One character who is introduced in the next issue is one of the spokespeople for an organization that handles rogue Transients. They are one of the genetic lotteries, but this is offset by their absolutely horrible personality and knowing full well that they "better" than the majority by having come through so cleanly. Overall a very small number of the main cast could pass for a regular human. Lily is able to do so and consequently has not registered as a Transient. I plan on using organizations that take out rogue Transients as being a double edged sword. They offer protection and a place to stay for most Transients, who are otherwise ostracized, unable to work, etc. ()

But in return they expect you to do unscrupulous things. I am taking a lot of cues from nonprofits. There are a few who do fantastic work, but then there are many more who do some truly heinous shit. Even groups like the American Red Cross have surprisingly dark histories and scandals that they've gone to great lengths to cover up.

Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

Thanks. She's meant to have a creepy horror ("why boner") vibe and compared to what she used to look like she absolutely loathes what she's become. But then again, wouldn't most people? Just one day you're a regular person, and the next you're a red skin monster with a giant pentagonal mouth and very little in the way of discernible human features.

I am going to be playing on this hard. I want people to understand that becoming a Transient sucks massive dick for the most part, and that they are used as a cudgel by the MSM and politicians who want to focus on wedge issues and not real problems. Such as the almost nuclear holocaust that occurred within the universe.

I really liked in early X-Men that poster of, 'Do you know where your child is?' when talking about curfews and also mentioning the number of Mutants who are statistically at schools and such. I miss that grit and want to bring it back.

Well I'll be looking forward to more. So I hope you have a webpage or something.

I will definitely figure it out in the next few weeks, this has given me the motivation to do that.


Pretty neat.
I like the idea of mutations as body horror and would like to see more of that in vein.
I had some idea of my own in the vein (although more pure horror/less capey) but everybody has ideas and you put in the effort to get a finished proof of concept which is great.

There's some really terrible sort of Kafkaesque (The Metamorphosis is called to mind) places you can go in a superhero setting.
Just this whole idea of inevitable personal decay and horror.